Jaag Meray Taalib-e-Ilm – Pakistan Jal Raha Hai
Location: Karachi Press Club
Date: October 24th 2009
Time: 4:30pm
Yet another blast has happened my friends and this time it is our educational institutions. This is not just another headline for the week. Efforts are being made to paralyze the education system of our country. The institutions in Swat and Mardan have not been able to stand up to the mischief of these inhumane nature of blasts. They are nothing but a pile of rubble. How much longer till we decide it is time to join hands to save our institutions where our youth is moulded for the future. How much longer till anyone stands up and demands justice and asks for accountability?
Dear taalib-e-ilm, your basic fundamental right is being trespassed. You are the lawyers, doctors, engineers , artists and architects of tomorrow . But will you be allowed to be all that. Will you be allowed to make your country prosper and bring it shoulder to shoulder with the developed nations of the world.
If you continue to sit in your oh-so-comfortable abodes and flip channels with the “blast headlines”, when and how will you make your existence meaningful. How is anything supposed to function in this country if you cannot step out and go to your schools , colleges and universities without fear. This fear will grow on us and that is exactly what is being planned.
Our country has been failing us. We have a choice here. Let it fail and watch Tv while it all happens , or you can step up and let everyone know that you are not only going to acknowledge it but will stand shoulder to shoulder and demand your fundamental right. The right to education. The right to fearless living.
Let us all join hands Taalib-e-ilm and come together to demand justice and accountability. Come together to save your future and your countries future. This is our home and our identity. How much longer till you realize that you are not wanted in the GORA-LAND and that you have all the resources and talent to make it all happen for you.
Qadam barhao talib e ilm. Aagay aao aur apna haq nidarr ho kay maango!
Let us all come together in this peaceful protest where we join hands to demand our basic right. The right to live and be educated with a peace of mind.
4 responses to “Protest Karachi 24th October 4:30pm, Press Club: Jaag Meray Taalib-e-Ilm – Pakistan Jal Raha Ha”
Jaag Meray Taalib-e-Ilm – Pakistan Jal Raha Ha [Teeth Maestro]
Wakeup My Students – Pakistan is burning.
Dear Awab Sahab,
Should Pakistani Student wakeup like this?
Imran Khan and Pakistani Student.
Vandalism and Vandals of Jamat-e-Islami and IJT.
What a timely wakeup call Dr Awab…Pakistan is our identity we cannot give up on!
Bujh Rahein Hain Chiragh Dair-o-Haram
Dil Jalao Ke Roshni Kam Hai.
(Temple and mosque lamps are going out
Let the heart burn to eschew darkness)
– Sahab Qizilbash (1930-2004)
The only way to fight to Terrorism and USA simeoultaneously is eductation and awareness among the people.
Our politicians ,our army is answerable to us.Not to USA.
So are all the people who are creating Terrorism.
We have to win this war for oursleves.
This war is many folds.
We have to fight the Terrorism from within
Terrorism form the neighbouring countries
From USA exporting it to us in the name of World Peace and Regional balance.
(They are making us more conservative)
We have to look within the candle of hope and faith is within we have to look within only than can we believe in humanity ,unity and brotherhood….
More than ever ,we need Unity and a firm stand on our faith ,on our country and on our right to live.
I saw the report yesterday on TV of children protesting in Islamabad.
We cannot fight Terrorism or USA by being scared ,we have to stand in the front line and unafraid.
We can all do it together…..We are all in it together.
We will all survive together ……
A strong Pakistan will emerge out of it.Our next generation is our hope and they are the best.
The saddest part, all that we, the masses, can do is create awareness. Convince people around us that this is WAR now and has been so for a while.
What we fail to realize and what depresses me on this particular day is all these decisions and actions are taking place in power chambers and no matter what we say or do, they will keep at it. I'm not saying public outcry has no effect, history has shown that it does. But certain things are just not under our control.
All we can do is keep the spirit of Patriotism alive with in us. We need it the most in this hour of crisis.