Tag: US Ambassador
US in a total Diplomatic fallout over Raymond Davis
Mohammad Malick of The News has shared one of the biggest news stories of his investigative journalism career, he has dug deep into the Raymond Davis issue and has produced some very interesting facts, if most of what he shares is true then I think he has been instrumental in changing the fate and destiny…
Blackwater ‘IN’ Pakistan – Rehman Malik, Patterson & Clinton all LIED to the People of Pakistan
In an interview with Express News [transcript on DoD], Robert Gates confirmed in some clear terms that private security firms Blackwater and DynCorp are operating inside Pakistan. “They’re operating as individual companies here in Pakistan” – so technically by all counts this statement more or less proves that Anne Patterson, Hilary Clinton and Rehman Malik…
Who’s actually running Pakistan? The Americans or Pakistanis?
Ammar Faheem lashes out without mincing any words US Ambassador Patterson MUST be EXPELLED which comes in response to Anne Patterson’s statment regarding the Quetta Shura yesterday “You cannot tolerate vipers in your bosom without getting bitten our concern is whether Pakistan really controls its territory. There are people who do not threaten Pakistan but…
Pakistani media’s corporate interests > Abdullah Saad
Abdullah Saad talks about Pakistani media’s corporate interests and our threat perceptions, discussing how the media reacted to Saad Khan’s tragic death, Annie Pattersons secret (but leaked) letter to Rehman Malik and more importantly (for me) the hot topic ie Blackwater-Xe. Abdullah Saad: LINK