Before I begin, this post can very well be a simple rumor but I feel it is important enough to bring to your attention.
It has come to my attention that US & UK based pharmaceutical companies are sending experimental drugs to be tested on human subjects in Pakistan, they have hired services of certain doctors and have established centers in a few locations across the country to administer these drugs to any willing subject – I can only assume in an uneducated system, more often then not the patient is unaware of this experimental phenomena.
For these companies to conduct such human research in the United States would bring along tons of burecratic red-tape and also a plethora of potential lawsuits but here in Pakistan its a different story all together where the uneducated individual is at the mercy of the health-care provider. Though highly unlikely but its rumored that a few centers even offer a Rs 100 compensation for taking part in the study, honeslty it that were the case it would surely attract all the drug addicts across the city, techincally if a subject accepts financial compensation it removes all responsibility from the pharmaceutical company. What an amazing deal in which they get off the hook for a measly $1.50 but leave behind a disease infested population hence over-burdoneing our pathetic health care system.
I honestly wish it is just a rumor but I was compelled to bring it to your attention and maybe someone can help sort out the facts from fiction.
6 responses to “Human testing in Pakistan”
Its not something new. People have been tested on American soil. Testing has been on since long in all the poor countries. Pitty on those who become the guinea pigs.
I would have to agree that its not a new concept in Pakistan and has been going no for some time but rumors have it that AKU in assocaition with Joh Hopkins Insitute is doing such stuff here in Pakistan –
People have been tested but wed here are subjected to those medications that could likely be a great deal more harmful – Guinea Pigs at your service…..
Isn’t this the same AKU thats involved in the education board controversy.don’t they have enuff on their hands already.And talking of the drug addicts, I’m sure they would agree on anything just for one dose.This really is disturbing news.Are there any dentists involved in this 🙂
Anyways I was hoping to see something on the dawood-miandad news on your blog.
Extremely thought provoking…… What really scares me, is that these experimental drugs might be sold to unsuspecting people… and do we really know that the drugs we consume on a frequent basis like painkillers are not harmful drugs masquerading as normal drugs…
Not busy…. extremely discouraged….
Dawood – Miandad – sadly at this moment I have nothing more then what has already appeared in the general press – but I have my ears open and ask anyone to drop by a juicy line for us all to enjoy some few laughs at our cricketing giant .
you know its weird that some friends of mine were contacted for testing in the uk. (they are from pakistan). those ppl were offering them a shitload of money but then i advised them not to do so coz it doesnt seem like a good idea.