Geo News reports that the Lahore police have arrested and registered a case agaisnt Imran khan under the Anti-Terrorism law. Lahore Police Chief Malik Mohammad Iqbal has been quoted to have said “Through his speeches he has been inciting people to pick up arms, he has been calling for civil disobedience, he was spreading hatred,”
Update @ 1933: Imran Khan to be charged under terrorism law
6 responses to “Update @ 1933: Imran Khan to be charged under terrorism law”
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I just read the Imran Khan is to be charged under the terrorist law in Pakistan.
I think that is despicable. As an American I fully support what Khan says. I hope that the US stops financial support of Masharraf.
Chicago Lawyers Rally Nov 19
Chicago Bar Association will rally along with Pakistani Lawyers Association and Muslim Bar Association of Chicago at the City Hall (Daley Center) 12 PM to 1 PM.
serves him right. You cannot incite people to bear arms . If you dont like the govt actions, protest peacefully , dont act like fool like Mr imran who is nothing but a joker and does not even represent true representation of masses.
Musharafs regime and stubbornness has brought us back to the stone age. Its like we r living in a junglethe mightier the better..and who ever is on his side of the line is safeotherwisehell be choppedinfact he is the terrorist OUR COUNTRY IS RUN BY A TERRORIST
Is govt. insane? ppl in pakistan r educated and well informed…its not 80’s…where ppl dint knew anything…no one need us to dictate any thing..we r not zombies…who dont have minds of their own…we hav brains as much as musharaff and ppl in his govt have. respected Mr.Imran khan has jus depicted our emotions correctly therefore ppl join him to show that he is right…he is a true representor of the people of pakistan…
any true pakistani wud be as much infuriated as Mr. Imran Khan is over the betraying govt of Musharraf…and ppl who still cant feel anything..need not comment on those who are sensitive …and they(govt) cant expect ppl not to react on ban on flow of information(media shut down) and backing out on promised restoration of democracy, which all pakistani’s were longing for…. GoD !!! this is frustrating