Chaudhry’s selling their assets – in Preparations ….?

Chaudhry brothersAAJ TV reports that the Chaudhry brothers, the movers and shakers of PML-Q since the past five years and a political ally of Pervaiz Musharraf are selling their assets in Pakistan and transferring their accumulated wealth to foreign lands. AAJ has received this privy information from sources very close to the Chaudhry Shujaat and Chaudhry Pervaiz Ellahi. They have reportedly liquidated a very major chunk of their family heritage and have subsequently transferred the income to some European destinations

Its not surprising that all rulers that come into this country amass a large amount of wealth and once they have a falling our with the people they choose to run towards a self enforced exile along with all their ill begotten wealth. I suspect since the past few days both the Chaudhry Borthers have now had a falling out with the king and are gearing up for a quick exit. This is nothing new for Pakistan, and people like Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto and more recently Shaukat Aziz (rumored to be in London) all have fled the country on one pretext or another.

News Report in Urdu on AAJ Tv

چوہدری برادران نے اپنا سرمایہ بیرون ممالک منتقل کر دیا

اسلام آباد .. خبررساں ادارے کے مطابق مسلم لیگ (ق) کے چوہدری برادران کے انتہائی قریبی ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ چوہدری شجاعت اور پرویز الہی ملک کی غیر یقینی صورتحال کی پیش نظر اپنا سرمایا بیرون ممالک منتقل کر رہے ہیں جبکہ چوہدری برادران نے اپنی خاندانی جائیداد کا ایک بڑا حصہ فروخت کر دیا ہے اور وہ یورپی ممالک میں سرمایہ کاری کر رہے ہیں ۔

چوہدری برادران نے یورپی ملک اسپین میں ایک کاؤنٹی تعمیر کی ہے جہاں پر مکانات تعمیر کر کے فروخت اور کرائے پر دیئے جاتے ہیں ۔خبررساں ادارے کے مطابق چوہدری برادران اپنے صنعتی یونٹس کے خریداروں کو بینکوں سے قرضے بھی دلوا رہے ہیں ۔یاد رہے کہ چوہدری شجاعت حسین کے والد چوہدری ظہور الہٰی نے سیاست اور کاروبار میں ایک خاص مقام حاصل کیا تھا اور انھوں نے ایک انڈسٹریل ایمپائر بھی کھڑی کی اور وہ اپنی زندگی کے آخری وقت تک ان میں اضافے کی کوشش کرتے رہے تاہم اب ان کی جانب سے صنعتی یونٹس کی فروخت قابل تشویش ہے جبکہ یہ صنعتی یونٹس مسلسل منافع میں جا رہے ہیں اور اتنا منافع دیگر ممالک میں کی گئی سرمایہ کاری میں ممکن نہیں ہے



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5 responses to “Chaudhry’s selling their assets – in Preparations ….?”

  1. Silence Avatar

    Rs. 300 Billion (US $ 3 Billion) loans of Chaudhry’s were written off by present government in last couple of years according to reports submitted before national assembly.

    Apart from this according to the NAB official who were investigating Sugur Scandal reported that Shujat was one of the biggest fishes.

    They would have already transfered this money and what is left now would not be able to cover outstanding loans.

    Thanks to Musharaf who promised to bring accountabilty and talks shamelessly on TV shows pretending to be MR Clean.

  2. :-/ Avatar

    I think this news is kinda old innit?

    Remember reading this little while ago dont remember that date correctly . .

  3. NAZIA Avatar

    Chaudaries are not real criminals the real gangster is our general shaib who intentialy fed the snakes for his protection.Mr mussarf openely gave free hand to chaudries like politicians and when CJP iftikhar tried to stop them thru legal way ,he locked judiciary in their homes and let all corrupt politicans to rule the poor nation.So our criminal is Mr syed pervaiz mussarf who has misused his power bestowed to him by almighty allah for helping poor people of Pakistan .

  4. nota Avatar

    I heard the same some months back and even back then they had sold most of their assets. But even if they leave you know they will be back through some deal sooner or later. For exapmple see Hashwani. I hear he has run away at every change of government (BB, Nawaz, Musharraf) as a wanted man but after a little while he comes back as the best buddy of the person in power….

  5. Bashir Nadeem Avatar
    Bashir Nadeem

    Where is the Life we have lost in living?
    Where is the Living we have lost in Faith?
    Where is the Faith we have lost in wisdom?
    Where is the Wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
    Where is the Knowledge we have lost in information?

    Where is the Justice we have lost in rule?
    Where is the Rule we have lost in law?
    Where is the Law we have lost in authority?
    Where is the Authority we have lost in morality?
    Where is the Morality we have lost in norms?

    Where is the Peace we have lost in security?
    Where is the Security we have lost in defense?
    Where is the Defense we have lost in strength?
    Where is the Strength we have lost in unity?
    Where is the Unity we have lost in discipline?

    Where is the Prosperity we have lost in resources-mgmt?
    Where is the Resources-mgmt we have lost in governance?
    Where is the Governance we have lost in democracy?
    Where is the Democracy we have lost in people?
    Where is the People we have lost in Pakistan?

    Written by: Bashir Nadeem, Islamabad.