Quaid-e-Azam, M.A.Jinnah: A Man for All Seasons

Guest Blog by Asim Khan

To achieve your own dreams it takes a lifetime but to achieve the dream of millions, it’s a feat only a few can perform in the history of mankind. And Jinnah was one of them. And to achieve that one has to rise above the fear and display courage. The ability and skills which he manifested in the process of creation of Pakistan and the fight he carried in all quarters, with reason and logic to bring the dream of a lifetime for millions of souls was unsurpassable. We will always remain in debt to this man and those millions of sacrifices.

There has been a lot written about him; there is a lot that has been said of him.  From Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre to Stanley Walport- all agreed on one thing: this man, this Jinnah, this leader and founder of Pakistan had resolve of a man unbreakable even by the might of the mightiest, the British Empire, the connivance and huge presence of Hindu pressure and by all who thought that to create Pakistan was something beyond comprehension and reason. But he stood his ground against all who promised, tempted, and applied pressure from all directions and yet they could not move him, not even an inch. He was to give all, right to their end of days the question how he single handedly carried this responsibility and what were those elements that made him unique in all sense; as a leader, as a tactician, as one of the finest implementer of law, as a symbol of governance and system which we all forgot, the very citizens and leaders of Pakistan after his death.

In all his numerous speeches given in whatever little time he had, it paved way for all to see and to learn and to practice how Pakistan should develop its economic policies, foreign policies, protect rights of its minorities, based on justice and fairness, a society modeled on the principles of Islam, where all will be able to contribute to its success and progression. And we all forgot within months of his departure.

It is still time for Pakistan and Pakistanis to wake up from its slumber and to invoke the spirit of its founder to bring back this country to its feet. All the challenges we see around us, all the opposition we face amongst ourselves and from outside can be dealt with if we could only understand the persona of Jinnah and his life and understand the mechanics in creation of a country that became second largest Muslim country in 20th century. A presence, a home for all where fairness and justice will exist.  But alas, this was not to happen as we forgot our very own sacrifices, our very own people and our very own founder Jinnah.

Instead of following him and his vision; we followed our instincts based on greed and promotion of values against all what he created and practiced; against all what the vision of Iqbal and his philosophy stood for; against all what Chaudhry Rahmat Ali envisioned. We forgot Jinnah and all those very people that stood by him against opposition the world had never seen. These people exist in all of us. Never a day that goes past, when we do not come across the saying and quotations from any of these, but we have turned all this into a big ceremony. We have turned Jinnah into just a mere symbol. A place where he rests now needs no salutes, no visitor’s book, no swarming crowd to take pictures. It is his words; it is his life that needs to be lived in all of us. We have betrayed him in last 61 years. It is still time to appreciate and to revive that spirit in Pakistan and in all of us, and to forget these differences that we have created. We must become more understanding and tolerant of each other and work together. It is this challenge that is the need of the time and our responsibility.

Remember a young boy, seventeen years of age, arriving at Southampton. Remember a person who learnt the ways of life in those dreary months of winter. Remember that person who once walked near river Thames, immersed in his own thoughts questioning himself what change means and how it will be brought. Even Jinnah had no idea at that time but he learnt to reason well in a language that was once remote and alien, he learnt that understanding Law will take him far but he never imagined that one day he will fight for something and in a way no one had done it before. One day he will fight for the hopes of millions, for cause greater than anything he had imagined, or any of us in years to come. Imagine how it feels to be part of that change and history and  the destiny, to make a separate homeland for all of us, to carry those aspirations in years to come through thick and thin. Little did he know that he will one day stand with Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, Mountbatten and the whole British Empire- all the opposing forces. But he fought well with all his mind and his words and actions to turn this dream into reality- a reality which no one could ever understand and accept to this day. It is upon us now as individuals and as a society and as leaders of this nation to understand the cause and all what it took.

It is this man Mohammed Ali Jinnah who became in the process our Quaid-e-Azam, our leader and founder of Pakistan. It is this man we owe our responsibility to as free citizens of Pakistan. It is this man Jinnah, his words and his vision we owe our alliances to.  It is this man we owe our debt resulting from his endeavor to turn this dream of a separate homeland for millions of Muslims. It is this man, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Quaid-e-Azam, a man for all seasons we owe our lives to and to Pakistan.

Asim Khan






50 responses to “Quaid-e-Azam, M.A.Jinnah: A Man for All Seasons”

  1. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    we missed you so badly.
    it is unbelieveable that greatest of all leaders quaid e azam left hiers like zardari,nawaz shareef ,altaf and fazlu baba.

    1. anum Avatar

      its very easy to jst say it all..we all know ground realities, so why not to come in real field. my home land really needs peole like you so plezzzzzzz stop making fun its time for work now

  2. The Eye Doctor Avatar
    The Eye Doctor

    Whilst MAJ showed what can achieve and all that, I think he did make a hash of it. He could have so easily made things easier when he had the chance but chose not to.

    Lots believe it was his ego that led to the crap treatment Pakistan got.

    Im not convinced either way. Im sure this is not how many of the founding fathers of the nation envisioned their nation to be fter 60 years. Infact its worse. The only institutions still working or infrastructure still running are those left by the British.

    Can someone please show me what WE as pakistanis did to improve us?

  3. Khuram Avatar


    The Quaid did not leave any heir as he did not believe in hierarchy.It is we who made such people our leaders.Please learn to take the blame and accept mistakes and try to correct those.

  4. guY-sir Avatar

    I’m agree with ya.They are Khans who did spoil our country and its political affairs like Ayub Khan… isn’t it?

  5. guY-sir Avatar

    I was born in 1979. Until recently, I was confused and somewhat dysfunctional. In retrospect, I think my whole generation was subject to a mind control program.

    I suspect it was developed by the Tavistoke Institute for Human Relations in England and administered through the CIA and Rockefeller foundations through their control of education and the mass media.

    The London-based Tavistock Institute is the central coordinating body for the cabal’s mind control network. It was founded in 1922 by the British military to wage psychological warfare. Techniques developed for enemy populations were soon deployed at home later elsewhere. For the very wealthy, we are the enemy.

    The mass media is used to maintain domestic psychological control. According to Dr. John Coleman, the directors of the US TV networks, major newspapers and publishers were all handpicked by British intelligence (which organized the CIA whose main aim is assasinations+drug smuggling) For example, b4 becoming head of CBS, William Paley was trained in mass brainwashing techniques at Tavistock.

    We are being prepared for the tyranny of one world government. No armies from abroad are invading us. 1st we are being subverted from within in hands of our own Military and Political leaders/rulers.

    A network of British aristocratic families, Rothschild and Rockefeller oil and finance, and satanic secret societies organized in “think tanks,” foundations and intelligence agencies is behind it. They have been creating havoc for a long time and using mind control and the mass media to keep us in the dark.

  6. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    exactly, he didn’t left.how can he?…..its merely a taunt to the fate of pakistan and wrong doing of people of pakistan.
    thanks for correction.

    my analysis tells me that you had some childhood bad experience about khan…..lols…grow up man.
    stop behaving like a nut case

  7. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Born in 1979,not a good year at all to born in,Zia dictatorship in full swing.Now you have to call me Baji because I am senior to you extremely senior.No I am not going to give my birth year away on International blog.

  8. guY-sir Avatar

    it wasn’t in my hand I wish if it was in my hand then i’d not like to cum in dis weird world.
    U senior, extremely extremist that ya wont show yr birth i knew becuz man do show his birth easily and hide his pay.
    While woman hide her actual birth-date but seek pay of man and duznt hide from her buddy.
    Thats wat i notice since ive been into marriages
    u r baji or paji who knows and who cares?

  9. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    i told you.he is a nut case

  10. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Muhammad ali Jinnah is my favourite personality.Not because I am patriotic but because Jinnah was so determined and so original.Man of principals.I hope all of you know this story ,”Hang till death” this phrase was given to British by Jinnah .
    Yes genius he was.He is often criticised and compared with Mr.Gandhi.
    When both the men were so different and it is so unfair that we have to compare him with Gandhi.We do not need to.
    Mr.Jinnah was a handsome,chrismatic,intelligent ,determined,single minded and extremely well dressed aristocrate.That is what I like about him.He was no hypocrate.Solid to the core.He meant every word he said.The very fact that he spoke excellent English in English accent and that he was so popular in the
    corridors of English Law and Lincoln’s Inn that British were ready to listen to him.Not because he was leader of Muslims because he was a man of stature and man well respected for his profession. To have a reputaion of Best Lawyer in England at that time was to be part of English Law,English Law which was the law of half of world at that time.
    We are living his dream,Pakistan.Being a Muslim is such a big and beautiful phenomenon,I am never short of Inspiration.From Alif Laila of Arabian nights to Umro Ayyar kai Qisaai to Mullah Nasruddin and Mullah du Piyazza to Sheikh Saadi to Muhammad Bin Qasim,Mahmood Ghaznavi and Great Sultant-e-Usmania to the horses of Saracens which flew at the speed of light and sword and to the luxurious,Shalimar gardens ,Shahi Mahal to beautiful poetry of Rummi,Ommar Khayam and Iqbal everything is mine.
    Including present day challenges from questions of Faiz and equality of Jalib ,trials of Zia and Democracy of Zardari,present day Afghan and Arabs and the barter of oil for Muslim blood and politics of Terrorism.
    Oh I can deal with it all.Today I celebrate the freedom and resolution called Pakistan.
    Iqbal and muslims of India dreamt of Pakistan and got it,so when people tell me I am dreaming about peace,I mock at them,who knows how to dream and turn those dreams into reality better than Muslims of Pakistan .
    Thumbs up guys we cannot be taken over.

  11. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Very well written!! keep it up.

  12. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    u r baji or paji who knows and who cares?
    Baroun ka adab kartai hain.

  13. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Jinnah is the youngest ever Indian to have been enrolled at London’s Lincoln’s Inn. His legacy is man of principals , “playing by the rules”.

  14. guY-sir Avatar

    aap k kitne baray hain, i mean aap kitni bari hain us lehaz se may aap ka adab baja lao.
    pak resilient peoples country glad to know, jaha ata nahi,bijli nahi,peenay ka saaf paani nahi aur tu aur petrol b nahi ab tu, jaha her waqt damakay Allah ka shukar hai meray pass tu sub kuch hai per hamare ghareeb jo demo k naam per neo feudalism ka shikar hain.may un k baray soch tha hon aur kuch ker nah cha tha hoon
    meray ppc per net bohat bura chal raha hai aur waise b kohi sea-line cuts. may pass htc p3400 hai us may xp hai fun 2 use but hanging sum windows prb im checkin
    aur tum full under surveillance ho uk may yaha ah jao moath se math daro agar itni tareef pak ki tu live and die here
    may tumhay paal longa tume job ki b zarorath nahi aur hum siyasath kare gay.ISB F-10 may stay
    gay se yaad aya may ne ek article likha hai gays per us may i define all check later

  15. Ahmed Kamal Avatar
    Ahmed Kamal

    Just want to share a link on Christmas!


  16. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @Ahmed Kamal!
    that was a one of the most soul touching article i ever read.no words to describe.
    thanks for sharing

  17. Khuram Avatar

    Ahmed Kamal,
    An article full of self pity but perhaps true.Well he made a choice.What has he done about it is what I would like to know.If he could not establish his credibility in 10 years then he needs to do some serious introspection.

  18. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ You guys remember,

    The first Democratic Islamic State was created by our
    Rasool Mohammed SAW which did not carry the name
    “Islamic Republic of Medina ” the first written
    constitution was introduced with 56 articles and the first
    one was
    ” we the citizens of Medina…..
    and the muslims enlightened the whole world.

    In 1947 the history repeats, the 2nd Islamic State was
    created, carved out of Mighty Brit India, by the
    contemporary Prophet of anti-colonial political diplomacy
    The Greatest of all Mohammed Ali Jinnah founder Leader,
    but we called it Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and had
    an Islamic constitution too,

    and we brought shame to ourselves and our generations
    by just doing the opposite of Islam. May be because we
    were however basically corrupt miskeen ” Indians “.

    These were the only two similar miracles I have
    known in the last 2000 years of history.

    mind you, I am not that old as you think, chums !
    don’t want to be Bhaijan for Farrah.

  19. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    if by any chance you can obtain 250 grs of
    some good pleasant humour that might add in your
    outspoken frankness, that I admire, buddy !
    Hunsoo aur hansaoo !

  20. proudpaki Avatar

    Greatest ever lost Pakistan have suffered and ever suffer is losing Jinnah so early. No one and I MEAN no one can be 2nd of him in Pakistan.

    I feel so ashamed when I see we are launching coins for looters, running photo album on TV for weeks of corrupt murdered ex PM of Pakistan and at the same time no one really botherd to remember Jinnah’s Bday, yet there are caravans and caravans going to Garhi khuda Bakhsh to pay tribute to a corrupt deceased people.

    Pakistanis deserve what is happening and what will happen to them… not good for sure!!!

  21. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    how right you are !!

    this is yet another fanatic devotional cult created
    by these thugs of PPP, with such a corrupt attitude
    exploiting religious fervor to have political gains
    using illegaly tax payers media undemocratically,
    this is even worst than Shah of Iran’s epoch! PPP is
    a sectarian fanatic party !! no doubt
    the covergae given by PTV 85% more to Bhuttos rather
    than M.A.J Bhuttos are not even the dirt of the shoes
    of our Quaid. shame of them !

  22. Hamza Avatar

    The best post about Mr. Jinnah that I’ve read was written by Adil Najam at the Pakistaniat blog. Years of nationalist nonsense inculcated in our youth through our education system (can we even call it that) have resulted in most of us knowing little to nothing about Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

    1. Pakistan’s first foreign minister, Sir Zafrulla Khan, as appointed by Mr. Jinnah, was an Ahmadi. Imagine the uproar if any senior minister of the Pakistani government was an Ahmadi. I really don’t think it would be possible today.

    2. Mr Jinnah’s address to the first session of the constituent assembly: “You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State. As you know, history shows that in England, conditions, some time ago, were much worse than those prevailing in India today. The Roman Catholics and the Protestants persecuted each other. Even now there are some States in existence where there are discriminations made and bars imposed against a particular class. Thank God, we are not starting in those days. We are starting in the days where there is no discrimination, no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State.” In fact, everyone should read Jinnah’s speech. Available here: http://www.pakistani.org/pakistan/legislation/constituent_address_11aug1947.html
    Reading it is depressing, as you realize how little we have progressed from 1948.

    Despite General Zia’s attempts to censor this speech, the facts are facts, and the truth always triumphs. Yet, today, clearly discriminatory blasphemy laws exist on our books. Do you think Mr. Jinnah would have approved?

  23. Hamza Avatar

    While we are talking Jinnah, how about his attitudes towards women, and the state of women’s rights in Pakistan. Despite General Musharraf’s half hearted attempts to repeal the Hudood ordinance, we have some truly terrible laws on our books. Yet, what did Jinnah have to say on the subject.

    “We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.”
    Speech at a meeting of the Muslim University Union, Aligarh March 10, 1944.

    We may have a women speaker of the house, and elected Benazir Bhutto as a PM twice, but the continued existence of Hudood laws on our books, lack of enforcement against honour killings, and other barbaric tribal customs, show that we really haven’t gone very far from Mr. Jinnah’s time.

  24. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Hamza,

    sorry this crap of Pakistaniat.blog is a
    pro-Qadiani religious fanatic’s reserved blog and
    Adil Najami has not written a miraculous (as you say)
    article on M.A.J as if he discovered Jinnah who was
    a secular ? according to you, total nonsense,
    you guys are distorting
    history with corrupt Stalinian means of using media to
    brush Jinnah as it arranges your ideological trends,
    the blood thirsty secular anti-Islam pageant !
    come on ! stop “circusing” around with your “Ahmedi”
    thing !

  25. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    What Quaid e azam’s said addressing to the first session of the constituent assembly,is nothing new in islam. it is almost the translation of “ meethaq e madina” (please exclude the mischievous qadiyanis from minority list).
    It is amazing to see how some secular fascist are trying to modify history for their own loathsome gain. Quaid e azam believed in islam and wanted an Islamic republic of Pakistan in which shariyah would be the supreme law. Here is some references:

    Quaid-e-Azam said in his presidential address in 1940:
    “It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religions in the strict sense of the word but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders… The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, literatures. They belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions. Their aspects of life and our life are different.”
    In his speech at the Frontier Muslim League Conference on November 21, 1945, he said:
    “We have to fight a double edged battle, one against the Hindu Congress and the British Imperialists, both of them being capitalists. The Muslims demand Pakistan where they could rule according to their own code of life and according to their own cultural growth, traditions and Islamic laws.”
    In a message to NWFP Muslim Students Federation in April 1943, he said:
    “You have asked me to give a message. What message can I give you? We have got the great message in the Quran for our guidance and enlightenment.”
    In an Eid message to the nation in 1945, he said:
    “Every Muslim knows that the injunctions of the Quran are not confined to religious and moral duties. Everyone except those who are ignorant, knows that the Quran is the general code of the Muslims. A religious, social, civil, commercial, military, judicial, criminal and penal code; it regulates everything from the ceremonies of religion to those of daily life; from the salvation of the soul to the health of the body; from the rights of all, to those of each individual; from morality to crime; from punishment here to that in the life to come, and our Prophet (S) has enjoined on us that every Muslim should possess a copy of the Holy Quran and be his own priest. Therefore, Islam is not confined to the spiritual tenets and doctrines and rituals and ceremonies. It is a complete code regulating the whole Muslim society in every department of life, collectively and individually.”
    Q. What are the essential features of religion and a religious state?
    A. When I hear the word “religion,” my mind thinks at once, according to the English language and British usage, of private relations between man and God. But I know full well that according to Islam, the word is not restricted to the English connotation. I am neither a Maulwi nor a Mullah, nor do I claim knowledge of theology. But I have studied in my own way the Holy Quran and Islamic tenets. This magnificent book is full of guidance respecting all human life, whether spiritual, or economic, political or social, leaving no aspect untouched.
    Q. What is the distinctive feature of the Islamic state?
    A. There is a special feature of the Islamic state which must not be overlooked. There, obedience is due to God and God alone, which takes practical shape in the observance of the Quranic principles and commands. In Islam, obedience is due neither to a king, nor to a parliament, nor to any other organization. It is the Quranic provisions which determine the limits of our freedom and restrictions in political and social spheres. In other words, the Islamic state is an agency for enforcement of the Quranic principles and injunctions.
    There will be no economic exploitation by the capitalists in an Islamic state. In his presidential address delivered to the annual session of the All India Muslim League, in Delhi on April 24, 1943, he said:
    “Here I should like to give a warning to the landlords and capitalists who have flourished at our expense by a system which is so vicious, which is so wicked and which makes them so selfish that it is difficult to reason with them. The exploitation of the masses has gone into their blood. They have forgotten the lessons of Islam. Greed and selfishness have made these people subordinate to the interests of others in order to fatten themselves. It is true we are not in power today. You go anywhere to the countryside. I have visited villages. There are millions and millions of our people who hardly get one meal a day. Is this civilization? Is this the aim of Pakistan? Do you visualize that millions have been exploited and cannot get one meal a day? If this is the idea of Pakistan, I would not have it. If they are wise, they will have to adjust themselves to the new modern conditions of life. If they don’t, God help them, we shall not help them.”
    In light of the above, we can see that Quaid-e-Azam was neither for Western-style democracy nor for Mulla-style theocracy. He essentially advocated what may be called Islamic social democracy. But tell this to secularists or to Islamists. They would never believe it. No wonder truth is stranger than fiction. The result? Pakistanis are the real losers, no matter how much materially some have gained. Quaid-e-Azam, on the other hand, will always shine like a bright star in the annals of modern human history. In the words of the American historian, Stanley Wolpert:
    ‘Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three.’
    What a wonderful tribute to Quaid-e-Azam by a non-Muslim!

  26. proudpaki Avatar


    check this out, I think he’s talking sense here. Don’t you wonder why Jinnah and Iqbal is vanishing from our main stream media and books.

  27. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    amazingly informative !! congrats !
    please send your very truthfull references to
    barrister akc (registered mail) with
    “aknowledgement due ” !

    send a copy to all the Zoos in Pakistan
    namely PTV, Geo and other Musharraf-ba-secularised
    ” liberated ” channels and media as well as all
    the rent-an-intellectuals Jin-Bhoot-pareet.

    Lahore Governor House

  28. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    dr.jawwadkhan on December 27, 2008 @ 4:29 pm
    Excellent!!absolutely fantastic.You have helped me big deal.
    I owe you this one!!

  29. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    thanks guys
    i believe in putting the nail in right place and strike with the hammer on right time,right place and with right power.(sorry for the rant)

  30. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    hey guys!
    must see link

    some body post it at another blog of teeth maestro

  31. Khuram Avatar

    Ladies and Gentlemen this is what the Founder of PPP thought of our Quaid:

    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s letter to President Mirza, 1958

    April, 1958

    H.E. Major-General Iskander Mirza,
    President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,

    My dear Sir,

    Only a few lines to let you know that I am discharging my responsibilities here to the best of my ability. I shall give you a detailed report of my work on my return to Pakistan and I am sure you will be satisfied with the manner in which I have done my humble best to serve the interests of my Country and my President.

    I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you of my imperishable and devoted loyalty to you. Exactly four months before the death of my late Father, he had advised me to remain steadfastly loyal to you as you were “not an individual but an institution”. For the greater good of my own Country, I feel that your services to Pakistan are indispensable. When the history of our Country is written by objective historians, your name will be placed even before that of Mr. Jinnah. Sir, I say this because I mean it and not because you are the President of my Country.

    If I have the conviction and the courage to enter into a dispute with a Prime Minister, I do not think I could be found guilty of the charge of flattery.

    If you and the Begum Sahiba require anything from here, please do not hesitate to order me for it.

    With profoundest respects both to you and to the Begum Sahiba,

    Yours sincerely,

    (Zulfikar Ali Bhutto)

    I attach hereto text of my Statements made on the 17th and 25th of March, 1958 respectively.

    Source: Iskander Mirza Speaks (Speeches, Statements and Private Papers)
    Compiled and Edited by Ahmad Salim (1997). Gora Publishers, Lahore
    Back to Top

  32. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    It is equally important to know the thoughts and ideology of the great leaders who were working hard to make this dream come true. Allam Dr Mohd Iqbal will be mentioned imperatively when some one talks about the genesis of Pakistan.
    Hakeem ul ummat, in his Presidential Address of All-India Muslim League Session at Allahabad, in 1930. Such a State, he said:

    “Would mean security and peace for India resulting from an internal balance of power, and for Islam an opportunity to rid itself of the stamp that Arabian Imperialism was forced to give it, to mobilise its law, its education, its culture, and to bring them into closer contact with its own original spirit and with the spirit of modern times.
    (Speeches and statements of Iqbal–P.15)

    Two years later, while addressing the nation at the Annual Session of the All-India Muslim Conference at Lahore, on 21/3/1932, he said:

    “The possibilities of the faith you represent are not yet exhausted. It can still create a new world where the social rank of man is not determined by his caste or colour, or the amount of the dividend he earns, but by the kind of life he lives; where Capital cannot be allowed to accumulate so as to dominate the real producer of wealth. This superb ideal of your faith, however, needs emancipation from the medieval fancies of theologians and legists. Spiritually, we are living in a prison-house of thoughts and emotions which, during the course of centuries we have woven round ourselves. And be it further said to the same of us– men of older generation– that we have failed to equip the younger generation for the economic, political and even religious crises that the present age is likely to bring. The whole community needs a complete overhauling of its mentality in order that it may again become capable of feeling the urge of fresh desires and ideals.
    (Ibid p.55)

    Iqbal has beautifully narrated this unique feature of the Islamic State. He says in his Lectures:

    “The ultimate spiritual basis of all life, as conceived by Islam, is eternal and reveals itself in variety and change. A society based on such a conception of Reality must reconcile in its life the categories of permanence and change; it must possess eternal principles to regulate its collective life; for the eternal gives us a foothold in the world of perpetual change. But eternal principles when they are understood to exclude all possibilities of change, which, according to Quran is one of the greatest sings of God, tend to immobilise what is essentially mobile in its nature.
    (Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam…P-149)

    Iqbal examined critically what had been going on in our past history, and said that

    “ The teaching of the Quran that life is a process of progressive creation necessitates that each generation, guided but unhampered by the work of its predecessors, should be permitted to solve its own problems.
    (Lectures P-160)

  33. proudpaki Avatar

    I am planning to do some T-shirts with Quaid’s photo printed on front. Anyone in UK interested let me know, I’ll send it for free, but not now in March when I am in Pakistan I will produce couple of dozens. Free offer is only for UK residents and for a limited numbers.

  34. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    fantastic idea. regarding T-shirts i also have an idea since long time i wonder if you take it seriously.
    whta about a T-shirt with a picture of an eagle in a attacking mode made of green color in center and white in periphery?

  35. proudpaki Avatar


    Idea behind Jinnah’s photo is that I want to promote him and Pakistan and want to show my love and affection with my country and father of nation. As no one knows him at least in UK. Although your idea is great from design point of view but it hardly give any message out, though we know that eagle depict Iqbal and our nation theory, but yet its not self explanatory. Yes we can ad photo of Iqbal with your idea and its perfect.

    Is there anyone who can give me some phrases to go with photo? i.e,

    Father of a Nation JINNAH
    Man who changed the world! M A JINNAH

  36. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    I suggest the followings :

    ” just a thin elephant, to kick colonialism ”

    some others

    “slim, but rock’s will”

    ” already tried my will power, no ? ”

    ” May be I am very thin, but I gave you the strongest”

    ” strong will, strong Pakistan ”

    ” He is the strongest of all ”

    ” Unique Strength ”

    (just for the timebeing)

  37. Khuram Avatar

    It appears the para of Bhutto’s letter I wished to highlight has gone unnoticed.Here it is again:


    Doesn’t this amount to blasphemy?

  38. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    no dear this is not blasphemy it is flattering.our history is full of these things.
    no it is not gone unnoticed.
    good work and keep it up.

  39. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    Bhutto, to me , was hanged because he split Pakistan,
    His father Sir Shanawaz Bhutto, was the Diwan of
    Nawab Junagarh, you know the Diwan on his own called
    Indian Army to takeover in 1947, did you know that ?
    this is how we lost Junagarh, its not surprising if
    Bhutto had military genes, what he said about Iskander
    is a blasphemy in the jargon of profanity, because
    I think in the contemporary history no one equals to
    M.A.J, Bhuttos are nothing but tiny little microbe of
    any bait-ul-khala in the perifery of Mazar-e-Jinanah.

  40. Khuram Avatar

    Asad Ali
    You said it.Sycophancy is an art in which this creed excels.

  41. YLH Avatar

    Hi there… we have had Indians gang up on this article on Pakteahouse…

    Why don’t some of you come over there and make your views heard.

  42. NKG Avatar

    Paki idiots…

    Jinnah is not revered anywhere…Do you see his footprint anywhere in international arena (Like that of Gandhi in South Africa in the form of Nelson Mandela, USA- Martin Luthar King, HH Dalai Lama- in Tibbet….or admirer in contemporary philosophical circle, like Burtrand Russsel, Romain Rolland, Albert Einsteine….)…How many places outside Pakistan and musla countries, institutes are named after him….

    I don't see a single Nobel lauriate endorisng Jinnah and his bloody path of Direct Action Day or Jihadi invastion in Kashmir….And his extreame undemocratic demand was created an undemocratic country like Pakistan, which, Madeline Albright describes as "international migraine"…

    As an Indian, thanks to Jinnah for helping us getting rid of large chunk of muslas ( those who are here, are enough to create trouble)…and anyhow, enjoy streep searching in International Airports for being a Pakistani, land up in GITMO for being a Pakistani and furthermore, be subjected to drone attack for being the epicentre of islam/terrorism…

    Thank you Jinnah, you have done a great serive to Indians…Only if, you have taken little more number of muslas from India…

  43. yahoo Avatar


    If the whole world endorses Playboy, does it make worthy of putting it in your mandir? I don't know about your flawed logic, but sensible Hindus wouldn't put playboy in the mandir even if the whole world admired it.

    Besides what did you guys do to Gandhi? Kill him? for being Gandhi??? If Gandhi was noble than you guys are scumbags of the world, who-else would kill a noble person? (other than your zionist brothers)

    You, Hindu Extremists would never accept Pakistan and we give a damn about it.

    For time-being, you can buy the PR firms and become a favored nation of the PIMPS but what is your culture? what is your religion? You guys are becoming a second bangkok and your religion? your religion is a joke. You guys worship rats and monkeys and drink cow urine and eat cow dunk. Only pimps and whores think of you as any superior, we in Pakistan don't think so.

  44. dr jawwad khan Avatar
    dr jawwad khan



  45. dr jawwad khan Avatar
    dr jawwad khan

    that was a jaw breaking post.great job yahoo

  46. Lutf ul Islam Avatar

    Sardar Shaukat Hayat in his book "The Nation that lost its soul" mentions the following event: "One day, I got a message from Quaid-e-Azam saying "Shaukat, I believe you are going to Batala, which I understand is about five miles from Qadian, please go to Qadian and meet Hadhrat Sahib and request him on my behalf for his blessings and support for Pakistan's cause. After the meeting (in Batala) I reached Qadian about midnight, I sent a word that I had brought a message from Quaid-e-Azam. Hadhrat Sahib came down immediately and enquired what were Quaid's wishes. I conveyed his message for prayer and for his support for Pakistan. He said: "Please convey to the Quaid-e-Azam that we have been praying for his mission from the very beginning. Where the help of his followers is concerned, no Ahmadi will not stand against any Muslim Leaguer."

  47. dr jawwad khan Avatar
    dr jawwad khan


    kazzab nabi kay kazzab followers.

  48. Ather khan Avatar
    Ather khan

    i want details of the case fought by respected M.Ali Jinnah in which he saved a man from being hanged on the very last moment. thanku . i cant find it any where on the net.