Deconstructing Human Conflict: My Thoughts

Guest Blog by Hassan Baig

Conflict has been one of the centerpieces of our existence since the dawn of the human race. Different millennia may have seen different markers of our species’ cultural and technological progress, the constancy of conflict has never fluctuated. And the present day is no different – us Pakistanis know that especially well. It is hence imperative that we understand the philosophy of conflict; for without such understanding, we cannot frame an untainted, objective worldview for ourselves and for our future generations. The following lines are my attempt to deconstruct conflict and to add a footnote in the affiliated discourse we see unfolding everyday in various media.

It is universally understood that all human beings are born with an innate sense of self-preservation. And this, in turn, has given birth to the mental constructs of The Self and The Other. These constructs pervade the entire species and promote self-centricism in every belief mankind has ever or will ever hold. A self-centricism which then manifests itself in terms of religious, social, political, racial, ethnic, capitalistic, egoistic, anthropomorphic etc differences – i.e. the faces of conflict can be many even though the core is shared.

For someone to contend that just one of the above-mentioned examples has always driven the bulk of conflict in the world is an over-simplification. And likewise, saying one of these is the base factor and others are less important or derivatives is an over-simplification too.

At any one time in human history, the world narrative picks up one or two of the above-mentioned reasons and makes them the ‘Great Reason(s)’ of that age. This movement is motivated by the typical human mind’s tendency to seek the simplest possible solution to every problem; a tendency to reject complexity in favor of intellectual convenience. This movement is furthermore supplemented by an almost unconscious retrospective revision of history; i.e. all past events are seen in the light of the prevalent belief-system of the day and conclusions are modified, replacing the entire historical narrative in character (but not in content) at that point in time. Note that such retrospective confirmation (a.k.a confirmation bias) is easily achievable in any system – we ourselves do it everyday when we suggest in coffee-table talks that any simpleton would have seen the credit crunch coming.

These days ‘Religion’ is the Great Reason for human conflict. And there’s a lot of informational chatter in the world to confirm that all/most conflict of today and the past has been driven by this once-touted opiate of the masses.

I believe that a real, serious student of human conflict and history would never fall prey to this over-simplification.

A serious student would understand that the key to human conflict is every human’s innate centricism; his predilection of considering The Self superior and more desirable over The Other.



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28 responses to “Deconstructing Human Conflict: My Thoughts”

  1. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    We are meant to believe in God:

  2. guYasir Avatar

    The Self superior and more desirable over The Other.

    What you are talkin about its an ego inside in our body.

    Humanity is in between Satan(ego) and Spirit(soul)… We've to have choose in between them to get progress and prosper our lives.

    We've got ego and spirit in our body… ego is one which generates negative, greedy, possessive and uncompensated thoughts in our minds.

    While spirit is one which keeps balance in all and take you towards Divine-spark which we need for our own fulfillment.

    "ego" is derive from "egregore" which is an occult concept representing a "thought form" or "collective group mind"

    This "egregore" or "ego" is Lucifer and elite Jews have made him the master of their synagogues. The elite Jews are the "Communist Capitalist International" the intermarried German Jewish banking families who according to Christian Rakovsky include the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs and many others.

    They have also intermarried with the 'corrupt gentile elites' of Europe and America, many of whom think they are Jews

    Since the Jewish egregore is also behind the New World Order, we should recall that according to this mindset, only the subscribers ("believers") are human; everyone else is an animal to be exploited and/or slaughtered.

    The Jewish/Gentiles God has been superseded by a Cabalistic

    Egregore that "serves" elite Jews and their political and media lackeys.

  3. guYasir Avatar

    I want Conflict-Creators should hang on spot who proclaim self-divinity like Zevi.

    There’s Hadith which says there’s no prophet after Me but there’d be 30 false prophets/messiah who arise and will claim self-divinity and didn’t say to convert them into Islam or anything like I found in Hadiths
    Zevi was among them and proclaimed messiah in order to ruin an Islamic Empire rather ruin to Islam itself.

    The last sultan of Ottoman Empire did convert him under duress and let Islamic empire demised from his own hands.

    So we are goin towards destruction aka Armageddon from our own hands let DROP Yahweh and His laws means you led to yourselves down into the abyss.
    Zevi was Satan in human face whose dynasty is ruling ON our heads. He subverted Islam by being pretended to be Muslim.

    They often pretend to be Christians or Muslims to worm their way into Gentile society in order to destroy it.

    I’d rather say that he spoiled Muslim Brotherhood in btw Turkey and Saudi peoples and tarnished Islamic system and bring Secular Enlightenment a.k.a Age of Reason i.e Talmudic/Zevi laws.

    Sabbateans Frankists controls organized Jewry including Zionism and Freemasonry. They began as followers of Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and later Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) They believe Zevi was the Messiah (G-d) and his soul has transmigrated down to the Rothschild dynasty, who is now the "king of the Jews."

    Sabbateans Frankists a Jewish heretical cult who are extremely racists/fascists and they follow Talmudic laws and literally behind all previous and current wars

    The Sabbateans believe their king[Rothschild] is duty bound to restore the Jews to Israel and exterminate the Gentiles. They believe the Messiah[Kana-Dajjal] won't appear until the world succumbs to evil and are determined to make this prophecy self-fulfilling thru Zionism+Communism. Thus evil is good or in other words Rothschild and his childs are good and we are animals ready for slaughter.

    This demented creed actually is the motive force behind history including all wars and Human Conflicts.

  4. Kulsoom Avatar

    I think your perception is quite accurate, u have done justice to exploring the inner folds of the human phsychology.. well written, and very thought provoking. Kepp up the good work!

  5. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja


    On a deeper level though,conflicts, we cannot run away from them.They start from every little thing,like what should be the room temprature to what to wear and what not?

    The thing is people do not know where to stop if one does not stop them.Be it your children,husband,neighbours or countries.

    Politeness and being courteous was a virtue once,now it is taken as a sign that yes we can further push.

    People take you for granted ,if you do not remind them that it hurts me,it affects me.

    When one looks at Siachen one wonders what is the point of fighting there?The thing is we have Kashmir how many years people are waiting for Justice to be delivered???

    Would it ever come.

    Today if we give away Siachen tomorrow one wonders what would they ask?

    In general life people have no shame from borrowing ones money,car,time to books ,they never feel like returning any of it.

    Not even love and friendship.We have become takers.

    East was never like that .

    Well I read an interesting qoute today,even Dalai Lama thinks it is hard not to kill mosquitoes.

  6. guYasir Avatar

    Self/Ego creates conflicts and every groups/ideology has gotta Self which creates conflict.

    In every religion you will find Self and every1 has his/her self-ego and keen to topple ones temple or mosque and gonna make his own synagogue it creates conflict. Karl Marx notorious slogan was Religion is the opium of the people which creates conflict.Karl himself had a evil-ego/self

    Rather Hegel and Karl Marx both themselves were a secular communists and communism creates conflict. Obama is a communist or brainwashed by communists so he will surely create conflicts in Pak-Afghan rather than cure his incendiary remarks that I'd withdrawal all US forces from Iraq and send em to Afghanistan is a sign of deep conflict. Opium itself is a big conflict remember Opium-wars.

    So Self is selfish or egoist which I define above and below those Conflict Creators who created conflicts and destroy religions, empires, race, nation, family and democracy.

    Conflict Creators = Sabbateans-Frankists. And

    Hegel/K.Marx were their Products so as Rothschilds/Warburgs who are also their Products and they're literally creating conflicts since 17th century to this date and make Religions the opiate of the masses or in other words make Age of Reason instead of Age of Religion none but Islam which don't create conflict if ye understand but your self doesn't want it to understand and ultimately it creates conflict.

    I can write more about conflicts but its enuff otherwise conflict btw me and you will start

    good nite

  7. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    right dude!

    but what about the conflicts between nations?

    what about the conflicts which are the result of


    i believe the injustice is the biggest reason for any conflict.As a human i was inherited two instincts which define me.

    1)as you already quoted about SELF. to satisfy my "self" i will do any thing good or evil.this self when collected (as people like me gather) become US (you can call it UNITED STATES also:) this US is the mother of all conflicts.

    to satisfy my "self" i have to exploite others and hence produce injustice.human being are inherited by this "lack of equilibrium".

    2)a unique characteristic of human being is the zero level of tolerance against can call it resistance, freedom fight, jihad, hurriyat,honour, self respect,dignity etc.

    the problem for me is the definition of injustice.i wish people on earth learn to define and explain all possiblities and forms of injustice and learn to avoid it.

    if people on earth respect my right to coexist,nourish,my freedom and my faith then i believe there will be no conflict.

  8. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Good development of dialogue

    the recent problem is with Global Warming Theories and strategiest in THINK TANKS ,so called geniuses who get absene amount of money for doing nothing than just trying to predeict future and hungry hunter instinct of countries like USA to secure everything for its own people ,is the root cause of all evil and misfortune of the people around the world.

  9. guYasir Avatar

    Every civilization is based on Religion; And Religion means Divine-revelation which we need for our own fulfillment.Religion is as important for us as food for our body but alas matter/mammon resist and led us astray.

    No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24

    There's no nation without a warner and book[Al-Koran] so one Religion came and superseded by others but teaches almost the same to give Universal Justice, Universal Brotherhood, Universal Truth and abstain from usury and killing and lies and fornications etc etc

    Every religion is being subverted by Lucifer and his lovers. Islam is last and final Guidance for whole of Mankind which uphold Universal Justice but there's always 2 face one is God 2nd is Satan.Who's an adversary of God, master of Hell and tempter of Mankind.

    This is the Cosmic Struggle between Spirit and Mammon. WE human is dependent on God-Guidance who can only give us Universal Justice/Brotherhood but Lucifer feels that man himself is a god and can do whatever he pleases, Self-deification is an idolatry.

    Here Conflict starts and will end on Qiyamah

    It is Cabalistic Egregore which abhor Religions born since Manna days and that was the caused of Jewish downfall/diaspora…

    will update it more on dis issue hope ye get my msg do research on Egregore


  10. vishnu Avatar

    "if people on earth respect my right to coexist,nourish,my freedom and my faith then i believe there will be no conflict"

    jawad's last sentence ironically proves the point you make baig! reading all the comments, i find ure right about 'self' and 'other'. literally EVERY comment here is talking about how 'other' interests have hijacked the world and are hence root of all evil. I totally see ure point mr. baig. Keep your thoughts flowing ure very wise!

  11. guYasir Avatar

    Updated with sum updates [Encore]

    dr jk, faru appa

    Every civilization is based on Religion; And Religion means [Divine-Revelation] which we need for our own fulfillment.Religion is as important for us as food for our body on daily basis. Religion provides day to day prb solution if ye among those who understand.

    For Muslim Women rather World Women can understand Divine feminism in last God-Guidance KORAN, don't abhor its like a bible we do study Bible ye2 read our conflict

    Well there's a complete chapter for WOMen not a chapter for guYs I ponder then I feel that Iblees seduced Eve 1st then Eve seduced Adam and both committed sh*t-sin.As ye know women are Satan 1st weapon of mass-destruction.

    So there's a chapter in Koran to teach women its cool-chapter for women/feminism but alas matter/mammon resist and led wo-men astray.

    No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24

    There’s no nation without a warner and book[Al-Koran] so one Religion came and superseded by others but teaches almost the same to give Universal Justice, Universal Brotherhood, Universal Truth and abstain from usury and killing and lies and fornications and 'black magics' etc etc

    Every religion is being subverted by Lucifer and his lovers. Islam is last and final Guidance for whole of Mankind which uphold Universal Justice but there’s always 2 face one is God 2nd is Satan.Who’s an adversary of God, master of Hell and tempter of Mankind.

    This is the Cosmic Struggle between God and Mammon. V human is dependent on God-Guidance who can only give us Universal Justice/Brotherhood but Lucifer feels that man himself is a g0d and can do whatever he pleases, Self-deification is an idolatry and creates injustice due to one feel He's a g0d and other's surely will be animals ready for slaughter.

    Here Conflict starts and will end on Qiyamah and day of reckon is only for Justice becuz Self-deification is unjust.

    It is Cabalistic Egregore/Ego which abhor Religions born since Manna days and that was the caused of Jewish downfall/diaspora…Cabala is center of Jewish-Egregore.

    Egregore is basically a Lucifer-Ego which has transmigrated into Manna folks and they started serve Mammon instead of God.

    FED and Bank of EUK cartel is cause of our predicament like our financial woes and human loses.

    Rothschild ye can also call him either Jewish, Sabbatean, Marrano, USurious sucker OR 'son of satan' He controlled UK since 1694 when he created conflict I mean Bank of England and usurp and eschew money and its spending rites..remember IMF

    Warburgs another Banker from same cabal went US in 1901 and created FED and Hijacked US and its peoples and their Economy+Democracy.

    They are unjust usurious suckers, capitalism cartoonists who are waging war on humanity to gain control all world-wealth and genocide becuz they claim Self-deification which is an unjust idolatry which creates conflict and injustice, wars and genocide, recession and depression

    EUK and US fighting for G.O.D

    1. Gold

    2. Oil

    3. Drugs

    Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6.19-21

  12. guYasir Avatar

    @vishnu I guess you are Vijay Chuttarjiii

    You're culprits of the earth and you usurped trading from Muslims hands and created your own Trade-rules.

    Remember, my freedom of speech, do ye want me to Encore ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Very quick twist in history:

    In london we get many things free.Evening and morning newspapers,food ,shampoo ,samples free.

    But I got a free DVD this week

    Following are the blogs and links to investigate 911.

    South Africa yesterday ran a clip:

    George Bush is dead

    They say it was a mistake .They were testing the news strip.

    What a U-Turn?

    World ahs realised half of it is Muslim

    Have Muslims realised it.

    AAb Mushriq main suraj Gharoub nahein Talou houga

    Muslmaan ko aapnai marnai ka ahsas hougiya hai.


    Muslims please stop being appologetic .


    Visit http://www.journalof

  14. readinglord Avatar

    It was a good article by Hassan which required serious discussion but farrah and guYasir have 'talbanized' it, so to say.

    Te great Ghalib had clinched the issue of self and other with his holistic and dialectical approach in his couplet:

    "Lataafat be-kasaafat jalwa peida kar nahein sakti

    Chaman zangaar he aainaey baade bahaari ka"

  15. guYasir Avatar


    did we talbanized it? why are ye scare from Talibans i dont understand ye aint afraid of Talibs/Qaeda rather you are afraid from Islamic system which glimpse was shown by Talibs during their rein.

    And in media the vdo in which one burka-woman beating by an afghani man was contrived to portrayed Talibs bad-image

    According to Eric Margolis who was very close to Talibans during soviet war said that Talibans were pretty good rulers there was no opium production neither any havoc but since US invaded it in 2001 opium trade is 90% high and havoc don't ask just killing and killing and more innocent killings.

    We' haven't talbanized it rather defining conflicts and I did discuss it in an Islamic perspectives instead of Hindu = Hallucinations. gotcha? get lost you are delusions

  16. guYasir Avatar

    I don't like Ghalib Walib aur Sher or Shairi

    what i like is Truth instead of Lies ye can also read below
    A tale of two lies; The Holocaust and 9/11

    The egregore. must read these two from his front page

    There's an article on another site by John kaminski on 9/11 a hoax

  17. guYasir Avatar

    And don't forget to visit John kaminski left-links among em i found best is
    In bottom of this site ye'll find like below


    And U indians are also the foremost problem of the earth alongwith ur chumchay means yahudis. The solution of our prbs is to kill all prbs means to kill all jews and hindus

  18. vishnu Avatar

    guyasir u missed out on the fact that jews are also responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs. plz do proper research next time:

  19. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja


    Kindly shed some light on Talibanisation and Ghalib please?

    Tughai uthkailiyain sughee hain hum bezaar baithai hain.

  20. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    for readinglord!

    "bekhudi be sabab naheen ghalib

    kuch to hey jis ki parda dari hey.

    hen ji????????

  21. guYasir Avatar

    vishnu sucker

    yahudi and hindu both are chumchay of each other. hindu born with Manna folks during Golden-calf remember that story?

    do proper research on it and then come, my math says

    yahudi + hindu = halluci-Nations

  22. guYasir Avatar

    bezaar baithai hain farrah jee baja oh raja

    her cheez jub farrah aap ko uk may free milay gee tu bezaar baitho gee bezaar se acha bazaar chali jao and kuch shopping karo nahi her cheez kya Dick be free mil rahay hain uk may free dick wow I mean Dick Cheney a Dick-sucker who suck blood by waging wars and verily he's a warmonger

    bezaar se acha hai insaan kuch constructive sochay and parhay

  23. vishnu Avatar

    guYasir stop stucking ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm going to make an example out of you in this post – any day whoever wants to look at your real face will always come back to this post and read it and laugh at your low self esteem ๐Ÿ˜€

    Now let me give you a REAL history lesson you Igore ๐Ÿ™‚ Throughout human history, a law has been manifest. It is:

    The lower a person's IQ is, the more noise he makes, the louder he screams, the more 'dhindora' he does ๐Ÿ™‚

    This one can see all the way from Fox news, to India, to this blog ๐Ÿ™‚

    You're the sort of bigoted maniac who's a closeted faschist. Your stupidity and hatred is the only thing meaningful in your life, that's what keeps you going every day. There's nothing else going on in your life is there?? Sad! What a low life. Take your stupid egregore and laughable theories and make a shrine out of them – worship them.

    Oh wait you already do that ๐Ÿ™‚

    You're the kind of person who, I BET, also believes in reptilians ๐Ÿ˜› Infact, I bet this fake dr. and half-baked chick from london does too! How insecure are you people, and how stupid can your analysis be? OK let's not call it analysis – it's gibberish you learnt while eating out of other people's trash, no? ๐Ÿ˜‰ You can confess that it's ok we won't judge ๐Ÿ˜‰ People like you ONLY have nuisance value in this world. Go get a job, read some books, get a university education, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, we'll talk ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha how STUPID can you get man? Do you even realize NO ONE respects you here (a reflection of your real-life I can bet).

    You're a nobody. A dumb, low-IQed nobody who takes out his daily frustrations on blogs and keeps looking for SOME WAY, ANY WAY, to get noticed ๐Ÿ™‚ What a low life! Haha ๐Ÿ˜€

    Sorry for spoiling your day ๐Ÿ˜› On second thought, replying to this post is probably the most important thing you and your retards will do all day (or week) anyway. Be my guest ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja


    Who gives you the right to judge us.Clearly some people are having a conversation,others leave comment .

    What do you do ?Clearly you have not got the clue what we are talking about.

    You do not like reading us than do not ,I am sure you are not paid to do so.

    We have full rights to spend our time the way we want to and think loud.

    If the Blog Management has a problem they can delete the comments.

    Look at your vision of democracy again.

  25. Shahzad Avatar

    Dear Baig, You are right to say that overemphasis on one base of classification was the tendency to reject complexity in favor of intellectual convenience or I think it may be the tool to exploit emotions in favor of some vested interest.

    But objectively speaking, we could be all Oneself or all other (different), whereas we simplified this matrix by introducing political, social, racial and lingual etc classification to define each of us and finding roles for one of us. After class divide the rest is history of self preservation. Where the best tool to counter self preservation is tolerance and objectivity within each subjective entity.

  26. readinglord Avatar


    No dear you are mistaken. The only thing I liked about Taliban is their treatment of the woman. Both Quran and Manusamriti (a Hindu scripture) agree that women often need to be beaten (with apology to dear Farrah) and ploughed like a tilth (Kheti).

  27. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    ladies and gentlemen a big hand for comedylord.

  28. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    I bet this fake dr. and half-baked chick from london does too! How insecure are you people


    you should thank god that i am not present from where you are doing your freak show.

    if i were there i would have kick your freaky ass and teach you a lesson about manners.

    bandar da pauttar.