Downing Street Protest – Pictures

Pictures of the Anti-Musharraf protest on Downing Street, London – Credit PkPolitics & BBC Urdu Pictures



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17 responses to “Downing Street Protest – Pictures”

  1. Red aRRo Avatar
    Red aRRo

    What a shameful display by these uneducated and uncouth Pakistani ex-pats. They need to learn some manners. Truly disgusting.

  2. Mutazalzaluzzaman Tarar Avatar
    Mutazalzaluzzaman Tarar

    Red aRRO, the only one uneducated and uncouth here is you. You need to learn some manners.

    Great post, Doctor sahib.

  3. Red aRRow Avatar
    Red aRRow

    Tarar jee….what’s the matter? your also on the payroll of the PPP or PTI like these illiterates in the pics?

  4. Mutazalzaluzzaman Tarar Avatar
    Mutazalzaluzzaman Tarar

    Red aRRow jee, are you on the payroll of PML-Q (the party of imbeciles and lotas) or Mutahhida Qatil Movement (the party of murderers, badmaashes and terrorists)?

  5. Gabbar Avatar

    Poor Red Arrow does not know any ground realities …

    Check the following links:

    1- Educated Law degree holding lawyers protesting in Pakistan:

    2- Students Protesting in largest Education institute in Pakistan – the protest it lead by educationists:


  6. Red aRRow Avatar
    Red aRRow

    @Tarar: Well no. I try to stay away from political parties and affiliations. My point here was that this display of writing an expletive on a huge banner and displaying it in a foreign country against your country’s President reflects badly on the mental calibre of the people protesting. Just like your random accusations about me being uncouth and illiterate reflect badly on your mental state.

    @Gabbar: I’m sorry but this whole ‘civil society’ and ‘lawyer movement’ is politically motivated and has worked to undermine our growing economic strength and in creating chaos.

  7. d0ct0r Avatar

    Red aRRow ever read history? how our previous dictators were hounded out of power by similar slogans.. our previous dictators had lil bit of self respect and dignity left and they left the corridors of power after getting the hint(Ayub) but i guess this dictator is too stubborn and waiting for a similar fate just like that of Gen Zia..

  8. Red aRRow Avatar
    Red aRRow

    d0ct0r wishing death on someone is not considered to be a very civilized thing in any society. I am quite well versed with our history and know quite well how the Pakistanis are their own worst enemy. They always hound out the one who does the most for them. What they are happy with and respect is the feudal/don/despot who rules over them with an iron fist and then goes to a foreign land to enjoy the looted wealth of the citizens. That is what they respect. So what I am saying is that all of our politicians are rotten and corrupt. We have to support any person who actually does something for the country rather than just loot it and eat it. And all the facts from the last 20 years of our history make me support Musharraf all that much more.


    Anyways I’m outta here. I hope you guys can use your own analytical powers to see the ground realities and the options we have and then make up your minds instead of getting carried away on empty slogans and media fed notions of ‘democracy’.

  9. zakoota Avatar

    Its strange rather disgusting to see people still support Mush!

    Great effort by Londoners, keep it up! word ‘kutta’ suits so much with Mushy…….:)

  10. Sharuk Avatar

    “Strong and Bitter Words Indicate a Weak Cause!”

  11. asa Avatar

    don’t insult kutta by associate with Mush 🙂

  12. MALIK AMAN Avatar

    Well there r ways to express ur anger and hatered towards others but not like this come on guys i would have loved if those people had carried PAKISTANI flags instead of ppp flag but as it showed that they were ppp not ordinary pakistanis so a shame on them and one thing more they had wirtten “kutta” good thing the british will not understand what is that.
    i hate all those political parties who have there own flags if u can not unite under one flag than forget abt understanding each other well redarrow is right insome sense ,do ur protest but within a limit , they used words which clearly showed they were uneducated or brain washed. when u hate some one and u say to them like f..k or ahole or like some urdu gali like kutha or shows that u are the one who is full of this crap. not the person that u are reffering to use words that make sense like leave my country alone , go to hell mussharaf or like free us …u make ur own and think.
    just becoz we hate mussharaf we can not justify the people who r doing wrong and damaging our image

  13. MALIK AMAN Avatar

    i am very happy to see that there r still people like sharuk and redarrow who think outside the bubble.

  14. Abdullah Avatar

    As salaam o alaiqum guys,

    I was present at the rally at Downing street yesterday. I have to say, as an ordinary Pakistani without any affiliation with any political party I was quite shocked at the display of people claiming love for Pakistan. There were two rallies side by side. One pro-Mush and the other anti-Mush. It was quite odd to see that NONE of the anti-Mush people had any Pakistani flags. Rather they were chanting the most venomous slogans and swearing like hell. Its a good thing that none of the gooras and countless tourists passing by understood any Urdu.

    On the other hand, quite suprisingly, on the pro-Mush side, there were ONLY Pakistan flags and the vast majority of slogans were about Pakistan. All these guys could say was “Pakistan zindabad!” or some variation thereof. I was quite plesantly suprised and shocked by this. I walked into the pro-Mush side and started asking around and, believe you me, I couldn’t find a SINGLE person from the PML-Q. These were just ordinary Pakistanis.

    Anyways, what I narrate above is an honest account of what I witnessed with my own eyes. I must say, I can’t but help to be impressed by the patriotism of the Mush supporters.

    As for the Mush-oppsition, well, I think their actions are reflective of the character of their corrupt leaders. How much more 10% is the nation prepared to give to the thief and his family (Zardari)?

    Pakistan Zindabad!

  15. d0ct0r Avatar

    Red aRRow wishing death hmmm… are you talking about the same dictator who on 12th may had audacity to say that we’ve shown our power on streets of karachi,where his mates from MQM butchered 50+ innocent karachiite…. or the one who threatened baluchi people “this time you won’t even know what hit you” or are you talking about the dictator who is busy killing pakistanis left right n center like pests..

  16. MALIK AMAN Avatar

    Doctooor who is saying that mush is a good person or his policies r perfect every body has his negative sides so does he . he thinks he can controll it all this is where he gets himself wrong but thumbs up for him for atleast carying these issues these thing had to happen but unfortunately they happened at a bad time.
    i was very happy when he came to power and started doing all the good stuff but like all, power corrupts a person and his path is diverted to.
    but lest not forget and hope for the best.

  17. d0ct0r Avatar

    yea we’re hoping for the best minus the dictator…..