Letter to Comment Spammers

Sir or Thing

I have no idea if you are actually human or just an idiotic computer trying to generate traffic on my blog. If you god forbid happen to be a real human a person with an actual brain then I am sorry I simply can’t help you with your mental condition as for the past three days you have practically lived on my website and have posted practically one comment a minute. But if you are a computer churning out spam from your code then this letter means nothing to you, you won’t read it, but at least I tried to guide someone that it is all a waste of time and hence I would have spoken my heart, even if you care not to listen.

For the past 48 hours this blog has been bombarded with comment spammer advertising anything from free sex, porn sites, con blogs and not to mention the get-rich-quick-casinos, the onslaught started two days ago ie. on Thursday where I was taken aback with upwards of 35-40 emails in my email box awaiting moderation. It did not require a genius to figure out that spammers were actively trolling my blog so naturally I immediately deleted all the spam messages awaiting moderation but to avoid any future problems I activated the Spam Karma 2 plug in. A good move as since that time I have had a peaceful life but the poor spam karma plugin has been quite busy. It has reported upwards of 500 comment spams within the 36 hour period and to my satisfaction has blocked them all. I now laugh at all the wasted computer energy of both my web host and the computer spitting out all this spam.

If I were you I would by now realise that its a waste of time, but if after 500 comments you have not realised that, then my mentioning it will have no affect, if you choose to continue then please go right ahead and for all I care live here with me, at least my Stat Counter will show some interesting usage statistics everyday and I love tall graphs on mt stats pages even if you help me satisfy this small ego I have. As John C. Dvorak would say on TWiT (This Week in Tech Podcast)

Teeth Maestro





2 responses to “Letter to Comment Spammers”

  1. Yasir Salam Avatar
    Yasir Salam

    I got 2 seducing spams in last few months in whcih they seduced severely i became stray later i ponder and felt it is a sordid spam and nothin else,
    since then i dont care and have got strong spam solution.
    kick stray spammers.

  2. DIAMONDKT Avatar

    Blog spam has become a real problem. Dvorak has an anti-spam code to put on your Apache server if you run your blog on your own. Otherwise if you don’t run the blog on your own server, then you have to turn on “word verification” or the equivalent.