Safe Exit Today = Safe Entry for future Dictators tomorrow

With Musharraf’s last Presidential address barely an hour ago there is a definitely concern amongst many that it is welcome news to see the dictator stepping down but the news of safe passage to foreign lands is concerning as if Musharraf were to get up and walk away would in all likelihood mean that it opens the doors for future dictators to waltz in and ransack our country. An example needs to be set to ensure that such practices are not repeated ever again. I do not mean to extend and ask for capital punishment, but he must stand trial for his wrong doings [if any] and then allowed free passage if his hands are clean.

We must demand a fair trial for Musharraf, if guilty then an exemplary punishment be awarded so that in future no General should ever dare to violate the Constitution of Pakistan.


Ironically I fail to understand the Karachi Stock market – with news of impeachment, the news of Resignation the stock market has claimed to +287 points [at the moment] – It could be easy to say Bad news = Good hunting grounds for investor


  • Version 1- PML-Q source: Musharraf to dissolve assemblies, restore judges, call for fresh elections and resign.
  • Version 2 – Media Source: Musharraf to resign today. However he is expected to stay in Army House for some time until he feels he should go and/or is forced to go.
  • Version 3 – PPP Source: Mush to resign and leave for Saudia for 3 months.
  • Also in the air : No resignation. Sirf topi drama !

So as far as the rumors go, its bascailly whatever you want to believe

Emergency plans are underway within the People’s Resistance, SAC Lahore and Islamabad to mobilize a protest outside the Saudi Embassies if Musharraf is provided a safe exit abroad – we as the people of Pakistan demand a fair trial





2 responses to “Safe Exit Today = Safe Entry for future Dictators tomorrow”

  1. Kam Avatar

    What fair trial – how about prosecuting the two criminals who are running the show? Pakistan can only be run with an iron hand, not this so-called democracy which is complete baloney. Its very clear that Pakistan is run by a criminal fraternity that is backed up by landowners (verderas) and big business (industrialists). This is the way it has always been before even the formation of Pakistan, so lets get real people, dont believe this hype of People’s Resistance. Its all about vested interest and wallets of this criminal fraternity

  2. Kam Avatar

    What fair trial – how about prosecuting the two criminals who are running the show? Pakistan can only be run with an iron hand, not this so-called democracy which is complete baloney. Its very clear that Pakistan is run by a criminal fraternity that is backed up by landowners (verderas) and big business (industrialists). This is the way it has always been before even the formation of Pakistan, so lets get real people, dont believe this hype of People’s Resistance. Its all about vested interest and wallets of the criminal fraternity that now runs the show