In a very interesting turn of events, the administrator of a Greek RSS aggregating service blogme.gr got sued, arrested and jailed by the Greek cybercrime division for hosting a link to a blog with offending content, after having been served with a libel lawsuit without prior notice, because a public figure was offended by a satirical blog that was linked to by his site. The Greek blogging community has come out in force to condemn this recent development……more….
It appears that a Greek public/political figure, whose name has not been disclosed as yet, used his political connection to prosecute the search engine for what he/she regarded as slander in one of its listed blogs.
We in Pakistan, especially Omer Alvie and myself who are the administrators of the Pakistani Blog Aggregator Bloggers.pk have to wonder what could happen if the Pakistani Government starts to find offensive sites listed on our aggregator to which we have no control as the content is produced and published by independent Pakistani bloggers and not by our aggregator, if confronted with such a question, my response would be honestly shrug it off as I truly believe in standing up for free speech regardless of any consequences which may lie afoot.
We as Pakistani Bloggers join arms united with all Greek bloggers in protesting against this arrest, join the cause and spread the word on your blog as well
3 responses to “Greek Blog Aggregator Arrested for RSS Linking”
Let’s hope this doesn’t happens here… though there exists a high probability of it happening here.
“>HACK3D by l0l2d_v0ld3m0l2t regards to EstraDa BoY & geneZ. Team BiskWit OWNED! >:)’);”>
try this