EU Creating a Blood Substitute

The European Union is in a 3-year research grant to create the perfect alternative for human blood. Research has gone to an extent that they have found the perfect material that can be sterilized hence rendering it disease-free and is also able to traverse the smallest of blood capillaries. This fluorinated hydrocarbon is also a far better absorption of oxygen considerable better then our own red blood cells. The future appears to be quite bright for better alternatives for blood transfusion.

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3 responses to “EU Creating a Blood Substitute”

  1. Asif Ali Avatar

    They are so lazy and so late, I alreayd have achieved this goal, Heineken, Corona, Rolling Rock, Bud light and Sapporo are best alternatives. Give it a try

  2. Yasir Salam Avatar
    Yasir Salam

    EU is doing an emunctory work which is a good sign but not for slums who turn hooligans either in Fr,AU,bcuz bully-bush & co has sordidly shed muslim masses blood in Palestine in particular and everywhere in general, so EU or UK or US has got to know to create an alternate of blood which would be clean from disease , it seems ludicrous but science goin furiously further so i aint sayin it cant be happened Bupkis is impossible bcuz EU needs dis blood better than any1 else their blood becum botcher they have turn hooligans against muslim masses, how they unprecedentedly and sordidly desecrated our Koran and tortureing jailbirds in their gulags, no one heeds no one yell and no resolution pass against it, our perverse politician becum poodle of US despite the fact of WC= Washigton Cartoon which showed pak politician are poodles and DD=Dollar Debacuters…
    they are poodles WP showed correct pic of pak politician and their politics ive no regret with it, i knew the pic of pak politician whom we so-called LOTA.-LOL
    well seducing science gonna seduce subvertly to our world by sheding both side blood and when boys blood finish EU new blood might work on corpsez.
    its Topsy-Turvy Think Tthousand Times like scientist do.

  3. Yasir Salam Avatar
    Yasir Salam

    err… DD= Dollar Debauchers