Today the final petition against Pervaiz Mushrraf was set aside and dismissed by the newly appointed Supreme Court (Sham Court) bench headed by Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Dogar. In a decision which was practically predicted since the bench threw out the earlier four case on a technicality the sixth case was also ceremoniously thrown out of contention paving the way for Musharraf to ascend the thrown of his second term as President of Pakistan.
The fifth case which was filed on behalf of the Peoples Party was withdrawn by Benazir Bhutto on November 19th as she did not want to oppose the Presidents bid for reelection. God Bless Pakistan …maybe its too late now
5 responses to “Update @ 1301: Sham Courts (SC) Dismiss the final Petition against Musharraf”
Oh what a surprise 🙂 Is it true about the four cases dismissed on a technicality: the technicality was that the lawyers, deeming the court illegal, did not show up? I do know it is true that Amin Fahim’s petition was withdrawn by his lawyer giving the same reason but yet finding it legal enough to file for withdrawal. So wasn’t PPP playing both sides again???
Hi nota. See Pakistan Court Dismisses Challenges to Musharraf Re-election, Barry Newhouse, VOA, Nov. 19, 2007, with audio, for what Pakistani journalists were forbidden by the judges to report and for Justice (r) Wajihuddin Ahmed’s explanations. Excerpt:
(…)Pakistani Attorney General Malik Qayyum told television interviewers Monday the decision was based on a legal technicality.
He says the petitioners’ lawyers explained that they did not have instructions from their clients on how to proceed with the case and so the cases were dismissed.
One of the main petitioners in the case, Wajihuddin Ahmed, says this is not true.
“My lawyer informed them that he did not recognize them as the Supreme Court. There is no Supreme Court now and therefore our case cannot be proceeded with. It is wrong.”
Pakistani journalists who were in the courtroom reported that when Ahmed’s lawyer told the judges that his client did not recognize their authority, they threatened him with contempt of court.
The journalists said the lawyer was then given a choice of proceeding with the case and facing contempt charges or informing the court that he could not proceed because he did not have proper instructions from his client.
The other claimants faced similar procedural choices and dropped their challenges.
Journalists said the judges forbid them from reporting that the claimants argued that they did not recognize the court’s authority. (…)
PS As I tag things about the emergency “crisispk”, I can find cross-references quickly. But I am even more baffled than you by PPP’s “strategy”. However I will be back in two days: Nawaz Sharif, Daily Times, Nov. 22, 2007: “…Nawaz said he had failed in a telephone conversation with Pakistan Peoples Party Chairwoman Benazir Bhutto on Wednesday to convince her to boycott the polls…” seems to confirm that PPP is indeed playing both sides again – if it ever stopped.
Claude Almansi:
Thanks a million for clearing it up. I was really disappointed with most media as almost all had headlines like “Pakistan Supreme Court upholds Musharraf’s re-election” with no details as to what really happened. Them calling it a “Court” is another disgrace. Regards!