India comments on Baluchistan

The Govt of Pakistan was surprised to see a recent official Indian statement appearing a few days back on the escalating Baluchistan crisis.

“The Government of India has been watching with concern the spiralling violence in Baluchistan and the heavy military action, including the use of helicopter gunships and jet fighters by the Government of Pakistan to quell it. We hope that the Government of Pakistan will exercise restraint and take recourse to peaceful discussions to address the grievances of the people of Baluchistan.”

One has to wonder why such a statement was issued when internal Pakistan matters should not concern India especially if the crisis is no where near its borders but situated across Sindh all the way in Baluchistan. It gives an apparent feeling that India intends to disengage from the peace process and ramp efforts to increase tensions between the two nations. Could it be just a knee-jerk reaction since it has been rumored that Indian agencies are involved in supporting the Baluchistan nationalists? What is your twist to this turn of events?

Read more in Ayaz Amir’s column in Dawn



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7 responses to “India comments on Baluchistan”

  1. shobz Avatar

    bingo. you are right about that. they need to destabilise the region so that there wont be any growth in pakistan.

  2. Jalal Avatar

    Although I usually oppose most of the things that Ayaz Amir says but I think he might actually being saying something of sense here.

    It is a very internal matter and very far away from India’s borders, they should not have said anything of the sort.

    Seems like the hawks in India and flapping their wings again.

  3. Hasan Mubarak Avatar

    I do think that Indian agencies surely are involved in the troubled tribals’ crisis. And just before Pakistan’s going to reveal Indian interference, they have preempted to avoid any future allegations…

    Our foreign office spokeswoman Taslim Zafar, I hope it’s here name, termed India right as a bully.

  4. Robert Graham Avatar

    Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

  5. Awais Achakzai Avatar
    Awais Achakzai

    i think that in baluchistan’s crisis Indian agencies are not involved in supporting the Baluchistan nationalists. becouse as Mr, Jalal said;
    “It is a very internal matter and very far away from Indias borders”
    Akbar bugti was a great leader he rule on the hearts of baluches. this is the matter that they become so angry

  6. ygkugyugg Avatar


  7. Anoop Avatar

    The issue of Balochistan is ignored by the world community. But, from now on India and Afghanistan,together,will help the Balochis to voice their concerns. Balochistan like Bangladeshis want independence. why dont Pakistanis understand that? Do they want a civil war,again? Pakistanis should learn from their mistakes and give anything the Balochistanis want. They talk about Kashmir where the militancy is from outside support. But, what about the internal agitation by the Balochis? India's election turnout in Kashmir which was a staggering 66% proves that Kashmiris rather support a Indian democracy than the Sharia-headed Militants..