A few days back the Asian Human Rights Commission issued an urgent press release about a Pakistani, Dr. Afia Siddiqui, who has been missing from Pakistan for over four years, since 2003. Her kidnapping has since then been denied by both American and Pakistani governments but actually she has been suspected of being an operative of Al-Qaeda and has been on FBI’s wanted list. There is reason to believe that she is also one of the missing persons who had been ‘handed over’ to the Americans courtesy of Pervaiz Musharraf. Let us not forget that the missing persons case was a turning point in the history of Pakistan where Pervaiz Musharraf had a severe falling out with the then CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry who was investigating this case and probably stepped on a few toes definitely ended up rumbling a few skeleton locked within Musharraf’s treasure chest of hidden secrets
- Sign Asian Human Rights Commission’s Urgent letter of Appeal which will send an email to Bush, Karzai, Gilani, Farooq Naek & Rehman Malik
- Sign the online petition for her release
- Join Facebook groups to participate in digital activism to raise awareness here and here
- Spread the word by email & SMS to all your contacts so as to create more pressure
Dr. Afia Siddiqui left her mother’s house in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Sindh province, along with her three children, in a Metro-cab on March 30, 2003 to catch a flight for Rawalpindi, Punjab province, but never reached the airport. The press reports claimed that Dr. Afia had been picked-up by Pakistani intelligence agencies while on her way to the airport and initial reports suggested that she was handed over to the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). At the time of her arrest she was 30 years and the mother of three sons the oldest of which was four and the youngest only one month.
A few days later an American news channel, NBC, reported that Afia had been arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of facilitating money transfers for terror networks of Osama Bin Laden. The mother of the victim, Mrs. Ismat (who has since passed away) termed the NBC report absurd. She went on to say that Dr. Afia is a neurological scientist and has been living with her husband, Amjad, in the USA for several years.
On April 1, 2003, a small news item was published in an Urdu daily with reference to a press conference of the then Interior Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat. When questioned with regard to Dr. Afia’s arrest he denied that she had been arrested. This was followed by another Urdu daily article on April 2 regarding another press conference in which the same minister said Dr. Afia was connected to Al Qaeda and that she had not been arrested as she was absconding. He added: “You will be astonished to know about the activities of Dr. Afia” A Monthly English magazine of Karachi in a special coverage on Dr. Afia reported that one week after her disappearance, a plain clothed intelligence went to her mother’s house and warned her, “We know that you are connected to higher-ups but do not make an issue out of your daughter’s disappearance.” According to the report the mother was threatened her with ‘dire consequences’ if she made a fuss.
Whilst Dr. Afia’s whereabouts remain unknown, there are reports of a woman called ‘Prisoner 650’ is being detained in Afghanistan’s Bagram prison and that she has been tortured to the point where she has lost her mind. Britain’s Lord Nazeer Ahmed, (of the House of Lords), asked questions in the House about the condition of Prisoner 650 who, according to him is physically tortured and continuously raped by the officers at prison. Lord Nazeer has also submitted that Prisoner 650 has no separate toilet facilities and has to attend to her bathing and movements in full view of the other prisoners.
Also, on July 6, 2008 a British journalist, Yvonne Ridley, called for help for a Pakistani woman she believes has been held in isolation by the Americans in their Bagram detention centre in Afghanistan, for over four years. “I call her the ‘grey lady’ because she is almost a ghost, a spectre whose cries and screams continues to haunt those who heard her,” Ms Ridley said at a press conference.
Ms Ridley, who went to Pakistan to appeal for help, said the case came to her attention when she read the book, The Enemy Combatant, by a former Guantanamo detainee, Moazzam Begg. After being seized in February 2002 in Islamabad, Mr Begg was held in detention centres in Kandahar and Bagram for about a year before he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay. He recounted his experiences in the book after his release in 2005. Mr. Imran Khan, leader of Justice Party (T.I) suspects that prisoner 650 is the Dr. Afia Siddiqui and USA and Pakistani authorities are hiding facts of ‘Prisoner 650’.
To date, neither the American nor the Pakistani government have come out about the arrest and detention of Dr. Afia in either Bagram or Guantanamo Bay where suspected terrorists are held. On December 30, 2003 Dr. Fawzia Siddiqui, Dr. Afia’s elder sister met with Mr Faisal Saleh Hayat at Islamabad with Mr Ejazul Haq, MNA, regarding the whereabouts of Dr. Afiai. Mr Faisal told Dr. Fawzia and Mr Ejazul Haq that according to his information Dr. Afia Siddiqui had already been released and that she (Dr. Fawzia) should go home and wait for a phone call from her sister.
Dr. Afia Siddiqui, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, for about 10 years and did her PhD in genetics, returned to Pakistan in 2002. Having failed to get a suitable job, she again visited the US on a valid visa in February 2003 to search for a job and to submit an application to the US immigration authorities. She moved there freely and came back to Karachi by the end of February 2003 after renting a post office box in her name in Maryland for the receipt of her mail. It has been claimed by the FBI (Newsweek International, June 23, 2003, issue) that the box was hired for one Mr Majid Khan, an alleged member of Al Qaeda residing in Baltimore.
Throughout March 2003 flashes of the particulars of Dr. Afia were telecast with her photo on American TV channels and radios painting her as a dangerous Al Qaeda person needed by the FBI for interrogation. On learning of the FBI campaign against her she went underground in Karachi and remained so till her kidnapping. The June 23, 2003, issue of Newsweek International was exclusively devoted to Al Qaeda. The core of the issue was an article “Al Qaeda’s Network in America”. The article has three photographs of so-called Al Qaeda members – Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Dr. Afia Siddiqui and Ali S. Al Marri of Qatar who has studied in the US like Dr. Siddiqui and had long since returned to his homeland. In this article, which has been authored by eight journalists who had access to FBI records, the only charge leveled against Dr. Afia is that “she rented a post-office box to help a former resident of Baltimore named Majid Khan (alleged Al Qaeda suspect) to help establish his US identity.
NewsLine while doing a story in 2003 – Mysterious Cover-up Mazhar Abbass reports that
Surprisingly there has been no official report registered with the police about Afia’s disappearance which explains why Afia’s mother wanted to avoid going public. The police, meanwhile, is doing nothing to trace Afia. “We have no knowledge about this case nor has anyone contacted me,” said Sindh police chief, Syed Kamal Shah. Ismat Siddiqui, however, claims that she has spoken to high police officials, including Shah, about her daughter’s disappearance. A week after the incident, Mrs. Siddiqui alleges that an intelligence agency official came to her house and warned her not to make an issue out of her daughter’s disappearance and threatened her with dire consequences.
Daily Times gives a detailed account of her mysterious disappearance in 2004 – The strange story of Aafia Siddiqui
Months later, the FBI would make its most devastating claim against Siddiqui. It was still dark on the morning of March 1, 2003, when Pakistani authorities arrested Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a known September 11 mastermind, at a Karachi safe house. The arrest made news around the world. It also presaged the extraordinary vanishing act of AafiaSiddiqui and her three small children.” It seems Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gave up Aafia’s name as being a major Al Qaeda operative.” However, one of her defenders saysSiddiqui ’s identity was likely stolen. “Aafia was, I think, probably a pretty naive and trusting person and my guess is it would be pretty easy for somebody who wanted to steal an identity to just steal it.” About a month after his capture in the spring of 2003, she disappeared.
The question is where is Afia and why are police and intelligence agencies silent? Is she in the custody of the FBI or the ISI? Another possibility is that Afia might have been kidnapped by her ex-husband, who may have links with Al-Qaeda. Whatever the case, there seems to be a deliberate attempt to hush up the mysterious circumstances behind Afia Siddiqui’s disappearance
Other links: Adnan Siddiqui – These coward and fascist liberals | PkPolitics – Appeal for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children
584 responses to “Missing Pakistani – Dr. Afia Siddiqui – Prisoner 650”
This is realy shamefull for all who are see the condition of Dr.Afia. I asked Champion of Human rights in pakistan Asma Jahngir where she goes.why she is not raise a voice against this crime.
I read her plight for the first time in today’s morning newspaper and its almost 5 o’clock in the morning after the whole day and I cannot go to sleep with the shock, horror and shame of what has happened to Dr. Afia and I am stunned by so many things in this case, I can make no heads and tails of it. I just sincerely hope that she comes back home to her family and is all right and those that are responsible for her on any such evils done to innocent people are brought to justice.
i just heard the Dr afia case on the geo tv in Dr amir liaqat telecast program, i just put on my pc n search for Dr Afia. Allahhhhhhhhh! i have no words to speak. May Allah Help her in getting freedom from those bastards. i want to ask questions to all of my muslims fellows? ARE WE REALLY A MUSLIMS?? OUR DAILY ROUTINE IS PASSING ACCORDING TO ISLAM??? OUR POLITICIANS HAS BEEN SELECTED BY US ARE’NT WE SAME LIKE THEM DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY? ARE WE READY TO FACE ALLAH?? NONE OF US KNOW WHICH SECOND WUD BE OUR LAST SECONG. ALLAH WILL DEFINATLY DO JUSTICE ONE DAY N THAT WUD BE A JUDGEMENT DAY.
to my ALL pakistani freinds plz plz Pray for her ALLAH plz Dr afia ko jalde wah say bahir nikal dey AMEEN
sub duwa karna un kay liyea Ameen
First of all, I would like to pray and ask every one to pray from almighty Allah to save her and rescue from FBI.Allah is the one who can protect every one. He is omnipotent , omniscient.
Whats our government is doing for this case.
– Why she was captured by FIA and forwared to FBI??
– Where is human rights?????? so called Aqil Burni… chamcha Musharraf… farooq naik…. All pathhoooooooo.
I urge every pakistani to donate some amount for the sake to fight this case and to recover all missing people from US. This is the time to act like Muslim, be supportive, please be supportivie and help others.. This is not others but by yourslef.. Your sister… As her mother is asking for that…. if you dont do it right now….. No one knows whats going on future with you…Please do something … From school to college, street to mall,every where .. protest it and generate money …
Allah will give you reward for that.InshaAllah
Where are the feminists, maulvis and Lawyers? This is worth demonstrations as well.
Musharraf and ISI are pimps they will sell their wife and daughters for the right price just as they sold this proud nation!!
Aamir Liaqat Hussain is a joke and his programme was a joke.
Very intresting……suddenly we have a lot of stories popping up in the american press against ISI and it’s ways of working….and now this case of Dr Afia…suddenly after five years Americans bring her to forefront and we can see through all the posts in this article that all the hatred is directed towards Musharraf and specially ISI….now Americans will accept their mistake and will also offer compensation but what they wanted is achieved….A case against ISI…the backbone of our defence against organizations like…CIA…MOSAD and RAW…. and then through ISI the case will be registered against Pakistan …then one fine morning we will here some “Pakistani Taliban” were able to sieze kahutaa ouetr village houses for a day or two…American/indian media propaganda machine will start working…Army inefficient..ISI inefficient…Pakistan a security risk…and after Iraq…afghanistan….now the story of Pakistan begins…..
Cannot find words to comment….!
Oh! Allah, please forgive us for what we have done.
Am I proud to be pakistani……????
“oh allah please forgive us”
How about Oh Allah please forgive Afia for making biological weapons for Al Qaeda?
Yvonne Ridley was married to a Mossad Agent. How about that…
Not that I have anything against Mossad but this adds to her mystique doesn’t it?
alaas… we have enough time to raise voice for judges and lawyers on roads, giving speeches for political leaders, discussing political issues, the economic issues, the talk shows on every so called free media for political issues, the whole day rally coverage for politicians and lawyers.. the people who remained out of this country for the whole of their lives…. the people who have never faced the challenges of real life of a common man…
I have a question!!! if the media is free and non political.. then why did’t they highlight this till
now constantly as a campaign.. and not only Aafia Siddiqui, the rest of the poeple who have been handed over to bloody America by our agencies.. why does media highlight the things only to get the favor from government as black mailing… they are not doing any social work… they are doing business… they get something out the issues and then shut their bloody mouths… I dont understand why only these bloody repititive faces of politicians are so called god fathers of Pakistan… one goes and the other of same blood comes again.. who has given them the right to be owner of this country for the rest of their lives and their families to come…
you name any politician in the history of Pakistan who was not convicted in any sort of corruption case… and still they are there… what else can we expect from such people… Dr. Aafia is the only one of such thousands of cases.. why cant we set an example by hanging the responsibles in public till death…
I m sure one fine day will come…. becase Allah Subhanahu Taala is aware of everything… and will take care of poeple which nobody else can do.
there was a time when the brave muslim wariers come to asia on a call of a muslim lady.and now this is also a time when our todays so call muslims leaders sell there brave muslim daughter of some dollers.is n’t a shamfull act.
these so call defenders of pakistan have no self respect.they can do every thing for money.shame on you mushrif.shame on you pakistan army.
i have no word for dr.afia saddiqi.oh Allah HEALP HER.PLZ.
the responsibility of every muslim to pray for her as more as possible.
i dont know what these so call HUMAN RIGHTS activist are doing.why the closed there eyes on such a great human right problem.is Dr. afia not a human? are muslim and pakistani did’t come under these human rights.
i request to all pakistani and all muslims to do some thing for dr.afia. because she is also our sister.
and GOd for bed but if this trend go on who say that a time will never come that of one family member will be the next vactam.but whe are shamless selfish people.we never feel the pain of our muslim brother and sister until and unliss the fire caught our own home.
The case is very clear.not a single woman can hold a 15kgs loaded gun,and imposible to fire and kicking us army guys in front of them…what a story…totally lie.
There is no reason to keep any woman like this…before america they kept her in afghanistan with in mens jail and humiliating her by using the same bath where us army boys use to go…also raped her now damaging her nose and teeth.
what the hell is going no one has any right to keep any one in preson without any prove……
so kindly this is my request to American goverment to release her in any case weather she is involved or not….i think this is enough
Lately FBI
We must not shame on us. Why we should feel shame to be Pakistani? We are Pakistani but not Muslim, we have boundaries of Pakistan but not ideology of Islam.
Musharrf, Shoukat Aziz, Chaudary Brothers, Molana Faz-ul-Rehman, Nawaz Sharif, Muslim Q, Muslim league N and MANs feel shame. why we?
We have just thrown our Muslimism to their hand and they sold it American for the sake of dollar.
I can envisage that the daughter of Musharraf, Shoukat Aziz, Chaudary Brothers, Fazul Rehman Muslim Q and Muslim league N would be victim of Amercian brutality of cock.
I have nothing much to say but if the same may have happned in USA or anyother European country, there would have been too much articles in papers and plenty of tv programs, but unfortunately this is in Pakistan and American thinks that they can treat us as they like. Would they give any reason why they are holding Dr. Afia in jail, just because she is a muslim woman and PhD in genetic science, have they have any proof of her guilt. USA a so called democracy and champions of peace keeping the world, where is their justice. THERE IS NONE, WHEN THEY SAY THEY ARE RIGHT, NO MATTER HOW WRONG THEY ARE, AND THEY TREAT EVERY INNOCENT LIKE “KING”.
this is the so called civilized picture of America to arrest a women and behave like this and making ridculous stories. For GOD sake leave a women who is being victimize only coz she is Muslim. do justice now or wait for the day of Judgement when u ve to answerable. May ALLAH help her. Ameen
I recall those days when one girl, who was kidnapped by pirates, shouted HUJJAJ’s name forhelp. And he sent Muhammad Bin Qasim who eliminated the evil King Dahir who was involved with the pirates.
Now we have become such downtrodden that our HUJJAJ arrests our sister in Isalam and hand over to King Dahir of our times. Is there any limit to demoralization of our nation?
We are at the stage where our life worths not more than a barking dog. We have such Leaders who are leading a sleeping nation with open eyes. Whatever happened with Dr. Afia, we are responsible for that. We choose a Government who is American assitant posted in Pakistan for their operations. Some of them came into power by breaking Laws and Constitutions. I appeal that every reader should play his/her part, whatever you think could be benificial for the release of Dr. Afia from that prison. And we should also try to change ourself as well. We are now Muslims wearing Western Culture.
There are few loopholes in Teeth Maestro reports. The story starts that Dr. Afia Siddiqui left her mother’s house on March 30, 2003, along with her three kids for airport to catch a flight to Islamabad. She vanished midway and never boarded the plane. After that the story goes in full force, but nowhere there was any mention of the fate of her three kids. Are they (or were they) sheep? If detected, so far so good – if not, no worries. Are they still with ill fated Dr. Afia or they returned to their grand mother’s house saying “we missed the bus”. Or, they are no more.
Then, there was mention of her husband. Dr. Afia’s mother has been reported as saying that her daughter was dwelling with her hubby in States. Of course, this was said under pressure. But my question is, where is her husband? No clue in the cover story!
Like many of my brothers and sisters expressed their sentiments in their comments in here, “humans for sale” and that too for a few dollars, my question is also this “Are we a Dollar hungry nation?”. It is true this was the act of few people who were unfortunately powers that be. But these “few people” have painted a wrong picture of the nation as a whole. Today, Pentagon has a perception about Pakistan. “Pakistan is the only country in the world where anything could be initiated that USA desired at that specific moment – just hand over some dollars.” Let me tell you one thing for sure. Those days are gone. The public awareness is rising every passing day. And let Pentagon know, that after spending so much of American Security funds, the desired result is nowhere near. Instead, the situation has gone from bad to worse. It is high time that USA must give a serious thought about change in maneuver in war against terrorism. Present set up has miserably failed.
Dr. Afia is a test case for present government of Pakistan. It is high time for this elected government to make a honorable key policy for all the matters of within the country and outside as well. And this dollar receiving under the table should be done away.
Brother and Sister,
A quote: “All that I wanted were things I had before, All that I needed I’ve never needed more, All of my questions are answers to my sins”
Dear Brother and Sister,
I don’t haev any words for this issue. JUst saying 1 quote here
“All that I wanted were things I had before, All that I needed I’ve never needed more, All of my questions are answers to my sins”
Dr afia siddiqui sister all muslim brother but muslim is sliping ,1,50,0000000 muslim people were are you
O Muslims, only the Khilafah will silence the evil tongues that defame the Prophet of Islam ??? ???? ???? ????
O Muslims, why be weak? We know for sure what will stop these evil acts
This is too much that we have had .. A serious step should be taken to perish thesE evil people who have no right to agonize someone ..
Why its always MUSLIMS ??? WHY ???
PAKISTANI govt. sucks n better leave the ground now. ***Hypocrites***
This is what we do with our, sisters, mothers, daughters and wives… shame on us man… !!!
Thousands of women are behind bars in Pakistan on false trumped up charges…without any recourse… Why isn’t anyone here concerned about them?
Is fair trial only Afia Siddiqui’s right?
Shame on all of you… especially the shrieky voices calling out to “o Muslims” …
Reading the comments here – one can easily discern why Pakistan is in the pits…
Seems like people in FBI are watching too many Hollywood movies. Afia's case sounds like one such plot. This super but extremely stupid woman(MIT graduate??) was lurking outside Ghazni governor's compound with her pockets full of incriminating evidence including landmarks in NYC and (this is where the plot gets funny) excerpts from the Anarchist’s Arsenal(!!) besides other stuff like gels and other bomb making equipment accompanied by her 12 year old son.
Well the plot thickens, this 90 lbs woman who is missing for 5 years, after arrest grabs a heavy rifle and tries to shoot FBI agents, but thank god none gets hurt. She on the other hand gets a bullet in her leg. That's what you get for messing with FBI!!
She most probably will be indicted because she is too much of an embarrassment and if allowed to speak can damage permanently the American notion of liberty and will be a scandal of epic proportions for the US for all times to come.
Dont you love happy endings.
ho my great Allah why are you still silent. we are no more human beings. ho musharaf son of bitch listen you have sold our sisters and brothers you will be hanged one day on open streets without clothes and will be crying for mercy but none will come closer to save you still your son bilal. and this is very near future in few days ahead. logon gawa rehna.
it is a very shameful act , curse on pakistan government and curses on pervaiz musharaaf, May Allah help Dr. Afia siidique. Pakistan is a shameful country who sold a great pakistani daughter, where are the NGOs, where are the women rights commisions , they are not raising their voices on this issue because they cant make money out of this issue and intead they would lose their U.S aid if they would raise their voices. DR.afia siddique should at once be realesed and our government should take serious measures against it.
American Army is the army of Basters…and American Govt. is the Government of selfish basters.
I strong protest is being held on 14th August on the issue of Our Sister Dr. Afiah ,come out and be a part of a great cause and make a difference in the society.Tell your friends your family and come out on streets . people willing to help please contact us, no political party should contact us, its time for youth to show their strength
Don’t be shameful, as what can we do?
Yes in a day our government statement will come that she is in foreign custody and we will bring her back…………………..!
Think about it. Please help me out to organize a demonstration in Karachi. Email me and get connected to throw away the veil of shamefulness and disgrace, leave mullas but at least become Muslim and Pakistani. We have nothing to do with politics so please no political party must contact us because now is the time to show strength of what we are just two hours to show up we are Muslims and Pakistanis are alive, we want things to get straight on table but if the others are not ready to do than we are…….!
This is a last try of life from a PAKISTANI to get united, rest is with you.
Let’s give strength and glory to our selves as nation.
We have been alleged of Extremist but this demonstration @ 4:00 PM on 14th August, 2008 at Mazar-e-Quaid, we want to show that Pakistan is peace loving, ethical society like them and we must have the same right as them. We are United under the Flag of Pakistan and will be backing every citizen and every human round the world for there RIGHTS.
Well said Greywolf. When I read the kind of crap has been posted here, I am ashamed of being a Pakistani.
Asad…ho means whore ie prostitute. Just fyi.
Junaid, how about 10000 other sisters behind bars under inhumane conditions in Pakistani jails without any trials?
Abid mian… What is a “baster”?
Paracha sahib, last I checked it was people like Asma jahangir and iqbal haider and the NGOs who raised their voice for Afia’s fair trial.
Zohaib mian, is your mother, daughter or sister a terrorist?
Zainulabidin pai jaan,
Hujjaj gave dahir an ultimatum “you are either with us or against us”.
Arabs were a lot like what Americans are today. I guess that makes Muhammad bin Qasim the US Army doesn’t it?
Pakistani patriot first of all you should change your name to Pakistani treason.
This is because of people like you and greywolf that today America has so much courage to attack Pakistan’s territory, you both should be ashamed of your selfs. Those are people like you who gave many innocent Pakistani’s to america. You believe in fake evidence of fbi but you don’t trust your own Pakistani sister and you call her terrorist.
oh and stop trying to prove that Arabs and Americans are alike because Muhammad bin Qasim did not rape women or killed innocent people and his intentions were good, he didn’t came to Sindh with a greed unlike americans who bombed Afghanistan and attacked Iraq for natural resources.
Off course,it is very much shamful act,and the degree it is criticised by,is lesser.But Dr.Afia’s case is not the single one,rather the previous government and thier Think Tanks sold the Pakistani people worth of 2000USD per person.This is far more than the Machavellian diplomacy,that even “The prince should slaughtr their mob,if the state needs so.”I dont understand that either state should ne prior or Individual?If state is prior,then why not Pervaiz Musharraf and the other think tanks are sacrificing their own family members?As they claim to be the servicemen of the State,then they should have the innitative,and Sahiba Musharraf shoud be handed over to G.W Bush.Dear Afia what can i do for you,is just be becom a succide bomber and attack the Pakistani Parliment.I cannot do more.
I am a father of three kids, and i know the importance of a mother for their children. When i think about Respected Miss Afia, i have no words to express my feelings, but from last one week whenever i read something about her, i have no control on my tears and i thought may be she will get realesed from FBI and ISI but how can we all face her now, when she will ask for her children what we will say to her, we will have no words, how our society will behave with her.
i have an apeal with all Human Rights Societies in the world, please do’t forget to provide her justise in your busy and fast life.
What was the blame of Dr Afia?
She was a muslim.
She draw veil (pardah) over her body.
She offered salah and follow the sunnah.
She was a 30 years kidnapped by three sons, the youngest son of 1 month and eldest son for 4.
But what did Pakistan (Govt) as we Pakistani celebrate 14th August Independence day, as everybody know that Pakistan an independence state became in existence after 1500000 Muslims sacrificed who murdered violently.
No we need to swell this issue and tell our innocent Muslims, which got misdeem about FBI’s animals who are torturing, violating rules of humanity and making this world a place of violence by doing these violence and torturing innocent people.
shame on musharaf.
Pakistani govt. and officials are doing businesss on Muslims Blood. Shame to Musharraf who sold out the daughter of Pakistan. Musharraf you are nothing but IBNUL GHADDAR.