Smoking is an addiction which claims over 3.5 million premature deaths every year throught out the world, Pakistan has a huge population of cigarette smoking addicts. Beating any addiction requires a person to make a choice and a decision that they will stand by no matter what it costs or how difficult it may be. There should be no way out, No back doors, No acceptable reason for returning to the addiction No matter what. Not even death, divorce, grief or injury. It requires commitment
Forget about the long term postiive effects, when the immediate effects are interesting on their own.
- In 20 minutes your blood pressure will drop back down to normal.
- In 8 hours the carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) levels in your blood stream will drop by half, and oxygen levels will return to normal.
- In 48 hours your chance of having a heart attack will have decreased. All nicotine will have left your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to a normal level.
- In 72 hours your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy levels will increase.
- In 2 weeks your circulation will increase, and it will continue to improve for the next 10 weeks.
- In three to nine months coughs, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by 10%.
- In 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will have dropped by half.
- In 5 years your risk of having a stroke returns to that of a non-smoker.
- In 10 years your risk of lung cancer will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
- In 15 years your risk of heart attack will have returned to that of a non-smoker.
credit – Healthbolt
I ask all my readers a few questions….
Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes (or packs) a day?
Have you contemplated on quiting? If so, why did you fail?
21 responses to “Immediate effects if you STOP smoking”
“Do you smoke?”
Never did in my 21 year life. 🙂
four to five smokes a day. i enjoy it.
i am so glad that i have never smoked in my life. i dont like smokers and dont encourage smoking at all. my dad gave up smoking 25 years ago so its not sucha big deal now.
I smoke between 10 cigarettes and a pack a day. I have thought about quitting, but don’t really have a compelling reason to at the moment.
Maybe once I start a family, I’ll take it more seriously and quit, but the occasional cigar will always be there.
Smoking is a disgusting habit and it’s detrimental effects start before it even gets to your mouth.
thank you for the info,its so good to know a source of information is available that list the beneficial statistics…….
I quit nine days ago
Thanks Very much for the info – I just decided to Quite Smoking…
Hello All,
I was reading around some of the posts here and I found interesting things that you guys talk about, I just made a blog about quitting smoking resources and ideas that you might want to check out.
If someone is interested in this topic just go to; http://endthehabitnow.blogspot.com and let me know what you think.
Thanks in advance.
Hey I just quit 3 days ago, I have gone cold Turkey no patches, no Gum and it actually seems easier “I have tried nicotine replacement products in the past”
I wish people who have never smoked stopped calling smokers stupid and disgusting, Its so easy to criticize way up there on your pedestal be careful you don’t fall off and end up down here with the rest of us mere mortals. People who have never had an addiction simply have no Clue as to what there talking about.
It’s NOT that people who refuse to quit smoking are stupid, they have serious issues that go more into the psyche. It’s not just some physical addiction. People who are diagnosed with emphazema, lung cancer, or even heart disease and continue smoking have serious mental or emotional issues. They have a life threatening disease that causes them to cough persistently (sometimes accompanied with blood). They may even cough so violently it makes them throw up. Yet they continue to smoke? Denial plays an important role here and codependency to boot.
Hello Dear
Drugs addiction is very dangerous for health so pls care fro you as well as for others bcz it dosent destroy u but also it destroy as well as the nation
i’v been smoke\ing sents i was 6yr’s old an i’m 28 now with the lungs of an 80yrold some mornings i wake up an can’t even breath i just choke for about a hour an it realy sucks when you can’t ckech your breth!!!!
OK . I smoked for 6 years. Came upto 20 cigerrates a day.
And one day i woke up and thought what the hell i am doing to myself.
All smokers just think for 5 minutes seriously what are you doing to yourself. We do not see the effects of smoking so we do not quit
But just leave it for a week. Feel free. Watch alot of sick ads agianst smoking.
U will never look cool when smoking if you are DEAD
Goto youtube see some ads
Google smoking effects
Watch this stuff and get a healthy life
I was smoking two weeks ago 21:00 surfing internet and watching discovery channel,Just start surfing effects of smoking while i was smoking ,and i really get confused what a hell i am doing to myself,i start watching images of lungs heart etc of smoker and nonsmokers ,belive me i couldnt smoke after that hour ,even i have still cigarets in my closet in my cupboard even if i want i can smoke one month and my cigarets will not finish,Now i start giving these cigarets to those friends who dam care what is happening with them .
So if you want to quit just look for images and read diffrences between smokers and nonsmokers deseases etc .
Just think about you ,and start loving your self .
There are many benefits to quitting smoking like your pulse, body temperature and your blood pressure return to normal and your body starts to cure itself. Your chances of having a serious heart attack decreases by almost half.
I have just had to take a moment to tell you that I’m really impressed by your quit smoking post. this is an excellent site.
Studies have repeatedly shown that smoking causes many complications leading to cancer, heart problems and intoxication. Quit Smoking
Studies have repeatedly shown that smoking causes many complications leading to cancer, heart problems and intoxication. Quit Smoking
I have quit smoking about 5 days ago, and i have done it cold turkey. What i can say is that it took me a while for me to quit. I have been smoking for about 8 years now. I have been thinking that I will quit on 1st of Jan 2011. Some how could not control but finally it took me about 1.5 months to decide and quit. Only method that worked for me was, i have spent quite a good amount of time with my kids in last 5 days and just did not think a second about smoke. Hope i will be a non smoker for ever.
E-Cig has no fire, no tar, no carbon monoxide, no ash, no stub. E-Cig lets you enjoy and satisfy those tactile taste sensations without any risk on smoking and on tobacco. Actually, you can smoke E-Cig anywhere healthily without environmental pollution. E-Cig can help you to reduce or quit smoking habits.