Heartfelt letter to the Leaders of Pakistan – Stop Taking Dictations & Start Taking Actions

I received this email from Fuaad Alawi, who happens to be an email subscriber of this blog where he shares his comments with me probably after reading the Indian Jet incursion post late last night. When I did get around to reading his email, I must admit, I felt in-sync with the sentiments conveyed by Fuaad, he is definitely a patriotic Pakistani who feels frustrated at watching our ineffective bunch of leaders playing a casual game of charades with the dignity and pride of the people of Pakistan. Read the entire article and you too might join Fuaad when he finally pleads to our President and Chief of Army Staff, to Stop taking dictations & Start dictating to the forces who want our Pakistan Destroyed.

Dear Teeth Maestro!!

I have a very burning question or questions which I need to put forth & I want you as well as your readers as well as all who read them give me an answer & lets put these questions as a petition in front of the sitting dummy assembly, the dummy president who is not working for the interests of Pakistan which is very apparent & finally in front of the sitting C.O.A.S. who is supposed to have his men protect our borders & serve the nation which he has failed miserably. If you look at the previous Generals, he is the most stupidest looking General I have ever seen. This General has no balls, no character, no self esteem & no love for the nation. This sitting General is allowing his nation to be raped by outsiders in the name of terrorism. This sitting General is a disgrace to his uniform.

My question to you and to the whole nation specially to the sitting General is..

What are you doing sitting on your ass & playing with your balls for? Is that what the Pakistani Nation has hired you for? For Gods Sake Man wake up from this slumber & Act Like a Soldier!!!! When are you going to use those Weapons which you & your Army is proudly displaying every 23 September & 14th August???? Why don’t you the Sitting General (Chief of Army Staff) do something when those drones just enter into Pakistan & kill our people? How many times are you going to stand by? Is that not a violation which is governed by the international peace treaties act? Is our Sovereignty just for name sake? You the sitting General have ashamed our nation by BOWING down to the threats & hungry foreign soldiers who you can not fight let alone stand tall against?!!! Have you also sold yourself? Why don’t you mass Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons all around the Pakistani Borders as a DETERRENT? Is this not the right situation to start GUARDING OUR NATION against its enemies? What are you waiting for General Sahab? How many more of your own men, women & children are you going to slaughter in the cause of ” WAR AGAINST TERRORISM”? Is this your own WAR? You are killing your own people, MAN WAKE UP & SEE THE CARNAGE AROUND YOU!!!!??? Why can’t you show your strength instead of letting us see your weaknesses? Where are your loyalties to the nation which fed you, clothed you & gave you the respect with which you stand tall in front of the world showing off your strength by killing your own? When are you going to show your strength to your Enemies? Or Are your own people your enemies now and the people invading our country your own? Have you become a traitor to Pakistan?

I swear by the God who created this planet and everything in it that if something happens to this nation or because of your cowardliness we & our nation is subjugated by the ENEMIES OF PAKISTAN than you shall be held accountable and you will be answerable to Allah; in whose presence we all have to come; sooner or later!!!Then our hands will be at your throats and you will have no place to hide!!!! So you better think about this and start acting fast. You better come clean and tell the nation if you are not capable of handling the heat in the kitchen then I would suggest that you leave immediately. Otherwise the consequences are going to be dire for you.

You have a moral obligation to your nation and to your uniform. Fulfill that obligation diligently, honestly & effectively. Otherwise we have many more LEADERS IN THE ARMY Who are very well capable of handling the same position as you. They are LEADERS & NOT FOLLOWERS like the rats who followed Pied Piper into the sea.

We want an immediate answer as to why those Planes of our enemies left our airspace in one piece? when our air force fighters are the top ranked in the world? it should be taken into notice that next time it should not happen!!! next time any drone, plane, person, vessel, government agent, terrorist or any other subversive person or persons enter into pakistan, they will not be allowed to leave our homeland alive.

We Want you to act with Authority & Rebuild your character, We do not want a weak general sitting in that chair!!! already we have a very weak president & prime minister who do not deserve to be sitting in those chairs.

We want you to stop taking dictations & Start dictating to the forces who want our Pakistan Destroyed.

In short we want immediate action on the borders & in the air!!
We want you to take out our arsenals and place it all over!!!
Because this is the best time to stand tall & deter any & all enemies!!!

Use our weapons of deterrent in order to deter this threat which is looming on Pakistan!!!!




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52 responses to “Heartfelt letter to the Leaders of Pakistan – Stop Taking Dictations & Start Taking Actions”

  1. Imran Ghazali Avatar
    Imran Ghazali

    Awab bhai I don’t agree with him. It is not the anmy who is responsible, it is the lame #$##$@ing so called leaders who are responsible! General Kiyani says he is a soldier and he will protect his country but it is the lame political leadership which is not ACTING. Now do we want the army to take over??

    PAF is saying that the Indian Jets have violated the Pakistani Airspace but these Indian and U.S ass licking leaders like Zardari and Sheri Rehman and Gilani have said it is just a minor mistake….WTF!

    General Kiyani has said he is a soldier and he will protect Pakistan. Some people asked him in the army why are they killing thier own people in Pakistan,he said he is just a soldier and following what the head of state and PM is telling the army to do! He said it is not his job to make these decisions!

    So its not the current army or generals who are responsible but it is the lame so called leadership who is responsible. Yes we should definitely sign a petition but to kick out Zardari and co.

  2. Muhammad Saad Avatar
    Muhammad Saad

    I would disagree over here with Mr Fuad’s assesment that our general is repsonsible for our meek stand against india. Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani is known to be a brave soldier and one who favors democracy the most. This is the reason why he has repeatedly been giving briefings to our civilian government and has left it completely upto them to decide our course of action based on the information eh is providing them. It is our president and prime minister who have to decide on what course of action to take in this issue. Uptil now, they seem to be pretty defensive in their outlook and look as if though they are desperately trying to somehow defuse this situation by pacifying the Indians through whatever means possible. Or maybe they are waiting to for an Indian attack before coming up with a sterner response, i.e condemn it and then be quiet!! which is what their only capable of doing!!

  3. UzEE Avatar

    I really wish he could read this and answer. He is a disgrace to our nation and I have the exact same question. Why did those indian planes leave our airspace in one piece? We are in a near was state and not dating each other that they just came to check things out.

  4. did_the_right_thing Avatar

    Look, no Pakistani is happy when its airspace gets intruded, but in these matters, true leaders think with their head instead of with their balls. You can get all revved up and passionate about your security, but you shouldn’t lose your head in the process. It was a wrong move by the Indians, but this doesn’t mean that we aggravate the situation beyond control. Its all too easy to start a war in such situations, and I believe that our politicians have been acting wise by playing calm and composed.

  5. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    General Kiyani is not weak.Nor is our army.We are a nuclear state and we need a lot of restraint and calm.Trust your Generals ,they are professional and they are responsible people.Responsibility is a big word.
    It takes a minute to end a country but centuries to built.
    I feel safe and secure that our army has judged and decided the actions before hand.It seems our army is not taken by surprise.
    Emotional response is no good.It is rationale and judgement
    we have to apply when we are dealing with responsibility of a Nation and nuclear war heads.

  6. Junaid Avatar

    I couldn’t agree more. Best representation of my emotions..

  7. guYasir Avatar

    In Pakistan there’s no action without a dictation since its creation and how cum they wont get a dictation while they use IMF to run their country.
    Ostensibly they are allies and minions of central bankers or a puppet whose aim is to serve their masters-malevolent agenda at any cost which makes their pockets hot and top.
    Our Army I’ve seen entire CMH[Controlled Military Hospital)in pindi through my one close link and I met with lowest to highest level of surgeons, kernels and brigadiers and as well as Major generals and I found they’ve no Moral they seem debauchers and divided on tongue and remaining Jazba-Junoon get vanish since they are fighting so-called terrorist war with their own people.
    Action speaks louder than words thats what our politicians should learn and give complete control to army to decide for what to do with India instead of Mr-10% himself dictate army to divide Pak furthermore becuz my father-in-law did so in
    1971 so I’d do da same so both souls of ZA&BB will get a peace and so on
    Well in conclusion every action has a reaction if ya bomb on terrorists then they will turn Kamikaze and if ya give em blood then they’ll turn bhoot/ghost for ya. US/UK decide whether they want Kamikaze or Ghost or both?

  8. Unaiza Fatima Avatar
    Unaiza Fatima

    A VERY VERY VERY childish article out of tantrums. Writer has practically NO knowledge of the current affairs, and politics. He has essentially no knowledge of how international politics and diplomacy works. And no knowledge whatsoever about the comparisons of the military hardwares of the two countries.

    “We want an immediate answer as to why those Planes of our enemies left our airspace in one piece? when our air force fighters are the top ranked in the world?”

    The writer wasn’t thankful that our planes did land safely when they could themselves be shot down by the intruding planes which were far better than any of our planes with unmatched weaponry. And what is the source of this “ranking” of our pilots? The writer should come out of the delusions of 1965 war and face the facts. The flying field has become so much gadgety now that even girls can become fighter pilots. It is all about advanced equipments.
    Pakistan needs to be VERY VERY careful in such a volatile situation and the responsible people like army chief, president or PM etc should not lend an ear to such idiots who portray themselves as scholars. I appreciate the diplomatic handling of the situation by our government.

  9. Barrister Ali K.Chishti Avatar
    Barrister Ali K.Chishti

    India wants to provoke Pakistan so that it could show the world that Pakistan is infact defending the Islamist Terrorist / Thugs hiding.

    There is two parallel government’s working in Pakistan – it’s the classical, “Turkish Model” where the Military makes much of the foreign policy, prorably defense budget and obviously, the Anti-Terrorism Policy(s). Obviously, the current government micro-manages most of the policies. There are certain lines drawn by both parties and that’s what we call, “understanding”.

    President Mushraff rightly made it a point that Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Policy stays the same – in fact, it has now expanded into tackling the Kashmiri Jihadi Terrorist Outfits which is great – there can not be “good or bad” terrorists and “non-state-actors”.

    Zardari government’s response post-Mumbai attacks was/is mature (thanks to K-Block). The UNSC vote against DAWA was infact a victory for Pakistan since the vote defused the aggressive stance (thanks to China, UK & US)…..

    The government I know of and understand; Understands that emotional fools who still claims that One Musalma = Ten Hindus will always bark ….

  10. Capt (R)Dr RazaHaider Avatar
    Capt (R)Dr RazaHaider

    Wow teeth what a bunch of so called sentiments cum insane uncalculated comments.

    Teeth! I am not astonished over the emotional derangement of Mr. Fuaad but infact really amazed over your undue importance and favor to own the words so to remedy the igniting thirst within you against the military and administration governing and monitoring the situation.

    Dr awab it a easy job to submit petition against someone as lawyer but pleading to the extent that reflect personnel grievance should always be curtailed so to nullify the charge of personnel vendetta.

    Please don’t let people treat you as if you are among same lot that does not qualify to be a stable person.

    Countries and borders are not governed and monitored by rule of emotions and sentiments neither are they supposed to be carried out as per desire of the populace.

    Decisions at functionary level are always perceived and manage beyond the subscription of emotional validity of desire as values.

    Scrutiny of problem from ifs to buts all are weighted and balanced before delivering and departing the judgment so to bear and avoid botheration by future untoward controversies and absurd claim of framing charges.

    As far as incursion of IAF is concerned, the same has no weightage in military strategical tactics since it has a has a valid loop as span and excuse of registered technical issue and under agile deliberate attempt to dig and peel the aircraft by Pakistan air force, the same event could have a lethal outcome, if at all some accidental flare up possibly stood as fate.

    Planes and jet do get such navigational derangement and under such circumstances rerouting and cordoning of the infiltrating agents is a standard operative procedure as first line of defense as laid agreed principle.

    Here one should remember that black boxes and conversation of the pilot is eminent recorder to transmit the conversation of lost direction and presentation of the conversant as evidence can be put as attempt to solidify the evidence of maltreatment.

    Under no means and term requisition as penalty could have been and become the award of Indian jet after the plea that violation is accidental as rule of thumb.

    To assure and console our emotional soul and sons I may pledge to recite and you must rehearse that no such acts as violation other than accidental, which is a definite and valid excuse of the teaser, could be the fate of our home land.

    Now to revert to the other self designed agitation and annoyance ,I think you have intentionally indulged your self so to deliberately malign and degrade the COAS and military thereby to sprinkle the desire of self praise hence expressing yourself as the only patriotic soul in Pakistan.

    After reading this substandard email and apparent theme behind the float I have nothing to say but to express that floater and float have some personal agenda against the position and person and is a matter of motive and mode as modus operandi to accomplish assign task.

    Dear I would request you to refrain from such inexcusable ideas before highlighting it as rational. COAS is a responsible position and under no means can and be put as a chapter of controversy in terms of agenda and hullabaloo. Hope in future your good soul would judge the parameters so to present such ideas in public after balancing the profile of floater and target. Regards

  11. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    In the same stance no one is more Patriotic and sincere than the people who have signed in the forms to defend the country and who will stand infront to take bullets for us.
    It is not film it is real.
    Think about them!!They are us.
    We need to trust and respect them.
    is not just a slogan of army but we the nation has to abide by it.

  12. guYasir Avatar

    This air-act is provoking and threatening us or traumatize us and give signal for future war.
    The Illuminism [which is a mother of all isms]refers to a tightly organized network of family dynasties representing Anglo American and European aristocracy and Jewish finance joined by intermarriages, belief in the occult, and hatred of any religion esp Islam. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will destroy billions as they create a neo feudal world characterized by the superrich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.
    Thus the real enemy is not OBL or Saddam or Islam who are being manipulated. The real enemy is the Illuminati and their agents, hell-bent on destroying and enslaving mankind

    The current Iraq war was planned years in advance to discredit the U.S., mire it in a Vietnam-style war and set it and Israel up for confrontation with a nuclear-armed Iran/Pak backed by Russia and possibly China.
    Thus while the majority of people on both sides believe in their cause, and fight and die for it, history suggests war is always a hoax aimed at slaughtering the “innocents” and establishing the power of the Illuminati in a one-world government aka globalization
    In conclusion, a Satanic cult controls the world. It consists not of Jews, Muslims, or Christians but of Satanists pretending to be Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

  13. guYasir Avatar

    mY comments not for those who has gotcha meager info and knowledge and dont wanna see things get straight how will they see while they turn straight to gay or bi.
    Punjabistan is dominant in pak-politics an it s affair most punjabies do live overseas for over 10 yrs [yet never able to learn english] and bring there system and thought of school and whatever they say they implement here.
    Punjabi also dominant in gov sector and corrupts rather I call ’em KaKa

  14. guYasir Avatar

    Sindh also dominant in the name of Bhutto brought to ya by UK= U-KaKa, don’t mind farrah plz just fun rather freedom of speech. gotcha, when they can created cartoons of last Prophet then why cant I say UK= U-KaKa. Freedom of speech afterall.

  15. Anwar Avatar

    I found this post a bit immature.

  16. guYasir Avatar

    Anwar r ya talking about my post or Teeth post ?
    Immature… Are ya mature?
    V for Vendetta instead of Victory which Bush Admin seeking

  17. guYasir Avatar

    This freedom of speech of Mine is for All Indians Local and Abroad…
    I Know V for Vendetta nowadays and you are the culprits of the earth since ya created East India Company in corporation with your chum UK.
    You’ve done good planning with your buddy an identical Israel Is-real? nah but contrived by U. You’re the inventor of chess game and world is like a chess game aka Game Theory and ya do play good chess better than us while we play chest game, and you led our youth astray thru ur media esp Bollywood aka Hollywood and womanize*+
    You have also close financial doors through ur chess boards but we dont need money dis is our Leaders who need Money and Honey we can defend our country by giving blood at our soil
    We aren’t ur friends Punjabies/Bhutto can be ur friends whom I call KaKa and you Indians and our Bhutto are products of UK= U-KaKa we ain’t gotcha, dont cum at our blogs no espionage allow go to rediff and give comments there.
    I passed my comment at rediff last month where I wrote that. Democracy is a ruse for all of those who are rubes and India gotcha largest democracy in the world means largest Rubes.
    While I’m cute/cupid not Rube like U gotcha? U-KaKa

  18. guYasir Avatar

    Updated in last
    I passed my comment at rediff last month where I wrote that. Democracy is a ruse for all of those who are rubes and India gotcha largest democracy in the world means largest Rubes then they block my post means invisible and then i dont pass comment at rediff

  19. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    In the name of freedom of speach and expression I can let you get away with joking at UK (which I do not mind)in the same sentence I cannot accept mentioning of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
    Not from a muslim .I protest against Denish and Salman Rushdie Sitanic verses.I have not seen them or read Sitanic verses.
    I let you go because I know your intention and love for Prophet and that maybe you were hurt about the whole situation.Itw as a slip of a sentence maybe.
    Let us think twice when we mention prophet(pbuh)

  20. guYasir Avatar

    I’ve got paki and saudi dual nationality so I talk and think in that way and mY mostly friends are Arabs and I don’t like and never go neither wanna go west.East or West. East India Company is the best.
    Well its a worldly war goin on so why not words-war?
    U-KaKa I ain’t U-ENJOY its ur crap english not mine sole-shoe-super-power ki english haan dis word also use by Punjabies for their cute goys/boys they call ’em KaKa remember I ain’t and ya farrah be a pakistani instead of kaka ki kaki
    let us think twice when we go for KaKa

  21. Khuram Avatar

    Any letter with such content does not deserve attention.It does not behoove an educated class of people to indulge in such slander.I take it now that this blog represents not what I expected it to be.Please educate your readers to understand the basics of political systems.This is no more military regime. All the libelous language is out of line and inappropriate in any society.COAS is a professional law abiding officer and is respected internationally unlike our current political leadership.Your reaction amazes me Mr.Teeth!!!

  22. Alladin Avatar

    Main aap sab se guzarish karta hoon ki aise bewakoofon ko importance mat dijiye. Pehle se kya kam maa-behen hui hai country ki ek war karake bachi khuchi izzat, jaanomaal bhi ganwa do. Main rota hoon apne mulk ke haalat dekh kar. Chutiyon ki jamaat hai yeh. Allah-Allah karke hell ka raasta pakada hai. I wish ki meri Dubai mein naukri lag jaaye aur main apni family ko yahan se nikaal loon. Aaj nahi toh kal war ho hi jayega aur pakistan we love will cease to exist.

    Hope sense prevails.

  23. guYasir Avatar

    Updated with Sum Updates [Encore]
    This freedom of speech of Mine is for All Indians Local and Abroad
    I Know V for Vendetta nowadays and you are the culprits of the earth since ya created East India Company in corporation with your chum UK.
    You’ve done good planning with your buddy an identical Israel Is-real? nah but Orchestrated by U/UK. You’re the inventor of chess game and world is like a [chess game] aka “game theory” and ya do play good chess better than us while we play [chest game] and you led our youth astray thru your ashtray means media notoriously Bollywood aka Hollywood and womanize*+ aka feminism which is a gift/gulag for any woman.
    You have also close financial doors through ur chess boards or in other words you put us on IMF begging
    IMF= [International Mother Fucker]
    But we dont need money dis is our [lucifer-lover-leaders] who need Money and Honey we can defend our country by giving blood at our soil…
    We aren’t ur friends Punjabies/Bhutto can be ur friends whom I call KaKa and you Indians and our Bhutto are products of UK= U-KaKa. I ain’t, gotcha? dont cum at our blogs no evil-espionage allow go to rediff and give comments there.
    I passed my comment at rediff last month where I wrote that. Democracy is a “ruse” for all of those who are “rubes” and India gotcha largest democracy in the world means largest Rubes………………………………………………
    And they blocked my comments means invisible. Is dis largest democracy? nah but dis is your [illusionary-illuminism] which lead you towards Abyss.
    Are sum1 tryin to decipher mY computer codes?

  24. guYasir Avatar

    Is sum1 tryin to decipher mY computer codes? remember V for Vendetta

  25. anonymous Avatar

    I came to this blog hoping to find some enlightened thinking from the Arab world instead of the crazy propaganda spewed by governments in the east and the west only to find this email. Very disappointing to say the least. Instead of taking ownership for the atrocities in Mumbai all i hear is victimhood and the need to defend Pakistan’s borders w/ nuclear weapons. Are you kidding? I’ll check back in 5 years when finally maybe all this ISI sponsored terror and hate finally comes home to roost once and for all. Until then, good luck.

  26. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    When are the Muslim leaders of Pakistan going to wake up and care for the people of Pakistan???


    I am almost 100 percent sure.

  27. Tuhin Avatar

    You guys are finished as a nation , learn to face it . Thats why we have guys like Fuaad Alawi rantingand raving on this so called ” Secular ” , ” Intelligent” , “Balanced ” pakistani blog. And its people like you Teeth Maestro who inspite of being educated encourage them . And do not disgrace your religion in this way .

  28. masTer Avatar

    these feeling becomes true when you watch your president and prime ministers with rubbish smile and folding their hands in front of dogs who comes in our air bases and drop their bombs. 😀

    lolz, i do not know how these people can do this all stuff with own nation? I am really frustrated with these politicians all are

  29. guYasir Avatar

    Public.pk are also not awakening they are awake for depraved mass media and awake for stupefying english education system which is sordid-system full of Mac-kaka. Which HQ is in London.farrah r ya pondering or wondering or wandering?
    The education system which suppressed Truth and Divinity and as well Universal-Justice and later it will lead ya towards atheism which is a mother of ALL sins and later towards USury which is a father of all sins.
    sole-shoe-super-power while V Soul-Super-Power
    soLe V SOUL

  30. guYasir Avatar

    Heartfelt/fail letter se yaad aya K
    The ongoing war is for Here and for Hereafter life. ya gotcha? later I’ll define more. Obama Vs Osama
    How did I reply to V.chutarjiii or whole Indians above?
    I do write in a terse style and try 2b crystal-candid and if ya heart like a crystal one can catch me.
    farrah are ya wanna catch me?

  31. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dear Annon

    Faceless and baseless ,find the difference between Arab and Asia first,secondly Indian attrocities ,such attrocities happen every now and than in Pakistan,is India appologetic?


    Leaders are sleeping or dead ,we are awake,that is what matters.

  32. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    @farrah k raja

    Are you 100% sure we are awake?

  33. guYasir Avatar

    I know I do pass an [Incendiary] remarks but I do whatever I wanna do, I dont need any1 permission, Im free dis is democracy and freedom of speech.
    I’m tryin to awake ya and tryin to divert yr Illumination. I’ll write on TOP soon on diS tOpiC.
    if ya wont awake and divert yr illumination from where I want then then then U…U…U…U….U…KaKa

  34. guYasir Avatar

    KaKa aka faces oh feces

  35. readinglord Avatar

    It reminds me the famous poem by Ahmad Faraz, titled,”Peshawar qaatilo tum sipaahi nahein”.

    The question arises why then are we supporting such a huge army and the nuclear ‘deterrant’in the name of ‘defence’ when they have apparently failed to defend us either against the foreign ‘enemies’ or the terrorists.

  36. Mahreen Avatar

    It is surely true by saying that Pakistan Air force and Army have played a very courageous role. They have shown their enthusiasm and patriotism through their action by exodus enemy air force from the border. Our nation and the whole media should stand with them and give full motivation to them. Just because of the disloyalty founded and which have been appeared clearly in front of the whole nation we shouldn’t blame for this to our Army Officers. I wanted to share a blog related to this issue in which they have drawn the real picture of our so called loyal politicians.

  37. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    Look people I don’t know much about Pakistan history. But from what I know it seems like since Pakistan’s inception “Power” has been going back and forth between “Corrupt ARMY” and “Corrupt Politicians”. Its about time we wake up and realize this “GAME”. I think this will never end. I do believe that next things coming up is Pakistan losing its control over its Nuclear weapons and Israel expanding and then coming of Imam mahdi and so on………….

    The situation now and what has been for the last 20 years or so makes me further conclude that:

    we should forget about Pakistan leadership be it the Army or the politicians ever taking any clear stand for the ” benefit or sake” of its people because corruption has gotten into our blood.

  38. Royal Avatar

    The writer & contributer of article, should know that its DEMOCRACY here and the Armed forces are under orders of Government of Pakistan. So instead of crying for the COAS’s balls …. raise issues with YOUR ELECTED DEMON-CRATIC government!

    Under Musharraf the USA only thrice dared to strike inside in the last 8 YEARS! After Musharraf left, the democratic government has allowed atleast 28 DIRECT US DRONE ATTACKS inside our borders!

    The COAS is very capable and does not want direct confrontation with this PEOPLE’s ELECTED DEMOCRAZY!

    What do you want the COAS to do? Declare MARTIAL LAW ??? Grow up please before you post articles agianst the PAK ARMY or COAS!!!

  39. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan


    Don’t defend Musharraf i.e. the “ARMY”. “Trice” was “Twice” too many. Thats just PART of the “GAME” leave when you know things are going to get worse so the next party i.e. Politicians are blamed but not to say that the Politicians are not just as “CORRUPT” as the ARMY. ARMY left because it knew what was going to happen i.e. increase of attacks. If ARMY didn’t “know” somebody else did i.e. USA.

    Who is to blame?

    Not USA it is US and the Leadership (Slaves) of Pakistan.

  40. Muhammad Amin Ulkarim Avatar
    Muhammad Amin Ulkarim

    I respect the sentiments of Fuaad Alawi but disagree with his emphasis on the General. The Pakistanis want army to be subservient to the civilian government. We should be angry at Zardari, Gilani, and the parliment. This bunch of cowardes, with their property and interest outside Pakistan, should be blamed for being ineffective.

  41. housewife Avatar

    Press Trust Of India
    Islamabad, December 19, 2008

    In the midst of flip-flops and cover-up attempts in Pakistan about the identity of Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone captured terrorist in Mumbai, former premier Nawaz Sharif has emerged the lone voice against attempts to “cordon off” his village Faridkot and bar the media from entering it.

    “It has been said this individual named Ajmal Kasab hails from Faridkot village,” Sharif told Geo News in an interview. “I’ve seen and I personally got this checked. The village and its surrounding areas were cordoned off. His parents are not being allowed to meet anyone. What was the need to do this? If (Kasab) is not involved (in the Mumbai attacks), then he is not involved. People should be allowed to meet everyone in that area. All this points to the fact that we too need to set our house in order.”

    Sharif said if Kasab was “involved in any way, despite that his parents should be allowed to speak out and say the boy has been (away from home) for three or four months or one or two years and we’re also very worried about him”.

    He wanted to know why people and journalists were being barred from meeting Kasab’s parents and other residents of Faridkot.

    Pakistani security agencies and officials in Faridkot have launched an apparent cover-up operation since India revealed that Kasab belonged to the village. His parents have reportedly been shifted from the village.

    Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, who had teamed up with Sharif to oust Pervez Musharraf from power, had earlier acknowledged that 26/11 perpetrators could be “non-state” actors from Pakistan. He later said there was still no “real evidence” that the terrorists who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan.

    Kasab has told Indian investigators that he belongs to Faridkot village of Okara district in Pakistan’s Punjab province and that he was trained by the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba to carry out the attacks. His father, Amir Kasab, had admitted that the gunman in pictures beamed by the world media was his son.

    In the interview, Sharif also attacked Zardari, saying the functioning of the Pakistan People’s Party-led government was making Pakistan look like a “failed state”. “Pakistan presents the picture of a failed and ungovernable state due to the absence of the government’s writ; the country needs a new road map to pull it out of the problems it is facing,” he said. He said it was up to the nation to decide whether to make Pakistan a failed or successful state.

    WE thought Mush is the wrong choice for a Pakistan then came Mr 10% who was worse and after reading this about Mr Shareef …i think he also did this for his political gains and did’nt think about Pakistan at all.

  42. Royal Avatar

    Musharraf was the BEST leader and so are the Armed Forces of Pakistan! Under his leadership the USA did NOT DARE to strike inside Pakistan like we see these days! After Musharraf left on 18-8-08, we have seen above 25 DIRECT USA DRONE ATTACKS inside pakistan. Which has left the commentators in India saying “we should do the same surgical strikes in Pakistan”. Shame on these elected representatives!

    GLORY to PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES! We want Musharraf back!

  43. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    Musharraf should be shot in the head of his along with the leadership of Pakistan Army.

    Thank You very much!

  44. Adnan Avatar

    when there is an army intervention, everyone screams of dictatorship. Now when they are trying not to interfere, you are asking to do just that!

    what do we want?

  45. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    Let the “Game” continue and confuse people. One of the question in this game is “Do we want Political leadership or do we want military leadership controlling and running Pakistan?”. Despite the fact that we know both are “corrupt” to their core.

    What is the solution?

    I think its in Islamic revolution. Which is not anywhere in sight. Until then (Islamic revolution) we can all individually try to be honest, follow Islam as much as we can or is required by Allah, and do good to other people.

  46. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Barrister akc,

    you sound very much like Indian PR man

    collaborating with nato Alliances against

    muslims. You smell bad !!!

  47. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    Now that I think about it. Islamic fighters in Afghanistan may be a beginning of that “Islamic Revolution”.

    Thank You very much!

  48. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    A Jew defends the Taliban, by telling the truth


  49. Bangash Khan Avatar

    These drones kill terrorists, which is a good thing.