White Phosphorus used in Operation Silence

White Phosphorus used at Lal MasjidOn 12th July, AAJ Tv boradcasted a program of Live with Talat in which Talat Hussain visited Jamia Hafsa. While touring the bullet ridden compound a number of military personal hovered around, at a certain point Talat Hussain asked an accompanying Army personal about all the evidence of smoke around the area asking, “Why is there so much smoke?”, the solider replied “WP”, Talat put another question “Please explain WP?”, the solider answered “White Phosphorus.”

White Phosphorus is a flare / smoke producing incendiary weapon which is also used as an offensive Anti-Personnel flame compound capable of causing serious burns or death. White phosphorus weapons are controversial today because of its potential use against humans, for whom one-tenth of a gram is a deadly dose and according to the Geneva Convention which was later amended by the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons signed into effect in 1997, expressively prohibits the use against civilians. White Phosphorus weapons have been used in the recent past by Israel in Lebanon and US and UK in Iraq, but probably the first time ever by a an army against its own people

Fallujah VictimArticle 1 of Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (Wikipedia) defines an incendiary weapon as ‘any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target’. The same protocol also prohibits the use of incendiary weapons against civilians or in civilian areas. However, the use against military targets outside civilian areas is not explicitly banned by any treaty.

There continues to be a strong debate on how Musharraf should have handled this situation, but what surprises me is the inhumanity of this attack, dexterity of the assault should have meant targeted exchange of fire maybe an occasional rubber bullet to pacify the milder militants, but the indiscriminate use of chemical weapons, by the National Army against its own people. Is jaw dropping serious, its akin to the mass murder which happened in Karachi on May 12th when the Army headed off to the barracks leaving the city at the hands of ruthless killers for six hours..

To understand the gravity of the situation one has only to look at these two images of burnt bodies the sight is excruciatingly painful, when the Americans used White Phosphorous on the victims in Fallujah back in April 2004.

If you look at the top most image which appeared in Dawn on 13th July (link) one sees the classic signs of a high intensity flame, which reached astounding temperatures to melt the steel framework of ceiling fans, one must also noted that the public was not shown the remains of numerous people killed in the disaster and quickly buried them in concealed wooden coffins the next day.

I am shocked and stunned at what has just happened, it should be enough for the world to wake up and ask for an unconditional removal of the dictator



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102 responses to “White Phosphorus used in Operation Silence”

  1. Muhajir Avatar

    I just read there were 24 Pakistani soldiers killed in a suicide attack…hhhhhhhhh…

    A$$ hole Musharraf turned Pakistan into Iraq. May he and his gang be cursed in this life and hereafter, Ameeen.

  2. Asad Asif Avatar


    This thing, I vehemently oppose. I fully support the use of rubber bullets. While AR was trapped with the militants in a single room, I did wondered why they didn’t just open fire on them using rubber bullets or just throw in tear gas inside. I personally think these would have been the better options.

  3. WP! Avatar

    Has it occurred to you that it might be used by the suicide bomber himself? You certianly have no idea about weapon systems Doc, its better you stuck to dentistry rather than try your luck at ‘chemicals’. Guess it figures why you aint a real doc.

    Anyways, read this:
    Because of the great weight efficiency of WP smoke, it is particularly suited for applications where weight is highly restricted, such as hand grenades and mortar bombs. An additional advantage for hand smoke grenadeswhich are more likely to be used in an emergencyis that the WP smoke clouds form in a fraction of a second.


    A second type of smoke grenade is the explosive bursting type. These are filled with white phosphorus (WP). Rather than igniting a mixture which burns to make smoke, the WP grenade contains a bursting charge which spreads the white phosphorus by explosive action. White phosphorus catches fire in the presence of air, and burns with a brilliant yellow flame, producing copious amounts of dense white smoke (phosphorus pentoxide).

  4. pm Avatar

    wp, you seem to me army’s propaganda agent. White phosphorus is a flare / smoke producing incendiary weapon,[1] or smoke-screening agent, made from a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus. White Phosphorus (WP) bombs and shells are essentially incendiary devices. don’t try to defend something which you can not.

  5. Teeth Maestro Avatar

    WP – are you trying to prove something? Granted I might not know much about chemicals weapons but it seems you don’t know much either. As your information is also a derivative of the same wikipedia articles I refer above and you choose to highlight some selective information without bringing the incident into full context.

    It seems you have not read my entire post as I do make a proper reference to the smoke screen utility, I quote (start of second para) ‘White Phosphorus is a flare / smoke producing incendiary weapon’ Yes smoke screens is undoubtedly one use of the chemical agent the question I raise is in context to Lal Masjid and according to Article 1 of Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons which categorically state that this weapon should never be used within civilian locations – its simply inhumane to do such a thing.

    It just seems that the Military actually had the intention to SILENCE the people inside forever. Honestly had if they wanted to disarm the militants in a peaceful manner there are far more effective measures then simply using WP to roast them alive leaving behind a full fledged Massacre to ensure no survivors live to tell the tale. With the proper mindset, ample use of Stun Grenades, Tear Gas and Rubber Bullets could have been used and a full permission given to the Military personnel to use bullets when and if needed. But postmortem examination of the location shows bullet holes everywhere and blackened walls.

    The other self incriminating evidence presented by the Military itself, was the quick burial of all the dead without the decency of handing the bodies over to their relatives, the entire task was undertaken quickly, all bodies locked in wooden caskets as if to hide the evidence and buried in a mass grave in a controlled area, hence ensuring future security in case snoops ever decide to dig up the evidence

    White Phosphorus literally burnt the people inside and everything done like clockwork to ensure all evidence is quickly cleaned up and shoved under the carpet

    So WP I think you are barking up the wrong tree when the real information pertaining to the incident and the use of White Phosphorus lies barely a link below on the same Wikipedia page you so valiantly point towards. Effect on Humans

  6. Adnan Siddiqi Avatar

    army is continously underattack, 2 attacks yesterday, one severe attack this morning. Musharraf is just keep killing his own army!!

  7. Waseem Avatar

    Well Done Musharraf!

    Atleast a message has gone to the miscreants that now on there would be no mercy for them, no political leader will lobby for their safe release from judiciary and no one would give them next chance to commit the similar crime against the writ of the govt.
    Many people does not know that in one of the Hadith of Bukhari, Prophet(peace be upon him) has said “to obey the muslim ruler even if he strings u, or even if he cruely takes away the money which u have earned through the hardship. Donot disobey him unless he orders u and physically stops u to offer your prayers”.
    I think Musharraf or any govt official has not given any such order. Then why are we Disobeying his orders and trying to make Ghazi Rasheed a Hero. According to this he is straight away a REBILLION.

  8. d0ct0r Avatar

    @waseem was aunty shamim not challenging the writ of government by openly running a brothel in heart of islamabad? â–¼ and should the government not be tagged incompetent when it didn’t took any action against this aunty(brothel owner) ?

    â–¼ according to PML Q’s Sardar Nasrullah Darashek , “if the famous Aunty Shamim published her client list then wives of almost 200+ members of PML Q and MQM will file for divorce, and coz we all don’t want that to happen so PM should intervene..” he said in cabinet meeting and then Shaukat inquired about Aunty’s whereabouts and every one was looking at each other totally clueless.. very next day issue of Shuakat Aziz and Condoleeza Rice affair cropped up…

  9. Ahmed Chowdhry Avatar
    Ahmed Chowdhry

    Time to wake up and face the facts. The people holed up in the Madrassas cum fortress were no innocent students. They were hardcore militants and no army in the world would have stood by and watched its capital being run over by a bunch of terrorists.

    Good job by the army.

  10. OneMore Avatar

    Good Job Musharraf
    You should be very well paid, where do you want to deposit the check? in Swiss or TelAviv

    Mush(Yazeed of our time) is now putting the blame on the agencies just like his partner Altaf Hussain(Hussain should be taken away from his name).

    Poor fauji jawans are free to serve as cannon fodders while the Generals enjoy the rum.

    Generals Keep enjoying the rum, just remember people wouldn’t come to take you down from the pole when they hang you from the pole on Jinnah Avenue.

  11. Junaid Avatar

    Dear Awab,

    Thanks for informing us of this heinous manner in which many innocent people alot of them children were killed.

    While we do not at all subscribe to Ghazi brothers’ acts and deeds and while we condemn the way they were challenging the writ of the state, we put the entire blame on the government for first instigating the whole issue, for deliberately lingering it on and then for taking action in the most unfortunate, the most inappropriate, the most inhuman and the most condemnable manner.

    President-General and his henchmen will have to account for each innocent person who lost his/her life in this bloody game.

  12. DeadBone Avatar

    Musharraf did what he was told by the US. After all he had to keep the Pentagon happy and get their blessings. I dont care if WP was used or TNT was used. Those dead people are gone. What’s horrifying is that our own ruler, who claims to be a ‘muslim’ and swore upon the Holy book to protect it’s people, did all that just to please the Christiandom and save his chair. If his SSG commandos were so well trained, why didn’t they sneek up into the mosque and arrest the mullahs? They were so coward that they used weapons like WP. This is ‘not’ intelligence. This is cowardness. Only the coward ones use weapons. Even if they wanted to use the weapons, they could have used rubber bullets or bullet shockers.

    This, too, is a punishment of our sins by Allah Almighty in the form of an evil ruler. Allah has bestowed upon us an evil dictator, ruler, killer, murderer and a womenizer as a result of our sins. A ruler who openly claims that he likes Johnny Walker better than any other drink.

    Jihad will be successful only and only if all the Muslim countries join hands and be one. What AR was planning to do was also stupidity. A handful of 3000 people, who later on surrender so easily upon seeing tanks, cannot bring peace, Islam and happiness in this world.

    I don’t know if all this Lal Masjid thingee was a plot by the ISI or if it was for real. All I know is that government did this just to please The Illuminati. The governemnt know’s where Osama is. Why doesn’t it use WP against him? Maybe becasue he is sitting with top govt officials right now! It’s funny to see that both US and our government are adopting the same steps to abolish what they call ‘terrorism’!!

  13. Ahmed Avatar

    From: http://groups.google.com/group/islamicmails/browse_thread/thread/7156b022c9771977

    Burning a Living Thing Alive

    Companion Abdullah ibn Mas’ud has re-lated that “[Once our blessed Prophet
    Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam saw a ant hole which we had set fire to and asked
    “Who burnt it?”. We said that we had done it. Thereupon our blessed Prophet
    Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam said that “Only he who created fire and no one
    else has the right to burn (living things) in tire”. This hadith has also
    been quoted in Bukhari.

    These hadith show that burning alive of living things, whether man or beast
    or any halal animal like some birds or haram ones like mouse, cat, dog etc.
    is not allowed: even dangerous animal poisonous creatures like snakes,
    scorpions, wasps, may not be burned. Bedbugs too should not be killed with
    hot water. This act is a major sin.

    However if there is no other way of escaping a dangerous creature like snake
    etc. then it is permitted.

  14. Shahzad Avatar

    Musharaf is a pupite whose control is in the hands of North,Musharaf knows that to kept their uniform + persident for next session he have to do this type of things,i think he forget that nobody is forever in this world i pray that MIGHTY ALLAH SHOW A RIGHT PATH TO HIM

  15. nota Avatar

    Here is a bit about “WP” by George Monbiot from the piece entitled Behind the phosphorus clouds are war crimes within war crimes:

    “The Pentagon argues that white phosphorus burns people, rather than poisoning them, and is covered only by the protocol on incendiary weapons, which the US has not signed. But white phosphorus is both incendiary and toxic. The gas it produces attacks the mucous membranes, the eyes and the lungs. As Peter Kaiser of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons told the BBC last week: “If … the toxic properties of white phosphorus, the caustic properties, are specifically intended to be used as a weapon, that of course is prohibited, because … any chemicals used against humans or animals that cause harm or death through the toxic properties of the chemical are considered chemical weapons.”

    The US army knows that its use as a weapon is illegal. In the Battle Book, published by the US Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, my correspondent David Traynier found the following sentence: “It is against the law of land warfare to employ WP against personnel targets.” …

  16. nota Avatar

    You can watch the video mentioned in the Monbiot article (Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre) at Google video or you can download it here

    A good discussion about the video can be found at Democracy Now

  17. Talha Avatar

    Ameen Ameen.

  18. Talha Avatar

    First of all this Hadit says that u must obey a Muslim leader Here the word use “Muslim” You A$$hole should also know the meaning of Muslim and the quality of a Muslim. You should read the Hadith which relevant to that who is a good Muslim. If o remember there is an other Hadith that obey your parents in every way of life but if that stop you to obey the commands of Allah then don’t care of them. Here i just want to ask one Question to you according to your statement that if Musharef Command you that send your sister for one night in my bedroom. will you obey this Muslim leader or you will take action?? you are so silly actually you don’t care fo you mothers and sister. Plz approve this comment if you are brave enough and let the honest people judge that you are right or me.

  19. Kashif Avatar

    Oh My God, If this is true then Allah will punish those responsible with His magnificent ways. I have firm belief that they can't run away from this. Insha Allah.

  20. Mazhar Avatar

    Can you show that soldier who said this? Any proof? Since the operation of Lal Masjid is over, numerous “emotional” articles like “Kaun thee Kahan Chali Gaii” etc have emerged just to provoke people and make media popular.

    And what is the chance that WP was used by the “innocent students of lal masjid” themselves??

  21. pkobserver Avatar




    An remember, once a person asked Prophet PBUH, that what if after you there comes a tyrant ruler.

    prophet BUh said to obey him, or leave the country.

    the person asked what if he is really bad and practices genocide.

    Prophet PBUH said: Still obey him, for surley Allah has a severe punishment ready for him.

    Thoygh I regard mr Musharraf as a leader and hero, if anyone has a promblem with it, please refer to this hadith.

    Allah also said in Quran:

    there would be soem of you, who would bring so called islamic revolcution. But for surley, those of you would be punished in the day of qayammah. And when you would ask why, you would be tld, that what you fought for, was not for islam but for revolt (against Islam)

    Forgive me, I was unable to remember the surrah and ayat number.

    So my friends, learn and understand thew etachings of the holy Quran and then come to debate.

  22. Tahir Avatar

    pkobserver and others,

    Unfortunately many people believe that the Bukhari hadith quoted by Waseem is the only thing uttered by Prophet (PBUH) about rulers and obeying/disobeying them.

    Reality is different as can be guessed by acts of Hussain ibne Ali (RA) and many other sahaba and salf e saleheen. Offcourse the act of revolt is haram in normal circumstances. But I have read in biography of Imam Abu Hanifah that he himself supported a revolt against an unjust ruler.

    You can find detailed analysis by learned scholars about the conditions that permits a revolt.

    What I know is that these permissions are very strict in the sense that they make it very difficult to justify a revolt.

    I recommend everyone to consult religious scholars before making harsh comments about any party.

  23. Abela Avatar

    People who have used this should have just thought for a few moment that they are also human beings whom they are firing white phosphorus on. I don’t know where people’s feelings have gone. They could have dropped there mentality and feeling to such an extent just for few pieces of paper; I’ve never thought about that A muslim can also be like this.

  24. Hamid Avatar

    Thanks Pakistani Saddam, Well done, you are brave, to kill inocent 8 years 10 years girlls

  25. Saqib Perwaiz Avatar
    Saqib Perwaiz

    Dear All,

    I read all of your comments. I appreciate that there is a division in thoughts, everyone trying to prove the other wrong. May be there are ten references in Islam that advocate Musharraf’s actions. The same is true for Jamia Hafsa people. Also the emotional articles are also causing mixed opinions in our minds.

    But for two minutes take Jamia Hafsa incident at a global level. Musharraf cannot survive without the support of USA, Britian and some other nations. Lets be frank here, however strong our internal protests against him, we cant get rid of him ourselves. With Bush seeing a certain exit and Tony Blair already gone… we are certainly seeing a restraint attitude from their successors. In such circumstances, who would support musharraf. With the Chief Justice incident along with missing people problem, Musharraf is becoming increasingly unpopular in the world.

    What would u do if you were Musharraf… the Jamia Hafsa incident certainly raises a lot of references as organized by Musharraf to gain global popularity. Most of might think he has become more unpopular.. but the fact of the matter is International Media hails him and so are the International Govts praising him for a job well done indicating that a strong Musharraf is better for them.

    Again i am not quoting here… but a lot of people suggest that both the two Maulvi’s were ISI hired agents. It may be wrong but i believe it.

    The whole thing to me seems like the govt had this wild card and it was the time to play it. But i really feel sorry for the innocent lives that were taken up ( both the army and the Madrassa students ) for putting up a puppet show.

    Army was quick to hide the evidence…. what more do u expect from Musharraf and ISI. They are known to mishandle everything. Mishandle or should i say plan everything perfectly.

    What i dont get is … why are we so carefree as if nothing happened. We dont even demand a commission over the issue. Just to investigate where somebody went wrong. The worst part is after a week .. the whole issue will die down as if nothing happened.

    We certainly dont deserve this….. Why ? Why are we so shameless? Why are we so silent even if Musharraf was totally correct ?

  26. Waqas Avatar

    To Waseem,

    You Quoted “Donot disobey him unless he orders u and physically stops u to offer your prayers”

    This is a fact in recent history (I don’t know the exact date) but I know when Prince Charles came to visit Islamabad’s famous “Faisal Masjid”, the namnazi’s were prohibited to say there prayer, even the azaan was stopped. And yes it was done physically and people weren’t allowed to the Masjid at that time.

    If you say, I can give you the reference of various columns and the news headings.


  27. Neo Avatar

    @waseem and others supporting mush.

    “to obey the muslim ruler even if he strings u, or even if he cruely takes away the money which u have earned through the hardship. Donot disobey him unless he orders u and physically stops u to offer your prayers”

    this hadith posted is first of all mistranslated.
    secondly, the muslims ruler is one who rules according to islam and sharia. If we look athe the issue through islam, mush is an illegitimate ruler ruling with kufr policies.

    If we look at it though democracy, mush is a dictator, who is running the country based on his wishes instead of the peoples wishes. he has broken many constitutional laws and continues to do so.

    look at it anyway, mush’s policies are wrong and should be challenged.

    pakistan needs a revolution, no to become better, but to just servive…. pakistan will be destroyed if the people dont step up.

  28. Neo Avatar


    brother, to you honestly believe that there can be an “independent” and unbiased commision set up to investigate this? You think mush is stupid enough to allow that?? lol

    there can be nothing done through govt channels for this issue…. i think we will have to either work for a change in the system or wait for it to happen. only then can he have the slightest hope for justice

  29. Faisal Avatar

    Dear Waseem I think you are watching PTV and do not read news papers. although these were millitants but how they convert? who force them? who use them? do you know any thing? Shame on you by saying or giving courage to a murderer on killing of innocent people/millitants.

  30. Shahid Avatar

    People are saying that Mush is killing his own army ? Is he asking those terrorist to do sucide bombing? Dont tell me that because of Mushi’s act, army is being targeted. If you think like this then according to your thinking Mushi did the right thing by attacking Lal Masjid just to kill Gazi.

    It is not like Mushi attacked the Lal Mosque immediatly, negotiations were going on for last 3 months and terrorists were demanding safe passage. Come on, how could u set free those terrorist and doing do would have meants that every crimnal should make hostages after doing crime to get free. By the way, If Gazi was so dam Ismalic then why did he demand for safe passage rather than dying for his so called Islamic cause. Didnt he mean like “Set me free and I will refrain myself from enforcing shariyah or will not do what Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) asked me to do in my dreams.”

    Don’t tell me that suicide bombing is not haram in Islam. Doing suicide in Islam is haram, so
    how can’t suicide bombing be haram. These extermists are simply spoiling the image of Islam, its not the west but we muslims who are damaging the image of Islam.

    For every action Govt. does, these Mullahs say “yeh Umricah kay gulam hai”. And I think in Islam, one become matured at the age of 18 ( or 21 ) and until then he/she should follow what his/her parents ask them to do. Then why Gazi didn’t allow those innocents to do what their parents asked them to do i.e. to get out of the Lal mosque. Actually, he kidnapped them, you people are willing to read and believe what Shahid Masood said in his article but not those innocent children who escaped from Lal Masjid and said they were threatened to be killed, if tried to escape.

    Unfortunetly, we are becoming less and less tolerant.

    My God bless Pakistan, Pakistan Zindabad

  31. Aliflaila khan Avatar

    woh waqt merijan buhat door nahe hy
    jab had se guzr jaey ga gam o dard ka drya
    chhin jaey gi tum se tumhari becar zindagi

    chin jaey ge tum se tumhary ansoo aahen
    apne dile khushfahim ko nashad karo gy

    PervaizMusharraf ko buhat yaad karo gy

  32. Chaudary Avatar

    AOA ALL.
    i read all your posts hmmm all of you said what you think is right. just ONE if you people answer who are saying things in favor of GENERAL.

    there were militants sorry armed militants, having rocket launcher, heavy machine gun, hand garnate etc etc.
    why they not even fire a single one when they were sure of the thing that they will die.
    and as all of us know that when any living creature got to know that his life is in danger he will do every thing possible

    .Ghazi is Hero or not regardless to that what Gov did
    shameful all the impression was Pakistan is a terrorist state and all the people in “darhi” are terrorist.

    and last thing here someone says revolution 🙂 great word but not made for Pakistanis just participate in columns, comments, table talks, in public places,in offices every where give the impression that you have the latest update but you including me cant do any thing for revolution it needs blood and we cant we can enjoy RUM thats it
    take care everyone
    and try to do some thing practical not like this sitting in an AC room reading and writing comments on hot topics

  33. kinkminos Avatar

    Saqib Perwaiz says “They are known to mishandle everything.”

    i agree. this was a typically heavy-handed approach to a problem which was allowed to get out of hand and was finally resolved(?) as if an actual war was being fought. once again the intermittently fragile peace that pakistan has known in the last forty years has been shattered.

    now everything is one big f**king mess again and a fleeting vision of a stable pakistan once again recedes into the distance.

  34. Talha Avatar

    I said the same same in my second comment that a Muslim ruler is who rule the country according to Islam here all the people who are supporting A man they all are ashamed they are coting Hadith today which showing them a way to defend their statement i asked one question to all of you who are supporting Precedent that if Musharraf ask you to send your own sister or your mothers for a night what will you do will you obey this leader do you think that this is a Muslim leader and this is a Islamic State. 60 years ago we lost millions of lives for this country and the purpose was to perform prayers without any objection without any tolerance our elders like Quaid though for us that they will teach us the way of Islam and today your president is saying that he don’t want any Fundamentalists and you too he said that he don’t want any Extremism then you tell me for what purpose we split Hindustan in to two part what is the purpose of Pakistan when we are not allow to perform our prayers freely whats is the objective to have this country let it blow man we don’t need army like this who promise us to save our lives from enemies across the borders and killing our innocent children by themselves. This is the time for you to wakeup otherwise m afraid that you children will not open their eyes in an Islamic environment and their will be nobody to teach them Qur’an.

  35. Ordinary Citizen Avatar
    Ordinary Citizen

    I have no sympathy for anyone willing to consider me as a “colateral damage” in their suicide bombings. When do these extremists care about the innocent Muslims they kill in their suicide bombings? These extremists were no innocent citizens. I place the blame of this incident on Aunti Aziz.

  36. OneMore Avatar

    Good job Pakistanis

    You make your enemies happy, things sure are turing better for them.

    Keep killing each other and soon you will become Baghdaad and please don’t stop blaming each other.

  37. NADIA Avatar

    army is continously underattack, Musharraf is just keep killing his own army!!
    pakistan will be destroyed (God forbid) if the people don’t step up.
    My God bless Pakistan.

  38. EverCompton Avatar

    All this seems like bad humor – something that could have been fashioned better but lost now. On that contrary, its tragedy rather than humor but isnt tragedy supposed to contain that truth element that comedy does not. Guess we’ve started living in a make-believ world guided by logic and testimony. Its a fake!!

  39. Ali Avatar

    Musharaf killed and killing innocent humans of Pakistan, these are not only the human these are the future UALAMA, Oh ALLAH help Pakistan and prevent Pakistan from cruel leaders.

  40. Sarah Avatar

    Musharaf is just helping America to constitute a new map of pakistan. in which NWFP will serve to controle Afghanistan and Balochistan will serve to controle Iran.

  41. Sarah Avatar

    Mr. Ordinary citizen,, God will tell when the time come that who is innocent or what. pepole like u r the real enemy of islam and islamic immage not those who r fighting for the name of Allah

  42. NADIA Avatar

    army is continously underattack, 2 attacks yesterday, one severe attack this morning. Musharraf is just keep killing his own army!!

  43. Ordinary Citizen Avatar
    Ordinary Citizen

    Ms Sarah,

    Please spare me the propoganda on behalf of Taliban and their cronies. I cannot believe that no one, especially the main stream media, is complaining (if not shouting) about the fact that these people are killing innocient Muslims on daily basis. No, I am no fan of Musharraf, but I consider him far lessor evil than these warp-minded extremists. They just want to suicide-bomb us to stone age unless we obey exactly what they say and believe in.

    There is NO reason, what so ever, for having guns and explosive materials in a mosque!

    By the way, Imam of Kaaba has just asked us to beware of “fake Jihad”. Who do you think he was refering to? Pakistan Army? So, in your view is he also the “real enemy of Islam”?

    Islam is about tolerance and humality. What these people are preaching is arrogance. I will not be arrogant enough to pass judgement on you. Its Allah’s progative to make judgements on whether I am a better Muslim or you.

  44. Indscribe Avatar

    Great post. However, a minor issue. The spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in the first line itself, make it jarring.

    The spelling of broadcast in first sentence needs correction. Soldier is written as Solider again and again. In the first sentence there is no need to to put ‘of’ before programme. It should be …a program ‘Live with…’ Personnel, Personal check it also. In second para’s end….a an army….I am pointing it out just because it is too big a blog to afford such errors. Don’t take otherwise.

  45. Muhesh Bhutt Avatar
    Muhesh Bhutt

    Hello Teeth Maestro,
    Are you ok? I am concerned about you. Since you have not posted any blog since this one on July 14. I pray you are not another missing person.
    I sincerely pray for your well being and please do post a message for your readers.

  46. LovePakistan Avatar

    We Support You Musharraf Kill All The Mullah Bastards and Save Our Pakistan!



  47. pm Avatar

    Hello Teeth Maestro
    please post something just to show you are ok. we are concerned.

  48. shujaat khan Avatar
    shujaat khan

    Dear All Brothers and sisters,

    I saw alot of comments about lal masjid and hafsa madrasa… I just ask one question to all my brothers and sisters… These Madrasa Hafsa Girls and Lal Masjid people from where they were ??? The most poorest family background for each one… I will tell you Inshallah Allah will give punishment for all those who envolve in this operation.. Inshallah Busharaf will go to hell soon… Even when i am thinking how these poor girls and students pass their 8 days in mosque. i should give them salutee… Really Karbala ki yaad taza ho gayeee… Water, Gas, Electricity everything was closed from these poor students… I dont know what Busharaf want to prove… He is really an agent of Yahood and he is bringing new Islam for Pakistan…
    Can Busharaf Explain to Pakistani people what is fundamentalist and what is moderate…. Is their is different islam for each one… My brothers and sisters i assure you that Busharaf is really proving an agent role in Pakistan.. Lets us pray from Almighty Allah to forgive our sins… and remove this agent ruler from us… Ameen and Allah give patience to all that families of Lal Masjid students.. Ameen.. Inshallah their action will be remember in golden words in Islamic history…
    I give them salam Ya Marhaba Ghazi Shaheed
    Salam Alikum

  49. Naveed Avatar

    We don’t support you to kill the citizen of Pakistan just to amuse the Bastards Libral Radicals of this Society AND YOUR MAMMA AMERICA



  50. waqar Avatar

    As for as I judged and think about several things occurs after Musharaf take over bring me to the conclussion that he is an agent of Pakistan enemy..
    after my conclusion which bring me to this point.
    1. Pakistan become an Ally of USA against Terrorist.. while we havnt any obligation against terrorist they never attack on any pakistan personal. before We become ally of USA.. He doesnt care about pakistan and pakistani interest just for USA interest.

    2. He shouldnt go to resolve the internal issues through dialog he goes for Militry action against his own people
    a. Balochistan.. whether Bughti is right or wrong I dont go in this discussion but he is a political leader who gave right to musharaf to attack on them why should he dont go for dialogl.. Mussaraf want to make enemy of pakistan its own people. tell me did Baloch forget this what our army did so.
    b. Jamia hifsa.. as much and better arguments have been passed by my friend and I lake knowledge infront of them so leave it as its much betterly discussed.

    3. Pakistan is founded for Islam… Pakistan ka matlab kia . La Ilaha Illallah.. He pulled out this… why we got freedom from india that now we moved towards seculariasim. India has good secularisam and democracy then us .. why…… Is Muslims of pakistan accept this.. ? It will divide the people of pakistan into two parts one fundamentalism and Liberals…
    4. What About Abdul Qadeer Khan.. Do any one know where he is and in what condition?

    5. There is a respect and love for Army and Army personal.(Also Pakistan army has the Record that we surrenderd 90 thousand army… our army consume more then 80% budget ..) but is there left any love and sympathy for Army? When army take action against its own people kill their own people. Litteraly every one become happy when we hear that pakistan armys is attacked and …. army person were killed… toward what they are going.. towards what..

    As there are many points.. but I think that i can not write english much that can be easily understand..
    In the Last I want to share some words about russia . why russia is broken.. why… As for as I know. it is breaked by Gorbachauf.. what did gorbachauf did. he just replace the base and basics of russia.. and this only this break the russia..
    Now just think what musharaf is doing….
    Musshara and his other peoples will left this country in miserable state but.. we we pakistani will suffer . the suicide attacks as each army ruller had given us a gift , Ayub and Yahya khan Break pakistan into two parts.. but no one is going to blame him for blame we have political leaders like butho , butho bring back our 90 thousand army but he is still blamed .. I dont know why.
    Zia he brings Kalachinkauf and heroine culture to pakistan , he plays with islam.. Do any one blame him …?
    and Musharaf what he is going to give us..

    India is going to be a develop country .. but where we are now.. would we will be like iraq, afghanistan , algeria, somalia..
    Where we would be?…