Om Puri will soon share celluloid space with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts in the upcoming film Charlie Wilson’s War, where he will play the character of General Zia-ul Haq, late President of Pakistan. The film is being produced by Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman, and directed by Mike Nichols and is expected to hit the screens in 2008
Charlie Wilson’s War is a political film set during the period when the USSR invaded Afghanistan, and America wanted to use Pakistan to get rid of the Soviets
Om Puri has been reported to be in LA for two weeks on pre-production work and is doing a full background research on the Character of Zia-ul-Haq. “I remembered Zia having a gold tooth and have confirmed it with Shatrughan Sinha and his wife Poonam, who were close to the General. I also found out that the chain he wore on his sherwani had a decorative pocket watch.” said Om Puri.
Its just ironical that an Indian be chosen to play Zia’s character, personally I don’t see much in this story, after all its just a movie. But I dread the public reaction which may turn into a vociferous crucifiction as we tend to be considerably emotional against India.
What’s your take on the issue?
Credit for the tip-off Adnan Siddiqui
5 responses to “Om Puri to Play Zia-ul-Haq”
Though I rarely watch Indian flicks, only some art movies they chrun out, Om Puri however, is one fine actor. For some strange reason I thought this guy was dead. Evidently not.
old news. 🙂 they just noticed his casting recently. they were going for some other actor intially.
I am pretty surprised that Julia Roberts is getting all politcal! I read she is supporting raising taxes on oil. That’s gotta be a pretty unpopular opinion these days.
”Success of Jinnah and Zia in Pakistan and Failure of Others – A Perspective”
In pakistan on July 7, 2010 at 3:38 pm
By Muhammad Akram Khan Niazi.
In view of present scenario, when Pakistan is suffering from violent conflict between Pakistan army and Islamic Fighters and both are cutting throats of each other and killing each other mercilessly, and no one is there to stop them from this bloody madeness, In fact some ethnocentric parties and India are enjoying this bloody film continuously, and are trying to pour more fuel on this fire. In such condition it is the responsibility of Intellectuals of Pakistan to try to stop this blood shed and to analyze the past history of Pakistan and find out that why Pakistan was stable in the era of Quaid-e-Azam and General Zia, and was a most stable and strong country of the region in spite of all adversaries and enemity of British Empire, India and Soviet Union and why it has become so much unstable in the era of General Musharaf and Mr.Zardari in spite of support of World Super power USA,NATO and other nations..
Pakistan Needs Leader Like Quaid-e-Azam.
Quaid-e-Azam was a leader who united whole the populations of Muslims of subcontinent on one platform in spite of all their weaknesses due to illiteracy, ethnocentrism, regionalism, provincialism and conspiracies of Indian National Congress and British rulers, From each sentence of his speeches it is evident that he was the most caring and sincere leader for Muslims and for their interests. His speeches are full of words like Muslims, Musalamans and Islam, He very strongly proved that he is a well wisher of Muslims and will never compromise against the best interests of Muslims.
This was the reason that Muslims of subcontinent have thrown all their differences and were united under his leader ship without any reservation. For the cause of Muslims his family life was destroyed, his sister never married, her daughter was separated from him, For the cause of Muslims he lost his personnel home in Bombay, India, For the cause of Muslims he refused to accept the Premier ship of India and due to his hard work for the Muslims his health was destroyed but till his death he continued to work for welfare of his peoples. These were the characteristics of Quaid-e-Azam due to which even his enemies like him and have praise for him.
Pakistan Needs Leader Like General Zia-ul-Haq.
After separation of East Pakistan in 1971 a critical change occurred in the demography of Pakistan and ratio of Muslims Population increased from 85% to 98%.General Zia was the first leader who comprehended this change and used this phenomena for the strength and stability of Pakistan. Due to his apparent commitment with Islam and Muslims, he was able to rule the country like an Iron Man till his death. During his era Pakistan was the Island of piece in whole region, his devotion for Islam and Pakistan made him the most successful ruler of Pakistan, Although he was a military dictator he was having a very effective influence both socially and religiously on people of Pakistan, and people were having trust on him, due to his policies there was no anti state or separation activities except that of Al-Zulfiqar by brother of Mrs.Benazir Bhutto.
Islamization of Society:
General Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization policy also proved to be extremely influential, and has continued to affect the political and sectarian situation in Pakistan till the present day. Zia’s Islamizing policies restored a sense of dignity and religious integrity back to the country.There was no extremism and separation movements in the era of Jinnah and there were no Talibans and Extremist in the era of General Zia-ul Haq,
While recent non-religious and ethnocentric rulers such as Musharaf and Zardari nor have any Ideology and neither have any courage to go in masses and are even unable to control the affairs of the Capital of Pakistan,Islamabad and the city of Rawalpindi where the General Head Quarter of Pakistan Army is located, because these rulers have chronically failed in proving their sincerity with Islam, Muslims and the people of Pakistan ,Which was proved on the day of Death of Benazir Bhutto,when workers and supporters of these non-religious leaders committed each and every crime against the innocent and peaceful citizens of Pakistan, both Musharaf who was in power at that time and Zardari who was the successor of Benazir chronically failed in protecting the assets and citizens from their violent supporters, therefore now how people of Pakistan can support and trust such selfish and deceptive leaders.
while secular rulers such as Musharaf and Zardari even are not aware with the teachings of Islam,which is a religion of 97% population of Pakistan, how these rogue secular rulers will be able to successfully run the affairs of a country without having any expertise about their religion and sensitivities..
Industrial Development.
Although General Zia was supporting Afghan Jihad against Soviet Union his relations with Soviet Union were surprisingly good, and Pakistan Steel Mill in Karachi was completed with the help of Soviet Union. While secular leader like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was using that project as a job bank for members of his party, and other two secular leaders Pervez Musharaf and Zardari were found by courts of Pakistan guilty of abusing and selling this mill less than the price of land of this Mill.
General Zia greatly favoured egalitarianism and industrialisation. Between 1977 and 1986, the country experienced an average annual growth in the GNP of 6.8%, one of the highest in the world at that time.
While in the era of Secular leaders like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Pervez Musharaf Pakistan became one of the most poor nation of the world.
Strengthening Defense of Pakistan.
Zia brought the Pakistan Army up on modern weaponry using the money that US gave for fighting in Afghanistan- so that in 1986 when Indira Gandhi was ready to invade Pakistan–(Operation Brass Tacks) she was informed as to what waited for her soldiers and she withdrew from the borders. It was his commitment with the nation that he lost his life when observing performance of Abrahm Tank for defense forces.
In the era of Zia,30 years ago Pakistan was having F-16 fighters,and Pakistan was able to have Nuclear arms. While after 30 years secular leaders like Benazir, Pervez Musharaf and Zardari were unable to gain such fighters but infact capped Pakistan nuclear program and kept Pakistan nuclear scientist under arrest, and were found with allegations of taking bribes and commissions in defense equipment deals such as Augusta submarine from France.
Collapse of Super Power Soviet Union:
Due to General Zia support for Afghan Jihad Soviet Union was broken into pieces of more than dozen countries and Pakistan was able to take the revenge of separation of East Pakistan from Soviet Union in which Soviet Union was nakedly involved .
Due to General Zia policies so many countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia were liberated from the claws of Soviet Union and both East and West Germany were reunited.He refused to accept any pressure with reference to Nuclear Program from USA.
In the era of General Zia ,India was highly frightened from stability and progress of Pakistan and lost all its credibility and diplomatic respect due to support for Soviet Union for invasion in Afghanistan and Indira Gandhi a foolish leader of India who was involved in aggression and terrorism for taking the advantage of foolish acts of General Yahya Khan in 1971 in East Pakistan , was totally failed in controlling the affairs of East Punjab due to her foolish policies and in fact lost her life in that crisis.
Service to Humanity:
In the era of Quaid-e-Azam Millions of Indian refugees took shelter in Pakistan as a safe heaven and in the era of General Zia-ul-Haq three millions Afghan refugees took shelter in Pakistan and Bihai faith religious Minority of Iran,and Rohingya people of Burma were also given shelter in Pakistan.While in the era of secular leaders General Yahya Khan and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto,Ten millions citizens in East Pakistan were forced to take shelter in India, and in the era of Musharaf and Zardari millions of Pakistanis were displaced internally in Pakistan, and were also humiliated fby preventing them from going to safer places,and situation is so much alarming that each and every citizen of Pakistan want to flee out of Pakistan in the era of these non religious and secular leaders.Success of Jinnah and Zia was witnessed by their smile and satisfaction and their body language while those secular and non religious leaders such as Musharaf, Zardari are having no smile in any of their Photographs their failures are just evident from their faces.
Reasons for Success of Religious Leaders and Failure of others:
In this article a comparison has been made between Two Ideologies on one side Pro-Islamic Democratic leader Quaid-e-Azam and another Pro-Islamic Dictator General Zia-ul-Haq have been compared with non-religious Democratic leader Mr.Zardari and another non-religious leader Dictator Pervez Musharaf.
Both pro-Islamic leader ruled the country till their death and also mysteriously Quaid-e-Azam defeated to British Empire and United India,Another pro-Islamic leader Zia-ul-Haq defeated world Super power Soviet Union where as non-religious leaders like Zardari and Pervez Musharaf were even struggling to control and safeguard the capital Islamabad and GHQ in Rawalpindi.
All success of Quaid-e-Azam and General Zia-ul-Haq were due to trust of Pakistani Nation on them due to their commitment with Islam, Muslims and Pakistan, in proving that commitment both were very proactive while present rulers are devoid of such characteristics, due to which today tribal people who have helped Pakistan in liberating 1/3 of Kashmir, and Mujahideen who helped Pakistan in Afghan Jihad are now attacking Pakistan security forces and national assets.
Due to Quaid-e-Azam commitment and support for Islam and Muslims,he was able to compete both British Empire a World Super of that time and India second largest country of the world. In the same manner General Zia was able to give the defeat to Soviet Union a world super power, just by sensing the psychology and religious culture of people of Pakistan.
While recent non-religious and ethnocentric rulers such as Musharaf and Zardari nor have any Ideology and neither have any courage to go in masses and are even unable to control the affairs of the Capital of Pakistan, Islamabad and the city of Rawalpindi where the General Head Quarter of Pakistan Army is located, because these rulers have chronically failed in proving their sincerity with Islam, Muslims and the people of Pakistan ,Which was proved on the day of Death of Benazir Bhutto,when workers and supporters of these non-religious leaders committed each and every crime against the innocent and peaceful citizens of Pakistan, both Musharaf who was in power at that time and Zardari who was the successor of Benazir chronically failed in protecting the assets and citizens from their violent supporters, therefore now how people of Pakistan can support and trust such selfish and deceptive leaders.
It is the responsibility of world leaders specially western nations to analyze the situation scientifically, because even for Western Nations Jinnah and Zia , were more beneficial while it is quite obvious that Musharaf and Zardari who are just using guns to gain their objective will just fail, and Musharaf already had failed and the situation is highly volatile at present, therefore it is the need of time to encourage those people to come forward who can solve the crisis of Afghanistan and Pakistan peacefully with Ideological Warfare and not with deceptive politics and Guns.
Written By: Muhammad Akram Khan Niazi.
zia was stegima a brutal savage trained cia agent,he should be consider above remarks.