Received via the Association of Pakistani Professional network
Dear Consul General of Pakistan,
Thank you for your invitation to attend a briefing and dinner on November 29th, 2007. Our understanding is that the representatives of the current government in Pakistan will be present in this briefing. Considering the representation of a regime which has trampled the constitution, sacked the judiciary, censored the media and public opinion, we believe that our presence in such a gathering will erroneously augur our support for the above unconstitutional actions. We regret to inform you that we will not be the participants of such a gathering.
With regards,
Dr. Abdul Majeed
Doctors for Democracy and Justice
The original invitation is as follows
Mr. Mohsin Razi
Consul General of Pakistan
requests the pleasure of the company of
Dr Abdul Majeed
at a Briefing and Dinner,
on Thursday, 29th November 2007 at 7.00 p.m.
at Pakistan Consulate,
12 East, 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
(Between Madison and Fifth Avenues)
Tele: 212 472 4339
Brings a simile on my face, Thank You Dr. Majeed, it is these small contributions that will make a difference, no longer will we take it lying down, after all we are PAKISTAN
3 responses to “Doctors for Democracy refused to meet visiting ‘Special Envoys’ at NY Consulate”
Bravo Dr. Abdul Majeed. After the shameful kowtowing and statements of PakPac (which is a lobbying organization funded by many Pakistani doctors) I am heartened that the many doctors supportive of a rule of law and constituional democracy in Pakistan are making their voices heard. Thank you.
greeting from karachi.
we all as PAKISTANIS are very proud of such brave peoples.