The entire world was so engrossed in the US elections that it appears that it was too choose the President of the World, in a way yes, the power weilded by the White House affects many countries that destiny lies at the its mercy.
This time around it was not the Florida chads but almost turned into the “Ohio Provisionals” had it not been for the fact that Bush had a lead of 130,000 votes and for Kerry to nab 90% of the 150,000 or so provisional ballots was very unlikely and once Kerry was sure it was well beyond the 8000 lawyers hired by the Democrats to watch over the elections he finally conceeded the next day by a courteous five minute call.
As per my late swing towards Bush, my heart still refused to accept Bush, who am I to argue as the poeple have spoken and so with a sore heart I wish Bush all the best and hope he awakens from his slumber and does indeed make a difference in the world mind you I hope this time for the better. With the House and the Senate safely tucked in his back pocket it is now upto President Bush to either have Four More Years or walk into Four More Wars ?