Intent to produce WMD

This is the most hilarious comment from Bush trying to justify that Saddam had intentions to produce WMD and hence supporting his intention to go to war. Well with intentions like these the world would be a messed up place, I give you an example, what if i wanted to kill that teacher who has made my life a living hell, would I be sent to jail for just having that thought. Now apply the same analogy to Saddam. Saddam did not have the means to make the WMD but he surely wished he had some, this is a free world he can wish all I want, too bad for Saddam he wished to the wrong person – Bush’s, both Senior and Junior.

Bush can’t justify his going to war on just the presumption that Saddam might have WMD’s. We all know there was Oil to go after and that too was mentioned in the 1st Presidential debate where Kerry said that the first things that were controlled were all the oil wells and there was no other plan for the rest of the war – how selfish can the Americans get.




