Tag: ANP
Qazi Jalal arrested in Peshawar for a Tweet
Scroll down for latest updates UPDATE 1: 2:55pm Wednesday 28th October UPDATE 2: 6:40pm Wednesday 28th October UPDATE 3: 4:00 pm Friday 30th October UPDATE 4: RELEASED ON BAIL 11:30 am Tuesday 3rd November Today the FIA arrested a twitter activist @JalalQazi from Peshawar for posting a tweet on 22nd Sept, they placed upon him charges for violating…
Imran Khan’s message to the people of Karachi
Karachi’s solution is no rocket science – with the upcoming elections it is for the people of Karachi to make a very crucial decision and vote these political parties out of power who have militant wings operating under their umbrella
Do not vote for parties with militant wings, Imran Khan advises Karachi
The people of Karachi should decide not to vote for any party that has a militant wing, said Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Wednesday. “We have said it again and again that Karachi is being destroyed, The people of Karachi should decide not to vote for a party that has a militant wing,”…
The NRO (Dis)Honor Roll
Much has been discussed about the in-famous National Reconciliatory Ordinance where 5,800 crooks were pardoned by the then President Pervaiz Mushrraf as an attempt to broker a deal for his own extended stay as the President of Pakistan. This NRO in effect opened the flood gates to allow thousands of white collar criminals and murderers…
Insurgency in Swat – Pakistan Army & Solution
Abdullah Saad in his second part analysis of the insurgency in Swat has presented a well thought out plan on how to stop this insurgency in the Northern areas of Pakistan. He first analysis the mistakes made by ANP and the new government, which may have irreparably damaged at least 6 months of efforts made…