Breaking news-
Bomb blast has taken place in a plaza near the GHQ in Rawalpindi.
8 people reported killed as yet. Surgeon General Mushtaq Baig one of those confirmed dead.
I condemn this suicide attack and pray for the innocent departed
38 responses to “Rawalpindi blast kills Lt. General”
I am very upset at the death of theSurgeon General. Unfortunately the armed forces personnel are being targeted for some time which is mainly because of the fact the military has lost its respect in the eyes of the people. The army has become a political force and Musharraf has thoroughly discredited this institution. He has politicised the military enormously and the result is obvious.
Gen Kayani has started taking actions to restore the credibility of the institution. But so far Mush remains around, these unfortunate incidents will continue to happen from time to time.
Let the civilian government take their rightful place and restore democratic institutions and the judiciary.
Let us see what does the Fire Brigade does this time to the place of crime where General was killed today. Are they going to cordon off the area or going to hose down the whole area as they did immediately after the assassination of Mohatrma Benazir Bhutto in Rawalpindi. They also hosed down the site of crime in Karachi where her procession was bombed leaving no any trace of forensic evidence behind.
prays to those who died .
have said that “A pakistani was killed today by a terrorist ” why dont we accept this fact that a pakistani was killed by a terrorist why do we have to say that he was a soldier or a civilian doen’t any one can see that our nation is been destroyed by indian and isralies which are helping the arabs and local taliban.
The General who is killed seems to be very religious. It shows the suicidal has strong grudge on army and no one is specifically targeted. Musharaf Sahab Khuda kay lyaay leave us …. Please … ITS ENOUGH!!
I pray God give strength to the victims family to bear the incident.
(looking forward to a huge long march to show musharaf how much he is disliked in pakistan)
my brother was there at nadra office today he went there to change his overseas pakistani card into urdu and he merely escaped .
if anything would have happened to him today i would have myself take a gun and would kill all the terrorist in the tribal areas even if that would have resulted in my death .
thats why i beg all of you to aleast support the army so that it could wipe out all these terrorist.
i repeat plz dont tell me that the person who conducted the suicde attact was a pakistani becoz clearly his is not and all religious or fundamental people like him should be killed.
sorry for been emotional but today i know who it feels when ur close one gets hurt long live the Army long live Pakistan
Hi there
I live in Rawalpindi near the sucidal area, The unctrolled media's fault that people of Pakistan are against the Great Pakistan Army. Ir has fought over the borders and with in the borders. The politicians are taking advantage of such situations in Pakistan. General Musharaff should go "Mani" Y should he go coz of all the development he has done 1st time in my life i have seen so much Infrastructure building in Pakistan more over traffic situations improvement basic pay scale rising and also literacy rate….. we are blind… Blind after a 21" colour TV which gives us what it is paid for…. We should realize what we are and where we Stand rather then thinking we are ruled by Army… what has ever the politicians given us nothing…. i would support "malik aman" what the hell are we doing criicing our own country…..
Do u guys remember a bomb blast in a Bus near Qasim Market, Askari XI rawalpindi at 7am that incident took place only 6 meters a head of me two eye witness me and the other middle aged man were there no one else. we helped the victoms untill rescue arrived i personally took 8 people in my car two times…… that was the moment i can never forget my car was damaged little it was a sucide bomb. In the evening when i came back from uni i heard the news saying " there was a family with little kids in Suzuki Fx, a car which was the first victom of the attack," however on the spot me and that middle aged saw only one man in the car who wasnt injured but was mentally upst due to the blast.. so Geo news were lying why were they just to get more money they betrayed 17 crore Pakistani i asked Y????? R they least concerned with the incident that recently took place…… we need to think and save our country from the Bastards
I pray God give strength to the victims family to bear the incident
I would like to share another portion of Such event in the tribal area shootings Pakistan Army killed many Muslims but hang on were they really Muslims…. a friend of mine Doctor told me that they were not even had "sunaatein" Sunateein is only performed by Muslims, an extra skin of the Penius of Muslims is cut off after Birth which protects from many diseases anyways my point is so are we fighting with Muslims No we are not we just need to relax and trust on opur soldiers who are only paying for their oath taken duringcommision "to protect Pakistan regardless of their lives"
Sorry if i went emotional my sympothies are with the families effected may God give them strength & the for the victoms may there souls rest in heaven
On Fahad Rafique:
We have done so much development that we are facing extreme financial crises :)… seems they have invested everything…and puinjab govt dint have money to pay the goverment servents and they took loan from banks on 17%…cheeeersss…
You know what … Mush says shaukat aziz is the right person to bring country back on the track…but what he has done and the way he has escaped.. is in front of every one.. PTCL which has a revenue of 1 billion rupees yearly was saled out for worth less then this… Open your eyes and please dont tell me we have a progressing pakistan under his tyranical regime. if you still does not convince ..please meet Amina masood, wife of one of the missing person in pakistan. Mush has the most corrupt persons in his cabinet and without and doubt i know u will also agree. the worst democracy is better then best dictatorship.
I strongly condemn the pindi blast.. I understand this might have done by indian agencies… but the point is you cant wage a war inside your own country … first dissolve the terrorist backbone by diplomatic terms.. snatching their peoples.. …and then do operation..else welcome to the bloody arena
Well do you really… ask the families of missing persons… ask the Bangla Deshis whose familes were killed and raped by this same army in the name of patriotism…
And do you think an Indian or an Israeli would throw away his life just to create havoc here – or does such an action require extreme hatred, a sense of helplessness and irrationality – a personal vendetta which you yourself have expressed in case God forbid something had happened to your brother… and are you sure that this is exactly what may not have happened here, maybe something did happen to someone's brother, sister or mother…and this was the irrational consequence…
Your comment itself explains exactly the actual issue at hand…
It is not the pakistan army, it is the generals who should review their behaviour in case they want this inhuman hatred not to spread…
Karey koee, bharey koeee!!!
Inna lillahi Waa Innaa Ilaihee Rajion.
Why would our good ones pay the price of misdeeds of MUSH and the gang.
Not only should MUSH be impeached but the corrupt Generals should face the courts too. They are not above the law….. but who would impeach them? Zardari??? our new born hero…hhhhhhhhhh
Innaa lillahi waa Innaa ilahiee Rajion
Every night I hope for a new morning sun,
When I get up, comes the mourning sun,
now pk army will controll pakistan through politicians .peopole can not escape from army. they killed bhutto, benazir for this purpoe.
all credit goes to zia in jehunum.
WEll i am not saying that indian and isralies killing themseleves in sucide attacks i was making a piont that they are funding and brainwashing the young arabs and tribals men
As-Salamu Alaykum,
Fahd Rafiq,
Well done brother, your information is indeed true !!!!!!
I think it is time to nip the evil in the bud.Those who are funding and training these mad men must be destroyed.Certainly they are not Israelis or Indians because no true Islamic terrorist bomber or his equally deluded handlers would take Hindu or Jewish money.
There leaders enjoyed power and wealth and sat in our highest bodies-till the people voted them out in the last elections.It is time the army and Musharaf really went after them.
Hi frends its a mixed reply to all
guys we all know what is the income source of our madrasaas(islamic school). Zaqat, Sadkaat… now if anyone has ever been to the backward areas of Pakistan… poor people were so much illetrate that even today people of Skardu/gilgit put there babies in the dungs of Cows mixed with horses and pure soil…. they believe that human body is then attacked wqith maximum germs and develop immunity… just realize the backwardness… so if a madrisaa is operating there by Indians or Jews dont you think they can brainwash any muslim……
We all are muslims we all now our religion & terrorism how far our religion has marked us from killing another muslim… if we have went through that waqaya(story) wen hazrat umer or i dont remeber the person God forbid if i am wrong killed a man in war, before killing he said are u muslim the man was not but he was terrified and so he said yes I am but as they all new that he was hindu so they killed him when Prophet (pbuh) was told tears ran his eyes and he said k what u did was wrong even the man was terrified he did said he was muslim…..
the point is how come our muslims are killing other muslims without any hesitation IMPOSSIBLE there is a forign aid…
"…now if anyone has ever been to the backward areas of Pakistan… poor people were so much illetrate that even today people of Skardu/gilgit put there babies in the dungs of Cows mixed with horses and pure soil…. they believe that human body is then attacked wqith maximum germs and develop immunity…"
When have u seen it happening?
i would like to comment on a rape cases comment of bangalis
bro ok fine rape cases may be there but then back in 1971 who were we fighting with Bangalis and Indians dont u think indians can rape Bangalis only Pakistan Army…… think bro that is what brainwashing is… i may be too much on the side of Pak army
But apart from 1948,1965, kargil issue dnt forget its due to them we are where we are after 8th October the earthquake, where were the police it was your Corrupt army who manged the country then. People just helped by generating resources but who took the resources to the effected area the Corrupt Army. Ok fine our Army is corrupt but we are proud of it u know why coz Corruption is in every field its the output that matters
we can easily sit down in our homes with a cup of coffee in hand and speak going infront of the bullet and to the places where even the fear is scared to go….. we need to think
General Mushtaq HI(M),
he was an eye surgeon he was such a great man i personally knew him what was his fault just cause he was related to Pakistan Army….?
our country @ this time needs Danta invisible Danta u know why every Army Govt was hated for too much restrictions….Look at NAB how is it operating i knew some people in high places who are in deep problem with Nab activities may be i am wrong guys but write now we do need a leader who should force us to do whats good for the country it doesnt matter who is it General Musharaf or Mr. Asif Zardari (we all know about him hahahahahahaha)
so u r making a piont that a muslim can not kill another muslim so i have to guess that the sucide attacker was not a muslim and the genral who died was a muslim?
the version of islam that u explained is true but only to us those men in triabl areas r teached a version which inspires them to kill another muslim.
and one more thing about funding i will give u an example that if america gives me funds to kill an indian i will do it with pleasaure. because we think that they r our enimeies ( any how they r) same is the taught in the tribal men that amry is there enemy becoz the army is stopping them from jihad and u can kill any opne who stops u from jihad at least what they think
As-Salamu Alaykum,
Its time that everyone must know about those thugs whom our Army is fighting, those thugs which our Army is fighting are “Takfiris”
Use Google or Wikipedia to know more about this damn ideology which is in the Muslim Ummah.
Hello Friends,
wikipedia…. whose website is it…??? i have been trying to search it but am not very clear who owns this wikipedia….! actually search the term Kargil issue in wikipedia and then look at the facts not true facts ofcoarse we all know india was badly defeated on that point they were so much blocked by Pakistan Army that there 30000 men were no use over only 300-400 men but look at wikipedia what facts are they giving similarly Holy prophet cartoons are on that website anyway bro Wikipedia aint a trust worthy site specially for such serious issue
Wikipedia is an editable encyclopedia but I refered to both google or wikipedia.
one more thing that why these suicide bombers are funded by india and isreail becoz of the phrase" the enemy of my enemy is my friend"…
for more insight i suggest to watch a show that comes on sunday at 8:30 on TV1 its called BRASSTACKS hosted by zaid hameed. this guy is so clear abt who r these suicde bombers he clearly impressed me.
fahd rafiq, i have never heard such rubbish. You sound so unintelligent. Did you ever go to school?
Fahad rafique is indded right in every which way MUSHI is the only general and president who has saved us from the american attack but the people who were ruined by his legacy and he throwed them out because they robbed and looted the peoples money and assets such as THE YELLOW CAB TRAGEDY,SURREY MAHAL,RAI VIND,MINI MURREE AND ETC ETC PERVAIZ MUSHARRAF has fooled US now again he has made such a plan that americans would be biting their nails i swear?I strongly condemn the suicide attack but one more thing the black sheeps in the ARMY should also be treated under the law,try to spread peace by your messages and be positive,if you dislike a person and the other person likes him then i think we should respect each others choice
Fahad your approachj is a bit harsh and wordings are not not fair enough but your point of view is correct im with you.
Hey guys i wana share sumthing funny with u Rida is my Future wife I think she is the one i have just text her to enquire weather has she really sent that….? if she is dat was rude hunny I will sort u outr soon for that and u know i have done schooling dont u hehehehehehehe
All i would say to Ahsan Waseem Khan is i know bro my approach is harsh but sumthing shocks me that people really dont know the facts but just comment against the country…? Pakistanis the same nation a muslim community full of corruption, fraudulent actividies Y my question is Y dont we blame our selves for our bad deeds. Ask our parents how much sincere are they with our country??? how many times have we bribed the cop to let us go for challan blaming Army for nothing is like ………….. u know why we act that way coz we are told in media that General musharraf has done this and that who freed media that much General Musharaf did, U know beijing Olympics stuff and that there Torch was tried to be Extinguished several times but people back in China didnt knoew that cause the govt restricted their media to publish. So there country is in peace. why cant we join and make a community to stop the terrorisim no matter who is doing it we dont want it. we should get out of the habit of eating sumone elses cooked meal instead should prepare our own…….
Just answer my Question Every Government is Blamed during its tenure in Pakistan??????? WHY?
To Rida
then post ur commenrts and see how educated and schooled person you are???? coz i real like to find logics in everything give me against all…. i will accept it if i am wrong
Also in Jang akhbar a local couloumn writer a letter of sucide bomber was written u read that and you will find sumthing interesrting
hi hunny"every intelligent person knows that the army is corrupt, including mush. He killed bhutto.what more do you need?he wants the people of pakistan to think they need him,the unintelligent fall for it,while the more educated can think for themselves and do no need the media or akhbars to see say that Pakistanis the same nation a muslim community full of corruption, fraudulent actividies, but the army is also full of these same pakistanis who has grown up in the same country, drank the same paani and eaten the same roti. the only difference is that the have the power to force corruption so they abuse this power
i accept that corruption is also in Army but compare it with the corruption level in the civilian side…… ?General Musharraf may be corrupt but not as corrupt as the rest of the politician if he is building his palace he is also making Pakistan/ building Pakistan. so far no case of corruption or stealing of money has been logged on him what do u say to that????
what was the purpose of killing Bhutto????? do u think killing everyone would let General Musharaff become the prime minister….. study a bit more bout the politics you would know under certain condions Presidential powers are far more then a prime minister but President is not involved in the political movement….. like in US he doesnt even decide small things
what do u say about now that the Petrol prices are rising High Blame the new Government…..coz thats all we can do
I only Appriciate General Musharraf for fighting against terrorisim He has saved our country from two super powers India and America…. Our country is capable enough to fight India and also America we can defeat India if the war starts which both nations never want but u know America… its the super power……. he has done a gr8 Job on most occasions… Pakistan bcome US Allie I think before these attacks on Afghanistan so it was bound to act how it did acted….. Rida stop spiuiting on your own face try to think what you individually can do for your country for your name …….. it is easy to open up ur mouth and pass ur coments but to run a country is a bit tough job…..?
Blaming the govt was never the solution we have never been happy from our govt… what do u think Zardari saheb going to be good Primeminister…….. he took advantage of Madam Bhutto assasination maam bhutto was a gr8 leader i was quiet a kid when back she was primeminister but now she seemed pretty different she was the most threat to the countries who donot want Pakistan to progress….. We need educated politicians not the land lords to run the state
Why we cry of paying moree taxes you know y we pay tax on all comedaties and roads no develop countries does that…….? just coz to drag the money from the people who donot pay taxes i know poor people are also the victom of inflation but there is no other option is it……???? NAB was working good it liquidated many defaulters now people are against that department…….
Media was totally free this was how u Got knowledge study business you would know “How business works to attract customers” media is a business i think i mentioned earlier how are they working
During his states of emergency he(COAS) gave money to the Q league but that money ws utilized roads were constructed in many parts of the country Infra structur is the first step to the development of the nation….
I dont want to go back in History much but Lady health worker was also started by a general Zia or Ayub….
Generals have given a lot to Pakistan i am not saying that they are greatr all i am saying is that To spit on ur own face in such places is……………. i will leave that to you Maam… India is very poor but u only know when you are there in India watching there movies and documentaries it seems Govt is taking alot of care of there Govt….???? why cant we do anything Why its our nation not our Politicians we should support any good move to the prosperous regardless of the fact that how much is it effecting us?????
Oh Rida Gosh Do read it
"Bohat mehnat say likha hey Plz" hehehehehehe
we have to do what ataturk did…put maulvis in ship and drown it!!!! the exploitation in name of religion is just too much..they are brain washing innocent people..and problem is not just outsiders its within us…i remember a few years ago i started attending quranic classes and i was very disappointed…the lady conducting them had no idea about the true essence ofr religion and was focused entirely on what women should or should not wear…we have brought this on ourselves…living witrh hypocriciy and double standards…pakistani mentality has to undergo a drammatic change before anything else…
Ambreen, think Fahad Rafaiq is stupit,the problem is with him.He is stuck in the old traditions of life and needs to loosen up a bit.He boasts about knowing Gen. Mush, the poor boy is deluded.This boy who loves the army so much as left th country, sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Rida… who has left the country?