Reporters San Frontier (RSF) has just published a press release urging the UAE government tot revers the decision where they buckled under the pressure of General Musharraf to block the TV stations of Geo and ARY
Dubai urged to reverse decision, taken under pressure from Musharraf, to suspend broadcasting by two Pakistani TV stations
Reporters Without Borders is shocked by the complete interruption in Dubai of the broadcasts of two Pakistani TV stations, Geo News and Ary One World, which have offices in Dubai. Geo News said the decision was preceded by constant pressure on the Dubai authorities from President Pervez Musharraf. The press freedom organisation calls on the emir of Dubai not to bow to the pressure and to allow the two station to resume broadcasting.
“Pressure by Gen. Musharraf, a notorious press freedom predator, on the Dubai authorities constitutes outrageous interference,” Reporters Without Borders said. “Not content with silencing Geo TV and Ary One in Pakistan, he has gone so far as to get a foreign government to suspend the two stations. We urge the emir of Dubai, in the name of press freedom and free enterprise, to rescind this decision at once. We also extend our support to the staff of the two stations.”
Satellite reception of Geo News and Ary One World was terminated at 1 a.m. today in Dubai after the authorities effectively forbid the stations to broadcast. Hamid Mir of Geo News told Reporters Without Borders that, late yesterday, the emirate’s authorities gave the station two hours to stop broadcasting, without offering any explanation.
The staff of both stations blame the action of Dubai’s authorities on President Musharraf, who has been pressuring the government to do this since declaring a state of emergency in Pakistan on 3 November.