This is too funny and I simply can’t resist the temptation to post this news report which has just appeared on BBC
A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men. The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms. It has led to a call for condoms of mixed sizes to be made more widely available in India.
But Indian men need not be concerned about measuring up internationally according to Sunil Mehra, the former editor of the Indian version of the men’s magazine Maxim. “It’s not size, it’s what you do with it that matters,” he said. — BBC, Delhi
My lips are sealed ……
Credit: Omar Alvie
38 responses to “Condoms ‘too big’ for Indian men”
I remember reading about a study in a newspaper a long time ago, about the average sizes of men’s appendages, depending upon their ethnic backgrounds. Apparantly the author had been in prisons in different parts of the world and seemed to have a keen interest in this topic.
According to the article, Africans/African Americans were the largest, followed by caucasians and other races. Indians and Pakistanis ranked 2nd smallest with the rest of Asia coming in at the bottom.
The interesting part was how the guy referred to a recent, very controversial study that concluded that blacks (or African Americans) had the lowest IQs on average. There seemed to be a correlation between the sizes and the average IQs for each ethnicity.
That must be why Indians are such big braggarts or can't play sports except for cricket. To make up for having the world's smallest package. LOL
And nope, the "rest" of Asia doesn't have the smallest, Indians do. Asia is a huge continent.
haha. why are we even obsessed with the size of our peckers. i cant believe you dedicated a post about a study of schlong sizes heheh.(not that i am narrow minded) those poor Indians have their diet to blame for everything. vegetarian is not the way to go. It seems more like the guy who spent a lot of time in prison is obsessed with weiners. hence the reason why he visited all those jails. i can bet that those indian guys who actually had the guts to get themselves measured did so cause they were not well endowed in the first place did so in the hope that they might get some “penis enlargement” pills. measuring 1000 penises does not guarantee a successful study. i would like to ask them to come to pakistan and measure our men. then we can see who is big here (yeah i can be funny as well:D)
its not the size… its what you do with it that matters ๐
Doc – the karachi metroblog link on the main page is not working.
@Faisal – thank you for pointing out the error
Color is also an issue. According to Chuck Yeager’s autobiography, when he was the US representative in Pakistan, his wife engineered a change in color so that condoms would be less offensive to Pakistanis.
hey!! u are insulting Indians dear dentist!!!!
dnt worry ur paki penis are also small!!!!!!!!!!!
Old news.I saw a post about it on Anandtech forums in the Politics and News forum. Unsurprisingly, it was closed soon after it was posted. Keep in mind that the owner of that site is an Indian…
This was tooooo good!!!
Sajjad, Indians and Pakistanis had to be together in that study… After-all we all are same-same.. Two neighbours with a Political Wall between us! Right???
Shobz is a rather scientific person!!! i am Impressed! ๐
Mr./Ms. 665654 seems to be a Fellow-Indian… Took it to heart/someplace-else… Cheer-up, Buster!!! You can use one of those wonderpills, or if you are a Ms, this time, get the BUGGER to swallow… ๐
Laughing MORE at the response than the actual post… Sorry Dentist saab. Your readers/commentators beat you to it!!!
Thanks all for making me smile on this lousy night!
This comment includes a link to the Glennis Yeager condom story I referenced earlier.
na man, no real problem with the political wall. It’s studies, they have already been carried out and show that the men in Pakistan do have larger peckers, not to “belittle” the indians but C’mon men, did you know that you can increase the size of your peckers through a few techniques? check out other websites like w w w . j a c k i n w o r l d . c o m (without the spaces, i don’t know if they allow websites on this site)
I’m so sick and tired of men talking about sizes everytime. I wish you all just die already!!!
OMG! Does the size of penis matters so much??? not all indians have small penis and def not all africans have big penises!!! .There is no absolute proof…so stop the fiction already!
There are small and big sizes in all race! It’s already been proven the world average size is 5 inches (all races and ethinicity)
The nation with the most population is Indian and china and because they have the most people they represent asia, which is one of the reason why they think they have smaller penis.
China the biggest population and average is 4.7
Indian the seccond biggest and average is 4.0
But them countries does not represent all!
What a Pathetic topic.
This is sooo not true, my friend rahul has a wiener that is only 3 inches long whereas my friend Purmveer has a 7 inch sausage, so these averages don’t mean a lot plus we live in England so i don’t think it applies to us. I only have 4 buts thats bcoz of steriods…my bad. oh belays!
I think the BBC is anti-Indian. I have seen this in other reports as well, on other topics. Muslim oil money may explain BBC’s anti-Indian approach. It has become a terribly biased source of news.
The study did not compare penis sizes race-wise but to condom sizes. The 60% of measured had penis sizes 5 – 6 inches. The average human penis size according to the 1996 Journal of Urology study is 5.08 inches so the average Indian penis size is actually bigger than the average human size. This also means that the condom sizes are bigger for average humans.
Penis size is actually bigger in men leaving in geographical locations that have higher temperature. That’s why african men have bigger penises asian are in the middle and white men being needle dicks. That explains why white women in large numbers have attached themselves to black, indian and non-caucasian men.
Forgot to add. Those white needle dicks on this forum that are jumping up and down and not just needle dicks but needle brains as well ๐
the study is false. according to the survey of california university circumcised penises of muslims are smallest in world as due to circumcision malfunctioning of penis occurs and it fails to attain the desired shape. it was written in survey that asians have smallest penises but penises of pakistani muslims are smaller than the smallest because three factors act in reducing their penis size, one is circumcision and others are bein asian and non-veg diet. non- veg diet reduces size of penis. for example elephants, rhinos giraffes have much bigger penises than any non-vegeterian animal.
Indians have small penis beacuse of their diet and their surroudings. Most Indians are physical weak n are fragile hence this affects their sexual life. Indian men have ugly ass pensises bec. On the other hand Pakistanis are not a stdy Dr Faaank mat Jyea
dude i glad im hung..
haaha that sucks for all those indians hahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah
hey you guys really size doesnt matter, anyway, about the small penis thing, guys in india do have small penises, it came as a health hazard condoms keep slipping of guys in india, this didnt happen in pakistan, where a recent survey showed that french man have the biggest flacid and erect, followed by pakistan who came second in this survey, and whole thing about pakistanis being bigger doesnt even get the headlines, thats why i hate biaseness in the western media, they just dont want to put white folks behind, anyway dont believe me check the survey conducted on and you will that the average pakistani male is big in size
Dear, who says that indian have a small penis. its wrong being a sex therapist i know maximum indian have not less then 6 inches and i have seen more then 9 inches too.
pls check the status again.
The condoms may be too big for indian penises, but they sure fit Barrister AKC’s head perfectly! Pakistani Dick head wins!
dr Sunny is busy stroking Gandhi dick and lying about it too! Seems malik is busy sucking dick.
Tell all the good looking India women I’ll service them all, three at a time!
its true what doctor said i seen the grapth indian penis test grapth and most are bettween 5and 6 inches and some are bettween 6.1 to 9.5 inches so there not small its just white british propergander again just doing a joke why cant india goverment do something about these british racist institutions giveing wrong information.
I love reading asians trying to defend themselves for being
dealt such a poor hand. i cant think of any asian athletes. for a continent which has the highest population this is exceedingly poor. thus why they were never slaved out by england. who would need people that could stand strenuous work. it doesnt matter what ethnicity you are at all or whether you were born a few hundred miles down the road. if your an asian, indian, arab, pakistani your not gonna turn a lot of female heads i have heard some indian or pakistani girls talk openly about there men having small penises just accept it guys
Dear All friends
I dont know why all have been telling all tht, see i have got a pecker which is around 4and a half but i have had lots of enjoyable times with various partners although the condoms sumtimes have played the spoil sport, yet i have always made it sure that the partner always had three to four orgasms b4 i came and i really now feel after all these experiences that its nit the size tht really matters but the way how you use your size inside that 2 inches hole which is sensitive till only 2and a half inches of the interior after atht length its all just nothing and i have made it sure from sum of my bed mates when i asked abut how they felt when they had longer and thicker peckers inside , and to my surprise only one told that she enjoyed it and all others complained that they were all feeling pained and they told tht it felt like some rod was just trying to tear thru their walls and they didnt have a pleasurable feeling and to clear all ur doubts i have never gone to a prostitute but alll girls were either my friends or sum older ladies.
yes we are vegetarians what else do you expect from us????and pls delete this is biased towards indians
and also one thing more for moderator.condoms are not too big for indian men.indian men are too small for pls dont blame condoms.a dont know what i just just said but a thousand apologies.pls dont refer to my physical state of mind.
size does not matter india are highly populated contry in the world.
indians dohave small dicks , where as pakistanis dont ps northamptonian i'll name you azn athletes amir khan, naseem hamed and the best wrestler of all time the great gama, your commens are funny as from what ive seen its white women who love p4ki d1ck and offten have mentioned have small most white guys are, do you ever go out have you seen in clubs how many of other races go with pakistani men. we are bigger stronger more testostrone , bigger dicks better cars , more money, mate its you ppl who dont have mush going for them
you'r right bigbad p4ki,but size doesn't matter, it's how you do it. Maybe thisk f*ckn northamptonian doesn't know Manny Pacquiao? The Filipino boxer who assasins all this white european, american,mexican and black boxers? Maybe he doesn't know that the first ever crowned Miss Universe from Finland have been married to an Asian? Northamptonian also doesn't know that a former Miss Australia in the 90s also married an Asian? A Puerto Rican Miss Universe in the 90s also have a live-in partner with an Asian Actor? He does not even know that Billiards which these white races are claiming to be their game are dominated by Asians? Northampton even do not know maybe that Yao Ming is Chinese? haha,white women love to be f*cked by Asian men.. this is true.. hahaha .. You have big penis but you cannot satisfy your partner.. poor white men.
oh well
the best people to ask about this is indian girls. i have asked a few at work and most of them unfornatley for me as a indian male…told me generally indian men have small penis….the real reason i ask them was i fancied 2 of them who r exceptionally good looking and i am too..but they told me no as im indian…it so sad one indian girl invited me to watch her with her black partner who is 30 yrs older than her..i declined tat offer…but indian women have tiny vaginas to accomodate our small 5inch cocks! period
I just love how the Indians and Pakistanis are bashing eachother ๐
By the way, dal, you just advertised for us white guys to steal your women.