A few days back the Asian Human Rights Commission issued an urgent press release about a Pakistani, Dr. Afia Siddiqui, who has been missing from Pakistan for over four years, since 2003. Her kidnapping has since then been denied by both American and Pakistani governments but actually she has been suspected of being an operative of Al-Qaeda and has been on FBI’s wanted list. There is reason to believe that she is also one of the missing persons who had been ‘handed over’ to the Americans courtesy of Pervaiz Musharraf. Let us not forget that the missing persons case was a turning point in the history of Pakistan where Pervaiz Musharraf had a severe falling out with the then CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry who was investigating this case and probably stepped on a few toes definitely ended up rumbling a few skeleton locked within Musharraf’s treasure chest of hidden secrets
- Sign Asian Human Rights Commission’s Urgent letter of Appeal which will send an email to Bush, Karzai, Gilani, Farooq Naek & Rehman Malik
- Sign the online petition for her release
- Join Facebook groups to participate in digital activism to raise awareness here and here
- Spread the word by email & SMS to all your contacts so as to create more pressure
Dr. Afia Siddiqui left her mother’s house in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Sindh province, along with her three children, in a Metro-cab on March 30, 2003 to catch a flight for Rawalpindi, Punjab province, but never reached the airport. The press reports claimed that Dr. Afia had been picked-up by Pakistani intelligence agencies while on her way to the airport and initial reports suggested that she was handed over to the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). At the time of her arrest she was 30 years and the mother of three sons the oldest of which was four and the youngest only one month.
A few days later an American news channel, NBC, reported that Afia had been arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of facilitating money transfers for terror networks of Osama Bin Laden. The mother of the victim, Mrs. Ismat (who has since passed away) termed the NBC report absurd. She went on to say that Dr. Afia is a neurological scientist and has been living with her husband, Amjad, in the USA for several years.
On April 1, 2003, a small news item was published in an Urdu daily with reference to a press conference of the then Interior Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat. When questioned with regard to Dr. Afia’s arrest he denied that she had been arrested. This was followed by another Urdu daily article on April 2 regarding another press conference in which the same minister said Dr. Afia was connected to Al Qaeda and that she had not been arrested as she was absconding. He added: “You will be astonished to know about the activities of Dr. Afia” A Monthly English magazine of Karachi in a special coverage on Dr. Afia reported that one week after her disappearance, a plain clothed intelligence went to her mother’s house and warned her, “We know that you are connected to higher-ups but do not make an issue out of your daughter’s disappearance.” According to the report the mother was threatened her with ‘dire consequences’ if she made a fuss.
Whilst Dr. Afia’s whereabouts remain unknown, there are reports of a woman called ‘Prisoner 650’ is being detained in Afghanistan’s Bagram prison and that she has been tortured to the point where she has lost her mind. Britain’s Lord Nazeer Ahmed, (of the House of Lords), asked questions in the House about the condition of Prisoner 650 who, according to him is physically tortured and continuously raped by the officers at prison. Lord Nazeer has also submitted that Prisoner 650 has no separate toilet facilities and has to attend to her bathing and movements in full view of the other prisoners.
Also, on July 6, 2008 a British journalist, Yvonne Ridley, called for help for a Pakistani woman she believes has been held in isolation by the Americans in their Bagram detention centre in Afghanistan, for over four years. “I call her the ‘grey lady’ because she is almost a ghost, a spectre whose cries and screams continues to haunt those who heard her,” Ms Ridley said at a press conference.
Ms Ridley, who went to Pakistan to appeal for help, said the case came to her attention when she read the book, The Enemy Combatant, by a former Guantanamo detainee, Moazzam Begg. After being seized in February 2002 in Islamabad, Mr Begg was held in detention centres in Kandahar and Bagram for about a year before he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay. He recounted his experiences in the book after his release in 2005. Mr. Imran Khan, leader of Justice Party (T.I) suspects that prisoner 650 is the Dr. Afia Siddiqui and USA and Pakistani authorities are hiding facts of ‘Prisoner 650’.
To date, neither the American nor the Pakistani government have come out about the arrest and detention of Dr. Afia in either Bagram or Guantanamo Bay where suspected terrorists are held. On December 30, 2003 Dr. Fawzia Siddiqui, Dr. Afia’s elder sister met with Mr Faisal Saleh Hayat at Islamabad with Mr Ejazul Haq, MNA, regarding the whereabouts of Dr. Afiai. Mr Faisal told Dr. Fawzia and Mr Ejazul Haq that according to his information Dr. Afia Siddiqui had already been released and that she (Dr. Fawzia) should go home and wait for a phone call from her sister.
Dr. Afia Siddiqui, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, for about 10 years and did her PhD in genetics, returned to Pakistan in 2002. Having failed to get a suitable job, she again visited the US on a valid visa in February 2003 to search for a job and to submit an application to the US immigration authorities. She moved there freely and came back to Karachi by the end of February 2003 after renting a post office box in her name in Maryland for the receipt of her mail. It has been claimed by the FBI (Newsweek International, June 23, 2003, issue) that the box was hired for one Mr Majid Khan, an alleged member of Al Qaeda residing in Baltimore.
Throughout March 2003 flashes of the particulars of Dr. Afia were telecast with her photo on American TV channels and radios painting her as a dangerous Al Qaeda person needed by the FBI for interrogation. On learning of the FBI campaign against her she went underground in Karachi and remained so till her kidnapping. The June 23, 2003, issue of Newsweek International was exclusively devoted to Al Qaeda. The core of the issue was an article “Al Qaeda’s Network in America”. The article has three photographs of so-called Al Qaeda members – Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Dr. Afia Siddiqui and Ali S. Al Marri of Qatar who has studied in the US like Dr. Siddiqui and had long since returned to his homeland. In this article, which has been authored by eight journalists who had access to FBI records, the only charge leveled against Dr. Afia is that “she rented a post-office box to help a former resident of Baltimore named Majid Khan (alleged Al Qaeda suspect) to help establish his US identity.
NewsLine while doing a story in 2003 – Mysterious Cover-up Mazhar Abbass reports that
Surprisingly there has been no official report registered with the police about Afia’s disappearance which explains why Afia’s mother wanted to avoid going public. The police, meanwhile, is doing nothing to trace Afia. “We have no knowledge about this case nor has anyone contacted me,” said Sindh police chief, Syed Kamal Shah. Ismat Siddiqui, however, claims that she has spoken to high police officials, including Shah, about her daughter’s disappearance. A week after the incident, Mrs. Siddiqui alleges that an intelligence agency official came to her house and warned her not to make an issue out of her daughter’s disappearance and threatened her with dire consequences.
Daily Times gives a detailed account of her mysterious disappearance in 2004 – The strange story of Aafia Siddiqui
Months later, the FBI would make its most devastating claim against Siddiqui. It was still dark on the morning of March 1, 2003, when Pakistani authorities arrested Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a known September 11 mastermind, at a Karachi safe house. The arrest made news around the world. It also presaged the extraordinary vanishing act of AafiaSiddiqui and her three small children.” It seems Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gave up Aafia’s name as being a major Al Qaeda operative.” However, one of her defenders saysSiddiqui ’s identity was likely stolen. “Aafia was, I think, probably a pretty naive and trusting person and my guess is it would be pretty easy for somebody who wanted to steal an identity to just steal it.” About a month after his capture in the spring of 2003, she disappeared.
The question is where is Afia and why are police and intelligence agencies silent? Is she in the custody of the FBI or the ISI? Another possibility is that Afia might have been kidnapped by her ex-husband, who may have links with Al-Qaeda. Whatever the case, there seems to be a deliberate attempt to hush up the mysterious circumstances behind Afia Siddiqui’s disappearance
Other links: Adnan Siddiqui – These coward and fascist liberals | PkPolitics – Appeal for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children
584 responses to “Missing Pakistani – Dr. Afia Siddiqui – Prisoner 650”
i feel so ashamed being paki…i pray to lord for his revenge to every1 and inshallah i will live to see end of the ppl who did this
lazim hay ke hum bhi dekhaingy….
plz add our petition in the “Action Alert”
O my God What,s happened.i think there is need of Muhammad Bin Qasim now and A ‘Musa” against “Firouns”(Bush,Mushraff,FIA,FBI,………….)Mr.Gillani Mr zardari Mr Nawaz Sharif u must try your best for releasing this dughter of Islam and other muslims those are sold out by pakistani governmnet to USA it is shamefull for us because as a muslim it is our duty to save our sisters not handover them to non muslims.Allah will not forgave us remmber it and every one of us will die then it will be clear what will be punishment is ready for us.
O my god i am praying with my broken heart and with tears in my eyes destroye those who are involve in this inccident of Dr Afia
cut head of those person who were responsible for this incedent.
Oh My Sister Afia! we have didn’t taken any action, My Sister! We can only use words! What action is to be taken in this time we have forgotten, it seems like we are not HE and or not SHE, and we are 3rd party. Same situation with Government. I hope Pakistani agencies can sell out their mothers and sister and daughters in good amount, Pervez Musharaf can rent a sister and can rent a wife or can rent a daughter, I don’t know how much he has, or may be Pakistani agencies can rent their women. In 1965 we proud to be Pakistani and we proud on our Military and agenesis. Now we shame to be Pakistani. I can not face the Day of Qyamat the face of my Profit when he will ask what you did on the case of Afia? So today I am disconnecting my relation to be Pakistani, I hate totally Pakistani agencies is and military. Please don’t only use words but do some thing, please come with me. Please raise your hands, who wants revenge of sister Afia? Come with me. Islam say when can not secure our sisters and mother and can not save our brothers then we don’t have right to live, how you are eating the meals? Did you think how your brothers in Jails are? We sell our Muslim brothers and sisters? Are we Muslim? Are we human? If any one says that Sister Afia was criminal then you must investigate in our country, you don’t need to sell her. One day every one has to die, when he/ she will buried, he/ she will asked what he/she done in life, and day of Qyamat is the near. By doing this, just wait and see what Allah is now doing with our Agencies and Military and with our silent and government lover Pakistanis. Wait and see.
Well Done Pakistanis!!!!!
Few picked her up, few locked her up, few agreed to transfer her to US, few maltreated her and God knows how many have raped her…..
and you are busy making simple comments….???
If we all are so GhairatMand why we do not come out in streets. To start with we may be less but i hope others will join us in months and years.. No one will put things right for us… we and only we will have to do it.
Hai Jurm-e-Zaeefi ki saza marg-e-mafajat
Its Afia today, tomorrow they will be urs and my sisters.
Donot worry about the consequences of getting out and demanding out rights.
Come on!!
i feel shame being a pakistani,when our rulers start selling daugtors of nation in few dollars,if they not change thier attitud soon will be bloody revolution
Dear Sister Afia:
I on behalf of all your Pakistani- Muslim brothers am sorry for what happened to you and that is all we are up to. We don’t want to get mess-up with NATO and we Pakistan’s don’t have power to take stand in front of NATO countries.
We will write letter and pray for you and that is what we Muslims can do, as we are facing a two sided sword of Mullas Extremism and Liberalization. And sorry on behalf of our President (Musharraf) and our other lords who love London, Parris, USA. And can’t do anything as we are not in power to take stand in front of them.
Although you are from the Muslim ummah sister, whose past is glorified with Muhammad Bin Qasim, Tariq Bin Ziad, Pilot Officer Rahid Minhas But sorry that time Muslims were in power and they don’t have Offices, businesses and carrier to look at.
Sister we can just pray and write letter but we cannot come out on streets as we have lot of important work to do on Sundays and we have just one holiday and Sun will be hot, others will take part in it on my behalf and we have threat of Bomb Blast as well, we would like to die of Heart Attack in our cool air conditioned bed room. Sorry we can’t do anything.
Yes Talibanization is Religious Extremism But What happened with you is Justice as you are Muslim, Third world citizen and linked with Al Qaeda. We just thought about justice takes time in Pakistan but sorry Develop countries regime must also be forced to change like Saddam’s as it took 5 years and Prisoner No 650’s case is still pending.
Dear sister our hearts are dead and we are robots so we have nothing to do with you,
We will wait, watch and apply for immigration to get out of the fire that is spread around us, but sorry we didn’t heard about the torture you have faced. In the end “Sab Se Pahla Pakistan” and my dear sister you were the part of Al Qaeda so you deserve it. If some did wrong we punish him straight away. And you know that we are grateful that we barter you for FDI, F-16 and our Government.
And Ya Please All Pakistanis Must not be ashamed as we didn’t knew about you and just knew about you today.
In the end salute to us that after reading this message we are still waiting to do something and didn’t spread this message.
Salute To….
Don’t be shameful, as what can we do?
Yes in a day our government statement will come that she is in foreign custody and we will bring her back…………………..!
Think about it. Please help me out to organize a demonstration in Karachi. Email me and get connected to throw away the veil of shamefulness and disgrace, leave mullas but at least become Muslim and Pakistani. We have nothing to do with politics so please no political party must contact us because now is the time to show strength of what we are just two hours to show up we are Muslims and Pakistanis are alive, we want things to get straight on table but if the others are not ready to do than we are…….!
This is a last try of life from a PAKISTANI to get united, rest is with you.
Lets give strength and glory to our selves as nation.
Dr. Afia is the daughter of nation.I think that through out pakistan movement should be launched.In France whole nation faught for a single man Dreforce.Than why dont we??.I am from rahimyarkhan and i appeal all the students of my city and pakistan to launch strike.
Hmare government uncha sunti hai.humain in k kanon min ghus ker bolna mare ga.Sirf media k chilane se kuch nahi ho ga.
Today I am really ashamed of myself and all the fellow Pakistanis, still throughout comments we are only playing a blame game and nothing else. My question is that how many Aifa’s will have to be sacrificed for us to standup as the nation. It is not Human Rights commission or Politicians who will change us, we need to individually and collectively stand up and change our selves.
MAY ALLH Bless the True Sister and Mother of the Nation and make her THE changing point of this long slept nation. Sister Afia we Pakistani’s are the real culprits, we couldn’t stand for her Sister and still cannot be.
i say turn ur nukes towards them and ask for her release if we have any self respect left!!!
may be they are going to take me next for saying so…
Please sign The Petition for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children
To: Un Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights, Amnesty International USA, Islamic Human Rights Commission
We endorse the Appeal for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children Petition to Un Human Rights, European Court of
Human Rights, Amnesty International USA, Islamic Human Rights Commission.
Join Us On FaceBook
Dr.Afia is the daughter of nation.We Pakistani a cursed nation on the world map.after 9/11 the two billion dollar yearly aid package given to Musharraf was too juicy to refuse.While he and his khakies revamped their arms and their contonments,ordinary pakistani-American in the US and in the world became the target of unjust prifiling and downright discrimination.Our leaders Gilani and Zardari who are not competent give answer,what will they do.Oh my God help Dr. Afia and missing persons.Ameen.
Today’s Dawn carries this report: Aafia Siddiqui, an MIT-educated Pakistani woman,has been brought to New York to face charges that she tried to kill U.S. agents and military officers during an interrogation in Afghanistan.Siddiqui, 36, was stopped by Afghan police on July 17(2008?!-query mine)) outside a government building, according to a criminal complaint. Police searched her handbag and discovered documents containing recipes for explosives and chemical weapons and describing “various landmarks in the United States, including New York City,” according to the complaint, which did not identify the landmarks. The next day, as a team of FBI agents and U.S. military officers prepared to question her, Siddiqui grabbed a rifle, pointed it at an army captain and yelled that she wanted blood, prosecutors said. An interpreter pushed the rifle aside as she fired two shots, which missed, they said. One of two shots fired by a soldier in response hit her in the torso. Even after being hit, Siddiqui struggled and shouted in English “that she wanted to kill Americans” before the officers subdued her, the complaint said.
Aafia’s family attorney, Elaine Whitfield Sharp,called the charges “a tall story.”
The report is offered for readers to judge for themselves how the US authorities continue ti lie.
sorry to u afia ………….lekin hum jaise behis qoommm aur khuch nahi ker saktee ………..
sorry …………bt to whoom …………to all those who are i suffer due to that person mushraf
I have posted an article about Dr.Aasia ‘Muslim Terrorist or Miscarraige Of Justice” on instablogs with the aim of giving our version of the story;and our feelings on the subject an international circulation.Please assist in reviewing it and giving your comments if you feel it appropriate. Link is http://www.instablogs.com/upcoming/pakistan/
Woe to us!!!!!!!!!!
We deserve this. We the wretched and the shmeless of the earth!
I will say that this is the results of our own deeds.Everyone is busy in making his own life easier.We are absorbing all the bad things from West and India and negelecting our religion “Islam”.
We need a leader who only obey “Allah” and is not afraid of USA or others powers of world. I feel shame me Mushraf that he is our President, that being an armed person he sit down on his knees in obeying every ‘order’ of USA. Because according to him American Govt. threaten him to destroy Pakistan if he refuse to fulfil thier demands. Now we getting result of involving in war against terror. We have find only one “Afia” and our heads are down with shame. Who nows how many “Afia’s” have been sent to America by Mushraf and company.
This is the condition of our leader that being a muslim he do this deed. I can say that the American could have bombed us after 9/11 if we had to see that day which make our life worst than death.
musharaf and all the rest dont care for any citizen. they have other motives. If the repectable doctor can be abducted then any of us can be next.
but the worst part is our government hide all the facts and the story goes to son of a bitch Usama their last resort to blame and show connection to.
oh man this fight for terror is self engineered and they are punishing every one who are not connected but are connected according to their plot.
they are the so called most civilized nations of the world and we are from the third world yet they have no respect for women. the conditions in the prision is the most disturbing part. God bless muslims and Pakistani’s.
Please sign The Petition for the Release of The Pakistani women Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children
To: Un Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights, Amnesty International USA, Islamic Human Rights Commission
We endorse the Appeal for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children Petition to Un Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights,
Amnesty International USA, Islamic Human Rights Commission.
Join Us On FaceBook
I don’t have word to describe the actions which our ruler have done so far.
i am also very shameful to know about the price of a Pakistani national set by our enlightened moderated government.Who was behind 9/11,every one knows.
you can read the books “The new Pearl Harbour” and the “9/11 evil” by victor thorn.
Ignorent ruler who donot have time to know the facts besides their own intrests are responsible of such incidents along with ourselves ,who donot have time to think about those peoples.
I also request to the peoples who are in media please investgate before publishing.
it is media war along with battle field.
We should do efforts at all fronts to save our peoples.
Where are those philosophers who teach us the ethics of American.One should know that they believe in ethics which give them benefits only.
We all have to answer able to Allah on such issue.
if i would have been president i eould have never handed her to fbi because she is pakistani and when govrnment dont care for people then who will care them musharraf is bending in front of any american what the hell is this………..?
As long as criminals and sluts like Asma Jahangir(in the name of human right) are there…nothing can be done ..They don’t look at the real issues like stated here.. Rather plan and conspire against religious and Sunni leadership (like earlier they did in Red Mosque case)…people like Asma Jahangir should pay huge price (undercover evil cunt)
and yes if our criminal nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan , who transported sensitive technology to our enemy nation of Iran.. If he is free than why can’t we have a freedom for Afia Siddiqui-good and religious citizen (PHD, MIT)
In my poitofview Musharaf is responsible for Afia case.
He took 5000000 Dollers in this conection.
This very shameful moment for us.
Its really a very targic moment … no words to discribe and sympathy to Dr afia .. DHUKTARY MASHRIQ ….now im feeling so much hatred from pakistani army .PARVAIZ MUSHRAF
and all pakistani leaders …its vry ashamed ful act…
i wish tat usa do same thing with the DAUGHTER OF PARVAIZ MUSHRAAF .. yes he has proved tat he is the real DOG OF USA
We must spread this information as much as we could….let ppl know about it…before visiting this site i didnt know about this issue….and there are so many ppl like me who dont so please spread this through emails or any other channel
i am really ashamed that i am a pakistani my eyes are full of tears i cant do any thing for her except of dua,,,but i have one question to our media channels they have full time for our stupid politicians interwiews but dont have time for dr afia,,,khashmeer singh ki rehai pay geo tv nay poori dunia ko uss ki dukh bhari dastaan sunai kya dr afia k liay kuchh nahi kia ja sakta aur asma jahangeer kya sirf ghar say bhagi hui larkiyon k liay bolti hain aik pakistani behan k saath itna kuchh horeha hai aur hum kuchh nahi kar rehay hamaray politicians hamari ngeos hamaray tv channel sab kay sab bikay huay hai jamaray molvi alim e deen kya wo kuchh nahi kar saktay…khuda dr afia par reham karay bas dua ki ja sakti hai
Its my big reqest to all muslims, that all the Non muslims power has become a one hand for distroyed and behead of muslis, Now on this spot we should become a one hand against non muslims with great unity and powerful acconomy condition, either they will be success in thir cruel programs aginst muslims.
Its a shamful condition for us, our sister whihc name is DR.AFIA is still in affirmless preson hand. and she is calling us for her help. now stand and pick your pen and soward against Nonmuslim powers.
yarabul alameen madad kar. hamey himmat aur taqat day k ham apni qaum ki beti ko baziab karwasaken.aur hukum rano ko gherat aur hamiiat day k aur agar in logo ne apney liay gumrahi aur sar kashi ko pasand kia he to in ka faisla insaf k sath farma day aur dunya mein bhi in ko ibrat ka nishan bna day aey rab ul izzat to duaoon ko sunney wala hey in ko qubul farma qubul farma qubul farma ley aey mere rab hamara iztirab hamein soney nahi deta be chen rakhta he tow dr.afia k ghar walon ka iztirab kesa hoga jo wo 5 sal se jhel rahe hein ye iztirab hamen apni kam maigi ka ahsasa dilata he par aey rab tu qudrat aur taqat wala he to is iztirab ko door kar day too insaf farmaday too zalimon ko ibrat naak saza dey .CRUSH AMERICA CRUSH ISRAEL CRUSH PAK ARMY K BEGHERAT GENERALS CRUSH BEGHERAT KHUFIA AGENCY K SARBARAH CRUSH MEER SADIQ AUR MEER JAFFER CRUSH LADEEN HUKMRAN CRUSH BE ZABAN GOONGAY BAHRAY ANDHAY SARBRAHAN E PAKISTAN.
Its really a very targic moment … no words to discribe and sympathy to Dr afia .. DHUKTARY MASHRIQ ….now im feeling so much hatred from pakistani army .PARVAIZ MUSHRAF
and all pakistani leaders …its vry ashamed ful act…
i wish tat usa do same thing with the DAUGHTER OF PARVAIZ MUSHRAAF .. yes he has proved tat he is the real DOG OF USA
Its really a very targic moment … no words to discribe and sympathy to Dr afia .. DHUKTARY MASHRIQ ….now im feeling so much hatred from pakistani army .PARVAIZ MUSHRAF
and all pakistani leaders …its vry ashamed ful act…
i wish tat usa do same thing with the DAUGHTER OF PARVAIZ MUSHRAAF .. yes he has proved tat he is the real DOG OF USA
Aafia, May allah bless u. Our prayesr are with u. We love u, we respect u.
Best Regards
Musharraf please sell the whole country offically.. if this happens to MR Musharraf daughter than it will be good.
is that fuckin pakistan army doing our protection. musharraf Pimp is selling every one. one day he gona sell of his daughter too…
insallah he will be going out from his office so the mother’s and sister’s of pakistan will be save and free…
This is shows that the mostly muslimes women are suffering
these situations in different places .
The all Muslims countries quickly take the action and
and protest againt this violation on the platform of
U.N .
I was shocked when i first came to know about it.This is an extremely sorrowful,pathetic,and shameful act.Has anybody asked Mr Bush if Dr.Afia was needed then what was the mistake of her three innocent sons like angels! The children could be sent to their relatives but no……….. Bush is so powerful he can destroy the life of a mother and children whenever he wants! what a shame! for the government of Pakistan! American woman becomes muslim due to good behaviour and ours?????????? treated like animal.
Dr.Afia should be released atonce along with her children…
I agree with another sister that there is need of a Muhammad Bin Qasim.
Dr.Afia, my heart is crying and eyes are full of tears. May
Allah give you courage to bear all the Torture and Tyranny
of USA Army. U have been caught on the suspicion for simply hiring a Mail Box in the name of someone else and since your arrest 4 nearly five years Shrewd American
Investigators could not extract any information to substantiate their suspicion. They should be ashamed of
cowrd act of arresting and torturing u simply on the grounds of suspicion.
Mushrrafs – Without investigating – has arrested many people
on the inkling of FBI and handedover to usa for torture and
Tyranny the most sinnest act he has done. His bad days are
not much far and he is answerable to Almight Allah on the doom day.
We pray Almight for justice, here and hereafter, for you.
shame on us that we are muslims. we can do anything if we become MUTAHID. but oh muslim ommah!!!!!. may allah bless her. allah will definately give her AJAR. but on that day what will we do!!!!!!!!!!
ya allah musharaf ki shakal main jo azab hamaray uper hay usay hamaray say dour kar day.may ALLAH bless her.may she come home soon.
Why is it that people remember human rights etc only when a terrorist is allegedly mistreated? Some of the leading lights of the “defence of human rights” were the worst offenders in so far as human rights go.
Still everyone deserves a fair trial.
And for the “daughter” who used this to abuse NGOs etc, for god’s sake the civil society was the first to raise this issue of Dr. Aafia- when people like you were saying Dr. Afia who?
PS: the person who is calling out for Muhammad bin Qasim. There are more parallels between Qasim and American invasion than otherwise.
After all Hajjaj bin Yusuf had sent Dahir one message : you are with us or against us… against the terrorists…I mean ..er pirates. Sounds familiar?
M B Qasim then raided Sindh and turned it to ashes. Do you know how many slave girls the Arabs took back to Baghdad by force?
Let us atleast be honest about history: Hajjaj was what Bush is today. And M B Qasim was like the American Marine corp.
The question is : are you going to stand up foolishly like Raja Dahir or are you going to act like the hordes of Hindus who joined up with M B Qasim very cleverly to preserve their own interests?
I sometimes wonder: how worse will things become before they start getting better? Personally, I think its about time. I would like to point out one thing though… and that is, how many of the people who have commented on this blog, are good, honest and faithful citizens? Personally I think we all are hypocrites; given half the chance, we would have done the same thing. I am sorry for being this harsh, but this is the truth. I am sick and tired of this hypocricy. The funny irony is that I am myself a victim of this hideous disease. Come on my dear friends….who are we kidding? We try to cheat our way out of every damn situation we face! We lie and break promises as if its the norm. Why are you guys blaming Musharraf? Its not that I support him, but fact is that any democratic leader would have done the same… do have the guts to accept that!
If you ask me, if you ask me “Dear ‘concerned citizen’, thanks for all your ranting but what should we do then?”. My answer is simple: be a good, honest and faithful citizen. Don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t hurt anyone, be honest with your work, keep your promises, and respect everyone. AND FOREMOST, BE TOLERANT OF OTHERS!!!!!!
Do all this and I wonder if such an incident will ever happen again. Thank you for reading this.
she and many like are captured by Us on false claims, We the people of pakistan are in different to it, we need to realise the fact that she was the citizen of pakistan and she has a right to know what was her crime and how could she be picked by intelligence agencies on the way to the airport where she was leaving for islamabad, that day and now no one knows where she is and what happend to her. People sitting in homes and talking about this wil never matter you have to make a point and you have to make the people involved Realise and bring this matter to the public and let them know the real story.
Many many have been handed over to FBI and this will keep on going like this!!
a concerned citizen …….. ur jerk musfasar kay londay baqwas band kar main hota na presendent bayshak fight karta usa say gand mar deyta usa ke main indai q ghusnay nai dheka usa ko bcz they no the are ass hole
Mr unknown, I am sorry to say, but I had great trouble trying to decipher what you said. I wonder who or what ‘musfasar’ is… Anyways, this is what I was trying to say. You just proved my point 😀 We Pakistanis are nothing but a bunch of highly emotional and intolerant hooligans who think that we can prove a point or release someone like Dr. Afia from her misery by just belting out our machismo on useless blogs like these…. Illiterate people like us don’t deserve to be treated as human beings. Why should the west respect you when you don’t treat yourself as a human being. My dear, accept it, your foolish blithering won’t help the cause of Dr. Afia. Please do us (and your future generations) a favour: get good education and contribute something to the society around you. Thanks.
Amreeka ka jo yaar hai ghad.daar hai ghad.daar hai
Amreeka ka jo yaar hai ghad.daar hai ghad.daar hai
Pooray qaum ko Govt pe pressure dalna chahiye ke Musharaf ko hata ke ibrat ka nishaan bana de
Aur Dr. Afia ke saray mujrimoN ko unn ke anjaam tak phoncha de