Usama Bin Laden retains control of FBI’s most wanted terrorist list, despite the fact that it has been upwards of five years of intense pursuit by a number of US Agencies with absolutely no sign him, but it surprises me that every so often a mysterious tape appears at the doorsteps of the Al-Jazeera network and it gets immediate coverage world-wide. The tape is always a crappy recording in Arabic with tremendous amount of background noise and the newscasters have ALWAYS made it a point to state that this voice has not yet been confirmed. When will we get solid confirmation that the voice has finally been verified. Its almost like presnting important evidence in court yet not confirming the source, BULL SHIT.
What bugs me is it has over time appears the US uses this voice snippets to reassure the American of the constant looming threat and hence justifying the invasion in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Never has the public been assured the voice is authentic and it seems this person who continues to haunt George Bush could have well been dead well back in 2002, I would not be the least bit surprised of a massive cover-up by the US to ensure they retain a villain justifying their worldwide conquests.
Just a slow, composed, husky voice out of a telephone line recorded on a scratched tape (not digital; a mere cassette). No video. Just a voice – capable of sending the markets into a tailspin and the networks into hysteria, spiking the oil bourses in London and New York, resetting the global agenda, unleashing armies of US intelligence analysts scrambling to confirm if the voice is real or fake.
You had totally vanished from the face of the Earth for more than a year. You are the most wanted man in the world. You re-enter the global stage just with your voice, a mere whisper. The simplicity of it. What politician would not dream of such power? – Asia Times Online
…….I again start to wonder what new games does the US plan to experiment on us, as usually a voice tape then leads to new invasion tactics around the world, though this new tape released on 18th Jan appears to be calling for peace, so has the US finally gotten tired of playing the aggressor and is thinking of planning a careful retreat.
What is your analysis of this situation – I personally am sick ‘n tired of seeing Usama being used as a puppet for George Bush’s conquests
8 responses to “Bin Laden – The Voice”
Very true Dr. Sahib, I totally agree with you, Osama Bin Ladin is just a political pawn used by the American Government to keep their own people scared – The american nation is ignorant of facts outside of their country and thus this name brings them fear, and fear is the tool used by Bush to get what he wants from his people. An american left the following comment on my blog
“While the government may be an ally in the fight against terrorism, many of the Pakistani people are not. If they were, they would not have invited terrorists to their homes.
The United States and the Pakistan governments are going to track down and kill terrorists. Unfortunately, some collateral injuries and deaths will likely occur. However, that can be minimized if the Pakistani people do not associate with terrorists. Doing so invites harm.”
In response to one of my posts about the CIA attacks, i wonder how much he knows about his governements actions abroad. Sent him an e-mail because he claims to be a journalist lets see what he writes back.
i agree.
hmm..Nodoubt the name of Osama, infact Taliban is being misused evrywhere…
I remeber wen USA went thru RITA and CATHERINE, we used to make fun that they wud be brodcasting TALIBAN had done this:)
a very interesting letter printed in today’s DAWN
AFTER a year of silence, Osama bin Laden has filled the world’s headlines with an audiotape, and the predictable opinions are being heard. Is his offering of a truce a sign of weakness or strength? Is he making such statements because he is harried or is the statement a result of the recent US missile attack in Pakistan? All of these questions are to be expected from a media that has usually asked: Is he really alive? Where is he? It rarely asks: What did he say/mean?
Bin Laden’s public statements †which have almost never been aired in full length on the US mainstream media †have been made primarily based on his religious/ideological considerations. He has consistently justified Al Qaeda’s actions and those of other jihadi groups as a defensive struggle against western encroachment on Islamic societies and the “apostate†regimes currently ruling Muslim countries. Moreover, he has consistently elaborated basic themes: one-sided US support for Israel at the expense of the Palestinians; US historical and current support for Muslim regimes such as the one governing Saudi Arabia; the West’s pilfering of Muslims’ natural resources, especially oil; and the West’s cultural, political, and military attack on Muslims worldwide.
After the 9/11 attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., Al Qaeda was criticized by those within its own ideological persuasion †not for having attacked the US but for not having followed correct religious procedures. It had failed to get the proper religious/legal rulings in support of such an attack; had not warned Muslims, women, children, and innocent civilians; and had not made an offer of peaceful resolution before attacking.
As of today, all of these conditions have been fulfilled with respect to the next attack in the US. Religious rulings have been obtained, warnings have been issued, and offers of a peaceful resolution †to accept a truce if the US offers one †have been made. In bin Laden’s mind, and in the minds of like-minded jihadis, all the preconditions have been met for directly attacking the United States. This is the real meaning of the audiotape.
Excellent post, Dr Alvi – would love to see it posted to Desicritics for a wider audience
Yah it was OBL vioce vdo tape and he is alive and threatening US for new attacks
sum1 can found his total transcript at:
CNN Transcript can be found at :.
Aussie Based Islamic site Transcript can be found at :,
Aljazeera Based transcript can be found at.,
Regarding OBL sept 11 speeches can be found at..
For Mullah Omar Interview sum1 can get it at..,
From your comments, it seems like you [the author and the commenters] are more sympathetic towards Osama than with America, which had to suffer his dastardly and murderous attack.
What will it take to make Pakistan/i's happy?
The American's have bailed your nation out time and again. If it weren't for Uncle Sam over the last few years, Pakistan could very well have been a failed state, largely of its own fault.
It could very well have suffered an ignominous defeat, once again, at the hands of India. A payback for all the terror the Pakistani establishment has unleashed in India. I am sure, intelligent and informed people such a yourselves are aware that the only reason it did not come to pass is because of U.S. pressure.
So, be greatful, count your blessings and for god's sake and our [kashmiri's] sake, stop blaming others for your failures.
A kashmiri from across the border.
Its amazing that whenever the poll numbers for Bush start to plummet.. Osama or his buddy Zawahiri start talking all over the place! Either all these folks are linked.. or Osama & buddies do not want US to get rid of Bush! 🙂
I liked your blog!! NIce design and write ups!!
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