by Samad Khurram and Sara Seerat
Published in Daily News (Sri Lanka)
This letter is our expression of deep sorrow and grief at the savage attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team while they were touring our country. As Pakistani citizens, we are shocked, angered, and greatly embarrassed at being the source of such anxiety to the people of Sri Lanka. There never can be a justification for such horrendous acts of violence, and the Pakistani nation strongly condemns this evil act.
The dastardly attacks were carried out by miscreants who do not share the common values that the peaceful citizens of both Sri Lanka and Pakistan cherish and uphold. Pakistan has been the victim of many terrorist attacks in the last few years, and it is evident that this cowardly act was another attempt to cause increased turmoil and chaos in a country that is already suffering through a period of extreme violence and anarchy.
We therefore thank the Sri Lankan team for agreeing to play in Pakistan even when other countries refused citing security concerns. In hindsight, those apprehensions seem very valid, but the courage of the Sri Lankan Cricket Board and players in agreeing to play is laudable, and the nation of Pakistan shall be forever indebted to your country. This tour was crucial for the revival of cricket in Pakistan, and we greatly appreciate your efforts in agreeing to be a part of this process.
Our two nations have always enjoyed close cricketing ties. Lahore, the city of this massacre, is the same town that witnessed the Sri Lankan team under Arjuna Ranatunga proudly win the cricket World Cup in 1996. The Pakistani fans cheerfully celebrated alongside Sri Lanka, for this was the victory of a close friend against the Australians who had been notoriously harassing South Asian cricketers. It is, now, of course, deeply distressing that the sport of cricket, which has always been the source of such joy to the people of Pakistan, is the cause of our humiliation today.
In the long tradition of jovial relations this comes as moment of disbelief and grief for Pakistanis. We have failed to protect perhaps the only team that had braved to enter our territory.
The only consolation in this episode is that all of the players survived. We sincerely pray for the swift recovery of Mahela Jayawardena, Thilan Samaraweera, Tharanga Paranavitana, Kumar Sangakkara, Ajantha Mendis, Suranga Lakmal, Chaminda Vaas and Paul Farbrace, and hope that they are able to return to cricket soon.
We express our appreciation for the remarks of the Sri Lankan Government and Foreign Ministry, forever solidifying the bonds between our nations. The Pakistani Foreign Office also reaffirmed today that Pakistan greatly values its relations with Sri Lanka, and we endorse this statement and look forward to extending this close friendship. In times of great distress, our allegiance to one another is what sustains us, and the Sri Lankan commitment to friendship with Pakistan displays the benevolent spirit of your nation.
Our nation expresses pride at the bravery of the van driver who, according to Kumar Sangakkara, heroically managed to deliver the players to safety. Tribute must be paid to the six Pakistani police officers who sacrificed their lives while trying to protect the Sri Lankan team.
Citizens of Sri Lanka, we share your grief. We are all one today.
Samad Khurram and Sara Seerat
82 responses to “Open letter to citizens of Sri Lanka”
Dear Samad and Sara,
Your article above is a breath of fresh air and deserves all the kudos all Pakistanis can muster to both of you for voicing our collective genuine and sincere feelings about how we feel about Sri Lankans and especially these brave players.
We hope that this incident will not spoil our long standing mutual liking and friendship for each other and that we continue playing with each other in both of our countries sooner rather than later.
On behalf of all Pakistanis I salute Sri Lanka, its govt,its peopla and especially the SL cricket team.
I second that.
and I hope Srilanka would crush LTTE and their financiers (Retards at Work(RAW)).
The real heros of cricket: SRI LANKA
Pakistani Nation Salutes Bravehearts of Sri Lanka.
There is no Muslim player in Sri Lankan team.
Taliban's hatred for buddhist is well known, when they blew up Bamiyan Buddha's.
So when they are trying to kill the Kafir's, why are you worried. (the police killed are incidental, as they are not the real target).
I would say the Hindu/Buddhist Sri Lankan players could be stupid if they are coming to Lahore and expecting hospitality.
remember what happened to all the Hindus in Lahore in 1947.
Sam or Arjun or Parbhakran,
Try harder, this is your life spread hate and then complain that Muslims are spreading hate.
What a looser….
We are not spreading hate.
There is not statement of hate from me. It is just pointing out things said previously by Muslims and pointing out actions done by them.
It is just pointing out hatred Taliban had towards Bamiyan Buddha statues.
Can you acknowledge that ?
Again Koran says Kafir's can be killed as part of Jihad.
Again this what is quoted by many people from Saudi and Taliban like people. They are able to quote many verses of Koran.
Daniel Pearl, Wall st Journal reporter was beheaded.
His killers are singing koran and praising allah in the background of the video.
Go tell them they are not right and stop killing people.
First of all; we do not consider Taliban as muslims. They are wahhabis installed by the british to corrupt islam. They do not in any form represent Islam. Do you want to see islam? Go and see Iran. You have been fed lies by your media; be it indian or western into thinking that every muslim must kill an "infidel" to be a muslim in the first place; which is not true.
Jihad is an essential part of Islam. In all of the initial wars fought by Prophet Muhammad PBUH; he never attacked the "infidels" of Makkah; he had fought defensive all the time when these people came to attack Madina. You dont have an understanding of the basics of Jihad. I do not need a nonmuslim to tell me what the Quran says.
We're better than those muktini bahini people you all adore for killing muslims all over india.
With regards to your previous comment; all minorities enjoy freedom in Pakistan; whether it be hindus or christians. Pakistan was made to be an Islamic Republic. This does not mean that minorities would be shunned; it is actually the opposite. An Islamic republic is a secular state. Look at Iran; it has the largest population of jews after israel. Are they shunned as a minority? No. During the capture of Makkah; no one was killed; captured or injured; but rather they were given protection by our Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
You brought up the issue of killing of hindus in 1947 in lahore. I could say the same for muslims who stayed back in your "secular shining india".
Dont come on this forum again for you are just a waste of humanity…
SM Imran H Zaidi,
Well, we don't consider Shias as Muslims but we consider Wahabis as Sunni Muslims. If you think Iran is Muslim, why dont' you move your sorry a$$ there?
Yeah right; i will… you should join your taliban brothers then…
Your wahabi leaders (Aal e Saud) sleeping in bed with the USA (the whole country is full of them; ARAMCO ring any bells?) speaks loads about their faith and which side they are on.
And btw; the Sunni school of thought has only 4 imams; wahabis are a total radical offshoot of Islam; actually nothing to do with Islam; was created in the 1890's by the british. I guess you are one of those who dont visit graves? The ones killing shias everywhere in the NWFP; recently in DG Khan? I'm thankful that loads of people will be at my grave when i die. Your "respected" wahabi taliban will never have the faith like hezbollah; financed by yours only "non-muslim" iran to fight the zionists jews; unlike the wahabis who go on a killing spree on muslims; issuing takfirs whenever they deem fit. What kind of jihad is this where you kill fellow muslims? oh; you dont regard shias as muslims; so that must be right for you; takfiri A******
Your wahabi people are the ones directly responsible for all this crap we are in. See afghanistan? proper wahabis; but being battered to a cream by the americans; serves them right i guess.
Funny how you dismiss Iran as non-muslim; who are defiant in the face of the USA; unlike all the other so called muslim rulers who have americans in their own backyards; just to make a quick buck.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
What about Iran still going on? Is there a secret alliance with Israel? Why US attacked IRAQ instead of IRAN? and how come Muqtada AlSadar is still thriving in Iraq?
Who was getting arms during Iraq/Iran war from Israel? And yes they appear as if Iran opposes US and Israel, what a way to fool you retards.
So you think defying US makes Iran a Muslim country and Shias the Momineens? Well I guess then Putin will be your leader Ayato Putin and Russia and Venenzeula is another Shia state.
part of the problem is mohammed started the first religious apartheid .
before islam mecca and medinah were jewish.
i challenge you, to invite jewish people back to mecca and medina and give those places back to them.
all muslims should vacate those cities.
atleast some muslims think that if they behead a kafir, they will have gates to heaven wide open (supposedly as per koran, according to them)
they claim that they are pure and uncorrupted and true islam.
can you make the same claim, in fron of those people and still live ?
I will not further argue with you; as you are deaf; dumb and blind; you have not answered any of my questions; and rather took a piss on Iran which clearly shows your Yazidi mentality. So go drink and fornicate like that B****** did for he is your Ameerul Momineen and you should follow him in every aspect of life.
Clearly you are deaf dumb and blind too; as you use a small minority of people to generalise the whole Islamic society. I could say the same about hindus; who have killed christians and muslims in India; I could say every hindu is an extremist because you all support these extremists.
Then again you are quoting Quran in a way you and those thick headed people do not understand. I already told you these people have nothing to do Islam.
Jews never lived in Mecca and Madina; and these places where never inhabited by them. Go and learn some history. These places were inhabited by the sons of Prophet Ibrahim; the Kaaba was built by Ibrahim and Ismail.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
wow, wow wow, hold on there. You can accuse any one of any thing and if someone talks back to you, they are deaf,dumb and what not.
Well, this is how you Shias are, in the wake of the war against Muslims, you guys are prospering and coming out of your holes in support of your masters and sucking innoncent Muslim blood.
Hmm; lets see; Iraq; more than 65% shia; Iran more than 90% shia; dont see where u guys come in the war; we are the ones getting killed; specially in Pakistan; where these taliban bastards are killing more everyday in DG Khan and Parachinar. You are from Karachi; have you forgotten the days when every passing day; some Shia engineer; doctor or someone important was killed? Have you forgotten when these people planted bombs in mosques and killed hundreds of shias? You people like saddam hussein because he murdered shias; mostly our clerics. Do you uphold such genocide? I guess you do because you regard shias as non-muslims. What have the saudis brought but misery to Pakistan?? funding all these illegetimate children of the USA?
Accuse anyone of anything? It is a fact that aal-e-sufyan were drunkards and fornicators; and to legitimise that; they introduced hadith that prayers can be performed behind fornicators. My God what Islam you have!!
I could question your faith if you say the taliban are muslims. They burn schools; kill women and take pride in killing muslims. Is this the kind of Islam you want to install in Pakistan?
SM Imran Zaidi,
You remember the shias murdered but what about the Sunnis who were murdered by Shia Fanatics. Yes there were Sunni Doctors, engineers and Ulemas killed by Shia Fanatics. You guys murdered your neighbors when you are in majority (Ancholi, Karachi).
You guys want to hide behind your masters and want to come up with the excuses to wipe out Sunnis.
You guys think your Imams have a higher status than Muhammad S.A.W.W, and your curse wife of Muhammad(S.A.W.W), Ayesha (RA) and then you claim to be Muslims? You curse the Sahaba of Muhammad S.A.W.W and you call yourself Muslims?
You are the children of Abdullah Bin Salool.
We had no sympathy of Saddam Hussain, but how can you defend the Shia Rebellion in Iraq and at the same time be against the Sunni Rebellion in N.W.F.P?
You guys are hpyorites and actually the partners of Israel on the surface you oppose Israel but in reality you are their best friends.
Israel can bomb Iraqi Atomic facilities, US can invade Iraq for the so called Atomic bombs, Israil can destroy the facilities in Syria thinking they were Atomic Reactors. But when it comes to Iran, they just talk and talk. This is just an eye opener.
The truth is Allah has sent down punishment on the children of Abdullah Bin Salool and every Muharram they bleed themselves. This is punishment what else can a human call it
Yes; sunnis were killed too; mere reaction; what did you expect shias to do? Wear bangles and sit at home? Truth is you are all the byproducts of zia-ul-haq lanti's regime; same as the taliban; you all have the same mentality; therefore justifying killing of fellow muslims.
Sunni rebellion? rebelling against what? fellow muslims? Do we not pray to the same god? Do we not believe in your Prophet?
Yes we hold the Imams in high esteem; but not above the Prophet SAW. Its you who commit blasphemy by saying that Prophet SAW was just like us; illiterate and misguided MaazAllah. If this is not blasphemy; what is?
We do not curse each and every sahaba; only the ones who are the ghasibeen; and you know who they are; the ones that stole fidak saying that Prophets do not leave inheritance? Funny; the Quran counters your arguement by saying that Prophet Dawud inherited the "mulk" from Prophet Suleman. Your arguements have always been refuted by our clerics; that too by your own books; not ours; thats why you all are so full of hate for us because you cannot uphold your own in a munazara with shia clerics.
The people who broke down the door of the Prophets daughter's house after his death are nothing more than dogs; as the Prophet SAW himself announced in Khandaq when a laeen came to the tent and swung his sword at the Prophet SAW. The Prophet SAW said "Man lihazal kalb"? Who is there for this dog? Implying that whoever comes to the household of the Prophet SAW with so much disregard is just that; a dog.
While you are blatantly discrediting shias; you should discredit hanafis as a school of thought for he was a student of Imam Jafar Sadiq AS. Your hate for shias is justified as you are the sons of laanti yazid and muawia; so that is expected of you. You hate Iran because of the massive power our clerics hold; which will never happen with your clerics.
Shias teaming up with Israel? Great God; Hezbollah just fought a war with them; is Hezbollah sunni?. You are deaf; blind and dumb; i mean seriously. Iraq and Syria never had the power to confront the USA. You people are just scared shitless because shias are now enjoying a greater influence in the region; from Lebanon, Iraq, Iran. Truth is the USA doesnt need FOX or CNN to propagate its false propaganda against Muslims and Islam; you are doing the job for them; kudos to you…
I will not argue more with you Yousef; as ive made my point…
Lakum deenukum; walia deen…
my challenge is still there.
stop the religious apartheid started by Mohammed.
To show sincerity, invite jewish people to arabian peninsula and specifically mecca and medina.
the day it happens, i will beleive islam means peace.
until then, you can claim whatever you want, but the world is not stupid to beleive you.
actions mean more than words.
show it with actions.
stop this religious hatred and bigotry, in darul islam lands.
Cricket is anti-muslim ?
Please read my earlier post, in which the fatwa banning cricket was mentioned.
so please stop playing cricket and going against allah.
listen to the learned people who issued that fatwa and stop the bloodshed.
submit to them, and doesnt islam mean submission anyway ?
This is what I posted on another link at this time.
The problem with some of the people on this is site is like this.
Some times they talk about absolute morals and sometimes relative morals, some times historic morals, sometimes morals which suit them, and of course sometimes no morals (blatant fascist idealogy).
and they have convenient interpretations or convenient assumptions.
Still my questions are, in a live and let live society you cannot have
1. Death upon changing religion
2. Different value for man or woman or for different religious groups.. you never answered why it can be justified 1 muslim=32 hindus from blood money in saudi.
3. Slavery is acceptable (parts of slavery in arabia are abolished by british. it was legal until 1963)
4. 54 yr old man marrying a 6yr child.
5. Dhimmi status for anyone who is not a muslim, legally as per koran.
6. religious apartheid in historically jewish lands.
for example before islam, mecca and medinah were jewish.
so all muslims should at the minimum allow them back. even better they should give them back to them and vacate those places.
i can go on and on..
i can say their values may be acceptable in a certain point of human history.
I wish i have a time machine and for people who like certain values i can send them back in time to that century or time to suit them.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
I will not call you deaf, blind and dumb as I think they are still much better than you, who have working ears but still not listen, who have working eyes but still not see and who have mind yet you do not use it.
You said: Yes we hold the Imams in high esteem; but not above the Prophet SAW…
Tell me honestly did you just do "Taqayyah" ? Where you shias get reward for lying. All the shia friend I have they say that they hold the Imams as having higher status than prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W). Either they were liar SOBs or you are.
You said: when shias kill its mere reaction…oh my GOD. you can justify your kililngs and then if Sunnis kill then you say they are killing Muslims. So you mean to say when Shias kill Sunnis they are not killing Muslims?
So when Shias rebelled against Saddam Hussain, was Saddam Hussain not Muslim? So whats wrong if Sunni Muslims rebelled against a Shia govt??
You said: Its you who commit blasphemy by saying that Prophet SAW was just like us; illiterate and misguided MaazAllah. If this is not blasphemy; what is?
Do you guys believe in Quran? then go read Surah Kahaf and last verses, where Allah tells Muhammad S.A.W.W to tell the Muslims that he (Muhammad S.A.W.W) is just like one of them and the only difference is that He gets Waheee.
The problem is you listen to your retard clerics, who would tell you that "Mataam" is jaiz. Did Faitma (RA) did 'matam' at the death of Muhammad (S.A.W.W)? or did Ali(RA) did 'matam' at the death of Fatima(RA)?… You guys have given up the religion of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and have adopted the religion of lanateee Abdullah Bin Salool – The founder of Shiaism.
Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W) said who ever loves my Sahaba loves me and who ever hates my Sahaba infact hates me.
You can deny this as do your retarded clerics. You have your own fabricated stories which your clerics add 'mirch-masala' to spice it up as if they were actually present there.
You and your clerics have nothing to do with Ali(RA) and Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
If taqayyah tabarra is what makes us stand out from you blasphemous people; i gladly embrace that. The message i am getting is that you do not believe in the divinity of Muhammad SAW? Amazing. Do you not believe the nur of Muhammad SAW was created by Allah before anything else? He was not created illiterate and misguided. Whose names was Adam AS asked to tell by Allah? Wasnt it Muhammad SAW and the Ahlul Bait? Prophets and Imams are masoom; they cannot commit mistakes. “Wama ramaita iz ramaita walakinna Allaha rama” Allah is saying that the actions of his Prophet are not his own; but it is Allah’s action himself. How can you even compare the Prophet SAW with a normal human being; let alone yourself or me? Answer this first and so that you can be taken seriously any further.
Mutah? has been discussed to death by both our clerics; a lot better than the mizyar system in wahabi saudi arabia which effectively legalises prostitution. Try to explain mizyar please.
Your 3 “sahabis” questioned the Prophet SAW in his decisions; why do you think we would have respect for them? And as i explained earlier; sahabis who are involved breaking the door and burning it on the daughter of the Prophet SAW; are nothing but dogs; as said by the Prophet SAW himself in khandaq. I do not need to name them; you should be ashamed that those particular sahabis stole fidak from Fatima AS. I dont see those ghasibeen going to heaven. Start by giving back fidak; then I can start to respect your “elders”. Ale Saud are laanti’s as well as they destroyed the graves of the Imams at baqih; they are hellbound as well.
Khulufa-e-Rashideen? Do you even know the meaning of rashideen? Every khalifa you had; from muawia; yazid; marwan and others were drunkards and fornicators. They fabricated so many hadith in their time. Do you mind clarifying the rule of namaz in which you can pray behind a person who drinks and has committed fornication? Says a lot about your “Ameer-ul-Momineens”.
Sunni’s have hub-e-Ali AS? Dont make me laugh jawwad. We have every right to indulge in bughz-e-muawia Lanti; as it was his reign of 40 years in which every sermon started and ended in cursing Ali AS and his household; and yazid who killed the grandson of the Prophet SAW. You are just emanating the same slogan yazid said in shaam; that he was just avenging the death of his elders in Badr by Ali AS.
You sunnis even try to defend yazid by saying that karbala was a fight between two kings. My God. How can you even compare a lanti and a Grandson of the Prophet SAW?
This matam is nothing but a protest against the ghasibeen yazid and muawia and it ends as a slap everyday on the face of yazidis who have fought so long to end it; and this is evident from your ramblings against the shias.
All of your above points have been refuted time and time again by our clerics; i will not waste more time with you.
Taqayya doesnt mean that we do it in everyday life; taqayya was born out of the mass killings of the shias by your yazidi people; where we to protect our selves had to resort to taqayya. Historically the shias have always been on your sights. Taqayya does not exist in current times.
You call Saddam Hussein muslim? Just like you call lananati muawiya and yazid muslims; suits your ideology i guess.
Blasphemy is condemnable by death; which you are committing by saying the Prophet SAW was just like you. You translate the Quran in a way which suits you. Do you not believe in his divinity? He said "Awwal shai khalaq Allah-u Nuuri". Do you not believe in that? The Nur of Muhammad SAW was created before the heavens and the earth; all of the creation of God was made just for the sake of Muhammad SAW. Is he like you? Illiterate and misguided? I guess not. This means that you discredit his hadith of "I am the city of knowledge and Ali AS is its gates"?
You talk about love of sahabas? Open the Quran; "mawadattan fil qurba" Love for the dear ones; by this you mean sahaba?
The Prophet SAW; after the death of Khadija and Abu Talib; declared the year as Aam-ul-Huzn; by your definition; the Prophet SAW committed biddat then? We only mourn for 2 months; the Prophet SAW did for a whole year. I can hear shouts of biddat biddat by now…
Your sahabas stopped Bibi Fatima AS to even cry on the Prophet SAW after he died; you all belong to the same chain of munafiqeen.
Bughz-e-Ali is strong in you. Your main point of content with the shias is due to Abu Talib AS. You say he is a kafir? I challenge you to denounce the nikah of the Prophet SAW with Khadija AS; as Abu Talib AS was the one who read the nikah; and if he is a kafir; the nikah is not valid.
Sam must be very happy; as instead of arguing with him; you have directed all the hate towards me; a fellow muslim. I havent read one comment from you against sam in protection of Islam. I guess these are the strenghts of a munafiq; deen ko khokla kar rahe hain andar se. You should be happy too for getting Uncle Sams cheques in your mail; american slave…
SM Imran H Zaidi
taqqayah, tabbarra , mutah and insisting on the "masoomiyat"
of athna ashree aaimma are the reason which alienated aehl e tashaee in the ummah.
ummat can not tolerate the revilement against the most revered and loved personalities after Nabee e kareem(saaw)
the people who suffered a lot because of embracing islam.they spend decades of their lives with the nabee e kareem (saaw), trained and trusted by rasool ullah(saaw),proved themselves most loyal and devoted among the companians and given by ALLAH(swt)the glad tidings of jannah in their own lives.for those nabee e kareem(saaw) said:
" my companians are like stars,if you follow them you will get the guidance"
on other place He(pbuh) said:
" alaikum basunnati wa sunnat ul khulfa e rashideen wa mehdeeyeen"
follow my sunnah and sunnah of khulfa e rashideen.
ALLAH(swt) gives them the glad tiding of heaven. and you call them mun…astghfirullah.inna lillahe wa inna alehe rajioon. what do you think? you will not die and accountable at the judgement day?
are you so blind by religious prejudice that you can not even see the history. you mock with these high levels without realizing that history redicule you.
how can you do that?shame on you
"The Prophet SAW; after the death of Khadija and Abu Talib; declared the year as Aam-ul-Huzn"
the mourning over the death of UMMUL MOMINEEN hazrat KHADEEJA(ra) and hazrta abu talib has nothing to do with the current forms of lamentation wearing the weeds and beating the chest, walking on fire and using knives to injure yourself.
how can this practice is equal to the mourning of NABEE E KAREEM(saaw)?
did Nabee e Kareem(saaw) beat his chest(nauzo billah) or sang the marsiya(naoozubillah)
your belief of attacking and reviling the high level sahaba e karam rizwanulla he taala ajmaeen casted you away from the muslim mainstream. and instead of realizing your mistakes you insist on repeating those.
every sunni have hubb e Ali(ra) but you people cross every line in the "bughz e muaawiya"
may ALLAH(swt) give you the guidance and ability to embrace the truth.
Is Cricket unislamic, as per this fatwa ?,2519…
Islamists wage war against cricket, ‘the other religion’
Amanda Hodge, South Asia correspondent | March 06, 2009
Article from: The Australian
CRICKET is akin to a religion in Pakistan, which might explain why it is so loathed by Islamic extremists there.
While few believe Tuesday’s terror strike on the Sri Lankan team was designed as a specific attack on the sport of cricket, the ambush has highlighted one of the more peculiar preoccupations of Islamic extremists.
Following the Indian cricket tour of Pakistan in 2004 — the first in a decade — the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group in Pakistan issued what amounted to a fatwa against the sport.
“The British gave Muslims the bat, snatched the sword and said to them: ‘You take this bat and play cricket. Give us your sword. With its help we will kill you and rape your women’,” the LET magazine Zarb-e-Toiba said in its April 2004 edition.
The magazine article commented: “It is sad that Pakistanis are committing suicide after losing cricket matches to India. But they are not sacrificing their lives to protect the honour of the raped Kashmiri women. To watch a cricket match we would take a day off work. But for jihad, we have not time!”
More fitting for a mujahid (or holy fighter), the magazine said, were the sports of archery, horseriding and swimming.
“The above are not just sports but exercises for jihad,” Zarb-e-Toiba told its readers.
“Cricket is an evil and sinful sport. Under the intoxication of cricket, Pakistanis have forgotten that these Hindu players come from the same nation that raped our mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and daughters-in-law.”
The Punjab-based LET is a prime suspect for the Lahore attack, with analysts suggesting it could be motivated by a desire to retaliate for the recent arrests of six top operatives linked to November’s Mumbai terror strike.
The other major suspect for the ambush, the Tehrik-e-Taliban — which has waged a bloody campaign for control of the northwestern tribal areas and Swat Valley — has also made clear its distaste for flannelled fools.
Just days before Tuesday’s attack, Sufi Mohammad, the Taliban-linked cleric who brokered the dubious peace deal between militants in the Swat Valley and the Islamabad Government in return for the imposition of sharia law, condemned cricket as a distraction that needed to be curbed.
But cricket is not universally condemned among Islamists. During its years in power, the Taliban regime in Afghanistan applied — unsuccessfully — for membership of the International Cricket Council. The sport was played in Afghanistan during that time, although with a distinct Talibani flavour. Players were forbidden from wearing short-sleeved shirts, and crowd participation of any sort was banned, as were women spectators.
Several of Pakistan’s national cricket team are devout Muslims.
But there is a growing movement against the sport among Pakistan’s increasingly powerful Islamist militants now waging war within Pakistan for the overthrow of the civilian Government.
The Hindu newspaper noted yesterday that the weekly radical Islamist magazine al-Qalam last year attacked Pakistan’s plans to reform its religious schools, or madrassas, which included plans for an inter-schools cricket tournament it branded as “evil”.
“We, the ulema (arbiters of sharia law) of the Deoband school, will have nothing to do with this tournament,” al-Qalam’s editors wrote in April last year, saying the West was “promoting obscenity” in Pakistan’s schools.
Majority of muslims in Pakistan have nothing to do with this fatwa.
Once and for all; put this in your thick head; Taliban do not in any form represent Islam; they are just byproducts of the wahabi nasibi saudis who distort Islam in anyway they like. They were created by saudi petrodollars who in conjunction with the cia and bastard zia ul haq started the end of Islam by injecting this jihadi mentality in madrassas. Where were these people before 9/11? USA conducted a false flag operation just to bring war on the muslims. You should be questioning 9/11 first. You dont question Americas role? For all their military might they do not even control 25% of Afghanistan; yet they ask the Pakistan to contribute more and more. Funny how these rag-heads with AK-47s and RPG's are keeping the most advanced military in the world; with massive airpower; tanks and more than 100,000 troops at bay; seems like they are working together. These people only eye the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan and are using these nasibi taliban to destabilise Pakistan to disarm the nuclear arsenal.
You dont question India's role in the mumbai attacks? 12 gunmen holding mumbai hostage? India's claims of its benevolent and courageous forces end up in dust after that brazen attack. There must have been insiders for that plan to work correctly.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
So you are going to Iran for a Muta party or not?
so Imran says Taliban are not real muslims.
then why is Pakistan's Islamic govt, made a deal with them to hand over Swat to them to administer?
If they are not real muslims, they should never let their rules be applied.
you want to claim what suits you, but your govt's actions are totally opposite of your statements.
how come there are no protests against taliban's who are not real muslims ?
Dont pull this taqiyya on non-muslims. They are not as dumb and stupid as you want to be…
@wasey: you are another salafi nasibi wahabi i guess…
how many people does it take to take down a shia? here im 4 against 1 and you people cant even answer some basic questions i asked; rather you just come up with one liners when you have no answers. You are are a disgrace to the islamic ummah. There are sunnis better than you who acknowledge that they are wrong in some places. What are you doing here? you should be in swat fighting with the taliban.
When we have people like wasey; yousef and jawad in Pakistan; how come do you expect retaliation against the taliban? These people support them because the taliban act against the shias. These people support the killings in DG Khan where shias are killed and then plant bombs in their funerals too. Our country is full of these sadistic people.
Our country is paying a hefty price for lying in bed with the USA; americans cant do shit to stop the taliban because they are working with them; so obviously one has to talk them down; otherwise these sadistic people will take over islamabad in no time due to the inept government we have.
while answering your post i didn't say any thing in the support of taliban.
i just wanted to repent for what you said against Sahaba e kiram rizwanullahe taala ajmaeen. becuase your comments were obnoxiously poisonous against those exalted people who were loved by ALLAH(swt) so much that they were given the glad tidings of heaven in their lives.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
Why don't you spell out the names of those sahaba, who your retarded clerics term as ghasibeen where as Ali (RA) swore allegiance to. This again proves that neither your khamnaees nor you have any thing to do with Ali(RA).
You guys are the children of Abdullah Bin Saba, the founder of Shiaism in Islam.
You can deny the Sunni Ulema, but look what your fathers have to say about Abdullah Bin Saba……
Why don't you simply answer where this whole 'Matam thing' came from. You guys have closed your eyes to your decieving clerics. Who are nothing more than Bhaands.
Tell me if Fatima (RA) did do matam?
Tell me if Ali (RA) beat his chest and bled himself at the death of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) or at the death of Fatima (RA)?
Thats another proof that you do not have any thing to do with Ali(RA) and Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
Bravo; you have just confirmed that you are a jew in hiding; and you accuse us shias for aiding the jews. You have discredited yourself from this dialogue; as you are unworthy of any. Rather than answering my questions you have blatantly attacked shiism with wahabi salafi nasibi propaganda; then you have the balls to refer to a jewish website to back your claims. This is a problem in less learned sunnis in common; when they cant answer; they attack the maraje and the roots of shiism. Ali AS did not swear allegiance to anybody; the fact that you deny the incident of Ghadir says it all. Refer to your sunni books before ranting on public forums; rather than taking up fights on topics which have been fed into your brain by your wahabi salafi masters. By denying Ali AS the successorship of Prophet Muhammad SAW; your beloved sahaba; the specific ones; had become ghasibeen from day 1…
Couple of links for you…
A dialogue between a 12ver and a Sunni on the Caliphate containing references from highly regarded Sunni books as well as shia books.…
Differnet views on tatbeer by sunnis and shias…
Did Prophets sin? Views of sunnis and shias on "masoomiat"…
Pity you did not say anything against the taliban and the genocide they are commiting against shias in Parachinar and DG Khan. Zalim ke zulm ko dekh kar chup rehne wala us ke zulm me barabar ka shareek hota hai…
I feel that this discussion is over…
May Allah guide us all to the Siratul Mustaqeem;
@SM Imran H Zaidi
"Dialog between a Muslim Scholar and Shia students"
Remember that the only sect that is saved on Judgment-Day is the one that strictly adheres to holy Quran and authentic Sunnah, You find today so-called "Islamic" sects which claim that they embody true Islam. However, those sects do or say something that is totally against Quran or Sunnah. “Ibathiah” which is the main sect in Oman, believe that the holy Quran is created rather than descended upon prophet Muhammad ( ). This is totally contrary to the Quranic verse: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (9:15). Shi’ites also believe that the Imam is impeccable, that is, he can never go wrong, and that he knows about the future. Can anyone know about the future other than Almighty Allah?!! This belief of theirs contradicts the following verse: “"He (alone) knows the Unseen, nor does He make anyone acquainted with His Mysteries,”(26:72).
Scholar Salman Al-Odah (may Allah release him from the prison in which he has been unjustly thrown because he spoke out about religious contraventions in Saudi Arabia) met in the US Shi’ite students from Bahrain and the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia and the following dialogue took place:
Scholar: Tell me your opinion of the Khomeni of Iran?
Students: He was a great Islamic leader.
Scholar: Tell me your opinion of his revolution?
Students: His revolution prevailed over Kufr and scooped the Islamic Ummah from the mire into which it plunged.
Scholar: Do you think Khomeni put his trust in wrong places, that is, some of his followers who assisted him in his revolution were not worthy of his trust; they were deviant?
Students: Absolutely not! All his supporters were true Shi’ite Muslims who could never betray him; they were true to the Islamic cause.
Scholar: You said that Khomeni was a great leader and that he picked for his revolution the right people who could never betray him, because khomeni is an Imam and Imam can never go wrong. Is that what you said and meant?
Students: Exactly.
Scholar: Now tell me who is better Khomeni or prophet Muhammad ( )?
Students: Prophet Muhammad, naturally.
Scholar: Could the prophet go wrong?
Students: Certainly not.
Scholar: Could he put his trust in people unworthy of his trust?
Students: Never.
Scholar: So why do you disapprove of and slander those sahaba (prophet’s disciples) who were closest to him, like Abu Baker Al-Sadeeq and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab and say that those most righteous people of the prophet usurped khilafah from Ali Ibn Abi Talib. How could the prophet ( ) trust those people whom you think are unworthy of his trust. The prophet ( ) should have known better about their disloyalty.
Students: They were loyal Muslims during the prophet’s life but they went astray after his death.
Scholar: And do you think the matter of succeeding the prophet was so unimportant to Allah the Almighty that He did not tell the prophet ( ) about it before he died?
The Shi’ite were struck-dumb!
There are many sects that consider itself Islamic while it is really not.
Any sect that has among its articles of belief something against Quran or Sunnah, no matter how small, is no longer Islamic.
Remember, brothers and sisters, that while you follow the Quran and Sunnah you may do something or believe in something that automatically casts you out of the fold of Islam. So beware! Stick to the letter to Quaran and Sunnah, no additions, no subtractions and no alterations. In this respect I remember a do’a (prayer) that the prophet used to say: “ O You who can turn eyes and hearts upside down do steady my heart on your religion”.
(for those who have nerves)
would you like to see nauseous images from nauseous people?
follow the links.
because it happens only in india feat=directlink
SM Imran H Zaidi,
You didn't answer Yousef's questions and started to yell, typical shia culture.
Tell me if Fatima (RA) did do matam?
Tell me if Ali (RA) beat his chest and bled himself at the death of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) or at the death of Fatima (RA)?
Thats another proof that you do not have any thing to do with Ali(RA) and Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
As comes from Dr Jawwad's post, if the followers of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) can go astray you think that followers of Ali(RA) can not go astray?
The truth is your clerics have gone astray and you are following their footsteps. It doesn't harm Allah a bit, nor does it harm Allah's religion, but what they are doing is preparing their own hell fire.
@ Jawad
You mean to say that we believe that the Quran wasnt descended upon Prophet Muhammad SAW? For once, try to stay away from wahabi nasibi cum jewish propaganda sites and stick to your sunni books. Last time i noticed you were the one not believing in the divinity of the Prophet SAW.
Do some more research about the satanic starter of wahabi fitna who ended up dying head first into the crapper.
You havent answered me the question about the permissibility in your fiqh of a imam(leader of congregation) who has fornicated and drinks alcohol. Explain the Saudi Mizyar system too if you will.
You just came up with one-liners; typical sunni culture ๐
Take the time to read my post; as it contains references from your sunni books.
Surah Nisa verse 59 "O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination."
Who is the Allah refering to by asking to obey the ones with "authority among you"? Allah commands us to obey the ulil-amr from us. Dont tell me its your sahaba. Being a companion of a Prophet does not mean they are automatically purified.
Surah Anfal verse 20: "O ye who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger, and turn not away from him when ye hear (him speak)."
Surah al Maidah verse 92 "Obey Allah and Obey his Prophet and worry, and be warned that the Prophet's duty is only to deliver the message clearly"
This is for your sahabi who turned away and did not listen to the Prophet SAW; with regards to the pen and paper hadith.
Your particular sahaba are nothing but ghasibeen who stole Fidak from Fatima AS and even called her a liar. How can your sahabi go to heaven if he calls the daughter of the Prophet SAW a liar?
– the income was used for military expenses.
"Umar was angry with Abu Bakr and said, "If you give Fadak back to Fatima, where the expenses for army and defence will come from for at present all the Arabs are fighting against you. He then took the papers of Fadak from Fatima , and tore them into shreds".
Insanul Ayun fi Seerah al Halbeeya, Vol. 3, Page 487 & 488
Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4347:
It has been narrated on the authority of Umar, who said: The properties abandoned by Banu Nadir were the ones which Allah bestowed upon His Apostle for which no expedition was undertaken either with cavalry or camelry. These properties were particularly meant for the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him). He would meet the annual expenditure of his family from the income thereof, and would spend what remained for purchasing horses and weapons as preparation for Jihad.
[38.30] And We gave to Dawood Sulaiman, most excellent the servant! Surely he was frequent in returning (to Allah).
[38.31] When there were brought to him in the evening (horses) still when standing, swift when running.
"Imam Abu Hanifa said that Iblis and The Great Truthful one Abu Bakr were equal in Iman".
Tareekh Baghdad Vol.13 Page 373
And one Hadith by Prophet SAW himself:
Shirk is moving inside you, like the crawling of an ant.
Tafseer Durre Manthur, Volume 2 page 54
Kanz al Ummal Volume 2 pages 98-99
Izalathul Khifa Volume 1 page 199
al Adaab al Mufraad page 234 (by Imam Bukhari)
Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 2 page 465
Fathul Majeed Sharh Kitab Tayheed page 63
Hayaath al Haywaan Volume 2 page 80
All these are your sunni references.
Your precious sahaba are nothing but ghasibeen of the huqooq of the Ahlul-Bayt and will end up nowhere but the deepest pits of hell Inshallah.
Ghadeer is an incident which you all deny; why did Prophet Muhammad SAW hold Ali AS on his shoulders infront of so many muslims while returning from Hajj? Prophets SAW actions are not his; but Allah's actions himself as said by the Quran. You just turn a blind eye to the day of Ghadeer to legitimise your sahaba's ghasib rule.
About extreme forms of tatbeer; they only exist in asia; you will not see any other person outside asia indulging in that; it is not acceptable in the fiqh of many marjas including Ayatollah Seestani.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
Tell me if Fatima (RA) did do matam?
Tell me if Ali (RA) beat his chest and bled himself at the death of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) or at the death of Fatima (RA)?
Thats another proof that you do not have any thing to do with Ali(RA) and Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
One liners again ๐ Lets try again.
Nobody prayed namaz with their hands folded; this was a biddat introduced by umar when he saw captives with their hands in chains folded praying namaz.
Why do the malikis pray with their hands by their side? because he was the only one who lived near to the Prophet SAW and the rest of your imams did not even come close to living in madina; they were scattered in or around bagdhad.
Did Prophet Muhammad SAW pray namaz with his hands folded?
Why have you excluded Bismillah from your namaz? Even Allah makes up for one less Bismillah in Surah Tauba by adding it in Surah Nahl. What makes you think your namaz is accepted without Bismillah? Why dont you send salawat on Prophet SAW in namaz? Does it not reach him?
Why dont you believe in the divinity of Prophet Muhammad SAW? He was not illiterate and misguided; rather his nur and the nur of the ahle bait were the first creations by Allah AlMighty. Oh right you thought that Abu bakr cant go upto his status; lets bring Muhammad SAW down by saying that he is like us. Amazing.
If you are so keen not to visit graves; why dont you raze your graveyards like the lanti ale saud did with baqih and burn your dead instead just like the hindus?
Why do you reference jewish websites to back up your claims against shias?
Mutaá was allowed in the Prophet SAW time until Umar biddati banned it. Your books approve of the fact. Why did he change the shariat of Muhammad SAW?
Thats proof you have nothing to do with Prophet Muhammad SAW and Islam; let alone Ali AS and the rest of the Ahlul Bayt.
Matam is nothing but a protest against the ghasibeen of the huqooq of Ahl-e-Bait. It exists only to slap yazidis of your sorts who piss their pants everytime they hear the name of Ali AS from the mimbar.
Oh and you havent answered these questions yet.
1. Why you are permitted to pray behind a person who has committed fornication?
2. Refute the hadith that shirk was crawling inside Abu Bakr; ive given you references from your own books.
3. Why do you hide the fact that Abu bakr and your other sahabas were the ones involved in breaking and burning the door and Fatima AS?
3. Why did Abu Bakr steal fidak from Fatima AS? Also accept the fact that Abu Bakr caller her a liar. Was Fatima AS not the daughter of the Prophet SAW? How dare he even utter such blasphemy?
4. Why do you support the mizyar system of wahabis; which legalises prostitution?
5. Why do you turn a blind eye to Ghadir? The message by the Prophet SAW was as clear as day and even Quran has ayas supporting it.
SM Imran H Zaidi,
You didn't answer again.
Tell me if Fatima (RA) did do matam?
Tell me if Ali (RA) beat his chest and bled himself at the death of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) or at the death of Fatima (RA)?
Thats another proof that you do not have any thing to do with Ali(RA) and Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
Damn man; you sound like a broken record…
I have answered your question.
Matam is nothing but a protest against the ghasibeen of the huqooq of Ahl-e-Bait. It exists only to slap yazidis of your sorts who piss their pants everytime they hear the name of Ali AS from the mimbar.
Dont you have anything better to do; like wife; parents and kids? I have asked so many questions; you havent come with one refutation to save your blasphemous sahaba. Dont waste my time and yours. You look like a fool not answering any of my questions which btw have sunni references. Are you ready to refute your own books? I could go on like this for ages with you not bringing a single piece of evidence; proving that you are the most incompetent pile of crap ive ever debated with.
And before attacking the maraje again; talk to me when you have a better standard for your clerics.
We have a very high standard for a cleric to give fatwas; our clerics spend their entire life studying Islam in howzas and are still not permitted to give fatwas. Whereas your clerics just study in a random wahabi nasibi salafi fascist cum jewish madrassa which teaches nothing but that shias are kafirs; and killing one is a sure path to heaven; and are able to give fatwas within 2 years of studying. Great standards of clerics you have my friend.
SM Imran HZ,
You said:Matam is nothing but a protest against the ghasibeen of the huqooq of Ahl-e-Bait.
Protest by bleeding your self? Please do it every day. Do you have the sorrow for only one day? why don't you devout your life to it, or may be kill yourself once and for all. Sistani aur jhotastani have given you the permission. Please continue this protest and instead of small knives why don't you guys cut yourself with swords.
You said: Why have you excluded Bismillah from your namaz?
Why dont you send salawat on Prophet SAW in namaz? Does it not reach him?
Your retard clerics who told you this are liars as usual. We do say Bismillah and we send duroon on Muhammad S.A.W.W. You and like of you live in dark ages, come to light and see the beauty of our religion
You said:If you are so keen not to visit graves; why dont you raze your graveyards like the lanti ale saud did with baqih and burn your dead instead just like the hindus?
Just another lie that your retarded cleric told you. Go to Madinah, janat-ul-baqee still exists. Yes we sunni don't make Mazars (a money making spot of Shias and ahle-e-bidat)
You and your retarded clerics who waste their both lives, deny the ahadith when Muhammad S.A.W.W gave glad tidings of Jannat to 10 sahaba
But since AbuBakar (RA) and Omar (RA) were in the list you guys deny the existence of such a hadith
When Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was sick near his death, AbuBakar(RA) lead the prayer and Muhammad S.A.W.W approved it…..I'm sure you and your sick sistanis and khamnaees would deny it
The problem with Shias is that they deny every hadith which credits AbuBakar (RA) and Omar (RA), where as messenger of Allah, Muhammad(S.A.W.W) said who ever loves my Sahaba, loves me and whoever hates them infact hates me.
The truth is Shiaism was invented by a yahudee, Abdullah bin Saba to take revenge from the Muslims. He started to divide the Muslims and this sect then later took the form of Shiaism
In early stage a majority of Shias were led to believe that Ali(RA) was to be worshipped. But Ali(RA) denied it and told those Shias to jump in the fire and they did and died. Some of them got to the right path and it seems some of them didn't just jump in the fire, but kept the belief.
Is there a single capital city in the world without a Sunni mosque, with the exception to Tehran -the capital of the Shi'ah-, which has forty Christian churches and a cemetery for the Baha'is .
Whilst we are living in the twentieth century, we find a third of the population of a nation deprived of their most basic rights. Is there any other country on the face of the earth which prevents its people from choosing names like Umar, A'ishah, Hafsah, Abu Bakr, Zubair…
The double-faced regime was able, through raising the banner of Islamic unity, to fool many Muslims outside Iran as they ask them to attend their conferences, and transform their way of thinking within a short period of time.
Sunnis in Iran were forced to convert to Shia
more details at
SM Imran HZ,
and if there was no Omar(RA), Iranian today would be worshipping fire…
Muslims opened the door for Islam in Iran under the Khilafah of Omar(RA)
But your sistanis and khamnaees are ahsan faramosh, back stabbers
Dear God; now you resort to telling lies ๐
When do you say Bismillah in namaz; enlighten me
When do you say durood on Muhammad SAW in namaz; enlighten me…
You are refuting ahadith from your own books; please go and have a look at what your books have to say about the Iman of Abu Bakr rather than emotionally writing paragraphs in his praise. I have given you references from your own books by imam bukhari and tafseer ibn e katheer; please take the time to read them through.
Abu bakr will go to heaven after stealing the property of the Prophet SAW and calling Fatima AS a liar? Think again, this is blasphemy on the highest level condemnable by death; but then you cant think; so thats fine by me if you dont understand.
Yes we are proud and do matam everyday to protest against the ghasibeen of the huqooq of the Ahl-e-Bait. You deny Ghadeer which is supported in the Quran; what legitimacy do you have for your faith in the sahabas?
Baqi still exists; but do they allow people to visit? Where is your so called basic human right gone now? Recently shias were murdered by the wahabi biddat force in madina because these people wanted to go inside.
Abdulah bin Sabah is nothing but a demented concoction of your wahabi/salafi/nasibi/jewish masters to degrade shiism. Did you forget Dawat-e-Zul-Ashirah? Please read some history about the start of shiism.
Nuseris have nothing to do with shiism; they are purely kafirs who have elevated the status of Ali AS; and Ali AS himself ordered these people to be thrown into the fire.
You are committing the same mistake by elevating your hellbound sahaba to the status of the Prophet SAW.
muawiya tere jad pe lanat; beshumar…
You saw abubakr leading the prayer; but you did not see Muhammad SAW holding ALI AS on his shoulders on the day of ghadeer saying "Man kuntu Maula fahaza Aliyyun Maula". Your sahabas came and said "Bakhin bakhin laka yabna Abi Talib". You deny that? The Prophet SAW stopped the whole Ummah for what? Just to tell that Ali AS is your friend? Whenever the Prophet SAW does or says something it is only by the command of Allah; as said by the Quran. After that the ayat of Alyoma akmaltu came down. Deen was made complete by the Prophet SAW announcing the successorship of Ali AS. You deny what the Quran has to say?
By using your analogy; i could also say that there are no shia mosques in makkah and madina. Why is that? What are the wahabis scared of? Human rights my ass. Wahabis are at the forefront of destroying the image of Islam. Women arent even allowed to drive or take part in government. Islam was supposed to uphold the status of women. Worst of all; ale saud sleep with the americans; building up petrodollars and funding jihadi mentality. Al Qaeda; lashkare jhangvi; laskhare taiba; sipah sahaba; all the illegitimate children of the saudi ale saud lanti regime+american cia; just to kill shias. Its because of wahabis; Islam is now spitted upon in the whole world.
While we shias fight the americans and israelis and show our resent for them (shoeing of bush was by no other than a shia); you people are busy killing muslims in nwfp and all over pakistan and have your hands blood stained with the thousands of shias killed in pakistan and iraq; to top it off you dont even condemn the killings; but rather indulge in comments which clearly portray your nazi-fascist mentality and your resent for Iran and the maraje which also show that your sahaba have not taught you manners. Oh yeah; they called stole the property of the Prophet SAW and called Fatima AS a liar nauzubillah; so i guess they wouldn't know manners…
See; i can even indulge in hate speech ๐