Aitzaz Ahsan’s call for Black Flag Week (9th-16th March)

Black Flag Week



12 responses to “Aitzaz Ahsan’s call for Black Flag Week (9th-16th March)”

  1. Zovc Avatar

    He shouldnt over do it, asking for too much from the public could back fire.

  2. JinnahFan Avatar

    Stand and deliver, that’s all I can say.

  3. ondelette Avatar

    Great video, a powerful announcement.

    Teeth Maestro, thank you for all the posts. We first saw the Aitzaz Ahsan’s announcement on your blog. We, a small group of Americans which calls itself PosseComment@US, have put in a a week’s worth of effort, working to get American lawyers, law schools, bloggers and others to support Pakistan’s Black Flag Week. We put up website information, and emailed a couple of hundred lawyers and law schools, and some blogs, websites and civil rights groups.

    We are at

    Thank you for your site.

  4. M@ni Avatar

    There is no doubt, the lawyers have sacrificed the most. There is not even a single corruption blame on their movement. Aitzaz Ahsan is really a brave person and a man of his words. First he dint appear in the election just wanted to stick with the lawyer movement. He is a true commorade…. and
    We civil society should realize ourself, Pakistan future is on the brink of breaking apart… I strongly condemned what u said…”asking too much”…we will participate in black week with full enthusiasm….above all Aitzaz Ahsan leads from the front …so we have no problem in following the lawyer movements…

  5. Muhammad Irfan Yousaf Avatar
    Muhammad Irfan Yousaf

    It is March 8 again, and in magazines, on television and in newspaper columns International Womens Day is being marked. The rights of women will, throughout the day, be eloquently spoken of at seminars and functions — and Clara Zetkin, the German socialist politician and womens rights activist who in 1911 launched the first day for women will be paid tribute to, in cities across the country as in the rest of the world.

  6. Neha Avatar

    I am starting to get a little tired with his spiels now. I think it is becoming a case of self-projection now. If nothing else I am getting fed up with all the traffic jams they keep causing. If Musharaf holding up traffic (including ambulances)is bad so is the same done by lawyers. Otherwise too, they should talk of institutions and principles not personalities. They are stuck on that PCO judge names Iftikhar Chaudry.

  7. najmi Avatar

    its another making of gorbachev.enemy of pakistan wont succceed.we like our putin
    long live pakistan.long live musharaf

  8. phajja Avatar

    your “putin” is gonna hang like his lickspittle friend “Saddam”.


  9. Amna Avatar

    It is imperative we join hands with the lawyers during the Black Flag Week if not regularly.
    That ‘PCO judge’ named Mr. Iftikhar Chaudhry had the guts to hear cases against your beloved Musharraf and his crimes against innocent people whom he and his chamchas have picked up.
    This man, Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan, who you claim is ‘self-projecting’ was tortured, detained & arrested. Do you think that those are another one of his spiels?

  10. Jawan Avatar


    Defeat is facing you bright and clear. You may keep on shouting for the dictator and keep serving his evil designs. But now Pakistanis have awakened. They have given their verdict against your master and US slave the dictator. Now Pakistan is going to move forward Insha Allah with a revived Judiciary and independant assembly. There will no more be the dictator’s puppet assembly that never had any voice at all about the happenings in Pakistan.

    Now you and few slaves of the dictator have lost hope. o one can stand against the collective will of the people. Soon your master will be thrown in the dustbin of the history. You may follwo him along with the chouries of Gujrat. Rest in peace dictator and his slaves.

    Lawyers we are with you. We who are not members of any political party. We who love Pakistan and we who know that our judiciary has finally taken a stance that has taken the dictator to the brink of elemination from the political horizon of the country.


  11. Kamarn Avatar

    Let’s hang Ali baba and his 40 thieves from the Presidency’s lamp post as a deterrent to the future tinpot horse riders

  12. Syed Avatar

    Last hope for the people of Pakistan. May Allah SWT Grant Success to the poor people of Pakistan waiting for Justice & honor for the last ten years. This Zardari has been collaborating with dictator musharraf and therfore he is following the policies of the dictator every inch.

    People have completely lost hope in Zaradari’s PP NRO Group.
    We now are pinning our hopes in the Lawyers movement once again. The way it made the dictator mush to run away, Insha Allah same way it will be able to rid us of present corruption junta lead by zardari.