This is some mild breaking news to those kind gentlemen (which naturally includes you [if you happen to be a male] and me) who
have never had the opportunity to glance at a Playboy Magazine (*snicker*). Playboy International is presently in serious stages to launch its brand name magazine in India, as revealed in the Reuters Media and Advertising Summit last week, press releases stated:
Playboy is currently in talks over starting a men’s magazine that would not only be free of nudity but also would not use its trademark name, chief executive Christie Hefner (daughter of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner) said last week and she considers India the company’s boldest venture.
The Indian male market potential is going to be a fertile virgin territory where millions can be made, but one does have to wonder, what good will a non-nude edition of Playboy India accomplish to an Indian male. One would have to wonder if this approach can be profitable
20 responses to “Playboy India”
I think thats all a drama of non-nude thing. Playboy’s big profit is because of its nude coverage. Since Indian Film Industry is so popular i am sure this magazine will have all the ingredients like the ones in America with american stars.
with regards
Agreed. Hefner’s major selling points are:
a) The “Playboy” name, instantly recognizable the world over for those famous nudie mags.
b) Nudity, and lots of it!
Leaving both of these aside and putting his daugher in charge of developing a “Men’s magazine”, whatever that may mean and contains sounds like a ridiculous idea. Men the world over love sex, and Indian men are no exception, as witnessed by the increasing smut in average Bollywood fare. Why start leaving out the nudity now?
heheh indian playboy.
Local edition awaiting!!!!!!!!
A non-nude version of Playboy? I don’t see the point of that. If that magazine is made, then I guess guys really will be buying it for the articles because there aren’t any photos worth looking at. It’s just not Playboy if the bunnies are fully clothed. They need a new name for it.
well i just wanna say that all woods means Hollywood,Bollywood and Lollywood has been caused for our own boneless wood-wrack.Bollywood seems complete subsidiary of Hollywood.How they forge and show nudity in indian movies which ruining our youth has becum apparent for all of us in terms of julie,murder,zeher and Kalyug.
They indians has just gotcha Voracity of Goracity and do whatever to compete with Hollywood style in all manners by showing their heros to wear cross sign in their necks or T-shirts and by showing navels of heroins in each movie by showing debauchery in their every movie etc ,
I got an idea to rename of wood for instance Hollywood can be renamed as Hellwood,Bollywood can be renamed as Bitchwood and Lollywood can be changed as Luciferwood.kaisa?
well I hate indian movies and their suck stories mostly around 85% they do copy hollywood movies and show in their threater to slum indians,who doesnt see an english movies so slum gets happy to C an indian forge version.
As far as playboy concern india’s gonna go to launch its version in india so they can play with our boys in order to spoil sordidly to our muslim youth.
Indians are devil debauchers and Hideous hindus who has been wrapped up on neocons little finger.
Well, what i wanted to say has already been said in the comments before, but i’ll say it anyway….. Playboy without nudity just wouldn’t be playboy, it would be another of the million and one magazines in india.
I guess when comedian crack that joke about reading playboy for the articles, Heff’s daughter took it seriously
Whos gonna buy playboy then???
what is Playboy without nude women?
Written by:
Yasir Salam
Posted on:
December 16, 2005 at 1:32 pm
his uy is a freak, man jus o over he real facs of 1947 and ull find ou he real deauchers, your rea rea randfashers who descended from aaylon and jeruselem, fanaics like u who are less han 1 in numer are spoilin he name of he res 99 ood muslims, shame on you, r he ood muslims lisenin?
a proud indian
it enjoyfull job
East or west bollywood is the best.
ofcourse india is the best.
C’mon lady Hefner, Playboy without the nudity , Gosh , why bother !! Taking into account the recent Maxim launch in India some time back, do you think local girls in bikinis and an attitude will (re) work for the Indian masses.
Well and on top of it all … NO PLAYBOY NAME !?!…. then why associate with the “PLAYBOY” brand at all..?
Its a great sense though that you are launching a “lifestyle”magazine rather than a guy magazine , when it doesnt follow the treditional “Playboy ” footprints, but hey it’s said to not wer the famour Rabbit Logo and India already has an abundance of quality lifestyle magazines.
I hope it has a good launch though, when it comes to it… Can’t say im not excieted. !!!
All the Best lady !!!
playboy without nudity????????? man this is gonna suck, why not just buy a simple movie? they move and are full of girls in bikinis nowadays. And please don’t turn this all into a Pak Hind fight karan bhatis. This is gonna be boring, this would not only be no big deal, but it would ruin the chances of Playboy ever considering to launch a real nudist magizine, this would make the subcontinent seem like the best place to open outlets that show skin (a lot of it) without nudity
Always contact me on my mobil no. 09234531383 for play with me on jenun rate.
Always contact me on my mobil no. for play with me on jenun rate.
I think Indian men also deserve Playboy. When India is progressing in all walka of life and in every possible areas I feel that Indians deserve Playboy. However,I know there will be too many resistance from the so called political parties and their doubble standard representatives who will enjoy pronography in camera and Playboy of American edition but oppose it’s Indian edition because of their pseudo political manifasto.
I think if any Indian playboy without nudity, that not cool.
you people forgot to add the prefix "full frontal". In India we have had adult magazine for over 15 years now, they show everything, but not the glory hole.