Received via email from the Pakistan Tehreek Insaf Information Secretariat
An urgent meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was held in Lahore on the 15th of November which continued late into the night. The meeting condemned the arrest of Chairman Imran Khan and the disgraceful violence committed on him during the arrest by some Islami Jamiat Tulaba workers and Agency personnel. The CEC believes that this is a deliberate attempt to humiliate the heroes and icons of Pakistan in an attempt to demoralize the people of Pakistan. However the CEC appreciated the enormous support extended by the youth and students to Mr Imran Khan and the PTI during the subsequent two days.
It condemned the fact that Mr Khan has been shifted to Dera Ghazi Khan in handcuffs to humiliate the people of Pakistan and their just struggle for democracy. The CEC fears that the charge of terrorism on Mr Khan is with the intention to try him under the new draconian law of the Pakistan Army Act under a military court.
The party also whole heartedly supports the lawyers movement and that of civic society for the restoration of the rule of law.
The PTI also condemns the arrest of the sisters of Mr Khan as well as a large number of the members of the PTI womens wing. They were beaten and manhandled by male police officers in a shameful manner, the evidenced of which was published in all the newspapers of Pakistan.
A message from the Chairman sent by him from his incarceration was read out at the meeting. Mr Khan thanked the students for their overwhelming support and assured them that their struggle for the rule of law and restoration of fundamental rights will quickly bring fruit. He said that the youth can change the destiny of Pakistan and he assured them that they will never find PTI lacking in our shared vision of a free, democratic and independent Pakistan with equal rights and opportunities for all. He implored them to continue the movement with discipline until the final destination
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf demands:
- Immediate withdrawal of the Provisional Constitutional Order
- Restoration of all Judges of the Supreme & High Courts
- Immediate Lifting of Emergency
- Immediate resignation of Musharraf as President and Army Chief of Staff
- Lifting of Curbs on the Media
- Release of all political leaders/activists and withdrawal of cases
- Appointment of an impartial CEC and elections to be held within ninety days
The meeting was chaired by Dr Arif Alvi the Central Vice President of PTI and was attended by the Secretary General AVM ® Shahid Zulfiqar President Punjab Mr Ahsan Rasheed, Vice Admrial ® Javed Iqbal and other members of the Central Executive Committee.
66 responses to “Update @ 0404: PTI Issues a Statement Condemning Imran Khan’s Arrest amongst other demands”
The problem is that we Pakistanis are so shameless that we don't even respect our national heroes! No Pakistani has done more for Pakistan then Sir Imran Khan…from Winning the Cricket World Cup to Making the 1st Cancer Hospital in Pakistan to Making the 1st World Class Bradford University to giving food to the poor in by his Roti Project!…Which other man in Pakistan has done more then him!…Just compare him to Zardari, Benazir or Nawaz Sharif! All they have done have looted our country & sold our pride to Americans!…It's about time Pakistan wakes up & uses a leader as honest as Sir Imran Khan! Only Imran Khan can end curroption because he is not curropt! Imran Khan has only given to Pakistan…but we Pakistanis have never given anything to him!…The least we can do is show him some respect!!!!!!
Apart from what you accredit Imran Khan with … there is something which is hidden from the eyes of everyone … in India, in recent times when Pakistani Government has put down their weapons of counter-attacking Indian riff-raff on Kashmir … David Miliband which is a close friend of Great Khan balatantly pointed out India's imperialistic behavior on Kashmiris while he was visiting India. And Indian government got pissed … know what ? Imran Khan joined Miliband in his campaign for Labour Party elections. Just think of a person, who does not claim credit and still serve the nation and its cause solemnly … there is only one Imran Khan in Pakistan … had there been at least 10 of them or like him, Pakistan would have been a super-power.
For a while corner the Imran Khan Political career,
He is our HERO, The onw who bring the World up In Pakistan and the one who one made Hosptial in Pakistan….
Ye Jihaadi 2 Number Mullon ny kiya ha ? Kabhi Shalwar pr laraye tou kabhi Shia Kaafir, kabhi kuch kabhi kuch…
Imran khan ko zaani kahty han khud ye saaary molvi 80% Londybaaz hoty han…
Hi! All
I am such disgusted by seeing this!!!!
What brazen shamelessness to shove this great man like this. I think people who have done this have no soul, May those be cursed by God who have done this to this great man.
No doubt we are given floods and earthquakes by God because the people of this country are no better than their Governments. And those who struggle for this country like Imran we give them our boots.
Curse on you, you rotten souls!
I think people involved in this have no respect for their own souls, and wont know how to respect their own families.
They better die Kaafirs then muslim, who call them selves jamaati.
Abdul Wahab.
If something like this can happen to the one and only hero of Pakistan by some cheap lost souls than we should have stop this. This shows how blind, arrogant and selfish we can be.
We are all responsible for such a poor act and we should be shameful as much as we can.
I am clearly saying on behalf of myself :"I am ashamed and a fool to see this and not to condemn it".
Also I shall not be forgiven on the day of judgement because of not taking stand against this cruelty and dis respect to such a great man in Pakistan who does not take but gives. May GOD bless Pakistan and this guy. Ameen
i m feeling too much sad after watchn all this. i dont know y ppl of PAKISTAN donot want IMRAN KHAN as their leader as he is the only hope of this nation? y everyone is looking for his own good? y every one is happy in all wat is happening to this country this nation? y every one want to b n gutter and do not want to came out of all this? y every one want to b slave?
i must say sorry imran khan from side of all the ppl who digrace you, who dont understand you who hurt u. i m wid u from core of my heart and vl support u and ur thoughts and remebr u in ur prayers.PAKISTAN zindabad IMRAN KHAN paindabad
they are not pushing Imran khan but they are pushing their future and luck ,,, how stupid is this nation is…
Gr8 hErO Only IMRAN KHAN in PakistaN…
IMRAN BHAI hum sb ki duaen apk sath hain or rahen gi b akhri dum tak…..
INSAHA ALLAH we will win…
PTI zindabad M.Jahanzeb (Babloo) frOm Tando Jan Muhammad Sindh..
imran bhai aap qadam barhao hum aap ke ley jaan bhi desakteh hey.allah aap ke madad karee aamen
This is all due to the fool ignorate Jamiat and The qazi fool, ullo ka patta.Now qazi is saying Go America Go. That America to whom they supported by Fatwas by addresses in 80,s So called Jehad To be become new rulers after Zia. But they failed and when failed now they criticize every one but not musharaf.They allied him to make MMA.
That what they always do under the veil of Islam.
imran khan is the best leader!politician cricketer and an honest person hero of pakistan!the world respect him for his services!i am very depressed and disgusted to see all this!we love him as a leader and pray for his life!he is fighting for the people of pakistan every one should respect him! if any one could not give him respect as a politician then respect him as a cricketer!he is our national hero have some dignity!dont do such things with him!thanks!
Jamiat students really showed their heinous mentality. They don’t know how the leader should be. Their act not only against Islam but also against the human rights which is the basic lesson of Islam, who teaches respect to others despite of their thoughts, religion, caste, sect and above all being a leader of a party.
I strongly condemn of their cheap mentality and demand their leaders that they should apologize on the act, which did the students on their behalf.
Jamiat students really showed their heinous mentality. They don’t know how the leader should be. Their act not only against Islam but also against the human rights which is the basic lesson of Islam, who teaches respect to others despite of their thoughts, religion, caste, sect and above all being a leader of a party.
I strongly condemn of their cheap mentality and demand their leaders that they should apologize on the act, which did the students on their behalf.
Imran Khan is our Future LEADER………… PTI Zindabad