Barak Obama in a speech on Wednesday, announced to the American voters that once elected as the President of United States of America he will adopt a get-tough policy on terrorism and will be determined to invade Pakistan if required to stop terrorism.
“There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.” – US Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama
As a citizen of a sovereign nation, of Pakistan, I feel this strong statement even from an unelected leader is a true expression of the American mindset, it seems they have no respect for the people of any country and approve of all types killings of even more innocent people around the world just in revenge to help heal the painful wounds of 9/11. One has to learn for the history and try to understand that waging a war around the world only goes to damage the American credibility and these actions will only continue to create a larger block of Anti-US supporters. Over the six years the Americans have waged a war in Afghanistan, then walked into Iraq and are after getting bored, plan for an outright attack on Pakistan, in pursuit of a ghost which evades them at every move.
The Pakistan trump card for Obama, does not represent human beings living across the world but merely represents a vote bank, and his feeble attempt to reinvigorate the highly criticized soft foreign policy, to show that he can also play the tough-cop bad-cop routine. The Americans howled and screamed when they lost 3000 innocent live on 9/11 but surprisingly no one cared to even bat an eyelash when 75,000 were killed in the revenge invasion of Iraq, the mathematics of this ‘An Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth’ philosophy is put to shame when we calculate the a ratio of 25:1, Iraqis killed for every American death on 9/11, (conservative estimates of Iraq with zero statistics available on the six year bombardment and invasion of Afghanistan). The elusive ghost has mystically disappeared from the confines of Iraq and Afghanistan and has now reappeared in some northern mountain region of Pakistan, Congratulations Pakistan you are next.
Someone has to logically understand the dilemma, if the American could not find and stop the terrorists ghost in Afghanistan, they never came close to finding anything in Iraq but hope to hit the jack pot in Pakistan, then I feel the odds of them finding anything is as good as playing a game of slots in Las Vegas which are close to a million is to one. There is something wrong somewhere and it apparently seems that despite devouring Pakistan, the ghost will still return to haunt them yet again, maybe its time to lead the American leadership down to a Psychologist, as its not normal to run after a non-existent ghost
Whatever happens, its important to tell the American people and Obama one simple message.
These sentiments are deep rooted patriotic emotions which can drive many people to do the craziest things imaginable. Iraqi patriotism already has you by the balls, you don’t want to mess with another highly emotional nation, we might prove to be far more difficult once united against an aggressor.
As for Obama, I can only pray that good sense prevails over the American voters and he never sees daylight beyond the primaries in November. Its time the American people bring forth a capable leader to lead the White House who can lead this dynamic nation from the hazardous waters of a post-9/11 era and maybe towards as path of recovery in an attempt to restore the goodwill which has been the hallmark of an American nation for a long time.
28 responses to “Obama: Pakistan Up Yours !!!”
Problem is that you belong to AWAM and your thinking doesn’t match with the rulers of Pakistan. How pakistan “reacted” on this statement is shameful itself.
Isn’t this what they already do? They’ve violated our sovereignty with two major strikes in the tribal regions, no? It’s all part of being their “close” ally and in the face of billions in aid, you would think there would be a precondition to not saying NO in such circumstances.
With all respect, i think Pakistani’s should care more about themselves than about the Americans & the whole world. The increasing fanaticism and intolerance in the country is eating away the country more than anything else. It’s better that we clean our messed up house first, before telling other nations what to do.
What about we take action against mullahs like Dr.Israr who justify Qital, and suicide bombings openly in public, giving weired reasons for it.
Fully agreed, Awab.
i agree as well doc.
“Someone has to logically understand the dilemma, if the American could not find and stop the terrorists ghost in Afghanistan, they never came close to finding anything in Iraq but hope to hit the jack pot in Pakistan, then I feel the odds of them finding anything is as good as playing a game of slots in Las Vegas which are close to a million is to one. …”
Obama reads post and thinks…
Lets see… 75,000 killed, 925,000 to go before we hit Osama. The odds are getting better!
Please remove photo of Bastared obama because we
do not want to see this BASTERED.
IF you see the face of OBAMA bastared it is just like shaved pussy of her mother.
HA HA HA HA Tairee ran noo khothay upper bethawangay.behen cuode kay bacchay.
sorry sorry
Concerned Pakistani
What is the mess you are talking about? Is it the same mess the Kuffar are talking about?
Well dude then you have to Be Rushdie, karzai or Musharraf. They don’t want any thing less than that.
It would be a worthy effort if you can find their difinition of ‘Terrorist’. They term any Muslim as Terrorist who has high regards for the ‘Omar bin Khattab’ and his khilafah.
Control yourself Mr. Faiz.
I think Obama’s statement is more of a soundbyte, but if actually implemented has the potential to create instability in Bangladesh and India. So this can also be seen as a threat to the stability of entire South Asian region.
The funny thing is that no matter how many times the Americans are reminded, they fail to understand that the pump for the terror tap lies in America itself.
It was the American’s who funded these jihadis for their short term interests; now it’s hurting them.
It’s the same Americans who are now supporting a dictator based on shaky foundations. this is going to cost them to.
Another thing is that Obama is not the first one who’s made this kind of a statement. I remember a bigshot in the US Army also made a similar remark.
What’s worth pondering is that how can the Americans afford to make these statements. To understand that we have to analyze what the Americans have to lose if Pakistan becomes unstable(I don’t buy the nuclear weapons falling into hands of jihadis argument)
Would an unstable Pakistan give Americans increased access to the South Asian region? Or probably better grip of ‘pipeline politics’?
The location of Pakistan gives the country an enviable geopolitical advantage. An easy way to realize this would be to have a look at the energy pipelines. Do read Ayesha’s article on the same.
I think it would be in the interests of Pakistan to position itself in such a way that an unstable Pakistan would hurt Americans in both the long term and short term.
How it goes about doing that is another story altogether.
I’m sick of this mentality of blaming all our ills on other people. That’s what majority of Mullah’s have to say. Everything is a conspiracy against Islam, every ill in our country is an American/Zionist design.
I agree with Dr. Awab on this issue regarding standing up for Pakistan. But my major point is that, if we care less about what others do, and more try to fix our own ill’s, it would be much much better off.
If you think that my definition of terrorist is wrong then may God help you. If you think people doing suicide attacks (forbidden in Islam), doing sectarian violence, Sunni killing Shia, Shia killing Sunni are not terrorist then please tell me what they are, Islam’s Holy warrior’s ? Mujahideens?
West has some bias against Islam. But muslims are themselves to be blamed for this. Problem with majority muslim world is that they love pointing fingers at everyone, but hate to see their inside.
Obama or anyone for that matter cannot dare say such things if we are a stronger nation. So that is why, i believe that fixing our own problems will make external problems disappear automatically.
@ Concerned Pakistani:
You make some really valid points. I, too, believe that a strenghtened Pakistani civil society and a democratically elected government would substantially bolser Pakistan as a nation. Yet Obama’s remkars are of the sort of dangerous ideas floating around in the DC think tank sphere (see e.g. the Carnegie Endowment’s report on putting pressure on Musharraf).
Concerned Pakistani,
I don’t think Mullahs blame every thing on others, if this was the case then I wouldn’t be hearing them preaching for ‘Huqooq-ul-ibaad’ and rights of neighbors and rights of families and friends.
It seems a favourite past-time of our secularists. Just blame it on the Mullahs.
These people have developed kind-of-hatered against Islam. Just say the word ‘Islam’ to them and they would puke.
Either you are naive or plain stupid that you don’t know whats going on around the world.
If blaming others is so “Mullahism” then Hugo Chavez must be another Mullah and Castro would be another.
Looking at the history of Pakistan..Mullahs have never been in power at all
– Were it Mullahs who killed Liaqat Ali Khan?
– Were it Mullahs who were responsible for seperation of East Pakistan into Bangladesh
– Were it Mullahs who were responsible for carnage of Qasba, Paka Qila
– Were it Mullahs who killed Hakeem Saeed?
– Were it Mullahs who ran the 12 May carnage?
You take Islam out of the idealogy of Pakistan and you take out the reason for its existance.
Mark obama is to late to say these words I belong to those mountain areas and america is already booming those mountains. and what is the reaction of our goverment? they simply that they our planes booming the areas. but people are not fools they do know the difference between pakistan and american B-52’s.
If your country’s military can’t secure it’s borders with Afghanistan, why not let a precise military strike take out an international symbol of terrorism?
Obama fear Osama
If you read Obama’s words carefully, he is saying if Musharaf does not take action, only then he will. And Musharaf is constantly asking US to guide him the location with all the modern intelligence available to US. So the question of US intervention does not arise, as Musharraf himself is ready to take action. Frankly speaking, Obama has put in clear words what perhaps all other US Presidential contenders would do if elected, but are not saying it. If intelligence reports confirm and any US President doesnot take action then he knows for sure his political career is lost for ever.
i think obama is right!! if pakistan does have terrorists up there and if the pakistani president do not help the us in capturing those terrorists then he will have to do wat any president would do.
Eric.. if ur army don’t safe ur life and property inside ur country then what r u looking in other world just save ur ass in ur country first…..then think about other world…
Mr.human. did u think americans are the only living humanz in this world. pardon me u r wrong. and as well Pakistan’s help concern u got our best help.know. u havent found any terrorist in ariq noor in afghanistan but took 75,000 lives taking revenge of nothing from invasion of Iraq. and alot more from afghanistan. u bloody murdererz. if u think we are just like piece of cack for u then u r wrong. we will hunt you if u took mistak of attocking Pakistan just like ussr. this is my promis….
…and the sad thing is that the Pakistani Government has never responded to any of these statements boldly! Why cant they tell the international media about the amount of ‘chamachagiri’ Musharaf has done in the last 9 years?
I think its all a set up. Its all been laid out neatley by Bush. Since Gerogy boy can’t get anymore votes he has set up someone else to do the work he can’t do anymore. Have you ever thought about how since bush has come to power there been nothing but WAR. The other thing is Obama is Black, nealy all the black people are going to vote for him just based on his coulour Fuck his speech they are just want a black president and what a good time to do it. I really hope he does not come to power. I’d rather personally assinate him myself is he even buys a ticket to pakistan. The other thins is mushraf gas done all this Emergence bull shit on purpose just so he can have an open window for america to use.
How many of you guyz kno tht america has less than 3 years worth of oil left before they were going to be in a crisis
sOZ about spelling lol well here are the mispelt words
is – if
thins – thing
Emergence – Emergency
1 more thing how many times has america used the excuse “oh al qadea forces are in such and such country. They have used it on irag , iran, afganistan now Pakistan what the Fuck its all a set up there after all the major muslim countries. Did you know america spent $400 million dollars on a early warning missiles system lol. As soon as one is deployed out come the F16’S or Raptors which ever one’s are new now
Agreed. the world trade attack was a set up by the american govt (this has been proven now), the iraq war was waged because of weapons of mass destruction (none have been found yet), afghanistan was attacked to find osama ( not found yet, in fact the ladin family seem to have vey close ties with the bsuh family).. now Pakistan?? dont even think of it…