This image was the title cover of The Independent published three days back on 21st July 2006, the graphic shows a very empowering message, the whole world on one side pleading for a ceasefire while three nations, Israel, UK & the US all defying the over whelming majority,
Democracy my Ass, dare they shove that argument in my face ever in the future. I along with the majority of the worlds population fully hold the three nations responsible for the genocide in the Middle East. Don’t get me wrong but if a terrorising agency retaliates I can only smile and say – serves you right.
Read the full story at The Independent
21 responses to “US & Britain defy calls for ceasefire”
We all know,whatever happens and how much strong the econmy of Israel grows up,they will always be the Hounds of some other Super Powers like the US and UK,they will never rule themselves ,they will always be servants ready to kill every man on the earth just to satisfy there masters, the two U’s.
I hope they cease fire!:(
Flap yeah i salute your “democracy”.It is also democracy when these two countries invaded war by passing UN?
First of all, I want all of the readers here to know I am not a Jew but a Christian. Ok, with that out of the way we can go on with a discussion of what Israel is doing outside of the crap Iran and Syria are putting forward.
If Hezbollah meets the three conditions I mentioned earlier they will stop. They do not want to occupy Lebanon. Remember, they occupied Lebanon until 2000 then withdrew.
It is Syria and Iran that are stirring up trouble.
Thoughts from the readers here?
Flap – you are beyond cluelessness. I think you need to brush up on your history, politics, ethics and of course – morality.
Nobody cares what your religion is. The majority of Muslims don’t hate Jews, but we all despise Zionism, which is at its heart, an anti-semitic and racist movement in defiance of the teachings of the Torah.
Hezbollah speaks for Lebanon, not for Syria or Iran. There is ample proof for this, but I don’t run classes for amateurs adn you need to get off the FAQ page of the Middle East first.
Hezbollah has only ever served the interests of Lebanon, not of any other country. Sure – Iran provides spiritual and sometimes political backing, but nothign financial or military, Hezbollah are wealthy enough!
Israel are in the wrong place, for the wrong reasons and they need to release the kidnapped Lebanese first.
Let me tell you something: This is the first time in history that any nation has gone to war with another (and bombed the entire country to smithereens, infrastructure, civilians, humans, the lot) for the sake of two kidnapped soldiers. Hezbollah didn’t start missile launches until Israel invaded.
By the way Flap – Hezbollah defends all religions in side Lebanon – this is not about religion, this is about the brazen violation of a sovereign state for the purposes of nothing more than callous imperialism, a means by which the Zionists can achieve their goal of a Greater Israel.
An interesting perspective.
So, Israel does not have a right to exist?
Is that what you are saying?
Despite the history and United Nations?
And, by the way, your facts about Israeli incursions are wrong.
Why is the Arab League including the Saudis and Jordanians attempting to persuade Syria to stop aiding Hezbollah?
And from whom do you suppose Hezbollah receives their rockets?
Thanks for your comments.
The convenience by which half-truths and selected portions of history are used to defend Israel is always laughable.
Always say Israel has a right to exist, the poor innocent Israel is suffering from attacks by suicide terrorists and Hezbollah rockets.
look at the Israeli Gulags, Don’t think about the IDF continuous murder of Palestinian children, Don’t ever mention the inhumane, aparthied condition of Gaza, Don’t ever utter a word of the demolition of thousands of Palestinian houses in order grab more Palestinian territory, God forbid you ever mention the fact that the fucking Mossad had a strong part in creation of Hamas, and Mossad has continuously used so called ‘Hamas led’ attacks to murder more Palestinians and grab their lands.
If Hezbollah is labelled terrorist, Israeli government and the IDF is the biggest US sponsored STATE TERRORIST organization in the world.
Right and Israel has a right to exist and protect itself from terrorists like Hezbollah.
Unless the true intent of Hamas and Hezbollah is to drive Israel out and back to Europe like Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Mullahs want.
So, what is it going to be cease-fire and stop the bull shit terrorist attacks or suffer military action?
Hezbollahs or Syria/Irans choice.
Ok, my last comment was eaten by the spam filter but hopefully we have this worked out.
Assuming that Israel has a “right” to exist. Why should they not have the right to protect themselves from terrorist attacks?
Wasn’t it Hezbollah that provoked Israel by coming across the Lebanon border and killing plus kidnapping Israeli soldiers?
Your thoughts?
I am currently in the war-struck region and would like to be involved in blogging out these 3 countries.. please visit my blog and show my friends how to carry the “dont block the blog” logo.. i am a journalist attending the media conference. I am Muslim + studying in London. Waiting for your visit. Thank you.
Shahid, you are so out of date it is pathetic.
Israel withdrew from ALL of Lebanon over six years ago. The Hizballah assault and capture of two Israeli soldiers was an unprovoked attempt to reestablish their status as “leaders” in Arab society. They are nothing but international thugs, with no Lebanese political agenda of their own, besides attacking Israel and the west.
Israel also withdrew from the Gaza Strip a year ago, which only increased Hamas efforts to disseminate terror by launching missiles on a daily basis against Israel.
So what Imperialist power´s ambition are fulfilled by WITHDRAWING from territory?
The only reason there are civilian casualties in both cases is because these so called “freedom fighters” take extra pain to hide themselves and their rockets deep inside civilain neighborhoods, sheltering behind their frightened, innocent “bretheren”. That is the difference with Israelis, who value the life of even one soldier, while Hizballah revel in the death of thousands.
I´d like to see Nasrallah lead an assault on an Israeli outpost instead of hiding in an underground bunker 20 meters below ground in Beirut.
The best thing that could happen to Lebanon would be to see his sorry ass go up in smoke!!
And what about that coward Ahmadinejad and his Mullah buddies in Tehran. They send Hezbollah out to fight while they live in their palaces.
All for what?
Islamic jihad? Or to position Iran as the leader in the region?
Hezbollah soldiers must be fools to believe the crap Nasrallah feeds them.
Friends who are defending Israel for their attack on Lebanon, seem to forget that Israel is a far bigger terrorist killing a greater number of Palestinians over the past 50 years almost at a ratio of 1:4 (link)for every Israeli killed, the world (outside regions of a pro-Israeli bias of the US media) sees Israel as a far bigger terrorist than even Iraq, Iran or even Hezbollah could ever become. Hezbollah is firing mini rockets as compared to annihilation done by the advanced weaponry of the Israelis. Do read one of my previous posts which can help you better understand our feelings on the Israeli conquest – Will you Stop !!
The question is how do you define a terrorist?
Osama was labelled a terrorist as he killed a large number of people, the US responded by killing hundreds in Afghanistan and thousands in Iraq, Israel has now killed a couple of thousand in Lebanon – so logically everyone here should be a terrorist – Osama, US & Israel – I simply cannot tell the difference, you argue from your side of the fence, for a moment step across and logically evaluate the situation.
Additionally the politicians in the US have to keep their mouth shut as they all have their eyes set on the mid-term elections and naturally everyone needs the blessing of the Israeli Lobby and no one can dare object to such a blatant human rights violation so close to the elections, as it would literally mean a political suicide. So mum is the word. HYPOCRITES
Most of the Israeli political action committees support the Democrats and not the GOP – the majority party and the party of George Bush. Dr., you overestimate the influence of the Jews on American political thought and action.
And to equate Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden as moral equivalents to debate Israel as a terrorist organization is foolish. There is a big difference – ask the folks in New York.
Dr., do you believe Israel has a right to exist?
Flap – I do not over estimate the tremendous influence of the Jewish lobby on the US Political system and the main stream US media. You would be living in a fools paradise to deny their influence in all day to day affairs of the United States of America.
Osama became an enemy when he killed Americans. I ask you, Why can\’t the US be labelled a terrorist when it can go gun blazing into Iraq hunting for WMD\’s which were never there, so technically Saddam was truthful at that time and YOU were the Liars, when that issue failed it converted a liberation from Saddam, who authorized the US to decide the rulers of a soverign nation but sadly in all this mess thousands of Iraqis lost their lives, all because the US LIED
How can you differentiate between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. In my opinion there is basically no difference, both simply kill people, but the label is used as per convenience depending on to whose side you are on. Quite simply. The US sees Osama as a terrorist, while the Iraqis see Americans as a terrorist. Just depends on which side of the fence you stand on. Whoever kills is a TERRORIST, hence the more you kill, the bigger terrorist you happen to become.
In my opinion the US has a better terrorism debt on the world, Atomic bombs in Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and now Iraq (a lot more can be listed but these are sufficient to put you all to shame). In all situations the argument was different, the media tried to portray the US as a liberator, but whatever the reason innocent people were killed. Try for a moment to think like a normal human and not as a brain-washed US-media touting citizen of the world. The US can be guilty of creating global terrorism.
Israel has done its share of terrorism killing over the past 50 years. Hamas and Hezbollah do follow behind but are quite easily dwarfed by the counter offensive orchestrated by Israelis, both in terms of ammunition and resulting loss of human life, Israel continues to do more damage. It does not matter who was killed for what reason, but quite simply innocent humans lost their lives.
On your question as regards to the existence of Israel, over the 50 years the Muslim world has developed a great animosity against the Jews and hence demand a total annihilation of Israel, personally I don\’t think annihilation of Israel is the answer, a peaceful coexistence is in my opinion the solution.
The peace process has been started quite a few times but its not Arfat, Hezbollah or Hamas creating the road blocks but the stumbles are caused by the continued conquest for a Greater Israel, at each hiccup the Israeli Government and the US media tries to lay a blaming finger on the Palestinians for one stupid reason after the other. But I feel the Jews just don\’t want peace as then how would they achieve the Promised Land
Ok, let’s examine your arguments one paragraph at a time. Your comments within >.
And what influence would that be? The Jews population wise are not many in number and the number of Jewish politicians are few. There is a common heritage with Christians but as a voting block 2/3 vote for the Democrats (Liberals) and 1/3 for the GOP (Republicans and the Party of President Bush).
Is there sympathy for Israel and the Jews because of history. You bet.
But, influence on day to day governmental affairs would be no more than other interest groups in the USA – of which there are many.
If you have any information that refutes this please provide a reference and/or hyperlink.
Again Dr. your comments are within >>.
Osama Bin Laden was on the FBI’s most wanted list as a terrorist prior to 9/11. He had been implicated in the bombing of 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. On June 7, 1999, bin Laden became the 456th person listed on the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, following his indictment along with others for capital crimes in the 1998 embassy attacks.
Bin Laden is a craven murderer.
There were WMD’s in Iraq and Saddam used them against the Kurds. WWestern intelligence estimates may have been incorrect but all of the EU and American intelligence folks did NOT lie but overestimated what Saddam had left (and of course Saddam lied and boasted about what he did nt have). There is evidence that Saddam had the capability and was pursuing renewed WMD capability if and when UN sanctions had been ended. Moreover, there is very recent evidence that fifty truckloads of WMD materials were moved to Syria when the USA began its invasion in 2003.
And what about those terrorist camps in which Saddam exported trained jihadists? There is ample evidence of their existence. And the oppression of the Iraqi people, including the Kurds.
But, simply put Saddam had invaded Kuwait in 1991 and continued to be a threat to the USA and our interests. This is why he had to go.
NO lies here – just the truth.
More tomorrow.
Thank you for the opportunity for me, an American to express my views.
Flap – I am not here to defend Bin Laden do not mistake me for that he has been cruel beyond imagination, but I ask you to take in the bigger picture, we as rationale thinking humans should condemn any form of cruelty, be it Osama or any tom-dick\’n harry whosoever kills should be labelled as a terrorist and a murderer.
There are no good-murders as even in any court of law a murderer is simply called a murderer there are simply no ifs and butt\’s to that argument.
When 9/11 happened the world shook simply because the Americans were devastated. Due to the massive power wielded by the Americans everyone condemned the attack and offered assistance, in response you went into Afghanistan to root out Osama, but then why turn towards Iraq when Osama was either in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
I really contest your argument stating to involve the EU along with America\’s decision of going into Iraq, for your records apart from UK no other Eurpean nation was a party to this cruelty and even the UN reject your pleas to invade Iraq. When the US did not get support from EU & UN it said fuck off to a democratic decision by the UN security council and decided to go in alone and hence US & UK forces invaded Iraq.
Please don\’t argue what Saddam had done in the past, as its an internal problem of Iraq and no one even the US is not the Almighty power to decide who should rule which country you have no authority to decide which leader should be thrown into the slammer (though he deserves to be killed for his atrocities but neither you nor I can do anything, its up to the Iraqis to decide, if humanity was an issue then the UN should be convinced accordingly and not be fooled through a well orchestrated lie about WMD\’s they were never there, images of massive mobile nuclear production units were shown as evidence, I really wonder what happened when you went guns blazing, did you accidentally loose those massive truck right under your nose. The Iraq invasion was based on a LIE and you should acknowledge that NOT defend it with some other crappy excuse. BE A MAN AND FACE THE MUSIC FOR YOUR ACTIONS DONT PLAY FOR A POPULAR VOTE
Saddam invaded Kuwait back in 91 YES at that time the UN was with you and the US thoroughly enjoyed the party, that gives no excuse to go in again in 2004, he can be the cruelest person on earth, but the US has no authority to decide if he should or not remain in power.
This recent US invasion of Iraq can now be termed as an aggressive invasion, an act of war, quite simply and sanctions should be enforced against the US for this invasion, just exactly how you were allowed to attack Iraq back in 91
Are you any different? in 91 Saddam was the invader and now in 2004 the US is the invader
BTW what interest are you talking about there were no WMD\’s, Osama was in Afghanistan, the only interest that is quite evident was to get control of the OIL. That is a commodity that you have to purchase not conquer.
Ok, I am back. I had trouble accessing the site but now all is well.
I was going through a post section by section a few comments ago but let me interrupt this commentary by responding to your last couple of posts. Again, Dr. TM your comments are in >>.
From comment #19:
Iraq was invaded and secured militarily in order to protect the national security of the United States from current and gathering threats which President Bush understood, after September 11, 2001.
Saddam sponsored state terrorism and exported same. He possessed, in the past, and had used and was acquiring more WMD, including chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons.
Granted Saddam did not possess the WMD that the world’s intelligence services had predicted. But, he had some, trucked out some and was trying to acquire more – and this is established fact.
Saddam had made Iraq a haven for militant Islam. Notice how the Iraqi insurgents of today have so quickly integrated with the other major terror organizations already present in Iraq. But, this is an aside.
Saddam was a terror sponsor.
He had already invaded a friendly neighbor, Kuwait, in 1991 and was the United States going to allow his threat to us and the world continue – NO.
Hence, the Iraq War.
More later….
Teeth Maestro Hello,
I have read your comments, and have a question. You equate all takimg of human life as an act of terrorism, be it by Bin-Laden, the U.S., Saddam, or Israel. It’s just a question of shades of evil, in your eyes.
But what do you consider a legitimate response? Do you even think that there exists such a thing? When does an act of beligerence deserve a response, or do you think that all such acts should be disputed in International courts of law?
If so, I am sorry to say that are naive. As long as countries exist, they have a right to defend themselves, by force of arms if neccesary. It is part of the basic nature of human beings, of life itself.
And as Jesus said:”Let him who is without blame cast the first stone.”
There is no such being.