GVSummit08: Day 1 Session 1: Toward a Global anti-censorship network

MODERATOR: Helmi Noman.
SPEAKERS: Andrey Abozau, (Belarusian activist from LuNet), Chris Salzberg (Global Voices, Japan), Alaa Abdel Fatah (Egyptian Blogger), Ethan Zuckerman (Global Voices), Awab Alvi (Don’t Block The Blog, Pakistan)

Internet censorship by governments around the world has threatened both freedom of expression and free access to information. In response, free speech activists are leading campaigns and creating tools to ensure the rights of internet users, but they often work in isolation and without the support of a community. Why do we need a global anti-censorship network? How can we facilitate the sharing of techniques, best practices and experiences around the protection of online free speech?




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