Tag: MQM

  • Amjad Sabri assassinated by MQM for not paying Bhatta

    Amjad Sabri assassinated by MQM for not paying Bhatta

    Pakistan lost a legend on 22nd June 2016 – Amjad Sabri – it was even suspected back then that MQM was involved, yet they came in hordes to mourn with the Sabri family – little did they know then (many did suspect it at that time) but now some of the sector incharges have confessed…

  • Ali Zaidi’s Open Letter to COAS Raheel Sharif on MQM

    Ali Zaidi’s Open Letter to COAS Raheel Sharif on MQM

    OPEN LETTER TO COAS GENERAL RAHEEL SHARIF August 27, 2016 General Raheel Sharif Chief of Army Staff Islamic Republic of Pakistan General Sahib I write to you directly, as you are duty bound not only to protect the physical frontiers of this country but also the ideological frontiers, which are currently under threat. It is…

  • MQM Issues Life Threats to Dr Arif Alvi

    MQM Issues Life Threats to Dr Arif Alvi

    Living in Karachi, for all Karachiites is a life under constant threat from the Bori-Bhatta mafia & also others, that probably for us all is a normal routine, but more recently the threat levels have escalated and he has been keeping the recent issues under the carpet for quite a few weeks, but im glad…

  • MQM MP’s Resigned because they were Cowards & Buzdil

    The resignation story is NOT about Karachi or any of the flowery arrested target killers or the Rangers operation in Karachi – the story is about how “Coward & Buzdil” MQM MNA’s MPA’s & Senators did not defend Altaf Hussain Bhai in the Assembly floor on 10th of August as Ch Nisar criticized him for…

  • MQM and its Telephone – holds Karachi in shambles

    As I narrated yesterday the problem of MQM lies elsewhere (read London) – a narration of what happened that lead to the resignation – knowing Bhai this scenario is quiet possible – I only miss the fact that it was not nationally televised to hear the anger / and the bang in-your-face hang up “DAWN:…

  • MQM Resignations in the Parliament – Mistake by MQM

    In other news MQM to resign from National Assemblies – To be honest, thats a stupid move, all my differences with them, I think its an idiotic decision, my honest opinion is the problem lies elsewhere (read London) Many in Karachi feel, Karachi is getting better (sans a few horrific incidents) but general direction of…

  • Karachiites must support Rangers – to save Karachi

    Karachiites must support Rangers – to save Karachi

    For all Karachiites – its a fact – in the past few months, the cleaning operation by the Rangers has helped us all live & breathe, as previously the Sindh Police under the explicit control of PPP and MQM were jointly helping to dig our graves So if today MQM for its own interest in…

  • 24 MQM MNA’s Sign Pakistan Protection Act, to Seal their Militant Workers fate

    24 MQM MNA’s Sign Pakistan Protection Act, to Seal their Militant Workers fate

    One year back on facebook I wrote as to how 24 MNA’s voted yes to the Pakistan Protection Bill – giving LEA’s sweeping powers to take control – I even warned that this bill would have impact on them mostly then anyone else Now one year down the road abundant MQM militants have been taken…

  • Revenge of the ballot – by Fahd Hussain

    Revenge of the ballot – by Fahd Hussain

    A must read article by Fahd Hussain, a few extracts “Some people are just such incurable apologists for elected scoundrels.  It’s really not that complicated. For five long bloody years Karachi groaned under the collective sins of the PPP-MQM-ANP triage. People were killed like flies while criminals flourished like emirs of oily sheikhdoms. Fat cats grew…

  • Imran Khan & Arif Alvi’s “doctored” cell phone conversation leaked

    Imran Khan & Arif Alvi’s “doctored” cell phone conversation leaked

    The recent “breaking news” is about a leaked converstation between Imran Khan & Dr. Arif Alvi – which is undoubtedly multiple phone calls stitched together to portray a narrative / propaganda What is more important is to publicly identify the propagandists involved in recording a private call — espionage by whom? is it even legal?…

  • Mubashir Lucman shows MQM 90 Raid footage

    Mubashir Lucman shows MQM 90 Raid footage

    Mubashir Lucman shows the CCTV footage from 90 (MQM Headquarters) of the raid on the offices where many terrorists were captured and abundant ammunition was confiscated. Thanks to Mubashir Lucman the MQM’s nightmare simply does not end …. for the sake of cleaning up Karachi – this city needs to be cleaned up from these…

  • Confessional Video of Saulat Mirza – exposing MQM

    Confessional Video of Saulat Mirza – exposing MQM

    Only a few hours before his hanging (MQM leader / Activist) Saulat Mirza, a confessional video is aired which exposes the MQM fully as a Terrorist party that has besieged Karachi – he confesses to having killed KESC MD on the direct instructions from Senator Babar Ghauri and Altaf Hussain – amongst other many confessions.…

  • Tax Amnesty Bill is a Scam

    Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf Imran Khan termed the Tax Amnesty Bill a scam and said he will go to the Supreme Court if the bill is approved by the parliament. Imran Khan made these remarks while addressing a press conference in Islamabad. He blamed that the Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz had…

  • Sindh quietly makes law to de-fang HEC

    With parliament and the ECP at loggerheads over the issue of fake degrees, the Sindh Assembly has passed a new law to make the federal Higher Education Commission totally irrelevant in relation to the Sindh province by setting up its own provincial HEC that has been given all the powers, including the authority to verify…

  • Founding Father Quaid-e-Azam receives Altaf Hussain’s drone attacks

    Today during the much anticipated Political Drone speech Altaf Hussain distorting history by attacking Quaid-e-Azam the founding father of Pakistan to justify his and Tahir-ul-Qadri’s foreign passports – attacking the most respected symbol of Pakistan, is literally picking a fight with the entire nation of Pakistan. Shame Rai Muhammed Saleh Azam at Pakistani Nationalist writes…