Its being reported that Baitullah Mahsood may have died – most likely due to kidney failure as he had diabetter and was also suffering from High Blood pressure – News being reported by Dawn News TV
UPDATE from CNN – An unnamed Islamabad-based source with connections within the Mehsud tribe in South Waziristan said Mehsud died about 1 a.m. Wednesday
5 responses to “Baitullah Mahsood dead”
Apologies that was a typo – as I made the post in a hurry via my cell phone – have edited the link to show the corrected typo thanks for pointing it out
Does it make any sense that he(if he is the same Baitullah Mehsood) died of renal failure,secondry to high blood pressure and diabetes?
How is that possible for a ‘fighter'(if i am not wrong) to have such chronic diseases and that also to the extent as to cause him Renal Failure.
(Then there should be some medical proof of his illness.)
ISI terminated his command.
So Americans got tired of him and disposed him off?