Tag: Global Voices
GVSummit08: Day 2 Session 4: Translation and the Multilingual Web
MODERATOR: Portnoy. SPEAKERS: Chris Salzberg (Canada/Japan), Paula Góes (Brazil), Rezwan (Bangladesh), Claire Ulrich (France) In the short history of global online communication, numerous thinkers have fashioned a vision of the Internet as a barrier-free forum for the inter-national and inter-cultural transmission of knowledge, ideas, and information. In practice, however, online communities are still divided by…
GVSession08: Day 2 Session 3: When Biases Meet Biases
MODERATOR: Xiao Qiang. Speakers: Isaac Mao(Entrepreneur and Researcher, China), Rebecca MacKinnon (University of Hong Kong and Global Voies), John Kennedy (Chinese Language Editor, Global Voices) The March 10 protests in Lhasa on the 49th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Beijing rule immediately won the sympathy and support of Western media outlets, bloggers, and human…
GVSummit08: Day 2 Session 2: The Wired Electorate in Emerging Democracies
MODERATOR: Solana Larsen. SPEAKERS: Daudi Were (Kenya), Onnik Krikorian (Armenia), Hamid Tehrani (Iran), Luis Carlos Díaz (Venezuela) The rise of blogging, social networking and micro-blogging services like Facebook and Twitter, video- and photo-sharing sites like YouTube and Flickr, and the spread of mobile technology ave given ordinary citizens the means, at least potentially, to participate…
GVSummit08: Day 1 Wrap up
A good roundup by Rebecca MacKinnon at the end of the first day of Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008. Budapest, June 27, 2008
GVSummit08: Day 1 Session 5: NGO’s and on-the ground activists: Defending the Voices
MODERATOR: Xiao Qiang. SPEAKERS: Elijah Zarwan (Human Rights Watch), Clothilde Le Coz (Bureau Internet et Libertés, Reporters Without Borders), Rebecca MacKinnon (Global Voices & University of Hong Kong), Nasser Weddady (Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance), Stephanie Hankey (Tactical Tech), Antony Loewenstein (Amnesty International Australia’s campaign Uncensor) How can NGOs seeking to advance freedom of…
GVSummit08: Day 1 Session 4: Frontline Activists meet the Academy: Tools and Knowledge
MODERATOR: Ethan Zuckeman. SPEAKERS: Roger Dingledine (Tor), Nart Villeneuve (Citizen Lab), Isaac Mao (Digital Nomads project, China), Robert Guerra (Privaterra, Cuba), Danny O’Brien (Electronic Frontier Foundation) The tools to circumvent web filtering and other methods of online censorship exist, but they don’t always reach the people who need them as easily as they could. How…
GVSummit08: Day 1 Session 3: Living with Censorship
MODERATOR: Awab Alvi SPEAKERS: Helmi Noman (Researcher – Middle East & North Africa), Razan (Free Tariq, Syria), CJ Hinke (Freedom Against Censorship, Thailand), Andrew Heavens (Sudan), Rezwan (Bangladesh), John Kennedy (China) Dealing with blocked access to popular websites and unclear restrictions about what can and cannot be published online has become an ordinary fact of…
GVSummit08: Day 1 Session 2: Citizen Media and Online Free Speech
MODERATOR: Mary Joyce. SPEAKERS: Ory Okolloh (Kenyan Blogger), Wael Abbas (MisrDigital, Egypt), Mehdi Mohseni (jomhour.org, Iran), Amine (digiactive.org, Morocco), Oiwan Lam (Global Voices, Hong Kong), Au Wai Pang (Singapore) Citizen media allow for more active and open participation in political processes, but threats of censorship and oppression discourage citizens from expressing their own opinions. This…