Its has been quite sometime that the Baluchistan people have been in a constant struggle for their freedom and separation from Pakistan, stories and reports have been heard far and wide, the true picture was at best illusive but I was shocked to see the extent of their hatred when I heard this 10 min BBC Urdu interview of an MBBS student in Quetta.
The words with which she expressed her hatred for Pakistan did truly shock me, it is as if we are re-living the 1947 separation with India, the animosity between the Hindus and Muslim then is being reflected into a Baluchistan vs Pakistan hatred sentiment. Have we gone too far, or is there still hope / light at the end of the tunnel?
To be honest considering the immaturity of our present leaders, I have little confidence that anything better will happen and if not for anything else, they’d actually relish the opportunity to make matters even worse
46 responses to “Astonished at the level of Hatred for Pakistan by Baluchi nationals”
Dude now you know why BALOCHISTAN related emails were a constact feature of my emails on a friend group on which your were listed sometime back.
Unfortunately very few of us are taking it seriously. I take it VERY VERY SERIOUSLY.
Talat Hussain is the only TV ANCHOR who is constantly highlighting the BALOCH issue. all others are sleeping
This interview should open some eyes:…
Majority of the people who comment on this issue simply bash the sardari system and consider it the ONLY issue keeping BALOCHISTAN backward. They are oblivious to the WHOLE picture. This is about PUNJAB plus ARMY vs BALOCHISTAN and the people of BALOCHISTAN have fed up with us and we satisfy ourselves calling them "JUST FEW IDIOTs" working against state.
Didnt we bashed the bengaliz same way in 71? If we want history not to repeat itself we need not to repeat the mistake and eliminate the PUNJABi establishment's egoistic illusion of being custodians of WHOLE PAKISTAN.
Do you know that your army opened fired on protesters yesterday in a school at Mand, killed a 20 years old boy, and injured five women? It wasn't really considered news-worthy by your media.
Our hatred for Pakistan has become a passion, burning us, and we hope to burn Pakistan with us.
Thanks for posting that. Her speech was both extremely moving and extremely disturbing.
When you illegally occupy a country in violation of a treaty you signed just months earlier; exploit its natural resources; suppress its language and culture; torture and rape and kill activists who are detained; bomb villages, block food supplies, tents and blankets; and massacre tens of thousands of civilians (including 16,000 in the Chamalang Valley massacre of children, women and old Marri tribesman grazing sheep), should you be surprised that if they hate you?
I wish people on both sides understood this issue. I myself was never aware of any such issues while growing up but its becoming more and more evident now that the Baloch are really unhappy with the way they are treated.
At times like these I am reminded about how important unity amongst the Muslims is…
Allah says in Surah Aal-e-Imram Verse 103-105
103- And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited, and remember the favor of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it, thus does Allah make clear to you His communications that you may follow the right way.
104- And from among you there should be a party who invite to good and enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong, and these it is that shall be successful. Such are they who are successful.
105- And be not like those who became divided and disagreed after clear arguments had come to them, and these it is that shall have a grievous chastisement.
As Pakistani's the rest of us should rise up in support of our brothers in Baluchistan. Perhaps in time we can show them that the ruling elite may be their enemy, but the common man has nothing to do with it.
The same goes for Muslims all across the world.
It is rather unfortunate that we will likely continue to ignore the teachings of Quran and Sunnah….
This rebellion needs to be crushed with iron hands and there is a need to build cantonements in all major parts of Balochistan's insurgecy infested areas.…
Kindly see a doctor, you have a anti-REALITY illness.
i am not astonished by the hatred for pakistan because i know that we are suffering from a programmed self destruction….it took long time but now all earthy facts have been convinced me about that as a nation we are committing suicide.
i guess this is some thing which is already programmed in our genes…
whatever we do is a predictable but it is very interesting to see the behaviour of BBCurdu. i have an eye on BBCurdu since some time and folks!!! i tell you one thing. BBC regional transmissions and networks have an active and very special roll in balochistan movement….
If in 21 Century educated people distinguish themselves on, race, color,cast , creed and ethnic grounds, its pity , and unfortunate. At least an educated person should distinguish people on its beliefs or the acts he/she perform..On that ground there are two groups in Pakistan 1-THE OPPRESSORS AND 2-THE OPPRESSED , Now if we see the oppression is not only in Blochistan , its rampant in south Punjab, Interior Sindh, and rural Pashtoonkhaw.. Are billions and billions of poor Pakistanis responsible for the suppression in Blochistan? Certainly not, It is the elite , ruling class which is doing this damage to the country.
The enemy of Pakistan is using that suppression of a limited elite class to look like it is the whole Pakistan doing this to Bloochi people, but if you look the reaction of Mr. Akbar Bugti' murder in punjab was not less then Blochistan.. So, my Blochi brothers should not play in the hands of enemy,,.. We all oppressed Pakistanis should unite and take stand against the oppressors, without the distinction of race,color,and creed…May Allah help us.
Talat Hussain has always been anti-Baloch in his interviews with the Baloch leaders. He often ridicules the Baloch demands and uses the language of the Pakistani establishment.
Dr Riaz,
Yes we are all opressed, but undoubtidly some more than others.
Talat Hussain has always been anti-Baloch in his interviews with the Baloch leaders. He often ridicules the Baloch demands and uses the language of the Pakistani establishment.
Talat came out pretty much on the Baloch side in that Akbar Bugti interview linked above. Heck the interview alone made me feel Akbar Bugti's pain.
Talat also highlighted that the policy makers in Islamabad are not really doing much to ease the issues in Balochistan and mentioned that there are parallel governments running there.
Off-course being a journalist he also asked one or two pressing questions, such as what is the 75% baloch representation in government doing to highlight and fix the issues, and Indian interference in the region (Bugti's response to that was odd… 'enemy of enemy is my friend'. He seemed to be acknowledging the interference).
Did you actually hear the interview?
Either way, the people need to rise up and sort these issues out, since our leadership has never really been on the side of the common man.
After reading all this gibberish of views of all sides, I say we are missing the point. Since when we as Baluch should even give an iota of concern to the Pakistanis whether be it so called elites or otherwise. The hell with the Pakistan part of the land, and thusly, we should and will draw the line that must separate us from the dirty flood that landed on us since 1942. A guy called Janah, or whatever his name is played a game and he played it so well that he made us the dignified people of Baluchistan pay the price for more than 60 years, WE MUST NOT FORGET THIS. I say take arms and fight to death to get our country back from Pakistan and Iran for FREEDOM IS NOT GIVEN BUT CERTAINLY IS TAKEN BY DOUBLING THE FORCE OF HATRED AND DISGUST AND WASHING WITH BLOOD THE INJUSTIC THAT IS IMPOSED ON OUR INNCOENT CHAILDREN, WOMEN AND MEN…SIMPLY IS TAKEN AND WORTH DYING FOR. I am ashamed, and feel like dying each and every time I say to people I meet that I am a Baluch, and they say “Ooh you are from Pakistan?”. So you see I might as well die once rather than hundreds of times.
Fatema……Look at our bloch traditions ,,1. walk on fire to prove innocence ..
2-Find water by dead, dry bone of a animal.. etc etc…Is thiis the time for people to live in caves??.. 3 If a girl is taken of a tribe ,, the tribe has right to pick innocent girls of that tribe …ahhhh,,, Traditions even worse which were in "Jahillat dor" 1500 hundred years ago….For God sake , its 21 century ,, if red Indians can leave their illiterate way of life and be part of usa living,,, why we Bloch can't take light from Islam and behave like educated Muslims….If we think we will be independent ,,no way….JIN KAY KEHNAY PAY HUM YEH HERKAT KER RHAY HAIN,,,HAMARY AGLAY MASTER WO HOON GAY…..SO PL. BE SENSIBLE
Well said….
Raiz I read your comments on Yahoo groups as well, you sound more like a Punjabi than a Baloch. Your points 1-3 point one that is not valid in all tribes in Balochistan that happens only in Bugti tribe plus they do that in an Islamic way they read Dua'a to the fire that if the person is innocent do not burn him. Remember Hazrat Ibrahim was also thrown in fire by the kuffar to prove his innocence but the fire did not burn him.
Point the scapula (bone) that happened not only in Balochistan but it practiced in Pashton, kethran, and some areas in Sindh as well. That is very old tradition people use. I don't see any backwardness or anything wrong with that.
Point three, If some is taken first they will try to resolve the issue peacefully, use of force is the final resort. No Gharatmad person would like his/her girl, daughter, sister in the custody of another man forcefully. Unless you're a Punjabi and you don't mind your girls being used by anyone.
Finally change is taking place in Balochistan people are getting more aware that is why you see Baloch struggle is intensifying everyday. People now kow their real enemy and they know that they have been kept backward and uneducated intentionally by the state of pakistan.
Down with Pakistan
Long lvie Balochistan
I am not sure if you realized this, but you painted all of balochi's as backward minded tribals with no real idea of Islam.
1- Did the Prophet Mohammad Sallah Alaih Wasalam ever throw anyone in fire to 'prove' their innocence?
2- The bone practice is pagan, does not matter who practices it.
3- I dont think anyone wants their girls used by anyone. Punjabi, sindi, arab, balochi, or otherwise. But raping and pillaging innocents is not the way of the muslim. Remember the capture of Makkah by the muslims lead by Prophet Mohammad? He did not ask them to take revenge on all the innocents for the crimes their leaders had committed in the early days of islam, rather he specifically gave orders to spare women, children and the old people and only fight those who fight against you. He also forgave the woman who ate his own beloved Uncle's liver.
In the end we all answer to one power, Allah the almighy, and our nationality or ethnicity matters not in the face of our deeds.
MR. Baluch…..My Allah Knows, I have never been to Yahoo groups as you said, it is your an other fake understanding.. Brother I am a bloch, you come to Khuzdar and ask anybody about Dr. Riaz..but Alhamdolilah, My eeman is that We all are humans , sons of Adam, and Adam was made by dark clay..NO race, color, creed, ethnic ground, can make anybody good or bad… superior or inferior Na Arbi Ko Ajmi Per Koi Fazilat Na Ajmi Ko Arbi per,,, HAAn Jis Ka TAQWA Ziyada Wo Banda Acha… .The day I surrendered before Pegamber MUHAMMAD < RASOOL ALLAH>> FOR GOD SAKE….HUM NAY ALLAH KAY PAISH HONA HAY….PL> All muslims without race color, creed, get unite and fight for their rights within the limits of muslim unity…the oppressor, elite is few but we depressed pakistanis are in billion if united we can through them out and bring the rule of law… Allah aap ko bahut tofeeq day..ameen
@ Abdullah, you guys only remember Allah one a your Punjabi hegemony is exposed. you're Hippocrates you only use Islam to justify your dirty politics and War on our innocent people.
Everyone has to die one day and will be answerable for what they did. What you think that your Punjabi army after killing, raping and capturing so many innocent people will go to heaven? You yo talk about rapes most of them happen in Punjab and your so called vanguard of Islam raped 200,000 Bengali Muslim ladies, they raped the orphan girls of earth quick victims…. what you think they will be pardoned for that.
Baloch are backward or progressed, they are what they are. We never invited the Punjabi army to come and develop us and we never invited them to our country Balochistan, plus they are not welcomed on our land. They are occupiers and they will be treated as occupiers/invaders. No matter what you guys say it doesn't change our mind, and we do not believe your paki version of Islam. you can go preach it somewhere as. If you give examples of the prophet and want to live like he lived than currently no one in Pakistan is not living life the way the Prophet (PBUH) lived, not even the so called Mullahs who are hungry for money and seats.
So, here I go again
Down with Pakistan
Long live Balochistan
you say punjiabi army its obvious you are an indian ajent iam from quetta i dont have hatred for punjabis i went to there land they didnt slaughter me for being from balochistan we slaughter them in quetta for just being punjabis and all the factories and plazas in punjab are owned by private sector they are not goverment owned we could attract foreign investors as well if we dont slaughter them for our independence and for what balochis are present in main stream politics and you are forgetting that zardari is baloch the politician dont raise there voice as they should they just eat for 5 years and then scram to london
, I only see people by their believes not by their colors and races.. a poor Sindi who follow the teaching of H.Muhammad{SALLAHWASALM}is better then a Mengal Baluch who does not even pray…Brother, you need to understand Islam… Islam doesn't allow to send people on fire to prove truth,,I am not trying to be specific about one tribe…You know there are lot of unislamic, unethical , traditions are being followed, and we follow them proudly ,, like ABU JIHIL used to perform and say,, HOW CAN WE LEAVE THE TRADITIONS OF OUR INSISTERS?.. It is "JIHIL"
TO be honest you abused our punjabi brothers, that they don't mind if their woman is taken by somebody…Pl. do not say that…You know few days back few baluchi women were buried alive..and we did it on the name of GHIRAT…
HAMARY RASOOL NAY AURTOON KO ZINDA DABANA JAHILIAT AUR SULM KAHA HAY….JAHALAT KAY TIMES MAIN BHI KAFIR APNI BACHION KO ZINDA DABA DETAY THAY.. yeh kaisi ghirat hay…Mr. Baluch?… Yeh kaisi superiority hay?.. jo ham ko qimat kay din apnay Rassol{SWM} kay rubru sharminda keray??… BHAI>>> FOR GOD SAKE….HUM NAY ALLAH KAY PAISH HONA HAY….PL> All muslims without race color, creed, get unite and fight for their rights within the limits of muslim unity…the oppressor, elite is few but we depressed pakistanis are in billion if united we can through them out and bring the rule of law… Allah aap ko bahut tofeeq day..ameen
But this is all nonsense. What do Islam or women's rights have to do with the Baloch issue? Its not like the rest of Pakistan has such an amazing record of women's rights. Most honor killings and acid attacks happen in Sindh and Punjab and women are second class citizens all around this country. The Baloch issue is about an army occupation, about kidnappings by agencies and about unfair exploitation of Baloch resources by the centre. Let's try to resolve those issues rather than muddying matters more.
You sound like a really well trained RAW hindu operative working on spreading hatred against punjabis and Pakistan. I would love if you could answer the following:
1. You guys cry that balochs are not given representation. If you look at the provincial Governemnt in Balochistan, every nalaik baloch has been given a great post. From Peon to the chief minister, every post in every damn department is given to a baloch regardless of whether he is metric fail (which most of them are).
2. Baloch students with pathetic marks get admission in medical college/engineering universities unfairly violating all known laws due to the stupid quota system.
3. Look at the pushtun belts in balochistan… all green with gardens, fruits, water and safe to live. Look at baloch belts in balochistan…. like a phitkaar … dry barren lands. Atleast the pushtoons had the sense to do something with their land comparde to balochs like you who just wanna sit on their bums and get a paycheck at their house
4. If Akbar Bugti was such a great hero, then why is Dera Bugti the most stinking, backward and uneducated place in balochistan ?
5. Do you really think that the blood of thousands of innocent punjabis and hazaras that you have spilled in balochistan by taking training/money from your ugly hindu indian masters will go unnoticed and unanswered? InshAllah
there will be justice both in this world and the world hereafter for that.
6. You seem to live in a fool's paradise when you think that an independant balochistan (which will never happen btw due to a million diff reasons) will be happy and prosperous. You guys will probably meet the same fate from your indian masters as they did in gujrat.
Oh and bye the way, I support the iron-hand handling of the hindu balochs were are involved in the killings of punjabis. However, I do NOT support the suffering of innocent balochs and I think the rights of these guys should be protected. However, the ones who are working on the hindu agenda should be dealt with an iron hand. Hopefully operation will start in balochistan soon.
Pakistan government need to talk to the real Baloch stakeholders and come up with a formula which can satisfy the just demands of the Baloch people.
@ Baluch
Calm down man!
You are putting nothing else but RAWs hatred material; my dear hatred will take you no where, You don’t like pushtoons to work on barren lands of Baluchistan and make it wealthier, OR punjabi workers mining in mines of Baluchistan or Sindhis to cultivate your land or mohajirs to serve on Gawadar port, NO? then who do you like? haan? Indian's??? or American's?
Dear, if you want to be a part of mainstream, pleeeease concentrate on development of Baluchi people, educate them, help them understand to work hard; hate is all waste!
They may like Indians or the American's
why its your business?
Its natural that when a group of people (in this case the PUNJAB establishment) keep crushing the will of the people and not let them progress by constantly undermining the political right movements then people will rebel.
1971 again?
Balochistan Zindagbaath
No need to get so happy. East Pakistan was a different case altogether. Following are the differences:
– East Pakistan had a population more than the population of west Pakistan. Balochistan has the population about 7-8% of the Pakistan and balochs are only about 3% of the population of Pakistan and out of those 3% only about 0.3% are the separatists.
– East Pakistan was physically separated from West Pakistan with a "bagham main churee mun main ram ram" type neighbor i.e. India in between
– The main underlying cause behing the fall of Dhaka was because the West Pakistan did not accept the mandate of East Pakistan whereas in Balochista, there are elections held and whichever thug wins, they get the govt
– Balochistan is like the lifeline of Pakistan therefore the state will HAVE to take care of it if matters get worse.
You know, the only problem is that currently we have a really khassi govt otherwise come any competent govt, Pakistan will reciprocate india's involvement.
The young generation in Pakistan feel really bad for what happened back in 1971. First, my heartiest condolences to you for having gone through such a nightmarish experience.
It a long debate whether it was the fall of Dhaka or the liberation of Bangladesh, but the following were the key contributors to this sad incident.
1. Our fauj, which unncessarily eneterd Bangladesh
2. The stupid SOB zulfiqar Bhutto who refused to accept the voting results in which the parties from East Pakistan had won. To be fair, the federal govt should have been formed by the bangalis as they got the most votes.
3. The Sheikh Mujeeb who was in bed with the hindus and did everything to make the matters worse
4. Manhus indian hindus, who have always been the churee in the back of soooo many people and sooo many countries. There is a famous and very true about these guys:
Baghal main churee mun main ram ram.
Khair in any case, the Balochistan problem is going to get an iron-clad handling in a couple of months. For now, the state is busy with another matters and under zardaro we currently have the most khassi hakumat. But things are bound to change, since Islamabad WILL have to make some decisions. Besides, Balochistan insurgency is not like the insurgency of pushtoons who are very brave people.
First things first, I never said that I was happy about this. So kindly don't speculate. It's really sad to see a situation like this.
Secondly, for us it was not 'Fall of Dhaka', it was Liberation for Bangladesh. So Balochistan is a lifeline thats why government HAS to take care of it, but wasn't East Pakistan just as important too? I can agree to some of the points. In any case, sad of how the later generations of West Pakistanis dust 1971 & the atrocities committed by the army under the carpet and have selective Amnesia about the incident.
Anyway, all the best to Pakistanies. I'm a Bangladeshi, a former East Pakistani. My family was torn apart, and some killed in the break-up in 1971.
I hope & wish nothing like that happens to your country again.
Good luck & God bless!
India should Highlight the grievances of the Baloch. In Kashmir, we have given the people the power to speak in the form of elections. 66% of people voted. But, do the politicians of Baloch have any say against the army's policies? We should not support Balochistan directly but help Afghanistan. Afghanistan,inturn, will definitely help the Balochi people. The situation in Balochistan is even more serious than it was in Bangladesh. Bangladesh didnt have any borders with Pakistan but Balochistan does. Its in the interest of both Afghanistan and Balochistan to come together. In that way Afghanistan can lend moral support and Balochistan can join Afghanistan later and provide sea ports to Afghanistan. In this scenario,everybody wins! ๐
Lolz…. Anoop… another ugly, dark, greasy and stinking hindu having wet dreams about something which will never happen. I think we all saw the "independance" and "love for india" from Kashmiris a couple of months ago when your brethren closed the trade routes.
@Patriotic Pakistani,
Why has my comment aroused such a strong response? You killed people in Bangladesh like they were cockroaches. We stepped in to help. If you had treated them like human beings nobody could have broken your country up. Now, the history is repeating itself. Balochis are treated horribly. They demand a separate nation. And, this is not created by India. Its an internal struggle.
Regarding Kashmir, if majority people dont want India to stay we couldn't have done it for 62 long years. They wouldn't have voted in the election if they didnt want us to stay. 66% people voted in the elections. Dont listen to your media. Its biased as always. Look at ground situations. Did you know about the person from pro-pakistani Hurriat contested in elections? You want to know what people think of him? He got 4th place in the elections. He lost to the 2 pro-india political parties-NC won,PDP 2nd,followed by the Congress. Your obsession with Kashmir has brought the gun culture in your country and devastated your economy. Terror strikes are taking place almost everyday in Pakistan. Learn from your mistakes and forget Kashmir.
Yeah right, kashmiris love india and thats probably why there is around 0.6 million indian army troops to receive the "love" and "affection" of kashmiris. A 10 year old kid knows that kashmiris hate indian hindus and india and never wanted to be with them and despite india's decades long tries of integrating them in the mainstream, kashmiris still hate indian to its guts.
Lolz…. balochs are only about 3% of the population of pakistan and in balcohistan, they are only about 30% out of which only about 0.3% are taking money from RAW and creating havoc. Wait till our army is done dealing in the north-west frontier we will come down hard on your friends i.e. hindu balochs in balochistan.
Pakistan should concentrate on the million fault lines in india starting from the sikhs, to Assaam, to kashmiris, to dalits, to maoists and hopefully. India is like a statue full of cracks, just needs a little push.
Waise hindu banye ki zehniat kabhi change nahee ho gee…. always baghal main churee mun main raam raam. Kamssal aur kameene log.
"A 10 year old kid knows that kashmiris hate indian hindus and india and never wanted to be with them and despite india’s decades long tries of integrating them in the mainstream, kashmiris still hate indian to its guts."
Have you ever been to the Indian side of Kashmir? You are just repeating what your Urdu media says. I agree that there are people in Kashmir who want to be independent like the Hurriat. But, the have absolutely no public support. 66% people voted in the assembly.. Thats more than the % of ppl who voted in my home town ,Bangalore. They have elected their representative. His name is Omar Abdullah. Go and ask him if he ever wants to be part of any other country apart from India and he'll probably give a tight slap. I know you guys dont believe in the concept of democracy but we do. People elect those who they will think will represent their viewpoint.
A guy from Hurriat contested the parliamentary elections 4 or 5 months ago from North Kashmir. Do you know what happened to him?? He got 4th place. You wanna know who won that seat? National Conference won,followed by PDP and then congress. why did the people of North Kashmir elect pro-india person and not a anti-india person from hurriat?
Do you really think that any country can occupy a territory without support from the masses? Think of your own territory in Bangladesh. The bangladeshis wanted you out and they kicked you out. So, that should prove it to you the people of Kashmir rather live in a multi-cultural democracy than a uni-dimentional theocracy of a country about to implode.
"Lolz…. balochs are only about 3% of the population of pakistan and in balcohistan, they are only about 30% out of which only about 0.3% are taking money from RAW and creating havoc."
Pray,tell me how did you come up with this number? how did you find out exactly 0.3% people of balochis get money from India.. Where did you get the evidence from? You,my foolish friend, are greater and more efficient than the CIA. Your intelligence network is amazing..
Balochis have never been a part of popular culture in Pakistan. You have never treated them with respect. That is why there is blowback. All the militants fighting in Kashmir are from Pakistan. None from Kashmir itself. This is not a struggle for independence. This is plain terrorism..
"Wait till our army is done dealing in the north-west frontier we will come down hard on your friends i.e. hindu balochs in balochistan."
This sentence again proves your stupidity and naivety. How on earth the Hindus got into balochistan? Even if they did how can this minority stir any trouble? Balochistan doesn't even border any majority Hindu area!
Buddy, your army is stuck in a long battle. This is proved by the 3 huge attacks in Pakistan in this week alone. You will have to fight with the taliban,whom you had supported in Kabul after the soviets pulled back. Its funny to see the student hunting the master now. Good luck for your future attack in Waziristan. May allah help you in the war like he has helped you in 1971,1965 and 1999.
"Pakistan should concentrate on the million fault lines in india starting from the sikhs, to Assaam, to kashmiris, to dalits, to maoists and hopefully. India is like a statue full of cracks, just needs a little push."
Please come and expose any fault line there is. The line where you talk about Sikhs is damn funny considering the highest post in India-The Prime Minister- is a Sikh,Dr.Manmohan Singh. What utter bullshit.! Kashmiris and Assamese have been with us when we were the weakest in our history and we wont lose them when we are on our way to become a Super Power. I donno what made you talk about Assamese at all in the 1st place.
"Waise hindu banye ki zehniat kabhi change nahee ho gee…. always baghal main churee mun main raam raam. Kamssal aur kameene log."
Buddy, just open another tab and look up Humdoodar Rehman report. Its a report about the way Pakistani army killed and raped their own brother and sisters- The Bangladeshis. Are'nt Bangladeshis Muslim??? why did you kill and rape them? who is the evil person here?? To burst your bubble I'll provide you the link to the humdoodar Rehman commission Report.…
Check this out. You will know who is the kameena..
1. Lolz… you are talking about Omar ab Dallah ? everyone knows that he is a hindu's puppet in kashmir. And about elections, General Mugabe and Saddam also held elections with 99.99% votes casted and we all know about the fake, blatantly unfair hindu-controlled elections in kashmir. Besides, my dear, if kashmiris love you so much, then why is there 600,000 indian army troops in kashmir ? spreading the love ? Kahsmir bane ga Pakistan.
2. I know balochistan in and out and there are quite a number of hindu balochs. You can spend all your money and resources on baloch hindus, but at the end of the day, you will lick dust like always
3. Yeah right, one sikh as the president proves that ALL the skihs in India are india-loving. Besides, just check out your newswpapers about the Asaam and Maoist separatist attacks since the last couple of years.
Comeon man, you treat your own hindus (Shuudars) like crap, funny to hear you preaching pakistanis.
I don't have a lot of time for your crap, so keep on spitting out crap from your mouth against pakistan and our religion, doesn't change a thing. Bye the way yar, why are you guys so ugly, hairy, smelly and poison-minded ? Never seen a single beautiful indian girl in real life and trust me I've seen enough. lolz…. ugly people.. ugly thinking.
"Lolz… you are talking about Omar ab Dallah ? everyone knows that he is a hindu’s puppet in kashmir. And about elections, General Mugabe and Saddam also held elections with 99.99% votes casted and we all know about the fake, blatantly unfair hindu-controlled elections in kashmir. Besides, my dear, if kashmiris love you so much, then why is there 600,000 indian army troops in kashmir ? spreading the love ? Kahsmir bane ga Pakistan."
Hey bird brain, dont you know the UN sends its representatives to every country to monitor elections? Do you know that UN,US and EU send teams,numbering in hundreds,to Kashmir during every elections? Why do you think the world is quite when election results are announced in Kashmir?? Because they are legitimate,you moron. Go check it out on the UN website about every minute detail about Kashmir elections and elections held anywhere in the world.
We keep 600k or whatever the number of security personnel in Kashmir because we can! We can place them anywhere in India and since you guys may foolishly repeat Kargil we have to be ready.
"Kahsmir bane ga Pakistan." What on earth does this mean???
"I know balochistan in and out and there are quite a number of hindu balochs. You can spend all your money and resources on baloch hindus, but at the end of the day, you will lick dust like always"
1st of all we dont support anyone in Balochistan. Afghans support them and we support the Afghans. If you say there are Hindu Balochis then they are doing a heck of job in creating trouble. ๐
" but at the end of the day, you will lick dust like always"
I think you meant to use the phrase Bite the Dust. Anyway, when have we ever been beaten by Pakistan?? Pray tell me. Was it in 1948? In 1965? In 1971? Or in 1999?? When???
"Yeah right, one sikh as the president proves that ALL the skihs in India are india-loving. Besides, just check out your newswpapers about the Asaam and Maoist separatist attacks since the last couple of years."
Dude, you are out of touch with reality. Go online and check out a research by the Indian army. It says more than 40% of Jawans are Sikh. Fine, I'll accept that its impossible for all the people of India to love India. There might be some rotten eggs. But, the number of rotten eggs is far insignificant.
Please go to the past weeks archive of a newspaper from India and provide me reports of the Assamese "struggle" for independence?????? Can you??
I agree the Maoist thing has become menace but thats about it. Its a menace. They dont come and blow up the Army Headquarters in Delhi like they have done in Pakistan in Islamabad,GHQ.
"Bye the way yar, why are you guys so ugly, hairy, smelly and poison-minded ? Never seen a single beautiful indian girl in real life and trust me I’ve seen enough. lolz…. ugly people.. ugly thinking."
How old are you?? 12?? I thought I was conversing with a mature,misguided adult who has reached puberty. Maybe I was horribly wrong.
I know you guys masturbate thinking of Indian actresses from Bollywood. No need to act patriotic and deny you dont watch Bollywood movies. ๐ You might hate India but cannot ignore it man.. It is a cultural superpower. One day your own kids will be singing bollywood songs in front of you. Maybe you still do.
"You might hate India but cannot ignore it man.. It is a cultural superpower"
Anoop, Culture super power or latest whore house?
be happy living as PIMPS if thats what you seek in life. GO ahead make the biggest bunny-land in India, and be proud that we masturbate watching your bimbos.
BTW, why don't you put all beautiful women in your army instead of ugly-sick-food-deprived-men, we promise we will let you win if thats what winning is for you pimps.
Your comment doesnt even make sense. What are you trying you achieve by saying the above things?? Do you want me to say your army is made up of real men and ours is not?? Okay fine. The 3 wars we fought will suggest who is the real men's army..
Please argue with on an intellectual level..
I'll tell you why I consider India to be a cultural super power. We dont ask you to watch our movies,but you do. We dont ask you to listen to our music,but you do. We dont ask you to watch our TV channels,but you do. We dont ask you to watch IPL,but you do. There is another cultural superpower in this world and that is the US. India has not reached that level but its going to.
now why indians forget that a stable pakistan is in everybodies interest if india was such a liberal country then Iqbal who wrote saray jahan se acha hindustan hamara never would have proposed pakistan
Astonished at the level of Hatred for Pakistan by Baluchi nationals
Root Causes of this hate are as under:Is this the way you run a Federation? Yahya’s intelligence Chief, Major General Akbar Khan stated that, ‘we will not hand over power to these bastards’. This is the historical context of the events up to independence in 1947, which is very important in understanding of the events, which plagued the country later.Second Class Citizens of the New Nation’Your music is so sweet. I wish to God, you Bengalis were half as sweet yourself’. Pakistani President Field Marshal Ayub Khan to his Bengali friend.After independence, several factors contributed to the gradual widening of gulf between the two wings. The fundamental factor was the difficulty of West Pakistani elite to accept Bengalis as equal partners. WHY BANGLADESH WAS CREATED Demons of December Road from East Pakistan to Bangladesh Hamid Hussain An intellectually honest Pakistani -American author
Astonished at the level of Hatred for Pakistan by Baluchi nationals
The exercise by the West Pakistani feudal military and civil service dominated by Punjabis and some UPites to reduce the majority Bengalis to parity at gun point using threats of dissolution finally succeeded in 1956 constitution when Bengalis actually in majority were forced to agree to 50 % vote. The creation of One Unit thus destroying the very idea of provincial autonomy and spearheaded by West Pakistani civil and military bureaucrats was imposed in 1954-55 and Balochistan,Sindh and NWFP reduced to political chattels. The military actions in Balochistan in 1948,1958,1959-66,1973-76 is no feather in Pakistans cap. The military recruitment policy eliminating Sindh,Balochistan and East Bengal from the eligible material was again ethnically biased. Mr Jinnah did pioneer Bengali recruitment but his ideas were garbaged by Ayub Khan and Ghulam Mohammad. The Idea of Pakistan-Myth and Reality Agha H Amin
Astonished at the level of Hatred for Pakistan by Baluchi nationals
Reason of above Hate:
Here is a glimpse: 1960 Sardar Nauroz Khan’s sons and other relatives were hanged despite the fact that it was sworn on the Quran by the no other than Tikka Khan. The people of Balochistan cannot forget that General Tikka Khancommanded the troops against Mir Nauroz Khan in 1958 and he also had been Bhutto’s Commander in Chief during the initial years of Balochistaninsurgency ( 1973 – 77). REF: FINAL PHASE OF MIR BEZANJO’S POLITICAL STRUGGLE(FEDERALISM V/s REGIONALISM)
The next violent outbreak of Baloch sentiments came in 1958. This was the direct result of the centralising policies pursued by the Pakistani leaders. Fears of Bengali domination in the 1950s had propelled the Punjabi leaders, who controlled the levers of power, to consolidate the Western Wing of Pakistan into a unified province to counter Bengali numerical strength. This One Unit plan was resisted by the Baloch, both by Abdul Karim who had completed his prison term in 1955 and the Khan who mobilised wide spread demonstrations through tribal chieftains. Balochi nationalists within the Khanate took serious exception to the One Unit scheme and in a meeting with Pakistani president Iskander Mirza in October 1957 they urged Iskander Mirza to exempt Kalat from the One Unit scheme, and to allot more government spending on developmental activities in Kalat. But Ayub Khans ambitions changed the political matrix in Pakistan and when some Baloch sardars started non-cooperating with the Pakistani commissioner, under a flimsy pretext that the Khan had raised a parallel army to attack Pakistani military, Ayub ordered Pakistani army to march into Kalat on 6 October 1958, a day before he imposed martial rule in Pakistan. The army arrested the Khan and his followers and accused them of secretly negotiating with Afghanistan for a full-scale Baloch rebellion. The arrest touched off a chain reaction of violence and counter-violence with the government bombing villages suspected of harbouring guerrillas. Pakistan military’s campaigns in Danshera and Wad were resisted by the Jhalawan Sardars loyal to the Khan. The octogenarian Chief of the Zehri tribe in Jhalawan, Nauroz Khan put up a stiff resistance in the Mir Ghat mountains, but the Pakistani military swore an oath by the Quran and urged Nauroz to give up arms and prepare for negotiations. Nauroz surrendered in anticipation of safe conduct and amnesty but the army put Nauroz and his sons behind the bars as soon as they laid down their arms. Naurozs sons were hanged soon afterwards, in Hyderabad and Sukur, in July 1960. A shocked and surprised Nauroz died soon afterwards in Kohlu prison in 1962. Ayubs message to the Balochis of Kalat who were the first to challenge the might of the Pakistani state, was clear. He reportedly threatened the total extinction of Balochis if they did not mend their ways.