Missing Pakistani – Dr. Afia Siddiqui – Prisoner 650

A few days back the Asian Human Rights Commission issued an urgent press release about a Pakistani, Dr. Afia Siddiqui, who has been missing from Pakistan for over four years, since 2003. Her kidnapping has since then been denied by both American and Pakistani governments but actually she has been suspected of being an operative of Al-Qaeda and has been on FBI’s wanted list. There is reason to believe that she is also one of the missing persons who had been ‘handed over’ to the Americans courtesy of Pervaiz Musharraf. Let us not forget that the missing persons case was a turning point in the history of Pakistan where Pervaiz Musharraf had a severe falling out with the then CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry who was investigating this case and probably stepped on a few toes definitely ended up rumbling a few skeleton locked within Musharraf’s treasure chest of hidden secrets


  1. Sign Asian Human Rights Commission’s Urgent letter of Appeal which will send an email to Bush, Karzai, Gilani, Farooq Naek & Rehman Malik
  2. Sign the online petition for her release
  3. Join Facebook groups to participate in digital activism to raise awareness here and here
  4. Spread the word by email & SMS to all your contacts so as to create more pressure

Dr. Afia Siddiqui left her mother’s house in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi, Sindh province, along with her three children, in a Metro-cab on March 30, 2003 to catch a flight for Rawalpindi, Punjab province, but never reached the airport. The press reports claimed that Dr. Afia had been picked-up by Pakistani intelligence agencies while on her way to the airport and initial reports suggested that she was handed over to the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). At the time of her arrest she was 30 years and the mother of three sons the oldest of which was four and the youngest only one month.

A few days later an American news channel, NBC, reported that Afia had been arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of facilitating money transfers for terror networks of Osama Bin Laden. The mother of the victim, Mrs. Ismat (who has since passed away) termed the NBC report absurd. She went on to say that Dr. Afia is a neurological scientist and has been living with her husband, Amjad, in the USA for several years.

On April 1, 2003, a small news item was published in an Urdu daily with reference to a press conference of the then Interior Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat. When questioned with regard to Dr. Afia’s arrest he denied that she had been arrested. This was followed by another Urdu daily article on April 2 regarding another press conference in which the same minister said Dr. Afia was connected to Al Qaeda and that she had not been arrested as she was absconding. He added: “You will be astonished to know about the activities of Dr. Afia” A Monthly English magazine of Karachi in a special coverage on Dr. Afia reported that one week after her disappearance, a plain clothed intelligence went to her mother’s house and warned her, “We know that you are connected to higher-ups but do not make an issue out of your daughter’s disappearance.” According to the report the mother was threatened her with ‘dire consequences’ if she made a fuss.

Whilst Dr. Afia’s whereabouts remain unknown, there are reports of a woman called ‘Prisoner 650’ is being detained in Afghanistan’s Bagram prison and that she has been tortured to the point where she has lost her mind. Britain’s Lord Nazeer Ahmed, (of the House of Lords), asked questions in the House about the condition of Prisoner 650 who, according to him is physically tortured and continuously raped by the officers at prison. Lord Nazeer has also submitted that Prisoner 650 has no separate toilet facilities and has to attend to her bathing and movements in full view of the other prisoners.

Also, on July 6, 2008 a British journalist, Yvonne Ridley, called for help for a Pakistani woman she believes has been held in isolation by the Americans in their Bagram detention centre in Afghanistan, for over four years. “I call her the ‘grey lady’ because she is almost a ghost, a spectre whose cries and screams continues to haunt those who heard her,” Ms Ridley said at a press conference.

Ms Ridley, who went to Pakistan to appeal for help, said the case came to her attention when she read the book, The Enemy Combatant, by a former Guantanamo detainee, Moazzam Begg. After being seized in February 2002 in Islamabad, Mr Begg was held in detention centres in Kandahar and Bagram for about a year before he was transferred to Guantanamo Bay. He recounted his experiences in the book after his release in 2005. Mr. Imran Khan, leader of Justice Party (T.I) suspects that prisoner 650 is the Dr. Afia Siddiqui and USA and Pakistani authorities are hiding facts of ‘Prisoner 650’.

To date, neither the American nor the Pakistani government have come out about the arrest and detention of Dr. Afia in either Bagram or Guantanamo Bay where suspected terrorists are held. On December 30, 2003 Dr. Fawzia Siddiqui, Dr. Afia’s elder sister met with Mr Faisal Saleh Hayat at Islamabad with Mr Ejazul Haq, MNA, regarding the whereabouts of Dr. Afiai. Mr Faisal told Dr. Fawzia and Mr Ejazul Haq that according to his information Dr. Afia Siddiqui had already been released and that she (Dr. Fawzia) should go home and wait for a phone call from her sister.


Dr. Afia Siddiqui, who studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, for about 10 years and did her PhD in genetics, returned to Pakistan in 2002. Having failed to get a suitable job, she again visited the US on a valid visa in February 2003 to search for a job and to submit an application to the US immigration authorities. She moved there freely and came back to Karachi by the end of February 2003 after renting a post office box in her name in Maryland for the receipt of her mail. It has been claimed by the FBI (Newsweek International, June 23, 2003, issue) that the box was hired for one Mr Majid Khan, an alleged member of Al Qaeda residing in Baltimore.

Throughout March 2003 flashes of the particulars of Dr. Afia were telecast with her photo on American TV channels and radios painting her as a dangerous Al Qaeda person needed by the FBI for interrogation. On learning of the FBI campaign against her she went underground in Karachi and remained so till her kidnapping. The June 23, 2003, issue of Newsweek International was exclusively devoted to Al Qaeda. The core of the issue was an article “Al Qaeda’s Network in America”. The article has three photographs of so-called Al Qaeda members – Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Dr. Afia Siddiqui and Ali S. Al Marri of Qatar who has studied in the US like Dr. Siddiqui and had long since returned to his homeland. In this article, which has been authored by eight journalists who had access to FBI records, the only charge leveled against Dr. Afia is that “she rented a post-office box to help a former resident of Baltimore named Majid Khan (alleged Al Qaeda suspect) to help establish his US identity.

NewsLine while doing a story in 2003 – Mysterious Cover-up Mazhar Abbass reports that

Surprisingly there has been no official report registered with the police about Afia’s disappearance which explains why Afia’s mother wanted to avoid going public. The police, meanwhile, is doing nothing to trace Afia. “We have no knowledge about this case nor has anyone contacted me,” said Sindh police chief, Syed Kamal Shah. Ismat Siddiqui, however, claims that she has spoken to high police officials, including Shah, about her daughter’s disappearance. A week after the incident, Mrs. Siddiqui alleges that an intelligence agency official came to her house and warned her not to make an issue out of her daughter’s disappearance and threatened her with dire consequences.

Daily Times gives a detailed account of her mysterious disappearance in 2004 – The strange story of Aafia Siddiqui

Months later, the FBI would make its most devastating claim against Siddiqui. It was still dark on the morning of March 1, 2003, when Pakistani authorities arrested Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a known September 11 mastermind, at a Karachi safe house. The arrest made news around the world. It also presaged the extraordinary vanishing act of AafiaSiddiqui and her three small children.” It seems Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gave up Aafia’s name as being a major Al Qaeda operative.” However, one of her defenders saysSiddiqui ’s identity was likely stolen. “Aafia was, I think, probably a pretty naive and trusting person and my guess is it would be pretty easy for somebody who wanted to steal an identity to just steal it.” About a month after his capture in the spring of 2003, she disappeared.

The question is where is Afia and why are police and intelligence agencies silent? Is she in the custody of the FBI or the ISI? Another possibility is that Afia might have been kidnapped by her ex-husband, who may have links with Al-Qaeda. Whatever the case, there seems to be a deliberate attempt to hush up the mysterious circumstances behind Afia Siddiqui’s disappearance

Other links: Adnan SiddiquiThese coward and fascist liberals | PkPoliticsAppeal for the Release of Dr. Afia Siddiqui & Her 3 Children


584 responses to “Missing Pakistani – Dr. Afia Siddiqui – Prisoner 650”

  1. Imran Avatar

    I am feeling ashamed to be a Pakistani. Afia Alas i could do something for you but i cant. But i know that God is well aware and watching all this. We and all others who did that to you will face the God one day and you will get the justice

  2. bashir ahmad Avatar
    bashir ahmad

    This woman is an innocent women that the Americans have taken just to take away our intellectual brothers and sisters and spread ignorance amongst us. This is bullshit that she is a terrorist, I mean COME ON PPL shes a regular mother trying to live her life and these bastards are coming up with falsifications, and have her in custody now. Think about it, a mother of three, trying to raise her kids and stuff why the hell would she try to plant bombs and stuff. The bullshit the media feeds us today is preposterous, and what is even more ridiculous is that people are actually being brainwashed by this media! They believe everything they see on t.v. They do not see that This whole war on terror is just a scam to take over the middle east and have world domination. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!

  3. hassan Avatar

    Dr Afia is a Muslim woman. I am failed to understand the level of brutality of the Pakistani officials who had brisked her away in mysterious circumstances and handed her over to a stuanch enemy of Pakistan and Islam. I am afriad they did not have heart in their chest or they just acted like robots, failing to understand the meaning of honour and dignity. she was their sister, they should have respected and protected her in any case. The people in Afghanistan, who claimed to be good muslims, should also be ashamed of their evil spirits and crime against humanity. dr afia was their sister too and what they did to her must have to be paid. if not in this world, in the next world. God bless dr afia, the daughter of Pakistan. God bless all muslim girls.

  4. Naveed Akram Avatar
    Naveed Akram

    Please release dr Afia She is Female not torchbearer her

  5. zarak khan Avatar
    zarak khan

    dr.aafia is innocent…. and the american spoksman lied so bravely infront of media that they,ve just come from a mothers womb….dr.aafia plz 4give us coz we r cowards.

  6. zarak khan Avatar
    zarak khan

    dr aafiya….we r with u..our eyes r sheding tears r not stopping….and we r very shamed to b a pakistani…i m not proud of being a pakistani alot…infact we r responcible for all that what happened to you and to your childrens…..faisal hayath…u r the enemy of ummah and all pakistanies…we pray to ALLAH TO TRAET YOU IN THE MANNER YOU TREATED OUR SISTER…..DR AAFIA PLZ PLZ PLZ FORGIVE US….

  7. Yameen Avatar

    Terrorists (like Dr Afia) have no religion.
    She got her due treatment.

    Love Live Pakistan.

  8. Yameen Avatar

    Reiterating Patriot, she is allegedly a terrorist, who’s charged with being a terrorist, an enemy of the state and a top Al Qaeda operative.

    There is nothing to feel sorry for her. Infact, she deserves even intense treatment.

  9. Abu Danish Avatar
    Abu Danish

    We the Pakistanis are very emotional nation. If someone tells us that a Dog has taken away our ears, we run after the dog instead of checking our ears. Having great respect for Dr. Afia, I would like to say that no body knows what are the charges levelled against her by the US government.

    Since now the matter is in court of justice, let the US government bring their charges and let her defend. We hope that justice will ultimately prevail inshallah. Untill anything is proved against her, she would be considered as innocent as per law.

    We hope she didn’t did anything wrong and that she would be released honourably.

    With regards.

  10. sara Avatar

    we can do some thing for Dr afia go to streats
    and say ur heart voice
    kahin dar na ho jay
    pleas do somthing
    kahin ya na ho
    hanson aj itna k is shor main sada siskion ki sonai na day
    kal Allah hum say hi is baray main sawal karay ga k tum ya sab kuch dakhtay rahay or tum nay kuch na kia
    “jago logon jago”

  11. Naqqash Avatar

    being a pakistani some time i feel shame on myslef, on whole nation, just fight like cats and dogs, just we say ” yeh ho raha hay ghalat ho raha hay, ye ku hua wo ku hoa”? if this same thing happen to american citizen, each person of america would come out to streets and would have ask for justice and would not stop until they have found their missing citizen, but we are cowrds, we called Pakistani are selfish, we pakistani are not united. the main thing the MEDIA should take action on Dr.Afia issue, and america for them each pakistani muslim is a terorist, if you watch the movie “Khuda K leye” its fact and its true. e.g they just arrested SHAN (the hero of the movie) because he was having “allah names and arabic dua’s on a piece of paper”
    I suggest a movie or a documentry should be made on what happen with Dr.Afia as thats the best way how we can spread this all over the country, let all know how cowards we are how selfish we are, but i wish let more people get awake and do something…. May Allah be with her and forgive us:(

  12. Muhammad Riaz Avatar
    Muhammad Riaz

    Dr Aafi who has proved herself a real Hero of Muslims. I am not saying Heroine because one may have a concept of heroine like sana or ashoria. She is my sister,my favourite and I would like to recall our rulers that where is there sovereignity,where is their humanity, they all proved themselves just having lust for ruling the people.The people like Asfia.Where are the human rught commissions adn NGOs.Where are those who shouted so much for Mukhtaran Mai but now they are closing their eyes.Where is so called justice of Americans and the Civilised Westerns. Musharaf & his pets,Listen that this daughter of the nation would never leave u at the day of justice and Inshallah You will be in the fire of Jahanum with your father Bush…..Shit

    God Bless my Sister Aafia. Aafia I can do nothing for you but I have named my daughter at your name AAFIA

  13. Confused Avatar

    From the court room! My apologies if someone has already posted this link. I did not read all the posts.
    I am not sure if its a good idea to show up at her next hearing, on one hand I feel like we should all attend the next hearing for a show of support, but on the other hand I wonder if crowding up the court will be used against her.
    I am really not sure! I wonder what her lawyers suggests.


  14. Yasir Avatar

    @ yameen…….
    dear if you were any where near me i would have slapped your ugly face. you people are true representatives of illegal seeds sown by the dirty america at our pious land. just think of your sister or mother at Dr. Afia’s place. are the things which dirty america is doing legal or justified by any means?
    go to hell with all your knowledge and status you have achieved till now…….!

  15. syed siaf Avatar
    syed siaf

    pity on us.
    Dr Afia is Daughter of Pakistan
    and if we couldn’t rescue her 4om Dirty Americans then we have no right to live.

  16. Yameen Avatar

    Yasir, get a life man. Perverts like you blame US for every sneeze. Find the facts, why even her husband abandoned her !

  17. Yameen Avatar

    and remember,

    Terrorists (like Dr Afia) have no religion.
    She got her due treatment.

    Love Live Pakistan.

  18. Tariq Avatar

    I request the prime menester that do struggle for Dr Aafia.

  19. Tariq Aziz Avatar
    Tariq Aziz

    Dr Aafia is the daughter of Pakistan. And I agree with Mr. Yameeeeeen that she is a terrorist because she is a Muslim and every Muslim is a terrorist like me like Yameen.
    Dear Yameen shame on you. You called Dr Aafia a terrorist. I think in the mind of American, Muslim is the most powerful nation. They afraid that every Muslim is an Atom Bomb so they want to destroy every Muslim and every country of Muslims like Afghanistan, Iraq and many more.
    So please don’t forget that every American is our enemy.
    Long lives Aafia
    Long lives Pakistan

  20. Tariq Aziz Avatar
    Tariq Aziz

    My Dear brothers and sisters,

    Kindly Dr. Aafe k liye kam az kam 2 rakat nafal zaroor parey. Awr har namaz k bad os ke our os k bacho ke rehaye k liey dowa karein .


    A khuda Dr Aafia ko apne aman me rakh.
    A khuda os k doshmano ko naist o nabood kar de
    A khuda amrica ko tabah kar de
    A khuda bush ko aise moot de de jo har hokmran k leye 1 ebrat ho.
    Ameeeeeeeeeeeeen Summa Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

  21. Tanzeela Avatar

    I would like to request all muslims to spread “America, the world’s terreroist” shifting its blame on muslims.

  22. Shahid Iqbal Avatar
    Shahid Iqbal

    We are all ashamed to be a Pakistani. Becuase duaghter of Pakistan is suffering in big difficulties. Afia Alas i could do something for you but i cant. But i know that God is well aware and watching all this. We and all others who did that to you will face the God one day and you will get the justice

  23. ahsan ullah ch. Avatar
    ahsan ullah ch.

    i am deeply sorry for her….. hope she gets back in pakistan soon , to meet her family and continue with her normal life…

  24. waheed khan Avatar
    waheed khan

    inshAllah our sis w’ll come back home soon.

  25. mutahir goraya Avatar
    mutahir goraya

    if dr.afia do any thing but this is not way to handle the case.Just like a Dog behave with meet.I dont know (americans) what they want to do with this world they r trying to make this world like jungle plz america stop killing plz stop killing.

  26. jawad khan khattak Avatar
    jawad khan khattak

    i dont know y we all yougster are saying we cant do anything. for GOD sake wake up and be unite. if we cant unite for Dr Afia we can never become unite for our own sister. think over it. its not the matter of siddiquis family. it is a matter of we all, every pakistani, coz we all have brothers and sisters in our own house. and remembr coming back of the sis AFIA is not an issue, issue is of her houner, her dignity. a non muslim is abusing and F********g her (sorry to say) and we are saying we cant do anything. shame on all of us.
    Dear Dr AFIA…….. i have no words to say…..

  27. Ahmed Baloch Avatar
    Ahmed Baloch

    we all with you Dr.Aafia …

    Long Lives Dr.Aafia
    Long lives Pakistan..

    Lahnat for perviz musharaf Dog who sold Dr.Aafia to american.
    Go musharaf with ur life..

  28. ZAS Avatar

    It looks like you are so dumb to think something of your own and that is why you copy that other treason of Pakistan, it’s no doubt that there are many traitors in Pakistan and you are one of them and because of treasons like you today we are facing many problems which includes dr. afia case, americans bombing Pakistani territory, indians doing terrorist attacks and the list is way too long.

  29. Naveed Avatar

    yahi wo log han jin ko duniya mein hee jannat ki basharat mil jaati ha . ye aam log nahi han ALLAH in logon ko special mitti se banata ha, yahi wo log han jo roze qayamat NABI PAAK ke sab se qareeb hon ge.
    ALLAH un logon ke haath maflooj kar de aur un ki aankhon ki roshni cheen le jin logon ne iss masoom par zulim kiye han, agar mere ikhtiyaar mein ho to un logon ki har roz aik aik boti kaaton aur marne bhi na doon

  30. Saqib Ali Avatar
    Saqib Ali

    we are shame. we do nothing for our missing pakistani

  31. za Avatar

    why we build such an army and intelligence agencies from the tax of people for just to sold our daughters. we have to shammed ourselves and think about when all those involved will be in the grave and punished by Allah (SWT) of their deeds they committed with the innocent daughter. Allah(SWT) will give strength and courage to the family and Dr.Afia and give them AJar on facing this test.

  32. Qaiser Hayat Khattak Avatar

    “I’m here watching and reading differnt coments from my differnt countrymen.i’m pleased to see their passion and love to our country and especially for dr Afia.I’m also too much hurted to see her recent picture and have a deep hearted symapthy for her poor siblings and parents.she has fighted for a great mission,that we even cant think.
    One thing about we Pakistanis should have to realise(i know my some friends might mind it,but its my personel views) that if we cant do anything for our country and dr Afia,then atleast we should request with one voice to our rulers that they should completly handover this country to america,coz diening in eppisodes will be better to die onece,and more that we will not have to face then the harsh words from the rest of world,Atleast these Americans will treat us like their own dogs,and if we get that much respect from them,then its far better to be haunted,killed and “F***ed” (sorry for that)by them in our own country.,
    our rulers are already their slaves,so why shouldn’t we?

    Qaiser Hayat Khattak,
    Khyber medical College,Peshawer

  33. Yameen Avatar

    ZAS- dump ass, the point here citing Patriot in my comments is to appreciate his careful and unbiased analysis towards Ms. Terrorist Afia.. freakin sounds like Mafia.

    Use your brain, if you have one. Let no emotions overshadow it.

    You are thinking of this perverted “Daugther” of Pakistan and not thinking of the horrors she was about to bring to the “motherland”.

    Long Live Pakistan.

  34. Afzalzeeshan Avatar

    Help and support sister Dr Afia and pay attention to her cause,if we will not condem stupidity we will be the next,,God bless Islam and Muslims,
    chirag sub kay bujhaen gay hawa kese ke nahe.

  35. Afzalzeeshan Avatar

    Help and support sister Dr Afia and pay attention to her cause,if we will not condem stupidity we will be the next,,God bless Islam and Muslims,
    chirag sub kay bujhaen gay hawa kese ke nahe.
    Pakistan will remain for ever InshaAllah.

  36. ZAS Avatar

    Treason Yameen,
    How you gonna prove that Dr.Afia is a terrorist? through the fake proves that your american gods provide?.
    Today two states of this country Pakistan are burning in fire just because of Treasons like you.
    It’s not about emotions it’s about the truth and the truth is american’s launched a so-called war on terror against Muslims to take all the natural resources from us Muslims and treasons like you support them.
    You and your nonsense.

  37. shahzad ali Avatar
    shahzad ali

    dr sahiba is a great lady. even after this muck torture and oppression she is well composed and ready to defend her true stance of being innocence.i salute to this lady

  38. ahmad Avatar

    Depsite Dr. Afia being Qadiani one good thing is that most people posting their comments agree that she is a victim.
    Dr. Afia we all are with you.

  39. ahmad Avatar

    Whole Qadiani Jammat is proud of you Dr. Afia. Come home safely.

  40. Shaheen Avatar

    Musharraf aik aisa janwar tha k jo dollors k lia amni maa,bivi aur baiti ko bhe FBI k hawala kar sakta hai.

  41. Farah Lodhi Avatar
    Farah Lodhi

    The pakistani inside us is ashamed of this horrible reality that a dictator sold our muslim sister. when Emal Kassi was sold, Americans said:”pakistani can sell their mother just for few dollars.” Musharraf turned these brittle words into a cruel reality while selling an innocent lady with her children.. we all have no words to ask pardon from the poor lady who lost her dignity, her honour and her 5 years under the cruel people. she is the daughter of this divine soil and sister of every muslim. we all appeal to bring her back along with her children and the govt. of that time answer the nation that who fulfil the accounts by selling our sister.

  42. leo Avatar

    plz bring her back.. when animals have their rights then y she cant… however she is also a human being.. but what matters to them is just the fact that she is a muslim..

  43. optimist Avatar

    I dont have even single word to describe what i really feel. well most of comments are against the Pakistan.
    But Let me let this fact out that due to our politicians(prospector of dollors) our country has been ruined by them. We should not blaim on pakistan. They shud be condenmed ratherthan Pakistan.
    As far as Dr.Afia is concern, Yes definitely it is Slap on our face. We could not do even a single thing for her instead of passing SMS,Mails etc etc.
    May she be blessed Ameen.

  44. syed asim saeed gillani Avatar
    syed asim saeed gillani

    I just want to say as a muslim shame on “UMMA”

  45. umar Avatar

    I hope that Dr.afia will come back pakistan soon.Insha Allah.

  46. WASIM AHMED Avatar

    In my view, Bush is a Firoon of this time and Islam is MOOSA, He is trying to kill moosa but mosa is arround him.
    so dear friends it is very nearer when amricans will face more bed situations then muslims.Dr Afia is our sister, she not alone we all are with afia. I would like to convey my massage for American poples do not support killing of muslims as u did in past and reelect Bush on his bed credit on IRAQ and AFGHANISATAN.

    Being a nation we need unity and sicerety to the country. First we have to change ourself. do something if Dr Afia is your sister.

    -Strictly not only avoid but reject american products.
    -Stop watching News chnnels financing from USA (GEO PAKISTAN KO AAG LAGANE KE LIYA)

    -Use your VOTE for true Pakistani Paties, not USA print pary.

    Most important is pray for Dr. Afia. ALLAH UN KO APNE HIF-O-AMAN MAI RAKEY…AAMEEN

  47. Yameen Avatar

    Afia lured to Mafia – Part I
    Here’s the story on a lighter note, although not scientifically proven. Enjoy.

    Having screwed around Tora Bora for quite some time, one of the top Al-Qaeda leader felt the need of some excitement.

    He learned about this lady aka Afia, desperately looking for some adventure. He assigned a “blow-job” after luring Afia into Mafia.

    Afia acquired the necessary training and practices to perform “Blow Job” on countrymen.
    Just about the final prep she was wedged with the “Lingerie and toys”.

    Ever since she’s been doing real stuff !!

    Long Live Pakistan.

  48. Labiba Ghafur Avatar
    Labiba Ghafur

    Wid due apologies Yameen i would like to say that think before you write something about your own country fellow!!! She is the daughter of this country and a mother with three children who God knows where are? What conditions they are in?

    Being Muslims we need to be united against the “YAHUDIS”…. they are the ones who due to our support are getting strength. Why cant we all get united against them as a nation. I am hopeful and optimistic that the educated Pakistani will stay united and learn to fight against evil…. Allah protect our country who is in danger due to the decisions of our leaders……
    GOD SAVE US FROM YAHUDIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Yameen Avatar

    Olympics Committee is considering a special “Terrorist” Gold Medal be awarded to Ms. Afia Mafia, unanimously !

  50. Yameen Avatar


    Terrorists (like Afia) have no religion.
    She got her due treatment.

    Love Live Pakistan.