ISI, a freelance protector of national security of Pakistan

Guest post by Amjad Malik

ISI is protecting the national security of Pakistan and combating any viable threat to its borders from outside and since 1971 from within. It is not different to the work of the CIA, KGB, RAW, Mossad, and MI5 & MI6 who work day in day out to avert any threat to the security of their own respective countries. The passionate work of this institution though is hardly in the public domain but is paramount when the threat is looming from its neighboring country on its borders, heavy presence of a foreign force on its western borders, and the presence of groups like ‘Makti bahni’ which are promoted, financed and cultured inside Pakistani bordering areas by its enemy. The need of their passionate work become more imperative when the corrupt elite of the country wish to derail the sovereignty of the country and endanger the security of the state by forging an alliance with super power in lust for power putting aside national interest.

Pakistan army unfortunately has spent around 4 decades in power corridors and no other but indecisive & corrupt politicians who lack political will, weaker institutions, tame judiciary and selfish & unprofessional bureaucracy is cumulatively responsible for not erecting a viable democracy where rule of law, good governance, justice and constitutionalism holds sway. In fact, non action on ‘Murree accord,’ continued violation of our air space by drones and China’s support of unchallenged UNSC Resolution no. 1267 is a self evidence of our politician’s poor performance. In fact, our rulers allegedly in an ultra parliamentary decision requested china to let go of the technical hold, making it a strong case for Parliamentary intervention to probe unless they seek army intervention by their default. Former premier Nawaz Sharif is through his vision calling those who are calling shots to make their promises to learn lessons from the history before its too late and is foreseeing those coming who never went out of politics. In the absence of Parliament which stood on 12 Oct 1999, it will be an uphill struggle to put barricades in the way of military unless Charter of Democracy is enacted forthwith, though it is not looking imminent. I think Q league’s Mushahid Hussain has put forward a claim for national government but to many when air force is on high alert and any time Indian air forces may attempt to target some of the MDI outlets emphasises the need of ‘national security government’ due to a weaker political leadership who endanger the security more. That National Security government may be a joint work of DSC and Parliament where army and civilian leadership in conformity work to safeguard the country and avert the threat of aggression against its borders as it’s do or die stage for Pakistan.

As long as all stake holders do not sit on one table and see eye to eye with each other and have a joint aim to safeguard the national interest, promote supreme parliament concept and produce a good governance. In the absence of a failure of the implementation on COD and negation of 18th Feb mandate, I am afraid we will keep seeing illusions everywhere. Pakistan no doubt, is in a very critical situation but sending DG ISI will not solve problems with India. India is playing at the hands of others and going to aggression will ignite a fire within India too which will not be easily put out. With Bombay attacks India is coercively rewarded and Pakistan’s hand is twisted to do more. Pakistan though is committed on war on terrorism but wishes to redraw the procedure under which he will contribute.

Pakistani leaders need to decide whether they wish to move forward democratically or are ready to cave in meagerly at the hands of US pressure as matters have gone ahead of drone attacks now. In this cloud the work of ISI is praiseworthy, As it is combating major intelligence forces in the region and in particular Indian threat successfully. Its a thankless job, unlike Army Generals who enjoy the perks and privileges but the work of this agency is far more difficult then one can comprehend. Extremism has given new twist to international information sharing process, and India has rightly advantaged this weakness. Their aim is to weaken the country and do not allow it to flourish an economic or military power. They also wish it to remain weak on political front with a military run regime where legitimacy always question their viability as a state. I think ISI made Pakistan stronger in the wake of emanating threats from around since 1971 and no doubt, it has advanced in order to meet the 21st century requirements and has developed from human intelligence to scientific knowledge. It’s a high time that people sees ISI separately than army rule. In army rule ISI’s job is doubled but in civil they revert to their old task to safe guard the state from any danger to its ‘national security’ from outside. Looking at the bleak situation of Pakistani rulers, there is not much help to this institution from our incumbent leaders and this freelance protector of national security is carrying on its job silently, rewardlessly and quietly in the line of its duty. Pakistanis need to understand that their country’s security from foreign espionage is intact despite the high level of threat.

Amjad Malik is a Solicitor-Advocate of the Supreme Court of England & Wales and has done LLM in national security law from UK.





137 responses to “ISI, a freelance protector of national security of Pakistan”

  1. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Barrister Sahab
    have you read the book ,”In the line of Fire”.It is excellent read to understand Terrorism.Al-Qaeda does not exist.That is why India has come up with new name Lashker-e-Taiba and Dawwa.
    Talliban is a complete separate group of fundamentalist who tried to implement Islam and in so doing distroyed what ever was left of a country called Afghanistan.
    These are us,these are muslims,try to understand why Muslims are retaliating the way they are.
    kindly read death of Anwar Saddat,King Faisal,
    Shah Iran,what made Yassir Arafat and what made Qaddaffi,why Bhutto was assesinated?
    Osama went to London University, Graduated prince from UK,what made him to live in hostile mountains of Afghanistan??
    Who he retliated and why?after all he is the most influential person of last decade ,muslim youth around the world got radicalised by him,and USA and British came down to kill him and failed.
    Now Pakistan is a scape goat,to burry the embaracement of USA and Britain.
    India being India wants to get reward out of it????
    We being Muslims and Pakistanis are facing the whole world and we are just a tip of Iceberg called International politics.
    let us smile we are on the camera!!
    Let us try to find answers for ourselves not to satisfy anyone but for our self.

  2. barristerakc Avatar

    CCTV Camera’s helped locate the failed suicide bombings by Somalians in London right after 7/7.

    I. You do not have a clue about what are you talking about. The ISI failed to check the background of the company which prepared specialized suits for sub-zero survival which Pakistan Army ordered her suits for Siachen Campaign for; the company later leaked the news to Russians who later subsequently handed the information to Indians that resulted in a Pre-Emptive move by Indian Army to take over Siachen.

    II. ISI was formed somewhere in 1947-1948 and was basically involved in what it should do: Espionage ; please refer to Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw incident where he sold Indian War Plans (which later turned out to be false and outdated – reminds me of A.Q Khan’s leak to Iran in selling them outdated designs) pre-1965 War.

    III. Pakistan was completely caught off guard by Pokhran Explosions in 1998 and her intelligence agencies f ailed to check the movements of both Indian Scientists and the Army Strategic Command.

    IV. If ISI is so brilliant then where’s OBL, Baitullah Masud?Mulla Omer

    The problem is that fools like you give out an impression that ISI could do anything and that is used as a pretext for launching an attack of the role of ISI itself.

  3. guY-sir Avatar

    Osama went to London University, Graduated prince from UK,what made him to live in hostile mountains of Afghanistan??
    where do yu get ur info? from In the line of Hell-fire?? all heck and all ass.
    OBL is master in economics from Al-Jeddah uni and he never been to any forun country might have visited dubai and sudan but not london if he’d hav gone there then his mind would’ve easily been brianwashed by Tavistoke Institute.
    I was born in 1979. Until recently, I was confused and somewhat dysfunctional. In retrospect, I think my whole generation was subject to a mind control program.
    I suspect it was developed by the Tavistoke Institute for Human Relations in England and administered through the CIA and Rockefeller foundations through their control of education and the mass media.
    The London-based Tavistock Institute is the central coordinating body for the cabal’s mind control network. It was founded in 1922 by the British military to wage psychological warfare. Techniques developed for enemy populations were soon deployed at home later elsewhere. For the very wealthy, we are the enemy.
    The mass media is used to maintain domestic psychological control. According to Dr. John Coleman, the directors of the US TV networks, major newspapers and publishers were all handpicked by British intelligence (which organized the CIA whose main aim is assasinations+drug smuggling) For example, b4 becoming head of CBS, William Paley was trained in mass brainwashing techniques at Tavistock.
    We are being prepared for the tyranny of one world government. No armies from abroad are invading us. 1st we are being subverted from within in hands of our Military and Political leaders.
    A network of British aristocratic families, Rothschild and Rockefeller oil and finance, and satanic secret societies organized in “think tanks,” foundations and intelligence agencies is behind it. They have been creating havoc for a long time and using mind control and the mass media to keep us in the dark

  4. barristerakc Avatar

    OMG! you just solved the riddle! moron!

  5. guY-sir Avatar

    Are ya talkin to me?

  6. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    I know he is not talking to me oh no. no no

  7. barristerakc Avatar

    ISI supported Hekmatyar Post-Sovoet Withdrawl and somewhere in 1989, Pakistan send a delegation to Washington to outline the “action plan” for Hekmatyar’s taking over Kabul and to overthrow Najibullah. ISI had on her payroll Tanai (Najeebullah’s Defense Minister) but when the time came ISI asked Hekmatyar to stay in Islamabad instead of Kabul prorably the biggest blunder making Tanai really pissed off. During that time (and I am talking about 1989-1990) CIA; Bin Laden; Saudi Intelligence (Al-Turki) and ISI pooled to buy Afghan commanders.

    According to me the biggest blunder was to disassociate ourselves with the NCS (National Commanders Shura) in Afghanistan which represented almost all of the Afghan Commanders including Ahmed Shah Masood and Abdul Haq even though Asad Durrani our ISI Chief attended the meeting prorably representing Hekmatyar foolishly but somehow ISI put all her eggs in one basket and ignored the other stake holders.

    Again; we all remember the School Bus Hijacking by Afghans in early nineties; Javed Ashraf Qazi former DG, ISI on record said that Ahmed Shah Masood; Hazrat Ali (the Iranian backed Hazara leader) and another important leader begged ISI to compromise but ISI refused.

  8. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    excellent posts.

    no body is talking to you.people generally are afraid of lunatics.

  9. barristerakc Avatar

    There’s no riddle at all…it’s the star plus watching conspiracy theorists who comes up with stories like, “ELVIS IS ALIVE; WORLD IS OVAL; BRUCE LEE LIVES; 9/11 WAS INSIDE JOB; 7/7 WAS THE WORK OF MI6 AND ON AND ON AND ON”…

  10. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Barrister sahab
    sorry regarding ISI creation.I mixed up actually it is more apt to say that ISI that we know as today was re-structred and re-enforced during Zia time.
    Barrister Sahab I am so pleased to be a Fool,fool in Shakespeare is better than Hamlet himself.
    The thing is you are looking at specific incidents .I am looking at bigger picture.
    Bigger picture is UK is a good country but its intervention into civil liberties and privacy of people is not good.It boils my blood and I do feel insecure.
    You cannot do anything about it.You do not have to.
    ISI is not perfect ,no one is perfect in the end it is people who are doing jobs and they can make mistakes.I still do not see any catastrophic blunder ,Let us suppose even if there is one ,than the person incharge should resign.
    Where the hell does this arguement comes from we do not need ISI?

  11. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Yassir I read in Jung Lahore edition in 1993-94 their was a feature on Osama ,studied at UK ,Economics or Political science?
    please correct if I am wrong.

  12. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Barrister sahab
    Intahayee mazrat kai saath aap Star plus daikhtai hain???

  13. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Barrister Sahab
    Mullah Omer or Baitullah Masood ko USA aur Britts na pakar saikai .ISI kis khait ki mullee hai?
    Any way both will be on table talks with USA .

  14. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    barristerakc on December 26, 2008 @ 2:44 am
    agreed except 9/11 part.
    can you tell me how many americans and europian believe in official story about 9/11?
    living in england, are you aware the marvelous research work about twin towers collapse done by some brilliant architects and civil enginiers?
    did you realise that amazingly this conspiracy “theory” came from america?

  15. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @teeth maestro!
    i strongly recommend that you should start one blog about 9/11 and collapse of twin towers. i can assure you it will be more interesting, informative and revealing.

  16. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Barrister akc,

    just to keep records correct, ISI got its
    autonomy when ? as you trace back since 1965 ?
    are you not making an error, mixing it
    with something else ! bhashani, Agartala, Faiz
    an admiral of Pak Navy selling secrets to India
    member of future MQM ?

  17. proudpaki Avatar

    very well explained.

    I always wonder when see people speaking against army and ISI that they never let any democratic govt establish. What if they always saved Pakistan from external dangers which our mostly corrupt govt. were probably not able to do?

    very clear example is current govt. what if we had army with no influence over our enemies, do you think this govt would have defended Pakistan? May be in same scenario army always taken over… whatever.. but I am against democracy especially like this…

    Just photocopy Umar Bin Khataab rule of law and implement it.. if that was democracy I love it.

  18. MB Avatar

    While on outer front ISI may have helped , in inner core it has done the greatest of damages to PAKISTAN then people usually understand.

    I would be very much interested and convinced if the said writer of this post mention some great help ISI has done for internal PAKISTAN.

    ISI has proved to be an effective tool b ARMY to all the things barristerAKC mentioned. Its also used by politicians for the same purpose. My main objection to this post is it all sees things from INDIA vs PAKISTAN perspective in which the ISI is our GOOD-GUY. But more that ISI has played much of its role in internal politics.

    Tell me when ISI helped in removing the corrupt?
    Tell me when ISI apprehended an ARMY officer doing a wrong thing?
    Tell me when they gave us a great leader? They have been quick to give us terrorists like ALTAF and ZARDARi and all the religious fundamentalists.
    Tell me when ISI helped in bringing and understanding between institutions? They have been amazing in creating differences between institutes and people.
    and so my questions will go on and on….

    I believe and say it openly that ISI is one corner of the AXIS Of EVIL triangle in PAKISTAN , the other two being Mullaz and nokar shahi. Politicians are mere puppets for their GRAND designs.

    The need of the hour is to finish ISI completely. Its a rotten egg that is only causing smell.

    Was there no intelligence on national level against enemy before 70s? There was and we even won 65 so why this Intihai Shit Intelligence agency at our heads?

  19. MB Avatar

    Sorry TM i dint want to paste this much but just to inform those who are not.

    A PAGE FROM HISTORY : while pasting it here doesnt mean i believe NAWAZ (again an ISI kid) it certainly means there is smoke as well as fire

    From The Pakistan Media: The Pakistan Army And The Inter-Services Intelligence: Soldiers Or Narco-Terrorists ? *

    Former Prime Minister Says Drugs Deals Were to Pay for Covert Military Operation

    By John Ward Anderson and Kamran Khan

    Friday Times, 22-28 September 1994

    Karachi, Pakistan

    Pakistan’s Army Chief and the Head of the Intelligence agency proposed a detailed “blueprint” for selling heroin to pay for the country’s covert military operations in early 1991, according to former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

    In an interview, Sharif claimed that three months after his election as Prime Minister in November 1990, General Aslam Beg, then Army Chief of Staff, and General Asad Durrani, then Head of the Military’s Inter-Services Intelligence Bureau (ISI), told him the Armed Forces needed more money for covert foreign operations and wanted to raise it through large-scale drug deals.

    “General Durrani told me, ‘We want a blueprint ready for your approval,” said Sharif, who lost to Benazir Bhutto in elections last October and is now leader of the opposition in Parliament.

    “I was totally flabbergasted,” Sharif said, adding that he called “Beg a few days later to order the Army officially not to launch the drug trafficking plan.

    Beg, who retired in August 1991, denied Sharif’s allegation, saying, “We have never been so irresponsible at any stage. Our politicians, when they’re not in office and in the opposition, they say so many things. There’s just no truth to it.”

    Durrani, now Pakistan’s Ambassador to Germany, said: “This is a preposterous thing for a former Prime Minister to say. I know nothing about it. We never ever talked on this subject at all.”

    Brig. Gen. S.M.A Iqbal, a Spokesman for the Armed Forces, said, “It’s inconceivable and highly derogatory; such a thing could not happen.”

    The interview with Sharif, conducted at his home in Lahore, in May, was part of a broad investigation into narcotics trafficking in Pakistan. It marked the first time a senior Pakistani Official has publicly accused the country’s Military of having contingency plans to pay for covert operations through drug smuggling.

    Officials with the US State Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration said they have no evidence that Pakistan’s military is or ever has been involved in drug trafficking. But US and other officials have often complained about the country’s weak efforts to curtail the spread of guns, money laundering, official corruption and other elements of the deep-rooted drug culture in Pakistan, which along with Afghanistan and Iran lies along the so-called Golden Crescent, one of the world’s biggest drug-producing regions.

    In a scathing report two years ago, a consultant hired by the CIA warned that drug corruption had permeated virtually all segments of Pakistani society and that drug kingpins were closely connected to the country’s key institutions of power, including the President and Military intelligence agencies.

    About 70 tonnes of heroin is produced annually in Pakistan, a third of which is smuggled abroad, mostly to the West, according to the State Department’s 1994 Report on International Drug Trafficking. About 20 per cent of all heroin consumed in the United States comes from Pakistan and its northern neighbour, Afghanistan, the second largest opium producer in the world after Burma. The United Nations says that as much as 80 per cent of the heroin in Europe comes from the region.

    It has been rumoured for years that Pakistan’s Military has been involved in the drug trade. Pakistan’s Army, and particularly of the CIA – is immensely powerful and is known for pursuing its own agenda. Over the years, civilian political leaders have accused the Military – which has run Pakistan for more than half its 47 years of independence – of developing the country’s nuclear technology and arming insurgents in India and other countries without their knowledge or approval and sometimes in direct violation of civilian orders. Historically, the Army’s Chief of Staff has been the most powerful person in the country.

    According to military sources, the intelligence agency has been pinched for funds since the war in Afghanistan ended in 1989 and foreign governments – chiefly the United States – stopped funneling money and arms through the ISI to Afghan Mujahideen guerillas fighting the Soviet-backed Kabul government. Without the foreign funds, the sources said, it has been difficult for the agency to continue the same level of operations in other areas, including aiding militants fighting Indian troops across the border in Kashmir. Such operations are increasingly being financed through money raised by such private organisations as the Jamiat-I-Islami, a leading fundamentalist political party.

    A Western diplomat who was based in Islamabad at the time of the purported meeting and who had occasional dealings with Beg and Durrani, said, “It’s not inconceivable that they could come up with a plan like this.”

    “There were constant rumours that ISI was involved in rogue drug operations with the Afghans – not so much for ISI funding, but to help the Afghans raise money for their operations,” the diplomat said.

    In the interview, Sharif claimed that the meeting between him and the General occurred at the Prime Minister’s official residence in Islamabad after Beg called one morning and asked to brief him personally on a sensitive matter.

    “Both Beg and Durrani insisted that Pakistan’s name would not be cited at any place because the whole operation would be carried out by trustworthy third parties,” Sharif said. “Durrani then went on to list a series of covert military operations in desperate need of money.”

    Sharif, in the interview, would not discuss operation details of the proposal and refused the intelligence agency what covert plans the intelligence agency wanted to fund with the drug money.

    Sharif said he had “no sources” to verify that the ISI had obeyed his orders to abandon the plan but that he assumed the agency had complied.

    “I told them categorically not to initiate any such operation, and a few days later I called Beg again to tell that I have disapproved the ISI plan to back heroin smuggling.”

    Embittered that his political enemies cut short his term as Prime Minister last year and helped engineer the return of Bhutto. Sharif has gone on an intense political offensive to destabilize her 10-month-old government. He claimed recently that Pakistan has a nuclear bomb and said he made the information public to prevent Bhutto from dismantling the programme under pressure from the West. The government has denied possessing a nuclear bomb but repeated previous statements that it has the ability to build one.

    Calling Sharif a “loose cannon,” a second Western diplomatic source said, “I’d have a hard time believing” his allegations about the military’s drug trafficking proposal. The official suggested that Sharif’s disclosure might be designed to keep Bhutto and Pakistan-India relations off balance. “If anything should bring these two countries together, it is their common war against the drug problem, but this seems to fly in the face of that,” he said.

  20. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Nawaz has gone Pagal

  21. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ chor ki darhi mein tinka

    what a load of rubbish, by PPP’s Goebels departm.

  22. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    A Jew defends the Taliban, by telling the truth

  23. OneKarachite Avatar

    MB sounds like in RAQ payroll….

  24. OneKarachite Avatar

    sorry,… RAW Payroll

  25. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    every thing is for sale in this market honesty,loyality and self respect are the first commodity to be soled.
    it seems that anti pakistani forces found many holes and they dug deep down in our society and found some lowlives,ready to do some mercinary work.

  26. karachi khatmal Avatar

    teeth bhai

    i’m truly disappointed. have you stopped reading what is being written on your blog – which for so many of us represents the epitome of our blogging community?

    perhaps has become like art, for they say that art imitates life, and this post and the ludicrous comments following it are a reflection of how stupid pakistanis have become – specifically after the mumbai attacks.

    the second most read article in this website’s history is about dr. aafia siddiqui. correct me if i’m wrong, but wasn’t her ordeal the work of intelligence agencies?

    and for all the raving conspiracy theorists, who mention fucking rothschild and zionism and what knows in every fucking comment of theirs on EVERY fucking blog, here’s something for you.

    last year, one year ago, the army and its chief were completely discredited. the masses were against it, they were sick of it, they wanted change. the army’s credibility was the lowest since the end of zia.

    a year later, in the wake of mumbai, the most progressive voices, even yours Dr Awab, have rushed to the patriotic, and jingoistic, head in the sand defence of the army and the ISI. this article represents just one facet of that example.

    suddenly, all those intelligent people calling for change from the bullshit the khakis have propogated for 60 years did a complete turn of face. six fucking decades of being treated like shit in our own country, and yet we rush to defend them still. after mumbai every one of us was jacking off on our pakistan patriotism induced h**d ons.

    it got to the point that we forgot to mention the man who gave us freedom, and read an article instead on the institution that enslaved us.

    of course the ISI didn’t do mumbai – right? but somehow, they managed to make an asshole idiot out of the population yet again due to the anti-India sentiment, just when it looked like they had lost all support.

    shame on all of us. we should do a nuclear suicide attack on ourselves.

  27. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    such an arrogance towards people and such a hatred against our own security agency.
    ” guns don’t kill people. people kill people ”

    ISI is just like a gun to me.

  28. amer nazir Avatar
    amer nazir

    I agree 100% with Karachi khatmals comments. ( except that comments of substance can be more effective without anger I think…)

    Living abroad, one is bound to look at things from the perspective of the society one lives in… and I wondered what would people in other countries think of the comments that followed this blog…

    What foreigners must have found strange is the ignoring of the fact that Human Rights are supreme and the purpose of every man-made institution that is formed including governments and for that matter ISI is to protect that… but ISI tortured and killed its own people whether it was east Pakistan or now… and this is it… period. It needs to learn to respect the people it sets out to protect in the first place…

    And what is ISI protecting by the way… what is a country composed of…the people, the land or the regime… and what is the worth of a country which has a land and a regime but when it puts its own people at last… what is a country worth without its nation…

    And is this not the crusade the bloggers took on themselves and since then they helped to get a dictator of our backs… at least we are now working again at a foundation that can hopefully support a tall structure one day. It may be a long journey especially since our leadership is poor – but there are still chances to reach… at least we are technically on the right road… No army institutiuon has ever led to anything except to its narrow objective…it has in the last sixty years been in power, have led to nothing but chaos and has surprisingly blamed others for it… one has to be simply blind not to see this… it would be great if commentators can finally learn to distinguish between real value and nuisance value… and decide not to settle for less, time and again…

    And some of us who have seen ISI from close know better. The comments in favour come from those who have not had their innocent loved ones tortured, jailed or lost forever… whether for a good reason or not is not for civilized nations to judge as long as the rule of law has been broken…

  29. karachikhatmal Avatar

    this is really petty of me, but i’ve been getting so pissed off at guY-sir’s comments for so long that now that the opportunity has presented itself, i can’t hold back. also being here keeps me from working too much.

    so here goes.

    Comment by guY-sir on December 23, 2008 @ 9:56 pm
    (copy pasted in entirety from

    Comment by guY-sir on December 25, 2008 @ 9:29 pm

    (first seven lines are personal. remaining comment is exact same comment as one posted by guY-sir at

    both comments have been copy pasted from

    however, this time around the copy pasting is more sophisticated.

    the original author writes “I was born in 1949… I think my whole generation was subject to a mind control program.”

    our intrepid blogger however writes “I was born in 1979… I think my whole generation was subject to a mind control program.”

    geddit? born thirty years later, exact same experience. incredible!

    but maybe today was a bad day. so i decided to pick another comment from some other time, and whaddaya know.

    Comment by guYasir on December 15, 2008 @ 8:16 pm
    (copy pasted from

    i know this is really personal, and vindictive. but i’ve repeatedly asked guYasir to stop spewing his hate speech, to stop spreading irresponsible conspiracy theories.

    Mr. guYasir,

    it really pisses me off how you have always labeled any view other than your own as un-Islamic. you describe some of us as licking the boots of americans. you insult our private fiath and belief when you announce that you claim to know what the true face of islam is.

    so i find it hilarious and depressing in equal parts that your intensely patriotic, fiercely anti-imperialist, vanguard of islam rabble rousing thought is completely copy pasted from a WHITE, NORTH AMERICAN, JEWISH MAN.

    you heard me – a white jewish guy.

    again, i have nothing against jews. or makow. but when you spew his thought, at least mention its his. what it seems now is that you just want to emulate a guy who ostensibly represents everything you hate.

    so finally fellow readers, i’d like to apologize for interrupting this comments page with such a long drivel. but before i end, i’m sure you’d all love to know what mr. guYasir, blatant plagiarizer plans to do with his life…

    well, straight from the horses mouth:

    (Comment by guYasir on December 15, 2008 @ 5:44 pm)

    “Regarding politics to which I think perverse+corrupted+rotten and dont wanna join it at all but what to do whole environment is politicized even paan wala doin politics.
    Despite i know its a [megalomaniac-morass] YET I WANNA JOIN AND WANNA CHANGE THE SYSTEM instead of changing faces/feces by an illusionary democracy” (caps added by me)

    yes, folks, he wants to be a politician.

    i’m going to go cry now.

  30. Teeth Maestro Avatar

    My take on this article was more along the lines that it is a point of view that was worth debating / arguing over, though everyone knows that I too am not a big Army guy – but ever since botched up Mumbai response where our leaders made chicken soup of our respect, I feel the Army has stood firm defying the ass holes entrusted with running [and selling] our country blind.

    ISI is not an angel, but I have been updated numerous times that the army has stood firm in their response to India defying the Lootmar clan

    TO an extent hats off to Musharraf when a few days back he responded to a journalist to confidently say come what may the army is ready for India. Though I do not like Mushy, but that was the response which our democratically elected leaders should have given to India when they started the slander campaign against MY PAKISTAN.

    To me nothing is more dear then my motherland, and how dare they accuse us !!!

  31. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Teeth maestro,

    yes, yes !

    danda peer mushtandian da

  32. ProudPaki Avatar

    ISI is no angle as said above, and I 100% agree that its a gun rather shooter. But those who are ranting and bashing ISI can you please give me an answer why all Pakistani enemies are after ISI? what they have to do with ISI?

    Mind you,, ISI is Pakistan’s front line, once its gone, forget the nuke, you won’t even get a fireworks for suicide!!

  33. Zaki Khalid Avatar


    This may sound over-enthusiastic, but the Pak. Army and especially the ISI are the greatest bastions of Islamic power, obviously before the Mahdi arrives…

    Pakistan is the Fort of the Muslim Ummah, and Alhamdulillah, we do care not just for Pakistanis but also for fellow Ummaties elsewhere.


  34. Bangash Khan Avatar

    ISI deserves the respect and support of Pakistanis. Those who do not do so, are the agents of foreigners, or are confused.

  35. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @bangash khan
    respect is not a something which you get by birth or automatically. respect can only be earned by good deeds and achivements.
    i have only one thing to say that no institution of pakistan can earn the respect and credibility by violating the constitution and civil rights.
    ISI have two roles external and internal.
    i love its external role but internal?????
    i think it is not a right time to talk about the internal role.

  36. Bangash Khan Avatar


    ISI has earned the respect of Pakistanis for last 30 years through its internal and external efforts and sacrifices. If Pakistani politicians take money from ISI and do its bidding, that’s their fault not the agency’s.

    btw who in Pakistan respect civil rights? Do you ?!!

  37. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @bangansh khan!
    not agreed!
    what about 700 pakistanis who were kidnaped,detained and sold to america?
    who did this?
    isn’t true that a 4 star army general ordered to do so?

    could not understand your question?
    in order to violate the civil rights one need absolute power which a common man do not have…
    yes i do respect the freedom of speech and freedom of expression and freedom of practice.(only if it is not obnoxious,obscene and disgusting)

  38. Vaneet Kundra, India Avatar
    Vaneet Kundra, India

    I have written very harsh articles on Pakistan, even to the extent of dismantling the country, until i heard Asma Jehangir recently. Brothers, I agree with her. War is not the solution. We both have corrupt govts, but good people. Why dont sane voices from both countries start some kind of a blog to express love and affection for each other ? Our culture, customs, language ( punjabi ) and heritage is same. only difference being hindus and muslims. We have more mulims in India as compared to Pakistan. We are playing in the hands of America and western counries who do not want to see indo-pak good relations. Their economy is based on arms and ammunition. If we keep on fighting like this, we are helping the western world by buying their arms to destroy each other. Why cant we both have one voice ? Forget our govts. They talk for public consumption. Why both of us can start a blog called Indo-Pak brotherhood, blog, as i am aware that common people from both the countries have love and affection for each other. i am a proud hindu and you are a proud muslim. Only patriots from both the countries can solve the problem because they have love for their countries. Patriots would never ever dream their motherland to die. Let us be one, talk of brotherhood. than war. War is total destruction of both the countries, which no patriot, either from india and pakistan would ever want.Lets start a blog where aam admi can express his views from both the countries and we can rectify the doubts, which we have for each other. Composite dialogue is must to stop western forces, who expolit us both and will doing so, if we dont learn from our mistakes. Blog needs no visa and govt. permissions.

  39. Teeth Maestro Avatar

    Vaneet – you speak perfectly in tune to my sentiments – no longer should we ‘the people’ be held hostage to the propaganda machines of armies, militia and foreign powers or for that matter bureaucracy- they tow this line merely because they rule by fear.

    Im with you locked in with the hope that peace loving people can truly turn this region on its two feet, we can after all peacefully coexist as peace loving competitive nations working for our own independent goals.

    Before we kick start a new initiative, lets do a search if we can join an existing network of peace activists – if there are no blogs then lets join hands and create one


  40. Vaneet Kundra, India Avatar
    Vaneet Kundra, India

    Before i introduce myself, i am still of the opinion and majority
    of my countrymen, that Pakistan is the epicentre of terror. I have
    written very harsh articles on Pakistan in my blog as i love my
    country as much as you do.

    But after hearing Asma Jehangir, recently in Amritsar, my views
    about Pakistani common man has changed. Why should they be
    penalised for the misdeeds of your govt. War is no solution as
    it will destroy both countries and millions of innocent lives will be lost
    for no fault of theirs. In case of a war too, top people of both the
    countries will go to safe bunkers, leaving their inocent people to die
    for their misdeeds. However, culprits will still be alive and business
    will go as usual.

    It becomes imperative for sane people of both the countries to exchange
    ideas, to remove the doubts we have for each other. it becomes the duty
    of patriots of both the countries to start some kind of movement which
    shows peace and harmony for each other, which your govt. will not sponser.

    We have good people on both sides but bad govts. It should be made into
    a movement from both the sides, which can ultimately lead to pressure
    groups from both the sides and compel oure respective govts. to shut up
    and talk peace.

    Terrorism can be isolated if there is a continued meaningful dialogue on
    regular basis. Please find out if there are any peace initiative movement
    groups in your country. Asma Jehangir is too busy a person to involve
    as they are a very few lot from the elite class who are in touch with India’s
    elite. This new movement has to be from the ground and inclusive of
    AAm ADmi, common people from both the sides, who are literate and
    can make a difference.

    If Obama can talk of change, why cant we ?


  41. Ehsan Avatar

    Foe if you hate Musharraf and love India and friend if you love Pakistan and love to see it go forward !

  42. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    no! wrong.

    foe if you hate musharraf and love the people of pakistan.

    friend if you hate india and love pakistan(only when it comes with hostile situation with india)

  43. xxx Avatar

    ISI is really a must for pakistan ,it as to train people on how to kill others ,it as to earn money for pak by killing there own people and telling america that pak is been attacked by terrorist.America will throw money like we throw half eaten bread to dogs.

    If pak as to survive ISI SHOULD BE THERE/

  44. One Karachite Avatar
    One Karachite

    Yes, ISI should be strong and powerful.

    Long live ISI, team of brave Pakistani Men.

  45. jawan Avatar

    yes,,, anyone having problems with ISI?? I think RAW should learn from ISI, they are the juniors,,.. scout boys 😛

  46. jawan Avatar

    this goes to Vaneet Kundra…. Our govt is bad for us(they r busy eating our own country), not for u, whereas urs is bad for us and u as well.. Hindu extremist are gaining positions in ur govt day by day.. Its toooooooo dangerous for both of us…

  47. Vaneet Kundra, India Avatar
    Vaneet Kundra, India

    Dear Jawan,

    I am sorry, you are fed on a propogonda, which has no basis at all. As i have mentioned before, we have had ABJ Abdul Kalam, Fakhurridin Ali Ahmed, Zakir Hussain as Presidents of India. The top positions in bureacracy, police, military and many more are having muslims. One of the richest man in the world Azim Premji, Owner of Wipro is a proud Indian. WE are too proud for him and he is true Indian. The DIG, Border range, amritsar is a muslim. You people think on the basis of religion. We in India give the positions on merit, irrelevant, if he is a hindu, muslim, sikh or christian. Ratan Tata, one of the top Industrialists is A parsi. The Chairman Of Wochard, one of the largest pharma companies is a muslim. He is the owner too. the list is endless. Please stop all this religion business. I beleive, there should be no religion at all as it makes us fight than unite.

  48. khan Avatar

    I am not agree with u because pakistani army and Agency ISI has special agenda of ruling at pakistan.this army not protecting county but destroying one by one.

  49. jairam Avatar

    you are right khan pak army instead of protecting pak it wants to rule pak,pak is independent since 1947 and half of the time army as ruled pak?is army to protect people are to rule them,

    1. farrukh Avatar

      your comments are highly irrelevant.You dont know any thing about Pakistan Army and its contribution of to wards it development. Pakistan Army Zinda Bad