Asia Society writes a good summary of the talk
NEW YORK, Jan. 25, 2008 – Imran Khan, Chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party, spoke to a sold-out audience today at the Asia Society about the dire political situation in Pakistan and the urgent need for democratic governance.
Khan put forth a forceful argument that the true battle in Pakistan is not between conservatives and liberals, but between the status quo and change, positioning himself as an agent for this much-needed change. Khan’s overarching theme was the importance of good governance in paving the way for a democratic future in Pakistan.
Specifically, he stressed the need for rule of law, checks and balances, and a functioning judiciary as prerequisites from which all other challenges (such as poverty and fundamentalism) can then be tackled. Among his pointed criticisms of President Musharraf, Khan described the corruption and repression that has accompanied his regime, including a personal anecdote of his own escape during the November 2007 declaration of martial law.
And as a testament to his respecting democracy over dynasty, Khan jokingly assured the audience that should something happen to him, his son would not be passed the torch of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party.
4 responses to “Imran Khan speaks at the Asia Society”
Gotta give him props for admitting that he “was taken in” and “fooled for two and a half years”. It takes a self-confident person to say that.
But then, if he, not exactly a teenager when Musharraf took over backed a military take over, why should we trust him for the future?
“the last three years with indipendent TV”
that is independent media is a gift for Mr khan from president musharaf!!
when its about the india and Pakistan relations
he gave all the credibility to people!
i think its President Musharaf’s good international terms and relations with indian govt that brought about the change!
on his statement regarding (army)institutional mind set , that they (armymen) are not full equiped to make the decisions like to run the country.
how can he is saying this if thats there status than other politicians of pakistan dont even deserve to represent the country ,
Kargil war was ordered by mr nawaz sharif! the Prime minister of that time !!
suggestion for mr imran is that he should not give wake statements! that degrade our Prestigeous and the only wellestablished intitution (Pakistan Army)
Mr farhan!
I have got only one thing to say to you and that is ,history speaks for itself! You don’t have to defend army .We know what they are capable of .Our so called Prestigeous and the only wellestablished intitution look down upon common people .Army who is enjoying their high living standards which is mentain by a huge part of our budget which actually should be spend on poor and their education. The biggest scarafice is given by poor people of pakistan not the army and don’t even know about it . They think it’s there destiny to be poor !
my essence of last text was not to support President musharaf but for Imran khan’s wake statements !
atleast these are done in President mush era!
indipendant media and peacefull relation .
and imran denying!