Guest Blog by Insociant
Nizam-e-Adl 2009 bill was finally tabled in the Parliament and all the major political parties except MQM voted for the bill and it became a law within no time. President Zardari made a clever move by sending the bill in the Parliament. On one hand if the peace lapses or the militants grow strong then the share of blame will now be equally shared by all the political players. On the other hand, the Pakistani government can sell the peace deal abroad with more audacity since it now enjoys the backing of the representatives of people. While some are hailing this move as signs of political maturity, many quarters are criticizing it in the strongest of terms. Many ‘liberal secularists’ are calling it ceding the land of Swat to the fascist Talebans who took up arms against the state. One must not forget the separate status of Swat area that it enjoys as PATA under the constitution of 1973. The presence of a popular demand for the Sharia law among the locals can not be disputed as it has been surfacing for decades. The present militancy in Swat was just another link in the chain which aimed at exploiting the long sown resentment among the masses.
The law Nizam-e-Adl is all about the procedural changes in the judicial system of Malakand system. A divisional Shariah bench, or Darul Quza, will be established, which will be empowered to make a final decision and the last court of appeal will be the Federal Shariat Court. This does not require a constitutional amendment since the jurisdiction of Supreme Court to the PATA areas was only extended by an ordinary legislation in 1973. The law does not infringes upon any basic fundamental right provided in the constitution. Existing judicial officers would continue to preside over all the courts in Malakand and Kohistan. The criminal and civil cases would be disposed of in the stipulated time of four and six months, respectively. There will be no Taleban-run courts in the district and the interpretation of Sharia will be done by Qazi which will be the nomination of government and not of some Sufi Mohammad or Fazlullah.
The government has made a smart move and called a bluff on all those miscreants who had some other petty agendas in the ongoing militancy wave. Although it has set a worrisome precedent as the government negotiated from a weak position; but then again is peace and security of locals not the first priority of the state? Much will depend on the government now, if it really has the will and capacity to restore its writ in the region. Swat needs some Martial Plan now, it has been kept in the back-burner in the past due to our own follies. The locals are demanding land reforms as there are plenty of their land cases stuck in the courts since 1969, when Wali- led Swat was annexed. It remains to be seen if the government can address all the grievances of the locals but the current peace deal has certainly given the government a chance to do that.
145 responses to “Swat: Nizam-e-Adl – A Smart Move?”
We can only wait and see what this brings us. Hopefully, not more anarchy. Both sides might have a hidden agenda. Only time will tell.
The author writes:
"The government has made a smart move and called a bluff on all those miscreants who had some other petty agendas in the ongoing militancy wave."
I'm not sure that anything this government does or has done can be considered "smart" – lucky maybe (and that too we will have to wait and see how things in Swat fare) – but not smart. Its not made up of individuals who can be considered competent.
It made a mess of the judiciary issue, it cannot stop the drone attacks from the US, it continues to beg for money (read loans) and the Swat "deal" is quite dubious. Nope, not smart at all.
very smart move indeed.
but more smart move from MQM by abstaining themsleves from voting.they actually proved that only MQM is reliable,capable for running american agenda.these people is very loyal to the americans.
I read, somewhere on a blogg from Islamabad, i like
the frankness and outspokeness of the person saying
" Nizam-e-Adle, very clever move between established
American Talibans and PPP's failed Govt.of seculars "
it gives you exact picture of what is going on !
is American sincere to provide Pakistani with
Islamic justice ?
marshall plan
Ahh yeah 'Marshall Plan'. Probably we Pakistanis are too much obsessed with 'Martial law' :$
Dr Jawwad's Conflicting Comment
1 – let the nizam e adal work.pakistani media and people will have a close eye on the working of nizam e adal. [Dr Jawwad Khan]
2 – NEWS:“Supreme Court (SC) has rejected government plea seeking cancellation of bail of former Khateeb Lal Masjid Maulana Abdul Aziz in four cases…..”[DR JAWWAD KHAN]
3 – do you have any idea what these courts and judicial system did to poor pakistani people? [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Cooment of Dr Jawwad.…
How would Dr Sahab justify the bail of Mawlana Aziz from a Supreme Court where appeal has been declared ANTI-ISLAMIC by the Deviant Sufi Muhammad and I wonder where have gone Mr Ansar Abbasi and his love of Restoration of Free Judiciary [in view of Mullah Sufi – a kind of Kufr]. Mawlana Aziz of Lal Masjid Brigade should reject his own bail in view of Grear Fiqh Sufi Muhammad's Declaration that SC of Pakistan is Anti Islamic. Which Islam should we follow? Ansar Abbasi's, Sufi Muhammad's, Iftikhar Chaudhry's or the real Islam [please pick the interpretation]. Two news from the same newspaper
1 – SC grants bail to Maulana Aziz in library case By Sohail Khan Thursday, April 16, 2009…
2 – ‘Qazis’ verdict can’t be challenged in SC’ Thursday, April 16, 2009 : Sufi says appeals ‘tantamount to betrayal of Islam’…
here he goes again!
laugh out loud!
what i am? a plitical or religious leader? or celebrety?
is there some other reason for this rookie post martum?
any how.
my position on judiciary is very clear:
"judiciary without chohadry is a misery"
pakistani judicial system is infront of every one no need to comment on it.
iftikhar chohadry gained back trust of millions of pakistani
people on judiciary.we do not expect a miracle from him because whole judcial system is almsot in non functional state.but the advantage of restoration of judiciary is that the high profile cases is under close monitoring of supreme court.
release of molan abdul aziz is an example of independent judiciary and its supervision.
it is the victory of the truth
my position on judiciary is very clear:“judiciary without chohadry is a misery” [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
One of those who were with CJ Mr Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, define this Swat Flogging like this, therefore please pick either Secular Anglo Saxon Courts or Deobandi Courts.
Girl’s flogging not true picture of Islam, says LHC judge By Our Reporter Sunday, 12 Apr, 2009 05:08 AM PST…
RAWALPINDI, April 11: The flogging of a teenage girl in Swat does not portray the true picture of Islam as it is not clear whether or not the exact procedure for convicting her under religious laws was adopted and who had issued the Hadd and under what authority. This was stated by senior most judge of the Lahore High Court Justice Khwaja Mohammad Sharif while addressing a Mehfil-i-Milad arranged by the Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHBA) here on Saturday.
The recently reinstated judge of the LHC said irrespective of the fact whether the video was real or fake, it was a conspiracy to malign Islam and bring a bad name to Pakistan showing the world that Islam was a religion of extremism.
Mr Sharif, who was called chief justice of the LHC by the bar representatives, said Islam had laid very strict procedure to implement Hudood laws, almost making it impossible to apply. He questioned under what authority the girl was flogged and what procedure was adopted to declare her guilty. The justice said Islam demanded four witnesses with immaculate character for conviction or the confession of the accused person.
@ Iftikhar chaudry's case has symbolised and
mobilized Pakistani people, because of one
reason. There can be no justice unless the
judiciary is free and impartial.
We saw the routine, PPP's failed Govt.
installed her own puppet CJs, and obtained
their " favorite " judgements e.g. against
PML's Shareefs!
you think judiciary was free ? is it free now
even if CJ is re-instated by Zardari at this time ?
@ The have installed, American Sharia " Nizam-e-adl "
and brought in power all terrorists trained by
Indo/israeli US agents who have signed with
PPP's failed Govt. so the picture is like :
NWFP's Nizam-e-adl
Agreement between " only "
PPP's present Govt. coalition with ANP,
USA Fake Talibans "Tehrikis & Takfiri terrorists".
NATAK !! it will be soon discovdered !!
The flogging of 17 years old girl' fake video is just
the beginning of the fake drama !!
You can't fight Taliban with Sunnism. Most pakistanis are either Sunnis or Shias. these sects emerged during the beginning of the Abassid era on the middle of the 8th century in Baghdad. They rely on hadiths for their sectarian teachings. hadith is an innovation set up by Imam Al Shafi about 160 years after Muhammad(pbuh). It has the same place in Islam as the Talmud has in Judaism. The Jews abrogated the Torah with the Talmud. Jesus condemned the Talmud in the Gospel and the Koran also condemned the Talmud. The Koran confirms the Torah and Gospel. It however rejected the trinity which is not based on the teachings of the church but the teachings of the Roman Church about 4th century after Jesus. Hadith is a legal framework using the prophet as a witness. There is nothing called Shariah law in the Islam. Shariah law was an innovation invented by the Abbasid.
Al Shafi claimed that another revelation came to Muhammad along with the Koran which he called the "Sunnah of the prophet". After Al Shafi many books of hadith emerged giving Islam a theocratic and legal framework. The hadith introduced many rules and regulations in islam and abrogated many teachings of the Koran.
Only the Koranist, those who only accept the Koran as the sole authority for Islam can defeat the radical Islamist militants.
Is the Koran sufficient? Is the Koran in need for explanation? Is the Koran understandable on its own? Lets see what the Koran says about itself:
“And certainly We have repeated for humankind, in this Qur’an, every kind of example, but the majority of humankind do not consent to anything but denying.”(17:89)
“We have put forth for humans, in this Qur’an, every kind of example so that they may remember”(39:27).
“A. L. R. These are the verses of a Book,- and a Qur’an that makes things clear. “(15:1)
“We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less than a Message and a Qur’an making things clear: “(36:69)
“A.L.R. These are the verses of the clear Book.”(12:1)
“These are verses of the Book that makes (things) clear “(26:2)”
These are verses of the Qur’an,-a book that makes (things) clear;”(27:1)
“These are Verses of the Book that makes (things) clear.”(28:2)
“By the Book that makes things clear,”(43:2, 44:2)
“We have already sent down to you verses making things clear, an illustration from(the story of) people who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who fear (Allah).”(24:34
“And We have revealed the Book to you which has the clear explanation of everything, and a guidance and mercy and good news for those who submit.”(16:89)
“And certainly We have brought them a Book, which We have detailed with knowledge, a guidance and mercy for a people who believe”(7:52)
“A Book of which the verses are distinctly detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for people whoknow”(41:3)
“Indeed We have made the verses detailed for a people who take reminder”(6:126)
“A. L. R. (This is) a Book, with verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning),further explained in detail,- from One Who is Wise and Well-acquainted (with all things): “(11:1)
“In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. It is not anarrative which could be forged, but a verification of what is before it and a distinct explanation of all things and a guide and a mercy to a people who believe.”(12:111)
“We have made the Night and the Day as two (of Our) Signs: the Sign of the Nighthave We obscured, while the Sign of the Day We have made to enlighten you; that ye may seek bounty from your Lord, and that ye may know the number and count of the years: all things have We explained in detail.”(17:12)
And He it is Who has made the stars for you that you might follow the right way thereby in the darkness of the land and the sea; truly We have detailed Our revelations for a people who have knowledge.”(6:97)
“And He it is Who hath produced you from a single being, and (hath given you) ahabitation and a repository. We have detailed Our revelations for a people who have understanding.”(6:9
“Thus do We make the revelations detailed for a people who reflect” (10:24)
Thus do We make the revelations detailed for a people who use their reason”(30:2
Is it not enough for them that We have revealed to you the Book, which is recited to them? Most surely there is a mercy in this and a reminder for a people who believe”(29:51)
If Muslims want to follow Sunni/Shia Islam thats their business. But don’t say its the Koran or Muhammad. If the people of Sudan want to follow Imam Malik and his Muwatta, thats their business. But the Muwatta is no Koran and Imam Malik is no Muhammad. The Muwatta was written 150 years after Muhammad. The Sudanese TV regularly shows Maliki fiqh on TV. The mosques in Sudan follows Maliki fiqh. I follow the Koran fiqh.
Let the Muwatta speak for Imam Malik and the Koran speaks for Muhammad. Let Sahih Bukhari and his Abu Hurreira and Ibn Abbas speaks for themselves. Only the Koran speaks for prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Nobody can deny that. The Koran is sufficient and it says so about itself. It needs no other source. The prophet and his companions never compiled any text except the Koran. the Koran is complete and fully detailed and says it as an example for all things and its clear in its teachings
Shariah law is a myth.
my God!
another freak!
hey amir mughal!
your brother the kuranist just came in rediculing the hadith.would you mind "carpet bombing" the refrences from Quran kareem and ahadith e mubarika?
its a test for your professional skills.
1) the video is proved to be a fake.
2) i am a big fan of chohadry iftikhar because he said "no" to a dictator however i hate current "anglo sexon" judicial system which has been almost non functional since many years and failed to deliver any kind of relief.contrary to "deobandi courts" which proved to be highly effective.
these qazi courts worked effeciently since decade till our govt: removed this judicial system.
"nizam e adal was a popular demand in sawat because the people of sawat has been experienced the blessings of islamic courts.
have some good research not like "red and saffron hadith"
by which you played the words of sahih bukhari.
Re: Drjawwdkhan
Shariah in Swat is as fake as the flogging video. However beheadings and slaughtering of innocent muslims at the hands of these barbarians are not fake, public hangings of bodies to poles are not fake, blowing up innocent namazis in mosques are not fake. This Nizam e Adl is anything but adl which gives amnesty to the murderers like Fazlulla and pardons them for all their deeds. This is not only unconstitutional but also unislamic. Can your chaudhury ever say no to these terrorists? If someone files a case against Fazlulla will your Chaudhury summon him in Supreme court? He wouldn't even dare. And after reading your baseless and weightless arguments I have serious doubts that you are a doctor or anything closer to that. Only MQM has the moral courage to call a spade a spade. God bless Altaf Hussain and MQM. These bearers of fake Shariah to malign Islam will not escape Allah's wrath and Insha Allah they would become an example for the rest of humanity.
Re: Jawwadkhan
…and look at the plight of your English language. It does not even match the basic matric standard.
Unaiza aunty,
Angrezee jawwad sahib kee madree zaban nahee hai. Aaap kion na inko angrezee sikhaa dain, apko bara za-um hai apnee angrezee per?
@reflection = SH Imrani Zaidi = children of Abdullah bin Sabah…. (a.k.a the shiaas)
He is hiding behind an alias and trying to stab the muslims, just what they are used to. They are also called (Asteen kai saanp).
They pretend to be Muslims, thats when they are doing Taqayyiah, not to worship Allah, but to divide the followers of Muhammad (s.a.w.w).
i am a big fan of chohadry iftikhar because he said “no” to a dictator however i hate current “anglo sexon” judicial system which has been almost non functional since many years and failed to deliver any kind of relief.contrary to “deobandi courts” which proved to be highly effective.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
If the above didn’t satisfy you then these several big “YES” of Mr Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chandhry to General Musharraf’s Martial Law Regime. Mor “YES” of the then and now CJ to the LOWLY GRUNT MUSHARRAF is as under:
SC dismisses 3 appeals of Javed Hashmi for his release on bail Tuesday October 10, 2006 (0139 PST)[CHECK PAKTRIBUNE]
Nawaz criticises judiciary for rejecting Hashmi’s appeal By Our Staff Reporter
October 10, 2006 Tuesday Ramazan 16, 1427
ISLAMABAD, Oct 9: Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday paid rich tribute to jailed party leader Makhdoom Javed Hashmi, saying that his name would become synonymous with courage and sacrifice in the country’s history. The PML-N leader’s statement was issued from London and released by the party’s secretariat here after Mr Hashmi’s bail appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court. The PML-N chief said that the entire nation saluted him for remaining steadfast on principles.
Injustices done to Mr Hashmi were evident, even to the ‘outside world’ but “unfortunately it is not obvious to our higher judiciary”, he said. “Spirits of political workers, who have dedicated their lives for the supremacy of the constitution and democracy, cannot be subdued by such decisions,” the statement quoted him as saying.
Mr Sharif said that Javed Hashmi and others, who had refused to bow before the dictatorship of Gen Musharraf, were assets for the party and society. He expressed the hope that democracy would prevail over forces of military dictatorship because of the sacrifices rendered by Mr Hashmi, adding that Pakistan would soon attain a respectable position in the comity of nations.
Javed Hashmi, PML’s acting president, is in detention for the past three years on charges of treason.
Commenting on rejection of Mr Hashmi’s appeal by the Supreme Court, PML-N information secretary Ahsan Iqbal in a separate statement said that unfortunately this had shown that the judiciary had double standards.
“We welcome the release of PPP leader Yusuf Raza Gillani by the judiciary, who was subjected to victimisation by the Musharraf regime, (but) in Mr Hashmi’s case the criteria changed,” he said.
“Mr Hashmi is a prisoner of conscience and the whole nation feels proud of him. Such decisions will not break the resolve of the PML-N but further strengthen the will of its leaders and workers to continue the struggle for victory of constitutions and democracy in the country. This has once again demonstrated that the Musharraf regime still fears the PML-N and considers it (the main threat),” he said.
Hashmi’s bail plea rejected By Nasir Iqbal
December 6, 2003 Saturday Shawwal 11, 1424
ISLAMABAD, Dec 5: The District and Sessions Judge, Islamabad, Chaudhry Asad Raza, dismissed on Friday the bail application of Alliance for Restoration of Democracy President Makhdoom Javed Hashmi and fixed Monday for regular hearing of a mutiny case against him.
“By going through the record of the case, it seems the accused, prima facie has committed an offence which falls under section 124 A (Sedition) of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and, therefore, cannot be granted bail,” observed the judge in his 11-page verdict.
The judge said the letter the accused read out and distributed among press reporters and others seemed to be carried by him for the first time.
“We will definitely challenge the decision before the high court and will avail all judicial avenues available to us to get a bail in favour of Javed Hashmi,” defence counsel Latif Khosa and Syed Zafar Ali Shah told Dawn.
The district and sessions judge also mentioned the statements of the witnesses which were produced by the prosecution and observed that an attempt was made to create a feeling to abet mutiny against the high command of the armed forces.
Two witnesses, Captain Jehanzeb Zahoor and Captain Nadir Saleem, in their statements before the magistrate had stated that they felt insulted while listening to the letter being read out which instigated them for mutiny against the high command of the armed forces. Two media persons, one from daily Islam and other from the government news agency APP, who had covered the press conference, had also recorded their statements.
According to the verdict, the statement of the witnesses also showed that this letter could cause treason among the army personnel and create public disturbance, hatred against the Constitution, subvert laws of the state and disturb tranquillity in society.
The issue as to from where the letter came and its veracity would also be looked into during the regular hearing of this case.
About the application of Mr Hashmi, arrested on Oct 29 on the charges of issuing statements against the army, regarding the provision of A-Class in the jail, the court directed the Adyala jail authority to submit a detailed report in this regard on Dec 8 when Mr Hashmi would be produced before the court on the expiry of his judicial remand. The court also might give its decision on his application on the same date.
Later, Mr Zafar Ali Shah, talking to reporters, said the decision was expected and accused the government of political victimization.
He recalled that special prosecutor Munir Bhatti in the challan he presented before the court had also involved other parliamentarians in the case but only Mr Hashmi was being victimised.
Late release of Javed Hashmi on the eve of his daughter`s marriage, an unwelcome gesture: Liaqat Sunday December 24, 2006 (0215 PST) [Check PAKTRIBUNE]
For the sake of record.
Human Rights Watch is often quoted on the Restoraion of Judiciary and Restoration of CJ Mr Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary. Lets read what HRW has to say.
I wonder where was was Mr Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary [upgraded by Musharraf during Martial Law rather Musharraf administered his OATH for the Supreme Court] and his Chief Spokesman Mr Ather Minallah who had served under the very General Musharraf during his Pure and Un-edited Martial Law Government in NWFP Government from 2000 to 2002 as Provincial Minister ??? UNDE MUSHARRAF MARTIAL LAW. Where were Mr Ather Minallah and CJ Mr Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary when under their very nose below mentioned Human Rights Abuses were rampantly allowed against Makhdoom Javed Hashmi and Asif Ali Zardari. Dear Moderators, please call spade a spade.
Repression of Political Opponents
Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Political Opponents
Torture and Arbitrary Arrests of Dissidents and Political Opponents
Pakistan: End Persecution of Political Opponents
Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Political Opponents
hadith is an innovation set up by Imam Al Shafi about 160 years after Muhammad(pbuh). [Koranist]
my God! another freak! hey amir mughal!your brother the kuranist just came in rediculing the hadith.would you mind “carpet bombing” the refrences from Quran kareem and ahadith e mubarika? its a test for your professional skills.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Sir, you have already declared that I am the brother of Koranist so how would I be able to defend the Hadith? I will try my best to reply Mr Koranist but I will start only after you as per your own claim:
Your own words:…
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 3, 2009 @ 11:49 pm
@amir mughal! please always read the post before boasting yourself as all knower.i have already read the sahee bukharee thrice along with all saahe sitta.first time i read the sahee bukharee when i was 13 years old just for curosity.
Al Shafi claimed that another revelation came to Muhammad along with the Koran which he called the “Sunnah of the prophet”. After Al Shafi many books of hadith emerged giving Islam a theocratic and legal framework. The hadith introduced many rules and regulations in islam and abrogated many teachings of the Koran. [Koranist]
Dear Koranist,
Please provide the reference of your above claim and do quote the original Arabic book not and till you find the reference pleased do read what is the importance of Haidth. Quran and Hadith are different sides of the same coin [ISLAM]
Science Of Ḥadīth…
1. Introduction
It is frequently claimed by the Christian missionaries that there are no hadith collections from the first century of hijra. According to them the first hadith collections were written around 250 years after hijra.
The mosques in Sudan follows Maliki fiqh. I follow the Koran fiqh. [Koranist]
Dear Kroanist,
Please define through Quranic Verses [only Quranic Verses] as to how to Offer Salat [Prayers]. Since you are Koranist please tell us all. Is there any reference of cutting/chopping of hands of those who steal? And if you found that reference then please tell us all that from where the hand of the thief is to be chopped.
1 – Complete Chopping of Hand.
2 – From Wrist.
3 – From Elbow.
I have a very poor knowledge so if am wrong in my question then please forgive me:
More on Fabricated Hadith:
Fabricated Hadiths By Mohsen Haredy
Part 1 –
Definition of a Fabricated Hadith
A fabricated hadith is a hadith which is falsely ascribed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while in fact he did not pronounce it; it is not permissible to narrate such hadiths (As-Suyuti 2:274). Most of the fabricated hadiths were introduced in Muslim literature by the fabricators themselves; they forged the statements and invented the isnad from their own imagination.…
Part 2
Causes of Intentional Fabrication
1. The Zanadiqah (Heretics)
2. Political Differences
3. Favor Seekers
4. Storytellers
5. Human Frailties
6. Ignorant Ascetics
7. Prejudice for One’s Own Town, Race or Imam
Causes of Unintentional Fabrication
1. Novelty
2. Mistakes
3. Inexactness
4. Indirect Transmission
5. Failure to Copy
6. Lack of Qualification
7. Lost Books…
Part – 3
Signs of Wad` (Fabrication) in Hadiths…
i am a big fan of chohadry iftikhar because he said “no” to a dictator however i hate current “anglo sexon” judicial system which has been almost non functional since many years and failed to deliver any kind of relief.contrary to “deobandi courts” which proved to be highly effective.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
No disrespect intended for the Present CJ but he rejected and thrown out the Islami Hasba Bill of JI and Jui on the plea of Musharra and also rejected bail plea of Javed Hashmi on Musharraf order. Should I quote newspapers?
i am a big fan of chohadry iftikhar because he said “no” to a dictator however i hate current “anglo sexon” judicial system which has been almost non functional since many years and failed to deliver any kind of relief.contrary to “deobandi courts” which proved to be highly effective.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
If the above didn't satisfy you then these several big "YES" of Mr Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chandhry to General Musharraf's Martial Law Regime. News below were published in Daily Dawn and for the links you can check Dawn Wire Service where Daily Dawn has preserved the back issues. Old Dawn News Issues from 1995 till now are online
1 – Five judges elevated to SC Bureau Report [Daily Dawn Feb 2000]
2 – Chaudhry Iftikhar named new CJ [Daily Dawn 2005]
3 – A weary scene re-enacted Ayaz Amir [Daily Dawn 2000]
Five judges elevated to SC Bureau Report
ISLAMABAD, Feb 2: The government elevated five judges to the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
According to a notification, the president has appointed Justice Rashid Aziz, Chief Justice, Lahore High Court; Justice Nazim Hussain Siddiqui, Chief Justice Sindh High Court; Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, Chief Justice, Balochistan High Court; Qazi Farooq, former chief justice of Peshawar High Court; and Justice Rana Bhagwan Das, judge, Sindh High Court, judges of the Supreme Court. After the elevation of Justice Rashid Aziz Khan to the SC, Justice Mohammad Allah Nawaz has been appointed Chief Justice of Lahore High Court. Justice Deedar Hussain Shah has been appointed Chief Justice of Sindh High Court and Justice Javed Iqbal Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court. After these appointments, the number of SC judges has risen to 12, leaving five posts vacant.
Chaudhry Iftikhar named new CJ By Our Staff Reporter
May 8, 2005 Sunday Rabi-ul-Awwal 28, 1426
ISLAMABAD, May 7: President Pervez Musharraf on Saturday appointed Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, the senior most judge of the Supreme Court, as the next chief justice. He will assume the office on June 30 after retirement of the incumbent Chief Justice, Justice Nazim Hussain Siddiqui, on June 29. “The notification has ended speculations of appointment of a junior judge as chief justice in violation of the seniority principle settled under the 1996 Judges case,” commented a senior Supreme Court lawyer on condition of anonymity.
Justice Chaudhry will reach the superannuation age of 65 years in 2012, which will make him one of the longest serving chief justices in the judicial history of Pakistan. He will serve as chief justice for over seven years. Earlier Justice A. R. Cornelius and Justice Mohammad Haleem served as chief justice for eight years from 1960 to 68 and 1981 to 89, respectively. Justice Chaudhry was elevated as a judge of the apex court on February 4, 2000. He has performed as acting chief justice from January 17 to 29, 2005. He holds the degree of LLB and started practice as an advocate in 1974. Later he was enrolled as an advocate of high court in 1976 and as an advocate of Supreme Court in 1985. In 1989, Justice Chaudhry was appointed as advocate-general of Balochistan and elevated to the post of additional judge in the Balochistan High Court in 1990. He also served as banking judge, judge of Special Court for Speedy Trials and Customs Appellate Courts as well as company judge.
He served as the chief justice of the Balochistan High Court from April 22, 1999 to February 4, 2000. He was elected the president of the High Court Bar Association, Quetta, and twice a member of the Bar Council. He was appointed as the chairman of the Balochistan Local Council Election Authority in 1992 and for a second term in 1998. Justice Chaudhry also worked as the chairman of the Provincial Review Board for Balochistan and was appointed twice as the chairman of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Balochistan. Presently he is functioning as the chairman of the Enrolment Committee of the Pakistan Bar Council and Supreme Court Buildings Committee.
As per Daily Dawn dated March 12, 2007 Monday Safar 22, 1428
"ISLAMABAD, March 11: Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry has demanded that the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) should hold open proceedings on the reference against him sent by President Gen Pervez Musharraf. This was stated by seasoned politician Air Marshal (retired) Asghar Khan after a meeting with Justice Chaudhry here on Sunday. The demand made by the suspended chief justice indicates that he is not ready to resign and is determined to contest the allegations levelled against him.
these sects emerged during the beginning of the Abassid era on the middle of the 8th century in Baghdad. They rely on hadiths for their sectarian teachings. [Koranist]
Dear Koranist,
You are wrong again that Authentic, Checked, and Verified Haidths of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] created Sectarianism. And if you say I am wrong then please provide the reference of your claim.
Rather Quran and its interpretation [Hadiths of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]] condemn Sectariaism:
To proceed:
Sectarianism is negation of Islam, Quran and Hadith.
إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللَّهِ الإِسْلَـمُ
English Translation:
The Religion before Allah is Islam [AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN, THE HOUSE OF 'IMRAN) Chapter 3 – Verse 19]
وَاعْتَصِمُواْ بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعاً وَلاَ تَفَرَّقُواْ
English Translation:
And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate. [AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN, THE HOUSE OF 'IMRAN) Chapter 3 – Verse 103]
وَلاَ تَكُونُواْ كَالَّذِينَ تَفَرَّقُواْ وَاخْتَلَفُواْ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَآءَهُمُ الْبَيِّنَـتُ وَأُوْلَـئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
English Translation:
And be ye not as those who separated and disputed after the clear proofs had come unto them. For such there is an awful doom, [AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN, THE HOUSE OF 'IMRAN) Chapter 3 – Verse 105]
وَأَطِيعُواْ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَلاَ تَنَـزَعُواْ فَتَفْشَلُواْ وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ وَاصْبِرُواْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّـبِرِينَ
English Translation:
And obey Allah and His messenger, and dispute not one with another lest ye falter and your strength depart from you; but be steadfast! Lo! Allah is with the steadfast. [AL-ANFAL (SPOILS OF WAR, BOOTY) Chapter 8 – Verse 46]
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ فِى شِيَعِ الاٌّوَّلِينَ – وَمَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلاَّ كَانُواْ بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
English Translation:
We verily sent (messengers) before thee among the factions of the men of old. And never came there unto them a messenger but they did mock him. [AL-HIJR (AL-HIJR, STONELAND, ROCK CITY) Chapter 15 – Verse 10 and 11]
قُلْ هُوَ الْقَادِرُ عَلَى أَن يَبْعَثَ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَاباً مِّن فَوْقِكُمْ أَوْ مِن تَحْتِ أَرْجُلِكُمْ أَوْ يَلْبِسَكُمْ شِيَعاً وَيُذِيقَ بَعْضَكُمْ بَأْسَ بَعْضٍ انْظُرْ كَيْفَ نُصَرِّفُ الاٌّيَـتِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَفْقَهُونَ
English Translation:
Say: He is able to send punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet, or to bewilder you with dissension and make you taste the tyranny one of another. See how We display the revelations so that they may understand. [AL-ANAAM (CATTLE, LIVESTOCK) Chapter 6 Verse 65]
إِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ عَلاَ فِى الاٌّرْضِ
َجَعَلَ أَهْلَهَا شِيَعاً
English Translation:
Lo! Pharaoh exalted himself in the earth and made its people castes. [AL-QASAS (THE STORY, STORIES) Chapter 28 – Verse 4]
مُنِيبِينَ إِلَيْهِ وَاتَّقُوهُ وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلوةَ وَلاَ تَكُونُواْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ – مِنَ الَّذِينَ فَرَّقُواْ دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُواْ شِيَعاً كُلُّ حِزْبٍ بِمَا لَدَيْهِمْ فَرِحُونَ
English Translation:
Turning unto Him (only); and be careful of your duty unto Him and establish worship, and be not of those who ascribe partners (unto Him); Of those who split up their religion and became schismatics, each sect exulting in its tenets. [AL-ROOM (THE ROMANS, THE BYZANTINES) Chapter 30 – Verse 31 and 32]
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ فَرَّقُواْ دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُواْ شِيَعًا لَّسْتَ مِنْهُمْ فِى شَىْءٍ إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُمْ إِلَى اللَّهِ ثُمَّ يُنَبِّئُهُم بِمَا كَانُواْ يَفْعَلُونَ
English Translation:
Lo! As for those who sunder their religion and become schismatics, no concern at all hast thou with them. Their case will go to Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do. [AL-ANAAM (CATTLE, LIVESTOCK) Chapter 6 – Verse 159]
The Saved Sects revives the Sunnah of the Messenger in their act of worship, behavior and lifestyles. And due to this, they become strangers among their own people, as the Prophet has informed us would happen with his words: "Indeed Islam began as something strange and it will return to being strange as it began. So Toobaa is for the strangers." And in one narration, he said: "So Toobaa is for the strangers those who correct others when the people have become corrupt." [Muslim]
"There will not cease to be a group from my ummah, dominant upon the truth. The ones who abandon them will not be able to harm them, until the decree of Allaah comes." [Muslim]
The Messenger of Allaah said: "There will not cease to be a group from my ummah dominant upon the truth. Those who abandon them will not be able to harm them until the Decree of Allah comes." [Muslim]
Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said : "Indeed those from before you from the People of the Book divided into seventy-two groups. And, indeed, this group (Muslims) will divide into seventy-three. Seventy-two groups will be in the Hellfire and one of them will be in Paradise. And it is the Jamaa'ah (group)." [Musnad Ahmed Bin Hanbal]
And in another narration, he said: "Everyone of them in the Hellfire, except for one group that which I and my companions are upon." [Sunan At-Tirmidhee]
[Hanafi, Maliki, Shafa'i, and Hanbali]
Despite some very minor disputes there are many Sub-Groups in these 4 groups like Wahabis {Sub-Groups Ahle-Hadith, Ghurba Ahle Hadith, Non-Conformist, Hizb Ullah, Jamat-ul-Muslemeen} Deobandi {Jamiat-e-Ulma-e-Islam (divided in groups), Jamat-e-Islami, Tableeghi Jamat of Raiwind}, Barelvis {Jamiat-e-Ulmai Pakistan, Sunni Tehreek, Dawat-e-Ilami, and other spiritual factions who own Shrines scatterd all over the Muslim World particularly Sub-Continent. For the sake of Power Politics these Clerics join hands with each other to create trouble for any elected government but normally their sub-groups or bodies create sectarian frenzy in the country as we have been witnessing it from the days of General Zia ul Haq.
Hisotry by Tabari, Ibn-e-Aseer, Siyoti, Ibn-e-Kathir many others also say this:
Notes and References on Sects in Islam:
1 – Al-Fisal fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa' wa al-Nihal ("The Separators Concerning Religions, Heresies, and Sects") by Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi Al Zahiri.
2 – Al-Milal wa al-Nihal كتاب الملل و النحل, The Book of Sects and Creeds by Abdul Karim Al Shahrastani.
3 – Al-Ghunya li-talibi tariq al-haqq wa al-din (Sufficient Provision for Seekers of the Path of Truth and Religion) by Abdul-Qadir Gilani
4 – Talbees Iblees – Arabic [The Devil's Deception] by Ibn al-Jawzee explosive on the Shi'a school of thought in Islam, as well as various other groups such as the Khawaarij (Khaarijites) and the Baatineeyah.[also available in Urdu]
English Translations Talbees Iblees [The Devil's Deception] A – Translated By D.S. Margoliouth Edited By N.K. Singh Published In India, B – Translated Dr. Bilal Philips'
these sects emerged during the beginning of the Abassid era on the middle of the 8th century in Baghdad. They rely on hadiths for their sectarian teachings. [Koranist]
Dear Koranist,
You are wrong again that Authentic, Checked, and Verified Haidths of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] created Sectarianism rather these Hadiths guide Muslims toward following Quran and Hadith. And if you say I am wrong then please provide the reference of your claim.
QURAN AND SUNNAH i.e. [Hadith]
Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said, upon him blessings and peace: I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which, you shall never be misguided: the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet.
Reference: [Ibn `Abd al-Barr in al-Tamhid, Ibn Nasr al-Marwazi in al-Sunna, al-Hakim in his Mustadrak, al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan al-Kubra, Malik in his Muwatta, al-Daraqutni in his Sunan, Ibn Hazm in al-Ihkam, al-Suyuti declared it hasan in al-Jami` al-Saghir, al-Suyuti in Miftah al-Janna]
QURAN AND RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS [Ameer Muawiya included] and other Companions:
The Messenger of Allaah said: "I counsel you to have Taqwaa of Allaah and to hear and obey, even if an Abyssinian slave were to command you. For, verily, whoever amongst you lives (to grown old), he will see many differences. So stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided khaleefahs. Cling tightly onto it and hold onto it with your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters. For, indeed, every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a thing that leads astray, and everything that leads astray is in the Hellfire." [Abu Dawood]
Quran and way of Prophet Mohammad i.e. Sunnah i.e. Hadith:
Ibn Mas'ood said: "The Messenger of Allaah drew a line for us and then said: 'This is the Straight Path of Allaah.' And he drew lines on the left and right of it, and then said: 'These are paths of which there is not one except that there is a devil upon it calling towards it.' Then he recited the statements of Allaah [And (He commandeth you, saying): This is My Straight path, so follow it. Follow no other ways, lest ye be parted from his way. This hath He ordained for you, that ye may ward off evil [Surat-ul-Ana' aam 6:153- The Cattle 1:153]. 'And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow (other) paths for they will separate you away from His path." [Musnad Ahmad and An-Nasaa'ee].
"I left upon you two things of which you will never go astray after them: The Book of Allaah and my Sunnah. They will never be separated until they return to me at the Haud (the Pond)." [Saheeh Al-Jaami']
QURAN AND AHL AL BAYT [Household of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH]
من فضائل علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه فضائل الصحابة صحيح مسلم…
حدثني زهير بن حرب وشجاع بن مخلد جميعا عن ابن علية قال زهير حدثنا إسمعيل بن إبراهيم حدثني أبو حيان حدثني يزيد بن حيان قال انطلقت أنا وحصين بن سبرة وعمر بن مسلم إلى زيد بن أرقم فلما جلسنا إليه قال له حصين لقد لقيت يا زيد خيرا كثيرا
رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وسمعت حديثه وغزوت معه وصليت خلفه لقد لقيت يا زيد خيرا كثيرا حدثنا يا زيد ما سمعت من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال يا ابن أخي والله لقد كبرت سني وقدم عهدي ونسيت بعض الذي كنت أعي من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فما حدثتكم فاقبلوا وما لا فلا تكلفونيه ثم قال قام رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوما فينا خطيبا بماء يدعى خما بين مكة والمدينة فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ووعظ وذكر ثم قال أما بعد ألا أيها الناس فإنما أنا بشر يوشك أن يأتي رسول ربي فأجيب وأنا تارك فيكم ثقلين أولهما كتاب الله فيه الهدى والنور فخذوا بكتاب الله واستمسكوا به فحث على كتاب الله ورغب فيه ثم قال وأهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي فقال له حصين ومن أهل بيته يا زيد أليس نساؤه من أهل بيته قال نساؤه من أهل بيته ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة بعده قال ومن هم قال هم آل علي وآل عقيل وآل جعفر وآل عباس قال كل هؤلاء حرم الصدقة قال نعم
و حدثنا محمد بن بكار بن الريان حدثنا حسان يعني ابن إبراهيم عن سعيد بن مسروق عن يزيد بن حيان عن زيد بن أرقم عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وساق الحديث بنحوه بمعنى حديث زهير حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة حدثنا محمد بن فضيل ح و حدثنا إسحق بن إبراهيم أخبرنا جرير كلاهما عن أبي حيان بهذا الإسناد نحو حديث إسمعيل وزاد في حديث جرير كتاب الله فيه الهدى والنور من استمسك به وأخذ به كان على الهدى ومن أخطأه ضل حدثنا محمد بن بكار بن الريان حدثنا حسان يعني ابن إبراهيم عن سعيد وهو ابن مسروق عن يزيد بن حيان عن زيد بن أرقم قال دخلنا عليه فقلنا له لقد رأيت خيرا لقد صاحبت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وصليت خلفه وساق الحديث بنحو حديث أبي حيان غير أنه قال ألا وإني تارك فيكم ثقلين أحدهما كتاب الله عز وجل هو حبل الله من اتبعه كان على الهدى ومن تركه كان على ضلالة وفيه فقلنا من أهل بيته نساؤه قال لا وايم الله إن المرأة تكون مع الرجل العصر من الدهر ثم يطلقها فترجع إلى أبيها وقومها أهل بيته أصله وعصبته الذين حرموا الصدقة بعده
صحيح مسلم بشرح النووي
قوله : ( ماء يدعى خما بين مكة والمدينة )
هو بضم الخاء المعجمة وتشديد الميم , وهو اسم لغيضة على ثلاثة أميال من الحسنة , عندها غدير مشهور يضاف إلى الغيضة فيقال : غدير خم .
قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( وأنا تارك فيكم ثقلين فذكر كتاب الله , وأهل بيته )
قال العلماء : سميا ثقلين لعظمهما وكبير شأنهما , وقيل : لثقل العمل بهما .
قوله : ( ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة )
هو بضم الحاء وتخفيف الراء , والمراد بالصدقة الزكاة , وهي حرام عندنا على بني هاشم وبني المطلب , وقال مالك : بنو هاشم فقط , وقيل : بنو قصي , وقيل : قريش كلها .
قوله في الرواية الأخرى : ( فقلنا : من أهل بيته نساؤه قال : لا )
هذا دليل لإبطال قول من قال : هم قريش كلها ; فقد كان في نسائه قرشيات , وهن عائشة , وحفصة , وأم سلمة , وسودة , وأم حبيبة رضي الله عنهن وأما قوله في الرواية الأخرى : ( نساؤه من أهل بيته , ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة ) قال : وفي الرواية الأخرى : فقلنا : ( من أهل بيته نساؤه قال : لا ) فهاتان الروايتان ظاهرهما التناقض , والمعروف في معظم الروايات في غير مسلم أنه قال نساؤه لسن من أهل بيته , فتتأول الرواية الأولى على أن المراد أنهن من أهل بيته الذين يساكنون , ويعولهم , وأمر باحترامهم وإكرامهم , وسماهم ثقلا ووعظ في حقوقهم , وذكر , فنساؤه داخلات في هذا كله , ولا يدخلن فيمن حرم الصدقة , وقد أشار إلى هذا في الرواية الأولى بقوله : ( نساؤه من أهل بيته , ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة ) , فاتفقت الروايتان .
قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( كتاب الله عز وجل هو حبل الله )
قيل المراد بحبل الله عهده , وقيل : السبب الموصل إلى رضاه ورحمته , وقيل : هو نوره الذي يهدي به .
قوله : ( المرأة تكون مع الرجل العصر من الدهر )
أي القطعة منه
QURAN AND AHL AL BAYT [Household of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH]
English Translation:
Yazid b. Hayyan reported, I went along with Husain b. Sabra and 'Umar b. Muslim to Zaid b. Arqam and, as we sat by his side, Husain said to him: Zaid. you have been able to acquire a great virtue that you saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) listened to his talk, fought by his side in (different) battles, offered prayer behind me. Zaid, you have in fact earned a great virtue. Zaid, narrate to us what you heard from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). He said: I have grown old and have almost spent my age and I have forgotten some of the things which I remembered in connection with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), so accept whatever I narrate to you, and which I do not narrate do not compel me to do that. He then said: One day Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) stood up to deliver sermon at a watering place known as Khumm situated between Mecca and Medina. He praised Allah, extolled Him and delivered the sermon and. exhorted (us) and said: Now to our purpose. O people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger (the angel of death) from my Lord and I, in response to Allah's call, (would bid good-bye to you), but I am leaving among you two weighty things: the one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it. He exhorted (us) (to hold fast) to the Book of Allah and then said: The second are the members of my household I remind you (of your duties) to the members of my family. He (Husain) said to Zaid: Who are the members of his household? Aren't his wives the members of his family? Thereupon he said: His wives are the members of his family (but here) the members of his family are those for whom acceptance of Zakat is forbidden. And he said: Who are they? Thereupon he said: 'Ali and the offspring of 'Ali, 'Aqil and the offspring of 'Aqil and the offspring of Ja'far and the offspring of 'Abbas. Husain said: These are those for whom the acceptance of Zakat is forbidden. Zaid said: Yes.
This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Zaid b. Arqam through another chain of transmitters. [Muslim – Chapter – THE MERITS OF 'ALI B. ABI TALIB (ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM) ]
This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Abu Hayyan but with this addition:" The Book of Allah contains right guidance, the light, and whoever adheres to it and holds it fast, he is upon right guidance and whosoever deviates from it goes astray. [Muslim Chapter – THE MERITS OF 'ALI B. ABI TALIB (ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM)]
QURAN AND AHL AL BAYT [Household of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH]
فضائل أهل بيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فضائل الصحابة صحيح مسلم
حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة ومحمد بن عبد الله بن نمير واللفظ لأبي بكر قالا حدثنا محمد بن بشر عن زكرياء عن مصعب بن شيبة عن صفية بنت شيبة قالت قالت عائشة
خرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم غداة وعليه مرط مرحل من شعر أسود فجاء الحسن بن علي فأدخله ثم جاء الحسين فدخل معه ثم جاءت فاطمة فأدخلها ثم جاء علي فأدخله ثم قال
إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا
صحيح مسلم بشرح النووي
قوله : ( وعليه مرط مرحل )
هو بالحاء المهملة . ونقل القاضي أنه وقع لبعض رواة كتاب مسلم بالحاء , ولبعضهم بالجيم . والمرحل بالحاء هو الموشى المنقوش عليه صور رحال الإبل , وبالجيم عليه صور المراجل وهي القدور . وأما المرط فبكسر الميم , وهو كساء , جمعه مروط , وسبق بيانه مرات .
قوله تعالى : { إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت }
قيل : هو الشك , وقيل العذاب , وقيل : الإثم . قال الأزهري : الرجس اسم لكل مستقذر من عمل
QURAN AND AHL AL BAYT [Household of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH]
English Translation:
'A'isha reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) went out one norning wearing a striped cloak of the black camel's hair that there came Hasan b. 'Ali. He wrapped hitn under it, then came Husain and he wrapped him under it along with the other one (Hasan). Then came Fatima and he took her under it, then came 'Ali and he also took him under it and then said: Allah only desires to take away any uncleanliness from you, O people of the household, and purify you (thorough purifying) [Sahih Muslim]
these sects emerged during the beginning of the Abassid era on the middle of the 8th century in Baghdad. They rely on hadiths for their sectarian teachings. [Koranist]
Dear Koranist,
You are wrong again because Khawarij-Kharijiites, Kharji came into existence when Hazrat Ali [May Allah be pleased with him] was alive Aand raised mutiny [Khurooj] against Hazrat Ali [May Allah be pleased with him] wiped them out and rest of them were wipedout by Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah Bin Abu Sufiyan Bin Harb [May Allahe be pleased with him]
Notes and References on Sects in Islam:
1 – Al-Fisal fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal (”The Separators Concerning Religions, Heresies, and Sects”) by Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi Al Zahiri.
2 – Al-Milal wa al-Nihal كتاب الملل و النحل, The Book of Sects and Creeds by Abdul Karim Al Shahrastani.
3 – Al-Ghunya li-talibi tariq al-haqq wa al-din (Sufficient Provision for Seekers of the Path of Truth and Religion) by Abdul-Qadir Gilani
4 – Talbees Iblees – Arabic [The Devil's Deception] by Ibn al-Jawzee explosive on the Shi’a school of thought in Islam, as well as various other groups such as the Khawaarij (Khaarijites) and the Baatineeyah.[also available in Urdu]
English Translations Talbees Iblees [The Devil's Deception] A – Translated By D.S. Margoliouth Edited By N.K. Singh Published In India, B – Translated Dr. Bilal Philips’
these sects emerged during the beginning of the Abassid era on the middle of the 8th century in Baghdad. They rely on hadiths for their sectarian teachings. [Koranist]
Dear Koranist,
Since you have raised allegation of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]'s Hadith please inform us all so that we can enhance our knowledge as to how Hadith created Sects in Islami and also tell us that which Quranic Verse was wrongly interpretated by Khawarijs against Muslim Community which caused the destruction of Khawaraijs by Hazrat Ali [May Allahe be pleased with him]
Dear Dr Alvi,
I would request you to kindly start Separate the thread and start a NEW THREAD ON TWO POSTS BY KORANIST so that we can discuss the allegation he raised on Shariah, Quran and Hadith. It will be better if this discussion is done in different thread instead of mixing it with Ghazi's Thread and Nizam Adl discussion.
This Nizam e Adl is anything but adl which gives amnesty to the murderers like Fazlulla and pardons them for all their deeds. This is not only unconstitutional but also unislamic.
(unaiza baji)
what about bombardment with jet fighter on your own citizen?
can you present one single example where to combat the foreign terrorist you started destroying houses,madrisa and masajid with jet fighters?
can you give the example of killing hunderds of innocent madrisa kids in any muslim or non muslim country?…(except israel)
what about drone attacks? now it is claimed that these drone fly from our own bases.can you give me single example where the army of a country allowed killing of its own citizen by foreign forces.
now they are planning an extension of the attacks upto the blochistan and your PM and president welcomed this decision because more aid is attached with this package.
are you talking about constitution,law and islam?
that is a height of any thing.
laugh out loud unazia baji!
ufffff baji
kaisey mazay ki hey chatni!
thanks karachite! :))
unaiza baji!
yes baji! my english sucks.because i did not care about learning english as a language and i am not ashamed of it because the europians whom i work with,speak more horrible english than me.
but i am damn good in argumenting the people.
would you please stay faocus on the arguments rather my english language?
Hadith is a legal framework using the prophet as a witness. There is nothing called Shariah law in the Islam. Shariah law was an innovation invented by the Abbasid. [Koranist]
Dear Koranist,
Where are the references of your claim above.
Dear Dr Alvi,
Sir,I would request you to kindly start Separate the thread and start a NEW THREAD ON TWO POSTS BY KORANIST so that we can discuss the allegation he raised on Shariah, Quran and Hadith. It will be better if this discussion is done in different thread instead of mixing it with Ghazi’s Thread and Nizam Adl discussion.Regards.(Amir Mughal)
i concur on the request.also i request for a seprate blog for @Amir Mughal in which he will be free for all sorts of copy paste stuff.please make a hyde park for @Amir Mughal.
also i request for change in policy regarding the posts from the bloggers.i think it would be better if you limit every post in terms of some limited words like 100 words for a single post.
hadith is an innovation set up by Imam Al Shafi about 160 years after Muhammad(pbuh). [Koranist]
my God! another freak! hey amir mughal!your brother the kuranist just came in rediculing the hadith.would you mind “carpet bombing” the refrences from Quran kareem and ahadith e mubarika? its a test for your professional skills.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
i concur on the request.also i request for a seprate blog for @Amir Mughal in which he will be free for all sorts of copy paste stuff.please make a hyde park for @Amir Mughal.
also i request for change in policy regarding the posts from the bloggers.i think it would be better if you limit every post in terms of some limited words like 100 words for a single post.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
You have yourself requested in one of your post above to refute Quranist. On one hand you demand refutation and on the other hand you oppose me on copy pasting [as per you].
Please tell me if somebody is raising allegation against Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] then what should I do?
I would have to copy and paste Quranic Verses and Hadith to aanswer the allegaions which are being lebelled on Quran and Hadit.
If you know a better way to refute Mr Koranist then you are more than welcome or if you are note able to answer him then please please let the others do the job.
If moderators allow my posts then why are you objecting and that too when one is trying to defend the Hadith of Prophet MMohammad [PBUH] from soemone who is insulting the Hadith.
i request for a seprate blog for @Amir Mughal in which he will be free for all sorts of copy paste stuff.please make a hyde park for @Amir Mughal. also i request for change in policy regarding the posts from the bloggers.i think it would be better if you limit every post in terms of some limited words like 100 words for a single post.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
my God! another freak! hey amir mughal!your brother the kuranist just came in rediculing the hadith.would you mind “carpet bombing” the refrences from Quran kareem and ahadith e mubarika? its a test for your professional skills.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
If you object on my poor and humble effort to defend Hadith [which you demanded yourself] then what happened to you claim of defending Allah's Boundaries which as per your own claim and comment:
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 4, 2009 @ 1:18 am
@ khaled!i did not support this act. but i shall continue supporting hudoodullah.…
you didn't get it.
"people can not and do not read that huge stuff"
it is useless and annoying.
please engage your opponent in a dialogue and respond his arguments point by every one can read and enjoy the argumentation.
i request for a seprate blog for @Amir Mughal in which he will be free for all sorts of copy paste stuff.please make a hyde park for @Amir Mughal. also i request for change in policy regarding the posts from the bloggers.i think it would be better if you limit every post in terms of some limited words like 100 words for a single post.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
my God! another freak! hey amir mughal!your brother the kuranist just came in rediculing the hadith.would you mind “carpet bombing” the refrences from Quran kareem and ahadith e mubarika? its a test for your professional skills.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
If you object on my poor and humble effort to defend Hadith [which you demanded yourself] then what happened to you claim of defending Allah’s Boundaries which as per your own claim and comment:
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 4, 2009 @ 1:18 am
@ khaled!i did not support this act. but i shall continue supporting hudoodullah.…
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
You had demanded to refute him and I am trying very humbly to follow this Hadith-e-Qudsi:
On the authority of Abu Sa'id (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
Let not any one of you belittle himself. They said: O Messenger of Allah, how can any one of us belittle himself? He said: He finds a matter concerning Allah about which he should say something, and he does not say [it], so Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says to him on the Day of Resurrection: What prevented you from saying something about such-and-such and such-and-such? He say: [It was] out of fear of people. Then He says: Rather it is I whom you should more properly fear. [It was related by Ibn Majah with a sound chain of authorities]
where is the @kuranist?
to whome you are talking to?
you didn’t get it. “people can not and do not read that huge stuff” it is useless and annoying. please engage your opponent in a dialogue and respond his arguments point by every one can read and enjoy the argumentation.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Since you hold the Sword of Takfeer, Authority to Declare any Muslim [who differ with you] a Munafiq [Hypocrite] and also Authority to distribute the Certificate of Iman [Faith] and as per your own claim:
Your own words:…
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 3, 2009 @ 11:49 pm
@amir mughal! please always read the post before boasting yourself as all knower.i have already read the sahee bukharee thrice along with all saahe sitta.first time i read the sahee bukharee when i was 13 years old just for curosity.
Therefore you are the most eligible person to refute Koranist because of your authority over Quran and Sihah-e-Sitta and that was your own claim, read the above.
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 18, 2009 @ 12:59 pm
where is the @kuranist? to whome you are talking to?
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
You tell me, please, where is he? You demanded the refutation in of your comment:
Comment by koranist on April 18, 2009 @ 12:27 am
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 18, 2009 @ 1:35 am
my God!another freak!hey amir mughal!
your brother the kuranist just came in rediculing the hadith.would you mind “carpet bombing” the refrences from Quran kareem and ahadith e mubarika?its a test for your professional skills. [Dr Jawwad Khan]
unlike you,danial burki,noman and imran zaidi. many people like kuranist and unaiza baji just drop the bomb and run away because they already know the weakness of their arguments.
so please wait for their responce and be specific to the counter argument.thanks
you didn’t get it. “people can not and do not read that huge stuff” it is useless and annoying. please engage your opponent in a dialogue and respond his arguments point by every one can read and enjoy the argumentation.[Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
There are two way out for this:
1 – Request the Moderators to not to accept my comment.
2 – Let them read my text.
3 – You refute Koranist yourself and stop calling other Muslims, Munafiq and dont even stop this name calling when one try to defend Islam.
You refute Koranist yourself and stop calling other Muslims, Munafiq and dont even stop this name calling when one try to defend Islam.
(Amir Mughal)
one try to defend islam…??
by twisting the meanings of sahih bukhari.
by attributing some thing to Nabi Karim(saww) which he never said?
by abusing and slandering molana syed abul aala modudi by using the books of "deobandi ulema"?
by showing disrespect and contempt for the dignitaries like molana taqi usmani sahib and molana wali mohd razi sahib?
why i believe that you and noman are the munafiq?
because when i see you from my side,i see you standing side by side with secular and liberal fascists, blasphemers , ideological deviants and atheists,hurting the feelings of the masses.
there are many people who do not agree with the methodology of pakistani taliban(i am also one of them) but they alsways show sincierity and passion towards islam and muslims which i am unable to see in your posts.
one try to defend islam…?? by twisting the meanings of sahih bukhari. by attributing some thing to Nabi Karim(saww) which he never said? [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Prove it.
The sects emerged during the Battle of the Camel between Aisha and the Ummayids and Ali who was not an Ummayid but a companion of the prophet. The 4 Caliphs migrated out of Mecca and were loyal to God and His messenger and they gave up their tribal loyalties. But they were the minority of Mecca. After the fall of Mecca many former pagans entered Islam but still had the tribal loyalties and many were not sincere. The two biggest tribes of former pagan Mecca was Bani Umayya and Banu Hashim, the prophet's family who nerverthless refused his prophecy and fought him in Uhud and Badr and other battles.
Initially the Meccans were not able to establish themselves because the people who ruled were Abu Bakr and Omar and the companions. When Uthman passed away Aisha led a campaign with the help of the Umayyids to keep power with bani Umayya. Uthman was from Banu Umayya. Ali came to power but the Ummaya clan did not want him. many of the prophet's companions were slowly passing away and the companion generation was becoming smaller and smaller and their influence diminishing. Aisha being Abu Bakr's daughter and from Bani Ummaya was seen by Banu Ummaya as an asset. Anyways Ali got killed and then Hussein the son of Ali wanted to return power to banu Hashim who Ali was from.
Its imporrtant to understand that these companions had many children and only a few become politically ambitious using their father's name. The tribes they came from were politically ambitious.
The Khawariji were from the Najd area. they were weak as they lacked the prestige of Mecca who carried the prophet's blood. Very important in tribal societies. In short everybody went back to the old Arab tribal self and the companion generation vanished. It was during the Ummayads power that many of these hadiths spread around. The Ummayds ruled for 100 years and then the Abbasids(Banu Hashim) took power. They introduced the concept of Shariah law and it was there era when these sects moved from political sects to religeous sects by invoking the Sunnah.
The Abbasids were initially supported by Banu Hashim's allies, the shia. But somehow they turned against them and supported the Mu'tazilites who were philosophers and not sectarian. But the old ummayad guard came back. The Ummayads are known as Sunnis, The banu Hashim are the Shias but they changed to Sunni probably because the Shia tradition was too rebelious as it remained as an opposition for too long.. The Sunnis who were in power during the Ummayads were more conservative. the Abbasids then became Sunnis and invented hadith to give religious justification. Al Shafi and Imam Malik were the inventors of the Sunnah.
The Khawriji are the wahhabis of today. the live in the najd area where Al Saud comes from. they have the problem of no prestige untill the Wahhabi movement helped them establish power for the first time.
Ali never oppossed Abu Bakr or Omar. these are lies. Hussein wanted power for himself just like Aisha wanted power for herself. They were supported by their clans. The 4 Caliphs never betrayed Muhammad(pbuh) and to prove that not one of them ever gave power after them to their sons. Unlike the rest of the Arab rulers until this day.
They were the Muhajiroon who sacrficed. Neither Aisha nor Hussein nor Mauaiya ibn Sufyan fought a single battle defending the prophet. They fought each other over power. Ali is innocent and the fact that 3 of the Caliphs were assasinated tell you a lot about how much the Arab meccanbs despised the caliphs because they were not tribal.
Shariah is a myth. Real Islam is only Koran and the Koran is what the 4 caliphs left. Not one of them has EVER authorized anything to be written or compiled except the Koran and maybe thats why they were killed.
by showing disrespect and contempt for the dignitaries like molana taqi usmani sahib and molana wali mohd razi sahib? [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Would you like to define this?
Interest is Haram [Unlawful – Forbidden] in Islam…
Taqi Usmani consider it Halal through his deviant Fatwa. And do read Daily Jang of 6 Months back because your beloved so-called [more than 30 Ulema] had issued Fatwa against Usmani Sahab so-called Islamic Banking.
Regarding Wali Razi:
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Sir, you are condemning me for Nifaq and I have no objection because you have the freedom of opinion whatever it may be.
I wonder if you remember the last conversation of Ghazi Brothers [Your Mujahid Heros] with TV Channels about these Time Servers Taqi Usmani and Co. Mawlana Wali Razi is a brother of Taqi Usmani and let me remind you one more forgotten fact that Wali Razi was inducted by General Musharraf in his Sindh Cabinet after Imposing Martial Law in 1999. If I have a Nifaq in my heart then please define Wali Razi induction Musharraf Martial Law Cabinet and the same Musharraf conducted a very ruthless operation against the Lal Msajid and Co.
Regarding Blasphemous Mawdudi, JI, IJT and their Ideology on Sahaba Kiram [Companions of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH]
My answer is this:
Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said, “Whoever abuses my Companions, upon them is the curse of Allah, the angels and all the people” [Saheeh At-Tabaranee and Tirmidhi]
I never supported or wrote anything in favour of any drone attack etc against innocent civilians. How did you pre-suppose about my stance on such things? Yes I can see how "damned" good you are at arguments (of course without any rhyme and reason). And this satanic nizam-e-adl is nothing different from zionism or American imperialism…all are directed towards punishing Muslims.
The sects emerged during the Battle of the Camel between Aisha and the Ummayids and Ali who was not an Ummayid but a companion of the prophet. [Koranist]
Dear Sir,
You have quoted the reference from Tabari [Read lies compiled in the name of Islamic History and quoted by Mawdududi of JI to defame Islam, and mind you Khomeini was a good friend of Khomeini and to further clarify the matter the so-called Books which were used by Mawdudi to defame Islam were also used in making this 100 Parts Film on Hazrat Ali by Iran and they have also filmed the same History [LIES] to defame Islam]
Movie is as under:
Imam Ali Movie…
hey Amir mughal!
your pervezi friend appeared.why don't you talk to him?
rather forcing me repeat myself again and again.
And did anyone read about "ta1iban marriage bureau"? 😀
Now they will have license to abduct our daughters and sisters and get them married to their jerks. Nizam-e-adl keeps on getting hold masha-Allah. Keep your fingers crossed, there is more to come.