Dear all,
Join us for a protest outside MQM’s International Secretariat – Altaf Hussain’s office – to condemn the attrocities committed in Karachi against civil society and lawyers.
Time: ON APRIL 13TH. 1 pm
MAP: Google Maps
For additional information contact Mr. Ahmed Nawaz Wattoo 07799214021 or Rabia Zia 07515549541
14 responses to “Protest outside MQM’s International Secretariat on April 13th”
Again, what happened to Imran Khan’s court case against Altaf Hussain?
This is high time to call “A SPADE A SPADE”. All those who overstepped should be brought to the court of law. The people of Karachi are high jacked they should be released. Imran Khan’s probe seems to be forgotten.
As far as I know of Imran’s case against Altaf, it actually went to the rubbish bin. Actually it was rubbish. If one’s view-point is true, there must be evidences…there were none! He based his entire argument on rhetoric and propaganda against Altaf Hussain. MQM must be especially thankful to the former playboy for his failed attempt, for it is now clear that any next attempt by someone without evidences would be just a waste of time and money.
Imran Khan’s case was not ‘rubbish’. MQM supremo who runs his organisation as a parallel government on fascist line was rescued by Gen Musharraf who is nick named as Sector Commander of MQ in Islamabad. Gen Musharraf’s government refused to cooperate with the British government and Scotland Yard.
Every dog has his day. I think Altaf had enough. He ruled the province of Sindh with full support of military and civil establishement and most hated so-called political parties. Karachi had a eerie ‘peace’ when MQM was in power because they were ruling the roost. As soon as they had a gist that they were not going to enjoy same power as they did in the past they showed their true face on 9th April. The memories of 12th May are still fresh in our minds.
Altaf is a great actor and performer. He ‘resigned’ and then swiftly withdrew that. I wish he had left the political arena and the peace would come to the province.
Now another drama of sitting in ‘opposition’. These are all blackmailing tactics to intimidate nascent PPP government. Why should MQM be part of government? why can’t they pay their role as an opposition. The reason is that they have been thoroughly spoiled by the riches of the government.
This arch-terrorist sitting in London is capable of destroying peace in Sindh. The new government of Pakistan should understand that this man is a danger to peace of the province. The PPP government should fully co-operate and reactivate investigations which were undertaken by the Soctland Yard and later abandoned due to lack of cooperation of their master known as Gen Musharraf.
I can tell you that if the British government pulls the plug from his international secretariat in London, the peace will automatically return. This fascist must be brought to justice.
Read the news on this.
Apparently turnout wasnt that great and it seem to be populated by the progeny of the elitist from LSE. Namingly, the well meaning progeny of waderas and chadaries, who are here on blood money hoarded by their fathers. (I may be unfair to some whose parents are not corrupt beaurocrats and bribe feeding business men).
But here is the complexity, Yes MQM originates from the mentality of a DON and Ghunda, who is Altaf. Yet, it has done more for Karachi than the combined might of all our previous dictators, PPP and PML governments combined. BB infact launched an ethnic cleansing excerise back in 92, backed by the Khakis. So here is crux of it, will this city stand by MQM or will it go to the likes of Boob Press Gilani. I think karachi will choose the lesser of the two evils, yet it still is a evil amidst us. So to our non karachite, good will wishers, change your attitude towards karachi walas and the murderous attitude of the governments you vote in and there wont be an MQM.
Wajahat, your logic is twisted & cruel. Do you put bridges & roads above human life? REALLY???? These are people’s parents, siblings & children being killed. You have to put yourself in their shoes. Would you think a road is important if your parent/child/sibling paid for it with their life? As the cost for not paying bhatta, which funds these developments?
Secondly, they have government funds for these developments. So that’s 2 MAJOR sources of income. The crucial question is…
If the development is funded by government funds – which it should be – where does the bhatta go?
And if development is funded by bhatta, where do the government funds go?
How are bloodshed and development linked? Do they need bloodshed to build bridges? Logon ki HADDIYON say banaatay hain? They can construct Karachi without bloodshed too, y’know! Saying construction justifies bloodshed is a mockery to the pain of people who have lost family members. Don’t be so insensitive.
The leader of a political party running a city in Pakistan, sitting in the UK is a matter of principle. Does he have a job? He gets a few lakh Rupees from Pakistan everyday…kahaan say? Who funds his lavish birthday parties?
As for the protest, there were all sorts of people there. Your generalization was unfair. If you knew anything about the Pakistani student culture of London, you’d know that spoilt elitist haraam-funded brats don’t give a damn about protests.
Let me just dissect my “Cruel and Twisted” view a little bit for you. I think you are either in your teens or suffer from that very short memory disorder that most of the people suffer from in Politics.
Let me first categorically call MQM, the ghundas and terrorists that they are and have been since their inception. Maybe at their beginning MQM had hope as they had leaders such as Azeem Tariq, an honest and good man, who was murdered by this monster Altaf. After Azeem Tariq’s murder, Altaf turned his party into the brigands that they continue to be.
But a realist view of MQM is that it is and continues to be a lesser evil, offcourse you do not remember the Jamati and PSF brigades terrorising neighbourhoods in the 80s and 90s, and although APMSO is as brutul as them, it still contained their threat. The revival of MQM came when it put some educated people in charge of the governership and ministries in the last decade, whereby Karachi saw a large amount of progress, the police forces were drawn locally and although you cannot get rid of the ghunda vein of the MQM, it still is less evil than the non karachite(Sindhis and Punjabis) police forces actually forming lootings gangs. Recently, however you could see that the MQM Ghundas became so full of their power that the spate of motor cycles based dacoits stopping cars and snatching goods were all controlled by MQM, thus my point that MQM is an equal if only slightly lesser evil for Karachite.
What happened against the Lawyers was wrong and burning of those people is crime that Altaf should be charged with, but after all , This city has seen more violence than you can think off in the last 20 years. Do you remember 92 and the Operation Cleanup, does accountability of that feature anywhere in your calls for justice. No. Thus my point that in a realistic sense, MQM although an evil is the lesser evil than the alternatives.
Just one more point, Being an Urdu Speaker, MQM is an embarrassment and pathetic representation of a educated people who migrated to Karachi. I can only hope that someday, MQM will feature educated leadership that is the true representative of the Urdu Speaking karachites, in whose name it decries to power and not have at its head this corrupt and baseless Altaf, who is frankly a psychopath.
But its rather our psychopath, than theirs. This is the enigma that I was referring to, which you called Cruel and Twisted. Obviously, you are one of the slogan hunters who has no understanding of the history of this city.
And I know the elitist LSE and King’s College culture of London all too well.
You yourself have proved my point. Like you said, even the MQM controlled Police now runs criminal gangs. The days of a shareef MQM are now long gone, sadly.
I also know which LSE, King’s College crowd you speak of. Like I said, protests are the least of their interests, which is why I found your criticism of the protests unfair, most of the protestors were very average Pakistanis with honest parents who’d take ‘elitist’ as an insult.
And you mentioned a point I forgot to, my biggest issue with MQM – inciting ethnic hatred. Altaf Hussain himself REPEATEDLY uses the term ‘mohajir’ which means immigrant. Noone can be an immigrant after 60 years. Iss tarhaan Pathan, Balochi, Sindhi, Kashmiri Punjabi, sub mohajir huway. He makes SURE they don’t feel Pakistani, because he knows making them feel like bichaaray & turning them against others is his only power over them.
The day Urdu Speakers grow out of his indoctrination, they will be a successful, MQM-free and intergral part of Sindh and Pakistan. Thus I hold now, as I always did, that MQM is a fascist, racist party, discriminating against other ethnicities, especially Sindhis (who are again, oppressed by feudals).
What’s the issue with Punjab anyway? I’m Pathan+Kashmiri and I agree Punjab takes all the resources/power, but REALIZING that the vast majority of Punjab are practically slaves, oppressed by Feudals, I only feel sympathy for them, and the urge to SUPPORT them. You can’t say 5% of Punjab are evil monsters crushing the remaining 95%, so we hate all 100%. That’s just not fair. Aur fil-haal, out of Pakistan’s political parties, MQM is against the Kashmiri industrialists (PML N) and working with both the feudal parties – the Punjabi PML Q and Sindhi PPP (NONE of whom I support, let me clarify).
About your lesser of two evils argument, I’m not quite convinced. 90s mein most of the violence was when MQM wasn’t in power, that’s why people are so afraid that MQM might sit in opposition this time. Phir bloodshed ho ga? Was MQM being in power any different? May 12th? December 28th/29th?
Finally, I must say, being Urdu Speaking and walking away from the Urdu-speaker-supporting-MQM stereotype is an extremely honorable thing to do and one which I presume also requires bravery. Some of the most patriotic, hard-working, honest, successful people I know in Pakistan are Urdu speakers, who don’t let Altaf payee brainwash them against all of Pakistan, so they feel as Pakistani as the rest of us.
About General Babar’s operation, I can only wonder. If you know someone will commit murders on a daily basis for many coming years, does one death not justify preventing countless others? I say this based on the question of course of what other option there was. Ban MQM? 124 murders resulted from Altaf Hussain’s arrest alone…banning MQM would’ve led to more, and wouldn’ve had no effect on MQM anyway.
Arrests, possible. Iqbal Langrha (MQM ghunda wanted for Hakeem Syed’s murder) was arrested then. Is back to his escapades now. He was seen recently occupying polling stations, stopping vote-counting and only allowing it to recontinue once he’d stuffed the ballot boxes with MQM votes.
I think no murder is justified. Every single death must be accounted for. But considering Karachi’s situation, the powerful mafia network run through bloodshed and fear which controls it, I’m forced to ask: What alternatives should we be considering?
And if the unfortunate, bloody operation hadn’t been carried out, how invincible would MQM be now? Maybe all of Pakistan would be paying bhatta to be allowed to live!
“The day Urdu Speakers grow out of his indoctrination, they will be a successful, MQM-free and intergral part of Sindh and Pakistan”
Dude, this is not just the paradigm for those who call themselves Muhajirs, it is for each and everyone in this country of ours, we have never been Pakistanis, but have stuck to this labelling, nationwide. I have resoundingly been against this label, I was born in PK and am a Pakistani for ever, nobody dare call me a Refugee(muhajir) in my land. However, the urdu speakers are always labelled as Muhajirs or worst hindustanees which we are not by all other ethnicities.
The entire pk political apparatus is based upon labeled ethnicities, how many sindhis are voting for Imran Khan because he speaks the truth???
Re you second point about the 92 operations.
Trust me, if you would have removed MQM as a result, I would have even accepted the argument that the bloodshed was justifiable, as no bloodshed (May 12th, Dec 27th) ever is. Yet before the operations Jam Sadiq got all the real ghundas to emigrate to the UK and the USA. The biggest goon of all Altaf got residence in the UK overnight arranged and agreed before hand. The army men then killed mostly innocent bystanders in name of the clean up. (I wrote an true account of this in a story I published a long time back, )
So my dear Friend, I think what we are both saying is that we agree, but the entire nation needs to expel all prejudices based on ethnic lines.
The so called Muhajirs, Balochies and East Pakistanis cannot all be wrong can they?????????????
I have to disagree with you when you say that none of us have ever been Pakistanis. I’ve lived all over Pakistan my whole life, and have friends of all ethnicities. Sure we laugh that Pathans are gay, Kashmiris are araam-pasand, Sindhis have torture cells in their basements, Urdu speaking women dominate the households and that Punjabis are bayghairat, but that’s as far as it goes. We live, work, eat, play, laugh together, we marry into each other – come on, Pakistan is such a beautiful mix of so many people known for amazing things!
I have always been proud of Pakistan for being racism-free. I got the best example when I came to Karachi! Har qisam kay loag, everywhere! More aware of their ethnicities than elsewhere in Pakistan I noticed, but still mixing with and loving everyone else. It’s fascinating how Karachiites talk about Memons and some green-pagrhi waalay, and some women who wear cheesecloth burqay, and Pathans and Sindhis as if their ethnicities were merely outfits not affecting in any way who they are to others!! They’re very aware of who they are, yet they work, study, live together.
As for differences – those only step-in when leaders exploit them to control people. Look at the Balochi and Sindhi tribal leaders and MQM. It’s a shame. Even the average die-hard MQM follower will go to work with his Pakistani friends, attend weddings, buy things from their shops…these are just small examples.
The hatreds are not instinctive. They have been imposed upon us to serve leaders’ interests.
I hate the PPP, but I felt respect for Zardari when he made a speech in Sindh saying, “Jitna mazloom Sindhi mazdoor hai, utna hi mazloom Punjabi mazdoor hai, utna hi mazloom PAKISTANI mazdoor hai!”. Can’t believe he could some up with something like that – kisi aur nay likhi ho gi speech! 😛 But it was inspirational.
If someone calls you Mohajir, don’t get offended, correct them – all of us are Mohajirs. I used to hate it when people called Pathans gay, but then I realized we all make harmless fun of each other. When it gets dangerous is when leaders tell us, “You don’t get jobs because you are Sindhi/Pathan/Urdu speaking”. Logon ko itni aqal nahin kay LOOK AROUND!! HALF THE COUNTRY IS UNEMPLOYED YAAR!!!
I have countless Urdu speaking friends (that makes me sound like I can’t speak Urdu!!), and none of them have ever felt any discrimination and their EXTRAORDINARILY patriotism makes ME proud! The only anti-Pakistan Urdu-speaking person I know is from England. Her MQM father raised her with constant talks on how Pakistan gave her nothing. How it was only Urdu speaking people dont have jobs or money. Baaki 16 crore awaam to mehlon mein reh rahi hai na.
Your account of the operation is indeed sad. I thought Altaf Hussain was the only one protected by the UK/US. Again we see how these countries exploit any possibility for ethnic divisions. Isn’t that reason enough for us to put our differences aside? If only people understood.
I’m glad you think of yourself as Pakistani before anything else, as do I. It made me happy when I asked a friend of mine if he’s Urdu speaking and he replied, “I’m Pakistani!”. I sense the greater trend of our generation is in our favor. InshAllah.
Agreed. There was no case at all.
i feel sorry to see the level of wisdom you have. may be your eyes have been shut with ethinicism and jealousy.
If your darling MQM is so serious and objective in serving Karachi and they really think that the operation launched by the govt. against MQM targetted innocent people and that extra judicial killings were made during this operation, why did MQM not persue the cases when they enjoyed full power when their sector incharge Islamabad dictator Musharraf was in full power over affairs of the country as well as intellegence agnecies?
Why crying now when the people of Pakistan have thrown the goondas out of power and sector incharge Islamabad is about to be burried?
This is old MQM technique. they have always been in power in both PPP and Nawaz League previous govts and never shared the responsibility of the then govt doings. Every govt threw them out of coalition seeing their blackmailing tactics. every time MQM cried ” foul” once they were thrown out of power.
Could you not see the development work undetaken by Mr. Nemat Ullah Khan? Your eyes are shut and their is a seal upon your ears. Truth and MQM do not go togather.
Keep supporting MQM till the time one of your dear ones is either burnt alive or killed during street crimes ( remained at full swing when MQM had full control over police with their man was advisor on Interior) committed by MQM goondas. Then you will surely regret but to no avail.
Weldone. Pakistan needs your type of patriotic people. People like Wajahat cannot be convinced with any logic. This is because they have not faced the wrath of MQM. Soon Allah SWT Will make them taste the result of induldging in ethnicism in contrary to the islamic teacjings. Just ignore Wajahat and company.
dear .
my name is ashfaq ali. i have done an mba from islamabad, i have been working in skoon gir ngo in islamabad for one year. now i m working for woman welfare foundation in peshawar.
i m from khyber agency , landikotal.
as u know u have no leader in such a locality. so i want to jion ur party because i have been impressed from ur social works. i always pray for altaf bai sehat. May Allah bless him. so i want to talk to altaf bai either on phone or if u can give me his own emial id. best regards
ashfaq khan.
house no 371, street 26, d4, phase 1, hayatabad, peshawar. pakistan.
my cell no is 0344 5463981