Now Question is Arise for Educated and honest
people fo Pakistan where they go? bz this country clearly shows with dreadful politicians and stupid police.
Absolutely Bullshit pakistani police and
now its conform that Politicians mostly are
This is absolutely against what Islam teaches us. How can they manhandle women like this . I was shocked, and now believe that only Imran Khan should come into power and remove all these shameless people. Shame to the Pakistan Police Force.
Haseeb Malik
Shame on you Musharraf!! Thats how we treat our Mothers n Sisters in a Muslim country…..I would say shame on those police officers who are following those orders…Thats it…enough is enough..I stand with Imran Khan!!
This is shameful act. Gen Musharraf, Ch people and whole military bureuacracy is culprit and responsible for what has been done to these ladies. Faces do not matter but its the perception of miltary Generals.. They all are same.. This is high time to rise against Mulla Miltary alliance… But, i cry over common man approach. They are worried about bread and butter without knowing that Imran’s sisters are fighting for future of our country. Afsos…
if you want equal rights then you should also get equal treatment.
If the governement has rights to do what it wants…why can’t we have the right to show our feelings. Students have been part of Pakistan Movement back in 1947′ how can we now.. be so numb to reaction so little on huge disturbing events happening around us. We condemn these outrageous events and we are not deaf, dumb and blind. We need a right to show what we feel; its our country as much as its theirs
the governament has gone wild. Musharaf’s regime and stubbornness has brought us back to the stone age. Its like we r living in a jungle…the mightier the better..and who ever is on his side of the line is safe…otherwise…he’ll be chopped…infact he is the terrorist… OUR COUNTRY IS RUN BY A TERRORIST …wat ever has been done to Mr. Imran Khan and his sisters was inhuman (where are the human rights people) and disturbing to see. This is wat a muslim country is like??..i can hardly say…
Our MUSH and his chumchas dont have any sisters , prolly thats why they have no idea what the sanctity of a sister means.
Because off Dog pervt musharaf thay are now suiside bombings in pak ,he is fighting Amerika,s war , and he wants to make pakistan modern , is this what he means by modern ,we are first muslim then pakistani but he says pakistan first , (munfiq) pakistani police who did this should be hanged and also ppl who were watching but didn,t try to help our sisters , sorry sister iam ashemed
Quite an achievement for whoever wanted to achieve it, isnt it? I dont really have words to express sorrow here, I really am wondering what to say about it, anyone with little bit of respect for anyone wouldn’t dare do anything as uncivilized as this is. what the heck man! Was that in Pakistan? please tell me it was Nepal or maybe Congo, are we educated? What is the difference between us Pakistanis and a cannibal tribal? A Cannibal Tribal is more civilized? My brain is experiencing a complete shut down here.
Disgusting behaviour! How dare the police kidnap these women! Those arrogant slobs probably can’t get any sex at home, so they think they can get away with feeling up women on the street!
Rashid Khan
That police man took chance to get sexual enjoyment by rubbing his penis with buttocks of PTI female activits, holding their breasts and touching and rubbing his hands on other body parts.
In my opinion this police man should be stoned to death.
15 responses to “Update @ 1424: Manhandling of Imran Khan’s sisters in Lahore”
Read abt students of Punjab University and Imran Khan at:
Watching this video made me want to cry!
how DARE they manhandle ANY1 like that!!!!
Now Question is Arise for Educated and honest
people fo Pakistan where they go? bz this country clearly shows with dreadful politicians and stupid police.
Absolutely Bullshit pakistani police and
now its conform that Politicians mostly are
This is absolutely against what Islam teaches us. How can they manhandle women like this . I was shocked, and now believe that only Imran Khan should come into power and remove all these shameless people. Shame to the Pakistan Police Force.
Shame on you Musharraf!! Thats how we treat our Mothers n Sisters in a Muslim country…..I would say shame on those police officers who are following those orders…Thats it…enough is enough..I stand with Imran Khan!!
This is shameful act. Gen Musharraf, Ch people and whole military bureuacracy is culprit and responsible for what has been done to these ladies. Faces do not matter but its the perception of miltary Generals.. They all are same.. This is high time to rise against Mulla Miltary alliance… But, i cry over common man approach. They are worried about bread and butter without knowing that Imran’s sisters are fighting for future of our country. Afsos…
if you want equal rights then you should also get equal treatment.
If the governement has rights to do what it wants…why can’t we have the right to show our feelings. Students have been part of Pakistan Movement back in 1947′ how can we now.. be so numb to reaction so little on huge disturbing events happening around us. We condemn these outrageous events and we are not deaf, dumb and blind. We need a right to show what we feel; its our country as much as its theirs
the governament has gone wild. Musharaf’s regime and stubbornness has brought us back to the stone age. Its like we r living in a jungle…the mightier the better..and who ever is on his side of the line is safe…otherwise…he’ll be chopped…infact he is the terrorist… OUR COUNTRY IS RUN BY A TERRORIST …wat ever has been done to Mr. Imran Khan and his sisters was inhuman (where are the human rights people) and disturbing to see. This is wat a muslim country is like??..i can hardly say…
Our MUSH and his chumchas dont have any sisters , prolly thats why they have no idea what the sanctity of a sister means.
Because off Dog pervt musharaf thay are now suiside bombings in pak ,he is fighting Amerika,s war , and he wants to make pakistan modern , is this what he means by modern ,we are first muslim then pakistani but he says pakistan first , (munfiq) pakistani police who did this should be hanged and also ppl who were watching but didn,t try to help our sisters , sorry sister iam ashemed
Quite an achievement for whoever wanted to achieve it, isnt it? I dont really have words to express sorrow here, I really am wondering what to say about it, anyone with little bit of respect for anyone wouldn’t dare do anything as uncivilized as this is. what the heck man! Was that in Pakistan? please tell me it was Nepal or maybe Congo, are we educated? What is the difference between us Pakistanis and a cannibal tribal? A Cannibal Tribal is more civilized? My brain is experiencing a complete shut down here.
Disgusting behaviour! How dare the police kidnap these women! Those arrogant slobs probably can’t get any sex at home, so they think they can get away with feeling up women on the street!
That police man took chance to get sexual enjoyment by rubbing his penis with buttocks of PTI female activits, holding their breasts and touching and rubbing his hands on other body parts.
In my opinion this police man should be stoned to death.