PPF-Aslam Ali Award – Nominations Open

Pakistan Press Foundation has announced that it is accepting nominations for the 2nd Annual PPF-Aslam Ali Press Freedom Award before the 15th of April. The award, instituted by PPF with support of UNESCO, carries a cash award of one hundred thousand rupees (US$ 1,650).

Individuals as well as professional and non-governmental organisations working in the field of media and human rights are invited to nominate themselves or other candidates for the annual award. The first PPF-Aslam Ali Press Freedom Award was presented to the late Hyatullah Khan.

I feel the online community of bloggers must get together to send in some submissions to the Pakistan Press Foundation for consideration. I already have submitted my nomination and felt that Adil Najam of Pakistaniat.com should be my nomination. I feel Pakistaniat has done a remarkable job in positively portraying the issues of Pakistan in a complete unbiased manner literally opening every topic for a full blown discussion allowing anyone and everyone to share his/her views on the issue, no matter how weird they might seem, this is teh true essence of free speech and hence I felt the need to nominate him for this award.

You are more then welcome to nominate someone else (or even yourself) for the award but do send in a nomination before the deadline. It would be nice to have a good set of nominations specially from the blogging community come forward.

Nomination form can be downloaded –HERE– and should be sent to Pakistan Press Foundation via email (ppf@pakistanpressfoundaton.org) / post before the 15th of April.

Additionally it would be nice if you can mention the name of the person who you have nominated in the comments sections below so that we can all have an idea of some inspirational candidates who may be in the running.







4 responses to “PPF-Aslam Ali Award – Nominations Open”

  1. Asad Asif Avatar

    This seems too much like tooting one’s own horn though I appreciate the general idea you are presenting.

    This might be a good way to promote blogging.

  2. Teeth Maestro Avatar

    Asad – I think its important to recognize the important aspects of the blogging community and give credit for its achievers. I personally think its beyond tooting-ones-own-horn and more into appreciating people for the work they have done 😉 – I hope thats the general idea you perceived from my write-up

  3. Asad Asif Avatar

    Yes, Dr. Sahib, that’s the idea I got from your post.

  4. Anwar Avatar

    I fully support Adil Najam but my recommendation is for the next round and not this one.