Pakistan, a Nation of Resilient People

Guest Blog by Farrah K Raja

I write this with great pride, Pakistan homeland to Muslims. I want to thank Mohammad Ali Jinnah for leading the Muslim nation and negotiating on their behalf, convincing the British as to why Pakistan is so important for Muslims living in India.

Sentiments and emotions are important; Muslims of India never lacked it, they were failing to present their case objectively to the British.  Jinnah was that bridge, determination, courage and his sincere efforts, strength of character forced the British to listen to him.

Miraculous within a short period of 1906 when he started the political carrier to 1947 he had finally succeeded in getting Pakistan. No other nation has been so fortunate, so determined, so focused and so passionate to get a free homeland as were the Muslims of India, before even boarding the trains people knew they could possible be dead but so much was the passion and valour of people it did not deter them to board the those trains to Pakistan, many were not fortunate to reach the destination but that is not important, what is important is that they boarded the trains to free country, they had hopes, dreams and passion to live a free life. They died as free people that is what is so important.

Being a citizen of Pakistan, and being a woman citizen of Pakistan I am so proud of this country. It has given me so much, the love, the warmth, the humanity, the neighbours, the streets, that we have progressed. In the journey from 1947 we have made a number of sacrifices but despite all the odds we have progressed beyond even our wildest imaginations

We are not tired even as yet, we have not given up hope, our people have potential and we will continue to move forward, some of the challenges thrown at us have been beyond comprehension, but our resolution to raise our head high will empower us to strive ahead.  We are defiant and Pakistan is a huge country, the only country in the world created for the Muslims out of a political struggle of Muslims. No wonder we have the toughest challenges.

We lost Bangladesh; with a sad heart we were forced to accept that as a fact. The People of Pakistan are united, sectarian, political, ethnical and regional differences make us Pakistan. It is this vibrancy that brings us different point of views yet we laugh together and join to celebrate our Eids, our Ramadan, our prayers and our faith unites us with whole of Muslim world.

We have been put to test, Liaquat Ali Khan was shot dead in political rally, our head of state with top generals, Gen Zia died in a mysterious plane crash, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged and later Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in broad daylight, despite all this we continue to survive. We have together survived a number of calamities, the floods from Chenab to Ravi, the terrible earth quakes of Quetta and Kashmir and we have also survived the Kalashnikov-cum-drug culture from Afghanistan. We have survived sanctions from USA. We may be a little battle worn tired, but survivors nevertheless

We are not a third world country, people do not sleep hungry on footpaths. Nowhere else but only in shrines of Pakistan one gets free food, flowers and free love, everyone from a mother to a father, to a neighbour, everyone is so ready to help each other.  This well wishing and open heartiness, this love, we will continue our journey, tough times never last but tough people do.

We are not terrorists, nor extremists, neither a failed state. We work for peace ,our army has served in United Nations for peace keeping around the world.  Believe in yourself, and work for your own right a collective goodness will emerge. We may sound difficult, proud, arrogant, but I like that opinion and differences is what makes us human being.

I am so hopeful for this nation, I am so proud of Pakistan. I am not afraid or ashamed of anything, everything is mine everything is ours with our weakness ,with our strengths .As long as we keep acknowledging them and keep moving.  This is our journey of progress do not be afraid of challenges and turmoil, we will out last them. As Jinnah did.






57 responses to “Pakistan, a Nation of Resilient People”

  1. Muhammad Akhtar Avatar
    Muhammad Akhtar

    thank you

  2. Zeshan Avatar

    This is all great

    But from the very beginning we made mistakes

    We needed land reform and we also needed to get rid of these feudal lords

    It is for this reason our country can never progress

  3. guY-sir Avatar

    yr point is valid dis neo feudalism has divided and make poor to more poors aka 3rd world country.
    how they gonna declare pak a failed-state by their false judgment that doesnt have complete control on its territory like fata but it shouldnt be the criteria of failed state rather it shud be how one’s country rulers are corrupted and ratio of corporate corruption, thats shud’ve the criteria but how? while west countries are themselves corrupted as ya can c Olmert cases, and every now and then scandals citibank, or in other corporate cases corruption is rampant.KKI per corruption ka ilzaam aya hai pak may
    Jemima called BB was a Kleptocrat in a hermes scarf means she was thug who stole 1.5bn pounds from pak and deposited in uk/swiss bank.
    BB took education from oxford so s/he who’s a kleptocrat the whole-west. we2 are west-pakistanis.
    We cannot understand the world until we appreciate that most leaders are traitors and that mankind is victim of a diabolical conspiracy on an unspeakable scale. It’s time we stopped fighting each other and addressed the real enemy.

  4. Awais Avatar

    I really liked the optimistic tone of it but found lack of realism at a few places.

    “We are not a third world country, people do not sleep hungry on footpaths.”

    How about being realistic about the above mentioned claim. On what basis are we not a third world country. I do see people sleeping on footpaths and green belts.

  5. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    some say that the first impression is a last impression but i say second impression is the last impression.
    very true about farrah k raja. first i thought she is one of secular fascist we see nowadays put forth like mushrooms after rain.but i was wrong.she is full of passion and optimist approach not the pessimist like most of pakistanis.
    we have every thing in pakistan natural resources,human resources and great potential what we lack is a true leadership and true democracy.
    congratulations for such a nice blog

  6. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    We are not a third world country, people do not sleep hungry on footpaths.”
    It is true you would not find a family of people permanently living on slum extended by city roads.Yes people in interior Sindh ,Balouchistan ,Punjab live in house
    made of thatch and mud bricks.
    The people we see sleeping on footpath this much number of people you find everywhere.I know many tourists who come to big cities,sight seeing,or work thing and clubbing and sleeping just in the bus stop to spend last hours of the night to save money.People in Europe go to other countries for two day trip with the bread,and mineral water just buy the ticket and see the world.
    London a country with a benefit system people opt to sleep rough it is not that they are poor.
    We are second world,yes people we are.Compare yurself with the living conditions of people in China?and slums of India in Bombay,We are poor half of Nation is sitting at homes.90% of woman never work,a boy in a city life waits untill he is twenty four to take up a job.Which world are we living in.
    We are such a lazy nation.To be honest we are afraid and ashamed to work ,first thing is our status,oh how can I say I work as a junior clerk,No I must start as a bank executive.
    Or oh! how can I open a small 4 by 4 shop ,I need to start from a multi storey plaza,or the biggest factory ,we do not work in small industry or home base industry because we are afraid ,what would others think ,my wife is working from home.I cannot afford her.
    No people comeon give it a go.In Pakistan I know many people who started so small ,uneducated people,at that time I used to feel sorry for them that they cannot afford to go to College ,Uni or school etc but from a small hard ware stores or small corner shop these people have progressed and developed into whole chains and multi storey business.I was so pleased.We have to help ourselves.
    Half of my wages is taken away in taxes and the service provided is not upto standards what I am paying.the tube I go to work in the mornings is packed like a MURGHEE ka DARBA.
    We have a scape goat our government for everything.
    I think we have a huge potential start from something small and built it up.
    We can work on a chip shop in UK or US but we are ashamed to run a small business of Naan Haleem in Pakistan .
    Third world is far behind us we have upto the state art of hospitals every treatment from a cancer to bone marrow etc to cardio is best provided in Pakistan also best cosmetic surgery.
    Pakistan has best Tourism spots,Chitral ,Galgit ,Swatt ,the deserts and the mountains,half of Balouchistan is wasted we can have theme parks ther but first we need to improve our image.
    People stop seeing yourself from the eyes of WEST,what ver they say is not right.
    Hard work is the only way to reach to the top.Expect a good meal only when you deserve it not because your dad was rich.

  7. Shaista Avatar

    that’s good.

  8. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ All the commenters,

    perhaps you are aware that our Founder The Great MAJ
    created a Land Reform Commission as early as end 1947 or
    very early 1948, this Land Reforms commission was
    approved by the then legislatives, but was sabotaged by
    the powerful Land Lords within the Politics, and Govt’s
    functions, they bought the Mullahs, Peers, Gadd-Nashins,
    Sahib-zaddah, Peerzadah, (Deobandi & Barelvis) and managed
    to get a Fatwa from these quoting the “Land-Reforms
    in Pakistan Islamically Haram !!(fraudulantly)

    Today, the same Politicians or their heirs, are found
    in PPP, PML, JUI, and those religious Mullahs are their
    partners in Politics.
    Is Islamic Pakistan responsible ?

  9. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Asad good point
    Land reforms were again introduced by Ayub Khan which failed because of feudals,and again Bhutto implemented hem,he even gave away some of his own land.Mullahs and Feudals again co-operated to get him out out of politics.A whole movement was started against him.
    Democracy is so very important for Pakistan because our four provinces are not provinces only these places have very deep routed culture and heritage also in Pakistan we have different sects of Islam.Shiats,Sunnis ,Wahabis and also minorities ,to keep all of us together we have to work towards Democracy.Not the way Europe has it.Our Democracy will evolve from within,Islam is the most democratic religion anyway.In my personal analysis the truth is if we cannot live by Talibaan sort of Islam we cannot live with European or USA style of democracy either.That is why half of Pakistan was relieved when Bhutto was out of Power .

  10. guY-sir Avatar

    Our beliefs must adjust to the Truth and not vice versa. Ostensibly, the truth is that a relatively small clique of Jewish banking families and their non-Jewish allies in the leading families of Europe and America have usurped control of money creation, and with it the destiny of the world.

    These plutocrats owns or controls most of the world’s largest corporations, media organizations, intelligence agencies, secret societies, universities, politicians, foundations, think tanks and NGO’s. It also appears to dominate organized crime.

    Sept. 11, the War on Terror and Iraq are part of an inexorable process by which this overclass increases its wealth and control. The end goal is to establish an Orwellian police state in which the masses will be deprived of their wealth, freedom and possibly their lives. Thats what is goin on.

    Neo Cons are really Neo Com-munists. They jeopardize the security of their fellow Jews (as well as all Americans) by their evil machinations by creating an illegal state of Israel in the lust for Totalitarianism.

    The plutocrat wants us to see it as an Antisemitism. This way it can deflect blame onto juju Jews and then dismiss opposition as “hatred” and “prejudice.” aka terrorists.
    The problem is mainly one of money creation (credit) that has led to an untenable concentration of wealth and power a few hands.

    Almost everyone who is “successful” in society, Muslim or not, is forced, wittingly or unwittingly to align themselves with the overclass. Our religious, cultural and political institutions have been subverted. This explains the false quality of social life in the west/east

    As Christians celebrate Christmas, let’s remember Christ’s message: God is Love. God is more powerful than the satanic force that holds mankind in its thrall. But Allah will cannot be done unless men do it.

    You didn’t and not let us doin’. The affluence we now enjoy is part of an ageold plot to ensnare and enslave humanity.

  11. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ We have a constituion agreed by all, why PPP
    Govt. has completely forgotten the land reforms,
    COLONIAL REMAINDERS. PPP made us all fool once again.
    We can hardly distinguish PPP with JUI Talibans
    Founders, and both have nothing to do with ISLAM.
    MQM & ANP are simply anti-Pakistani and anti-Islam.

  12. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Asad we cannot and should not call anyone anti Islam and anti Pakistan.People have reasons far deeper ,wounds of prejudice but I am sure it is not people agianst people it was always government working against people.Unless a common person replaces feudals we will face it.Surprisingly
    I am not against Fazul ur Rehman group.I never voted for them but I believe they represent a vast majority of muslims .Who do not want very Western sort of culture in Pakistan so I think that is right if people want that.
    Also unless the peasants would realise that they can be the member of assembly too there cannot be any democracy.

    Mr.Yassir your point has been taken but how we are going to defend ourselves.Cannot just sit and wait for Revolution to happen and half of the world being murdered to realise left ones are still Jews,Muslims ,Christians and Hindus.

  13. guY-sir Avatar

    yar our above timings of writing and our names are identical.
    I mean mY zodiac sign is Asad in Urdu and in english is King of Jungle aka LEO so he who wanna take mess with me I gonna cheer paar to his body becuz I’m a LION instead of LIAR and I’m a Larka instead of Larki and I’m a Duce instead of Doctor.
    Asad I appreciate ur comments, keep it up

  14. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Farrah,
    for God’s sake, what do you do with people who
    want Pakistan to be annexed with F***g India and
    be a sub-human 5th grade after Dalits,

    and those who wants us to become Communist/secular/
    or Dark brown Gora baboon ??

    They should leave us alone, we have our identity, we
    have our sovereignty, we have are religion , have
    our culture, a language. Let them go to hell with their
    Lenin and Freud and all the hijrahs zionists in the
    vast hole of Jahanam, btw

    In chinese astro, I am a TIGRE

    palatna jhapatna, jhapat kar palatna

    Farrah,how to handle two wild lions

  15. guY-sir Avatar

    I’m seriously goin to take part in revolution which will be triumph on us by Grace of Al-Almighty Allah.

    We all have to die one day as our public is already dying from hunger, fear, epidemic-diseases, contaminate-water, air- poluttion, self-suicides and sects which lead us 2wards Vendetta aka Armageddon.

    so why not fight for system despite I’ve everything even if our gov isn’t sufficient and efficient to provide me wheat, rice and vegetables, doesnt matter for me. I got my own farms where all these items we produce ourselves by Grace of Allah. He who the sustainer and cherisher of the worlds.

    Yet I’m gonna go to take part in politics and will Insallah do something positive in which world get peace instead of piss………………………………………………..

    sole vs Soul

    Every1 soul instead of sole will be answerable on the Day of Judgment so why not defending your own soul 1st?
    Don’t downslope into a moral Abyss by seekin materialism.

    There is only one way the human race will flourish in peace: by acknowledging the truth of Oneness of God/Allah and His rules esp in trade no matter how incriminating or painful they are.

  16. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    country is for everyone who wishes to be part of it and just because different views doesnot mean they do not belong to Pakistan where should people go and why should they go?People who have born in Pakistan have as much right to live freely as you and I.Yes Pakistan has set values and norms these people should try to adjust with the majority.Also we have to build tolerance.

  17. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    For Seculars like me it is time to understand and read Jinnah beyond Text books:

    Jinnah’s address to Karachi Bar Association
    on 25th January, 1948, contains:

    ‘I could not understand a section of the people who deliberately wanted to create mischief and propaganda that the constitution of Pakistan would not be made on the basis of Shariat. ’

    Jinnah on 11th January, 1938 stated while waving the flag of Muslim League:

    “We say this is the flag of Islam. They think we are introducing religion into politics- a fact of which we are proud. Islam gives us complete code. It is not only religion but it contains laws, philosophy and politics. It contains everything that matters to a man from morning to night.’

    Secular state of Jinnah just because he wore English dress does not mean he cherish Western democracy.People of Pakistan we need to have access to all speaches,and quotes of Jinnah to understand Jinnahs concept of Pakistan.This is our survival.

  18. guY-sir Avatar

    Updated with sum updates [Encore]
    I’m seriously goin to take part in revolution which will be triumph on us by the Grace of Al-Almighty Allah.

    We all have to die one day as our public is already dying from hunger, fear, epidemic-diseases, contaminate-water, air-pollution, self-suicides and sordid-sects which lead us 2wards Vendetta aka Armageddon.

    sO why not fight under the banner of “changing system”. We’ve our own system. Muslims did rule India approx 1000 yrs and in Africa and EU/Spain we did rule becuz we have got our own system which is Universal and every1 invited to come under this Last Umberalla which is sustainable in nature instead of your system for humanity which is self-destructive like your Hegel/K.Marx aka heLLucifer.

    Well I’ve everything even if our gov isn’t sufficient and efficient to provide me wheat, rice and vegetables, doesn’t matter for me. I got my own farms where all these items we produce ourselves by the Grace of Allah. He who the sustainer and cherisher of the WOrlds.

    Yet I’m gonna go to take part in politics and will Insallah do something positive in which world get peace instead of pi$$………………………………………………..ka…………oops

    sole vs Soul

    Every1 soul instead of sole will be answerable on the Day of Judgment so why not defending your own soul from isms?

    Don’t downslope into a moral Abyss by seekin materialism.I’m a victim of it I feel that seekin materialism will steal your mental and physical peace as we are yelling 4 it.

    There is only one way the human race will flourish in peace: by acknowledging the Truth of Oneness of God/Allah and His rules esp in trade [USury is forbidden at any cost] no matter how incriminating or painful they are 4 Judea-Masonic

    Allah/God is Love+Truth+Beauty+Justice [Universally]
    We cannot find Allah/God by seeking him that how He looks and he who created Him and can we overcome at Him? No but rather we all can find God to serve Him and thus serve His Humanity by His assigning rules in Justice.

    Let us serve the Humanity by being Soul Super Power of the World’s instead of sole super power
    Do ya like sole or soul?

  19. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ as a matter of fact, there are some elements in
    Pakistan who have declared, by using political
    platforms, their very intentions to force Pakistan
    into a chaotic secular non-Islamic state,
    can’t you observe that? even PPP’s ANP’s and MQM’s
    manifestos & slogans are spreading nothing but
    having access to all opinions, no doubt,
    but quoting Jinnah’s distorted passages is a mere duped
    and wrong conclusions as if M.A Jinnah envisaged
    Pakistani State to be something else than an Islamic
    State.point (contempt on Pak constitution)
    There is no such Secular State of M.A.J as quoted
    many times on the media, why ? is it not a planned
    attempt to “force” a small opinion ?

    Is Pakistan a secular State ? as declared by Taseer ?

  20. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Soul & Humanity

  21. guY-sir Avatar

    Umberalla = Umbrella, mY daughter name Sidra 3 yrs old disturbing me and wanting me to take her outside dinner, me goin

  22. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Asad it is only lack of Management and leadership.
    Do not be disappointed,We have seen GM Syed and Wali Khan ,
    People like Nawaz shrief who want to send our Chief of army staff than Musharaff to India,now Zardari wanted to send head of ISI to India;infront of people power these people are nothing.
    Surely there are people who love Pakistan and who know their survival is in Pakistan .This is all process ,political process you are assessing people ,rest are doing so to,do not worry ,we will emerge as a stronger nation.

  23. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Farrah,

    61 years we have been fooled around by thugs,
    whether they were feudals, bureaucrates,theorcrates,
    aristrocrates, the present generation has still
    nothing in their own hands to live and breath in a
    free country, same people change their faces and come
    to power, you as a Musharrafianist, look what mess
    he left us with ? they all want us to change our skin
    belief, lifetyle,language, religion, culture, history,
    gastronomy, dress our daily life, whereas we have all
    of them already at our disposal, but we are forced to
    change and adopt and imitate others !

    you say ” surely there are people who love Pakistan and
    who know their survival is in Pakistan ” sorry Farrah,
    are they in minority ?
    In politics, are Politician not assessable ?

  24. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Secular state but its constitution as per 1973 which very well describes what Pakistan stands for and what was the vision of Jinnah:
    PART I
    1. (1) Pakistan shall be a Federal Republic to be known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, hereinafter referred to as Pakistan.

    (2) The territories of Pakistan shall comprise :-

    (a) the Provinces of Baluchistan, the North-West Frontier, the Punjab and Sind;

    (b) the Islamabad Capital Territory, hereinafter referred to as the Federal Capital;

    (c) Federally Administered Tribal Areas; and

    (d) such States and territories as are or may be included in Pakistan, whether by accession or otherwise.
    (3) [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] may by law admit into the Federation new States or areas on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.

    2. Islam shall be the State religion of Pakistan and the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah shall be the supreme law and source of guidance for legislation to be administered through laws enacted by the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies, and for policy making by the Government.

  25. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    One thing at a time ,we have to see what is the biggest challenge ,people wanted democracy ,PPP so I hope they have got what they wanted.
    Musharaff I choose because I see a sincere effort in him to bring oppertunities in Pakistan,he is defiant and strong.
    I do not have problem of democracy or a General ruling us.When a General becomes as democratic as Ayub Khan and Pervaiz Musharaff ,I personally do not care for a democracy of Zardari which is demaging our institutions.
    It is not only politicians running the country it is always beaurocracy and politicians.
    In Musharaff era more seats were provided for woman in CSS ,
    and national assembly ,it meant not only women but new people as well.CJ Chaudhry made landmark decissions because he was allowed to make those decions.
    politics is a slow process but now chnag in Pkaistan will be rapid it is so eminent .
    As long as people know their rights and struggle for them without voilence I do not see why we cannot progress.
    I trust my army very strongly ,they have learnt from 1971.
    Musharaff or Kiyani or Hamid Gul or anyone else what ever step they take we should be behind them hundred percent and we should ensure our politicians respect institutions like army,airforce,navy ,beaurocaracy ,judiciary.
    We should listen carefully what they are saying.We the people should force the person to leave office instead of Judiciary comming to roads,Chief of army staff taking over,or a sacking of Chief of army staff the balance and mutual respect and understanding among these institutions is the key .Judiciary should be independednt for the rights of common person.
    Unless common person understands this power,this understanding no system can work.
    Be it Islamic Shariat or Democracy.

  26. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    ” Secular State but its constitution as per 1973 ” ?
    does the constitution carry the term ‘Secular’?
    or is it your khayyali ?
    or real ? or your personal definition ?

  27. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Farrah,

    Our Army has decided not to enter Politics, good !
    but it does not mean that we can do what ever we
    want, army’s role is to guarantee, not only the
    security, defence, and territorial safeguard, but also
    to prevent any anti-Pakistan and anti-constitutional
    act by individuals or bands whether political parties
    or anti-Islam ideological elements. We have seen what
    happend in 71 Bangladesh, nobody was punished !
    with secession of Indonesia’s East Timor, and the same
    with Nagorni Karabach region given by force to Armenia !

    It is ISI and entire Pakistani Army’s duty and
    obligation to see that it never happens to Pakistan !

    We Pakistanis do not have trust in PPP, ANP and MQM.
    they must be put under surveillance, we want to know
    who is involved in conspiracies against Pakistan !

  28. proudpaki Avatar

    there is very thin line between resilience and “Baigairti” and in my opinion we are now on other side of resilience unfortunately.

  29. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    I think Secular and theological are old words for Democracy and Religion.Secular means equal oppertunities and freedom to follow a belief without interfearence of governement ,I think Democracy stands for same.
    The meaning of these words does change from region to region ,even US democracy is different from British,US is a police state and some states have death penalty ,people are allowed to have guns etc ,some states are completely conservative.
    Whereas British have complete or extremely close to the best example of democracy,their level of tolerance,Justice system and family values and equal oppertunities and human independence,the Welfare system is great .

  30. guY-sir Avatar

    The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor

  31. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Farrah,

    there is no constitution in UK,
    their level of tolerance, justice system and family
    values………… so on and so forth
    the current situation is not very democratic in UK !
    ji ke behlanay ko ghalib ye khayyal acha he !

  32. proudpaki Avatar


    I second Asad on this. If what in Britain you think is democracy, I am better off with marshal law. Come here and ask people. Is there is rule of law in UK? Yes definitely there is. But people opinion don’t count here at all. Dont go long way back, few years ago, there were more than 1 million people out on streets of london against US and UK invasion in Iraq, biggest ever protest held in world’s history. What happened? did democracy worked there? no, not at all. Ask British people, 3 in every 5 will say Iraq invasion is wrong and British troops must return. Where is democracy than?

  33. guY-sir Avatar

    As I have said b4, sham-democracy[which is a pathetic-charade] is the “plutocrats” preferred method of social control.
    They groom the candidates, own the media and pay the talking heads. If an elected official gets silly notions about defending the national interest, they arrange a plane cash [like Zia] or an impeachment[like a Mush] gotcha

  34. guY-sir Avatar
    guY-sir was secular and secular real means atheist or pagan thus one is adherence of atheism or paganism.He’ll no longer consider religion and its tenets.[which is mother of sins]
    MAJ was a secular leader probably a Khoja and Iqbal was one who injected him with his religious tune becuz Allama was belonged to pretty pious family and Iqbal had completed religious training means read Koran with understanding and saw a dream of Pak after cumin back from EU.
    MAJ either was secular or was turned secular since He studied in UK becuz I personally believe about UK/EU/US are secular states alongwith Israel+India.
    So called Judaism+Hinduism is nothing but Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaism, which at base is crass paganism, pantheistic atheism, a conglomeration of all the forms of paganism concocted through the centuries. New descriptions concocted for this very old Satanism, such as… [Hegel/Marx’s] dialectical materialism merely [dresses up] old pagan concepts [to divide and rule] then infiltrate and subvert.UK started the independence movement and orchestrated all renowned Founders like MAJ
    So all the “unresolve” matters of contemporary world was/is being created by UK alone like Balfour Declaration and Masla-e-Kashmir.
    UK is home of Marrano like Rothschild and Lord Goldsmith who are Totalitarian Tycoons.[Imran Khan are ya pondering?]
    UK one hand give asylum to altaf hussien and in other hand its also give asylum to Salman Rushdie and gave SIR title to him..wah wah kya democracy hai salo ka sir kharab ho gia hai, I’m gonna go in one very imp meeting cya later ill set straight their minds

    Allama Iqbal went Eu in around 1908

  35. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Asad Ali
    UK has a constitution and it is written but not in books etc there is some very little park in some village I do not remember the name and the people know it by heart.
    They do not need to cosult it.Becuase democratic institutions stay within these rules.
    Asad regarding current situation it is not democratic,If you are mentioning Gordan Brown,than yes!!
    But seeing the financial crises and collapse of stock markets etc the labour MP’s decided that Bon should not be pushed for elections within the party.
    I think this is democracy,seeing the threat or crises people decide to put up with a prson who has experience to deal with crises.
    Country is first,so no body is saying as per Manifesto of Labour party ,let us challenge him.

  36. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Proud Paki
    I participated in that march too!It is true people didnot support the war,there was one David Kelly who was a senior Beaurocrate ,he was one of Inspectors of weapons of Mass destruction report on Iraq,he committed suicide under the pressure of than governemnt which was forcing him to say that there are weapons of mass destruction.
    Blair had to face Hutton inquiry on this weapons of mass destruction claim .
    People were against this war even some soldiers refused to go on war saying it is not a war of their country and their are no weapons of mass destruction,also senior writters like Harold Pinter also tried to stop this war .
    It was GW Bush who pushed and Tony Blair followed.
    Because of financial and millitary agreements between US and UK ,UK is not very independednt of US.
    But no two ways about it,like any country they have to think first of their own people and nation.
    One thing is for sure nobody is happy in Uk when women,children,soldiers or people die,it is a sorry state that politicians are the soul less and most corrupt people on earth.
    It will be interessting that in STOP THE WAR Ralley ,people stood outside 10 Downing street and shouted ,Sherry Blair come out you have children as well ,how can you do this to send bombs to the children of another country.
    Peopel were angry as well,Mac Donald,KFC ,nobody bought a single chips from there that this money is going to be used for war.
    When G.W came to UK visit after that his effigy was burnt by British.
    British people marched against BBC for covering the one side of the story.
    So yes !above is a picture of people and their governments.

  37. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Yassir @7:31
    Not only Zia many people disappaer silently into thin air.
    For speaking the truth around the world.
    Salman Rushdie is totally different case from Altaf Hussian.
    The whole game is money though and the all important electronic code to the Nuclear Bombs.
    But Europe is far better than USA.

  38. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Your theories of Zionists and illuminitie etc are very right and you are not alone in thinking so.
    The socialist party in their literature keep exposing them.
    Noam Chomsky is an American writer and he exposes US fraud of Democracy.

  39. bings Avatar

    Isreal kills dozens in Gaza, pls post about it

  40. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @Israeli bastards have the same exterminating
    policy as Indians have, armed Jihad in inevitable !
    Israel must pay !

  41. guY-sir Avatar

    Mono-theistic religion and its rules does hurt alot to those who are adherence of atheism and paganism.
    Contemporary Judaism+Jainism are belongs to above mention ‘isms and hater of any Mono-theistic religion like Judaism was mono, so as Christianity and interesting thing is that Hinduism was also mono religion but was being subverted by Jainism.
    And Judaism led subverted to Christianity and they both led Muslim country/rulers subverted.
    The time isn’t we think how to defend ourselves rather we should think that how to recover our subverted+rotten social, cultural and religious institutions to get back to their liberated form which was at that time when Muslims did rule India, Africa and EU like Spain and Portugal and I wanna [rule the world] haha
    We’ve been dead spiritually and gone astray from Straight path and divert our intention 2wards terrorists in which Saudi ruling class/crass is real responsible with their chums US/UK
    He who buy their Oil are excluding and rest are terrorists.
    The sordid sects which we’re seeing like Wahhabi, Sufi and Qadiyani+shias are all subverted form of an Islamic Ideology which was being created by those who are adherence of paganism and atheism under the guise of Muslim-dresses aka Munafiq

  42. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Finally Yassir
    You are speaking a language we can understand.I would request your daughter to drag you out of the house more.It definitely has affected your brain cells positively.
    My special blessings to her.

  43. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Dr Jawwad
    Aapki Khairiat naik mutloob hai.

  44. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    thanks farrah!
    i was reading the posts of guyasir.i am amazed by his extensive and deep knowledge about moderen studies.equally amazed by the terminology he used “Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaism” i never heard that before.
    but i must say one should dive as deeper as he can in the ocean of knowledge but should avoid to be drowned.
    any way i am equally amazed by the level of patriotism of a pakistani living in england.take care

  45. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    My comment where I said,”Whereas British have complete or extremely close to the best example of democracy,their level of tolerance,Justice system and family values and equal oppertunities and human independence,the Welfare system is great .”

    British family values as comapared to USA are better definitely our moral and family values are best.(Pakistani or Islamic)

  46. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja


    I am thinking about Jarusalem.The name has been wiped out from World map ,and re-named as Israel.

    I am not sure yet but I am trying to read US and maybe Britain has realised they have to address Palestine in a positive way.

    It is about time course of history is about to change.

  47. guY-sir Avatar

    dr jk
    Thanks you admire my extensive knowledge and deep info which I gain after intense research and finally got the real pic of the world
    My english must bother to all my fellow bro and sis lets check my academia in under age of 30
    Computer related = 2 yrs Diploma in Software/Hardwar + MCSE + CCNA
    Business Related; Master in Business Administration
    Philosophy Level. Ph.d in English Literature+World History

    sO hard to catch me sumtimes for those who are rubes
    In last I went so much angry when indian planes did touch our air-border and 2 indians provoked me to show my hatred which i kept since west flushed down papers of Our holy book and our prophet cartoons and their stupefying education system and depraved media and I wanted to say and i gotta chance and i did say my deep like abyss feelings and thoughts about India and west alike.
    All are excluding from it including Dr sahid aap b
    sorry once again I’m humble guy who meet and hug every1 regardless his race and I know how hard my life went once i asked one punjabun gal hand for me from her mom
    hardest job in sub-continent is to get marry to any punjabun gal read shah ruk khan interview about his love affair with gori which tells the story about his hardship mine identical

    Take care

  48. guY-sir Avatar

    I better gonna transfer myself to Eric Margolis page and will comments there becuz there i gotcha praised way back in 2005 by native canadian who said that Yasir comments are Unique, Insightful and Poetic

    So i gonna go there once again and will leave

    And in last im Paki and Arabic national and my mostly friends are paki arabs and we do think and talk in that way.

    We've a group of pak-arab people around a dozen who wanna change the system and wanna bring Islamic rules and regulation and working for it from their own way.

    But hoga jub Allah chayeh we cant do anythin except tryin

    pray for me and for muslims all around Allah may give em peace and sanity.

    Good bye

  49. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Do not feel isolated that is what blogs are for.We are all thinking souls.I understand your anger and frustration and myself feels like that often.There is nothing wrong with it.
    No one underestimated you or the things you are saying .

  50. anonymous Avatar

    There is this great myth going around among pakistanis that Indian Muslims are desperately unhappy and all feel that pakistan is utopian for Muslims.

    FACT: 99.99% of Indian muslims given the free choice would convincingly and emphatically choose to live in India and are glad their parents chose to continue to live there.

    You only need to be a touch more educated to read behind pakistani government and army propaganda. Its sad to see how blind pakistani people appear to be!!