
The appeal is simple – spread the request to locate the rare blood groups known as Bombay Group H/H found in 0.0004% of the population and help save Aneesa

Aneesa is a household maid who is severely ill – she needs more blood and apart from one generous donor. two others snuck away for fear of donating blood – help locate more possible donors

Aneesa was moved from Civil to Ziauddin and requests are being made internationally for blood – it’d be cheaper if we find a donor in Pakistan.

Some active people are personally overlooking this case myself Faisal Kapadia, Sabeen F. Haque, Faizan Syed, Nabil Jangda, Jehan Ara, Zarlasht Faisal and more to give you an idea of the credibility supporting the authenticity of the case – mashallah with combined efforts funds are made available from generous donors – we need your help to spread the word

Facebook / google or twitter marketeers you may want to pitch in a few $ for an ad push for the page – only ask to help locate a similar blood group in Pakistan and then this common Pakistani can live to maybe donate back to some other individual needing Bombay Blood at sometime in the future



