Update @ 1240: Benazir Bhutto detained, HRCP website blocked

I’ve just received a SMS from Doc that Benazir Bhutto has been detained at her residence in Islamabad while one of the activists on the ground in Pakistan sent in a message via Skype, stating that the HRCP (Human Rights Commission Pakistan) website has been blocked in Pakistan by the PTA (Pakistan Telecommunications Authority).

For those in Pakistan, the HRCP website can still be accessed using an anonymizer, RSF (Reporters Without Borders) have listed out technical ways to get around censorship online and an excellent resource on blogging anonymously can be found here by Global Voices Online.

Follow-up Update:
The HRCP website is now back up online via an e-mail we received from their spokesperson.



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5 responses to “Update @ 1240: Benazir Bhutto detained, HRCP website blocked”

  1. Claude Almansi Avatar

    Shall we make mirrors of the HRCP site?

  2. Claude Almansi Avatar

    Actually, I can’t access the HCRP site from Switzerland either. Get blank pages.

  3. ange Avatar

    Thanks Claude for the heads up, I have just spoken to IA Rehman in Lahore who is the HRCP Director and he mentioned that the PTA have been denying access to the website inside Pakistan and causing ‘interferences’ to website accessibility from overseas.

    I have contacted the hosting firm in the US which is housing the HRCP website and they should be able to rectify the issue soon, although the HRCP domain is down, their mail server is up and running.

  4. sami Avatar

    can’t access HCRP site from the Netherlands.
    find here a screenshot of the traceroute result I’ve done from Netherlands:


  5. Claude Almansi Avatar

    Sami, I have the same problem from CH, so it seems rather general

    Thanks, ange

    Now I get an immediate browser notice that the site cannot be found. So let’s hope it is because they are working on the server.

    The HRCP blog seems normally accessible, at least from Switzerland. Just in case I am copying the “HRCP info” section of the blog’s menu into the HRCP category of the forum of pakfeeds.ning.com