A fresh new initiative called CRDP has been launched by Pakistani Americans who want to help convince the US decision makers to aid in the demilitarization of Pakistani politics.
The Coalition For Restoration Of Democracy In Pakistan plans to hold rallies and discussion groups across the US to raise awareness to help bring democracy in Pakistan, they plan to reach out to Senators and House representatives in each State and congressional district and also engage the media, Human Right groups and other relevant professional organizations to bring this important issue in Pakistan to the forefront and hopefully help restore democracy in Pakistan
What surprises me is the fact despite all the warning sign emitting out of Pakistan, the US administration continues to give guarded statements half heartedly supporting Musharraf, requesting him to shed the his military uniform ‘aka his second skin‘ and then also ask him to conduct free and fair elections (!!!!).
The neo-con lobby is playing it carefully which can be seen in todays commentray published in the Wall Street Journal – titled The Musharraf Dilemma By Max Boot where he compares the present political situation in Pakistan to the one seen in Philippines back in the 80’s
Ronald Reagan confronted a crisis remarkably similar to this one 21 years ago involving another pro-American dictator in another strategically important country. Ferdinand Marcos had ruled the Philippines, home to two of America’s biggest overseas military bases, by martial law since 1972. He had loyally stood by the United States and fought against a communist insurgency, but his rule started to unravel when opposition leader Benigno Aquino returned to his homeland in 1983 and was assassinated on the tarmac.
Evidence pointed to conspiracy involving Gen. Fabian Ver, commander of the Philippine armed forces. But a three-judge panel acquitted Ver and 25 others, and Marcos promptly reinstated him. He then shamelessly stole the 1986 presidential election from Benigno’s widow, Corazon Aquino. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest. “People power” was supplemented by a rebellion within the Philippine armed forces. But Marcos still had the loyalty of much of the army, and was prepared to use it to hold onto power by force — unless the U.S. intervened.
….. The crisis came to a head on Sunday, Feb. 23, 1986, as Marcos was massing troops in Manila to crack down on the post-election protests. The top-level National Security Planning Group met that afternoon in the White House Situation Room to decide whether to continue backing him. Only White House chief of staff Don Regan offered any support for Marcos. The rest of the foreign-policy team said his day was done. The president was reluctantly won over. He authorized his friend, Sen. Paul Laxalt, to call Marcos and convey the message. By Tuesday, the dictator and his gaudy wife [an understatement] Imelda were on their way to exile aboard a U.S. Air Force jet.
…. There is no need for President Bush to call for his [Musharraf] ouster at this point, any more than Reagan called for Marcos’s ouster early on. What he should do — what Reagan did in the Philippines — is to insist that the constitutional process play itself out. That means that, if he wants U.S. aid to continue, Mr. Musharraf should give up either the presidency or his post as army chief and allow free elections in October that could be contested by all legitimate political parties.
It is statements like these that have over the past seven years legitimsed Musharraf’s rule, I hope the Americans realize there is little doubt that such a military dictatorship has only spelled doom for Pakistan but even for the vested US interest they have not accomplished much since a few years in the post-9/11 hype, there has been no resurfacing of Osama Bin Laden, no end to the Islamist Jihadist movements and Musharraf has continued to harbor a strong Anti-US sentiment for his own survival. A pleading thought from each Pakistani is that now is the best time to urge for the restoration of democracy in Pakistan unless the US wants to take unto itself the task of assassinating the yet another Pakistani General.
Coalition for Restoration of Democracy in Pakistan
4 responses to “Coalition For Restoration Of Democracy In Pakistan”
Democracy is a sham as long as there is no proper underlying system and honest politicians to support it. It seems Pakistanis best respond to the “danda” and for that, a dictator is necessary.
I strongly oppose the statements by various people that democracy will solve every problem. I can assure you it won’t! Indeed, it will increase problems.
I am sure BB and Ganja have their eyes set on the approx. 14 billion dollars of reserves lying in the treasury.
Asad – I will agree that people have lost hope on the democratic system specially with the tenures served up by Ganja and BB – both were a disgrace. I too cannot say that I have any hope of a better tomorrow specially when I see Ganja and BB dancing in anticipation on the sidelines. but what I feel that at least they were accountable. a few years of tyranny spelt disaster for each – its far better then the Musharraf seven year rule – Despite the riches of these seven years the Army still needed an 11% increase in the new budget.
Army uses force to stay in power while a democratic ruler needs to scramble for support form the people – at least he/she is accountable. Thats an important difference. The people can make mistakes electing a certain leader five years and its Times Up.
The previously elected govt’s failed us, but you cannot accuse the democratic system for their actions as they system did hold them accountable, until Musharraf snuck in and forcibly stopped the process
Democracy with the help of America.
If I die due to this laughter fit,will anyone file the murder case against those DOLLAR grabbing PAK CLOWNS???
Before democracy becomes a success in Pakistan, there should be a minimum voter education standard. Maybe Matric or F.SC.
At least they can see the corruption and vote for someone else instead of uneducated people who keep putting the ‘thappa’ on the same leader for generations.